curricular knowledge, and the pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK). He further explains that PCK is
teacher’s knowledge about how to teach certain
content of material so that it can be understood by the
students and embedded in their mind for a long time.
He considers PCK as The most useful forms of
content representation, the most powerful analogies,
illustrations, examples, explanations, and
demonstrations in a world, the ways of representing
and formulating the subject that makes it
comprehensible for others (Shulman, 1986).
The ways that teacher chooses and implements to
teach students are called teaching (or learning)
methods. Teaching methods vary in every subject;
they depend on the characteristics of the students and
the structure of the learning material. Teaching
methods includes observation, experiment,
discussion, demonstration, lecture, discovery, study
trip, role playing, expository, assignment, modeling,
presentation, simulation, and others.
Kurniawan (2014) notes that “method is way or
technique to achieve certain specific objective; since
in learning there is more than one objective, there
should also be more than one method of teaching.”
He further states that teaching method is closely
related with learning objective to be achieved. The
learning objectives is formulated in the form of basic
competencies the students have to master at the end
of the learning. The Decree of Indonesian National
Education Ministry No. 41 Year 2007 on the Standard
Process of Education regulates that “basic
competencies are a series of skills the students have
to master in any given subject as the reference to
formulate competencies indicator for that subject.”
Basic competencies are the description of the
standard competencies set by the Ministry of National
Educaion. Standard competencies are the minimum
qualification of students that represents their mastery
of knowledge, attitudes, and skills expected to be
acquired by the end of each class and/or semester.”
Students achievement of standard competencies are
measured using the competencies achievement
Competencies achievement indicators are
formulated by teachers in operational action words
which can be observed and/or measured for the
purpose of evaluating students’ learning result
(achievement) and evaluating the effectiveness of the
learning. A competency achievement indicator
consists of action verb/attitude and learning material
that students have to master. Teacher needs to analyze
the materials contained in the basic competency or
achievement indicators before designing lesson plan.
By doing so, teacher ensures that the materials (the
facts, concepts, principles, and procedures) can be
identified and presented in sequential,
interrelated,and gradual way to determine the
appropriate teaching method for the material.
Learning material analysis is necessary to
formulate pedagogic didactic anticipations about how
students should learn and how teacher should teach.
Through such anticipations, teacher predicts students’
difficulties in learning certain material delivered with
certain teaching method. This prediction will allow
teacher to formulate and implement other teaching
method to overcome students’ difficulties of learning.
Implementation of unsuitable teaching method for a
certain topic may cause students’ difficulties in
learning the topic; which ends with the students have
misconception about the topic. Since topics or
materials of a subject are ideally intertwined,
students’ misconception about a certain topic will
cause further misconception about the related topics.
Hence, teacher’s anticipation and intervention in
selecting and implementing teaching method is
important to prevent students’ difficulties in learning
and students’ misconception about certain topics.
Therefore, teacher has to develop his knowledge
about various teaching methods and structures and
characteristics of materials. Teacher also needs to
adjust the teaching method to suit the structure of
material. In other words, teacher has to develop his
knowledge about the pedagogy of material for every
subject (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK).
Learning is a process of finding out and developing
knowledge conducted by students with the help of
teacher to achieve the learning objectives. Learning is
more than mere information transfer from teacher to
students; it is an active process involving students’
body and mind to acquire the knowledge they need.
This is in line with Vargas (2009) that unfortunately,
presenting is not teaching. You could present a
brilliant lecture in an empty room. Explaining and
demonstrating is often part of the teaching process.
The process of learning consists of a series of stages,
phases, or syntax of students’ activities, from the
beginning to the end of the lesson, to achieve certain
learning objectives. This process is called the learning
model. In a learning model, teacher can implement
various ways or methods; called the learning method;
to ensure that the students master the material
Teacher plays a very important role in learning
process. Teacher’s intervention in learning