The tight competition between private university
(PTS) and public university (PTN) or other PTS
related to the accreditation of study program (PS) in
each PTS. The accreditation result of National
Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT),
which is recognized as a barometer of higher
education quality in Indonesia, indicates that the
condition of university study program in Indonesia
has not fully fulfilled the expected quality. Most of
the courses from universities, i.e. as many as 2,316 PS
are still accredited to the rank of Good (B) and
Enough (C). Of these 2,235 units are private
universities (PTS) and only 81 units of State
Universities (PTN).
Various factors influence the achievement of the
quality of higher education. HELTS (2010: 12) states
that the main components and supporting quality of
universities essentially include: (1) learning process,
(2) students, (3) lecturers, (4) learning facilities, (5)
research and community service, (6) leadership, and
(7) governance. These factors form the basis for
assessment and quality management of higher
education. Achievement of the quality of college
often refers to the achievement of academic quality.
(2) Governance, Leadership, Management System,
and Quality Assurance, (3) Students and Graduates,
(4) Achievement, (1) Vision, Mission, Human
Resources, (5) Curriculum, Learning, and Academic
Atmosphere, (6) Financing, Facilities and
Infrastructure, and Information System, and (7)
Research, Service / Community Service, and
Empirically, the uneven phenomenon of these
achievements revolves around the performance
component 2 to the performance component 7. This
means that governance, leadership, management
systems and quality assurance are not fully optimal,
as are students / graduates and human resources.
Curriculum standards, learning, and academic
atmosphere are also considered not optimal, as well
as the components of financing, facilities and
infrastructure, and information systems. The lowest
performance component of the university is the
performance of research, service / service to the
community, and cooperation. This does not mean that
the university does not Tridharma College, but the
performance component has not optimally impacted
the stakeholders of the university and the general
These phenomena indicate that universities are
continuously working to improve the implementation
of higher education based on the main values adopted
by each university so as to improve the quality of
institutional performance results and public trust. If
the college is not serious in managing all components
of higher education consistently, then the college is
possible to not be able to develop itself in a
sustainable manner.
Based on the above description, this study
examines in depth the determinants affecting the
quality of universities in two private universities in
West Java, namely the University of Universitas
Kuningan (Uniku) and Universitas Galuh (Unigal),
by looking at the relevance of these factors through
Education Criteria for Performance Excellence of the
Baldrige System, which includes seven integrated and
interrelated categories: (1) Leadership; (2) Strategic
Planning, (3) Customers Focus, (4) System
Management (Measurement, Analysis and
Knowledge Management), (5) Focus on HR (Faculty
and Staff Focus), (6) ) Learning Process
Management, and (7) Organizational Performance
This study uses a quantitative approach using a
questionnaire as the main instrument of data
collection. Churchill and Iacobucci (2005: 74) states,
research design is the framework or plan for study,
used as a guide to collect and analyze data. The
purpose of this research is to test hypothesis
explaining the relationship among Leadership
variables, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus,
System Management, Focus on Human Resources,
and Management of Learning Process and Quality of
Higher Education in two private universities in West
Referring to the framework, description and testing
and discussion of research results, the next step is to
design the Education Criteria for Performance
Excellence Model in Higher Education, which is
based on theories, findings, and research discussions
at two universities, Universitas Kuningan (Uniku)
and Universitas Galuh Ciamis (Unigal). This model
is an alternative model of Baldrige Education Criteria
that can strengthen higher education institutions to
achieve goals, improve outcomes, and become more
competitive in aligning planning, processes,
decisions, people, actions, and outcomes.
In general, hypothetical models of education
criteria for performance excellence in Higher
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences