Recruitment Model of Human Resources Training and Development
Education in Improving Graduates’ Competence and Employability
Jajat S. Ardiwinata, Dadang Yunus Lutfiansyah and Cucu Sukmana
Departemen Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
{jajatsardiwinata, dadangyunus, cucusukmana}
Keywords: Human Resources Training and Development Education, Competence, Employability and Out-of-School
Abstract: The role of study group of out-of-school education laboratory Indonesia University of Education in
providing program services has a strategic role in the middle of the limited learning service in the class. The
laboratory is used as a learning center (learning center) as well as learning practice in preparing PLS UPI
graduates to be ready to compete with other universities supported by educational and training tools. In
addition, professional management arrangements in managing PLS laboratory should be supported by a
clear and precise operational procedures unit so that the competence of PLS UPI graduates can increase
according to the graduate profile. This research method applied is qualitative approach with case method.
The data collection techniques used are interview techniques, observation, literature study, documentation
study with data sources of 5 students, 1 organizer, 3 lab. PLS and 1 resource speaker. The result of the
research shows that the general condition of the student activity of the department of PLS after the activity
of motivation study group and interest is high, social contact (the ability of students to communicate very
high / active, and the stewardship of BEM in Department and University is very high.) There is a conceptual
model design that begins with stratified assessment, including initial assessment, process assessment, and
final assessment as a follow-up.
Entering the 21st century, Indonesia is faced with
complex issues such as the issue of reform in the life
of the state and nation, the problem of the prolonged
and unresolved crisis, the macro-government policy
issue of the system of autonomous regional
government that empowers the community. We also
face major and fundamental changes in the global
environment. The change in the strategic
environment at the global level is reflected in the
formation of forums such as GATT, WTO, and
effort to welcome the free trade which will
undoubtedly take place the very tight level of
A monopoly regulation changes into a free
competition. Similarly, it occurs in a market that is
initially oriented to the product (product oriented)
switch to market orientation (market driven), and
from protection move into free market. For that
reason, we need to anticipate this situation by
strengthening the ability to compete in various fields
with the development of Human Resources.
The educational position in human resource
development and sustainable development in
Indonesia is faced with major challenges, for
example: 1) the education world is required to
maintain the results of development that has been
achieved as a result of the economic crisis, 2) to
anticipate the information age, the education world
is required to prepare competent human resources to
be able to compete in the global job market, 3) in
line with the enactment of regional autonomy, it is
necessary to make changes and adjustment of the
national education system so as to realize a more
democratic education process, taking into account
the diversity of local content and learners, and
encourage the increasing the people participation.
The purpose of higher education or higher
education mission with the spirit of what has been
formulated by Ortega Y Gasset namely: teaching,
research and community service in the form of
professional development. With the rapid
development of science and the open of living with
Ardiwinata, J., Yunus, D. and Sukmana, C.
Recruitment Model of Human Resources Training and Development Education in Improving Graduates’ Competence and Employability.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 365-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
humans, the responsibility of a scientist will have a
new dimension of devotion to all mankind. Federico
Mayor sees it as one of the tasks of the future
university by referring to one Tamil poem a century
before AD by Tirou Vallouvar: The future university
must establish "Network" with regional and
international institutions of higher education not
only because of the universal sciences, as well as the
employment of scientists that will be global. (Tilaar,
Higher education in developing societies has a
dual mission, not only a pioneer of a scientific
approach to the development process, but also a
bodyguard of moral values that maintain human
dignity in society. Therefore, the college campus is a
democratic society, open to the occurrence of clear
and logical thoughts in the context of integrated
Two important roles of universities that are
always a concern today, especially in order to
participate in building a society to the global
community, are; 1) in the conceptual order, higher
education is a strategic vehicle in designing actual
concepts as the main foundation of building society.
2) in the implementation framework, university is
expected to be able to understand the problems that
occur in the midst of society, so as to be able to
build the community with qualified alternative ideas.
On that basis, the academic development of
university students need to think and implement the
"action program" as the realization of the Tridarma
Perguruan Tinggi, so that understanding and
appreciation of the phenomenon of people’s life as a
social fact becomes more real.
In accordance with the demands of Tridarma
Perguruan Tinggi, in another dimension of UPI as a
superior and pioneer university, today it is claimed
to have a tendency to be able to take part in the
development of human resources which is not only
oriented towards intellectual development, but
human resource development oriented towards
preparation graduates who have future insights
supported by the possession of skills and functional
skills as the provision of life in the community. In
the implementation, the approach can be developed
through a more systematic, individualistic but
integrated, or monolithic learning model.
Referring to the vision, mission, perspectives and
development of UPN PTN BH, especially the
Department of out-of-school (PLS) education that
has the dimension of expertise and the field of study
that requires a multidimensional approach through
the development of PLS Laboratory, trying to
prepare candidates for creative professionals and
high-level work ethic and able to compete in dealing
with various forms of PNFI program
implementation, in accordance with the development
of the demands of community learning needs.
Besides, it also demands the development of
education disciplines related to PLS, both related to
the study of policy, research and development of
theoretical concepts and applications in the
implementation of PLS. In relation to this matter
required various forms of concrete efforts made by
the laboratory in support of supporting the
implementation towards the achievement of the
The role of study group PLS Laboratory as
learning center (learning center) and also learning
practice in producing graduates who are ready to
compete with other college graduates need to be
supported by a clear and precise operational
procedures unit so that the developed program can
be run in accordance with the guidelines that have
been prepared, of course it begins with the process
of debriefing various competencies and other
The development of this study group is assumed
to increase the competencies that have been
formulated in the curriculum of the Department of
PLS FIP UPI, which generally includes: generic
expertise related to the expertise provided to PLS
graduates and relevant to their competence; mastery
of areas of expertise, understanding of learners,
management of educational units, mastery of
participatory learning, personality development and
professional PLS. The specific expertise includes
both methodological and substantive expertise in
line with the meaning of competence expressed by
Palan (2003: 10), Dubois and Rothwell (2000: 6),
Kessler (2006: 14) that competence is a set of
knowledge, skills, behavior and values which is
manifested in the work.
Reasons for recruitment of Lab. PLS study
groups are as follows:
A conducive academic student culture that
hasn’t been built
The low soft skills of the students as the
foundation of professional development of PTK
Have not built adequate learning network both
internally and externally
Academic guidance is still very segmented and
Implementation of the study group program has
not run optimally
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Not yet formulated systemically recruitment
system that refers to the model of training
This research describes the first condition of
student activity of department of PLS in following
study group activity of Lab. PLS seen from
motivation and interest, very high social contact
(ability of student to communicate and stewardship
follow BEM in Department and University). Design
conceptual model study group begins with stratified
assessment, including initial assessment, process
assessment, and final assessment as a follow up.
Systematically the study group program was started
by assessing the students, especially in this phase to
analyze the needs, potentials and interests of
students to join and conduct activities in the study
group, on this phase as well as analyze and review
(assessment) of the basic competencies that have
been owned by students, after the various
considerations further formulated the design of the
study group program Lab. PLS together with
supervisors, senior students and even elements of
The approach used in this study is a qualitative
study, with emphasis on emic, which is concerned
with the views of informants without coercion from
researchers. Data collection was done by interview
and participant observation (Moleong, L J., 2007).
Informant of this research is student, companion of
organizer of study group. The end result is illustrated
by the conceptual model of the study group.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative
study, with emphasis on emic, which is concerned
with the views of informants without coercion from
researchers. Data collection was done by interview
and participant observation. (Moleong, L J., 2007).
Informant of this research is student, companion of
organizer of study group. The end result is illustrated
by the conceptual model of the study group.
3.1 General Condition of Student
Activities Department PLS FIP UPI
In general, the overview of Lab. PLS study group
developed from the analysis of the vision and
mission of UPI PTN BH as a pioneer and superior
universities. The Department, as the leading
institution in carrying out its duties and functions to
develop the science of education outside the school,
is always responsive to the demands and problems
and the development of society. All of these aspects
are reflected and reduced in packing and developing
the curriculum. The laboratory as a kitchen for the
development of the field of study of out-of-school
education, developed into a service house for
lecturers, students in pursue and sharpen the
dimensions of competence and expertise in
accordance with its level (S1, S2, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and
last year of S3 and even alumni).
The preparation of professional staff, which is
considered to be adaptive and appropriate for the
field of scholarship and the skills of out-of-school
education requires specification of research,
assessment and is believed to strengthen the
formation of competence and employment of
graduates, among others through the development of
the PLS Lab study group.
Many areas of highly specialized out-of-school
education require persistence and can be a cluster of
study groups. In the early stages of 2013, four study
groups have been developed and designed through
this program, although the four groups are only at
the pioneering stage of the establishment, which
means that they do not have a clear management tool
or program or activity form, but in 2014 it develops
into ten study groups. The ten study groups were
identified, namely; (1) Study Group of Early
Childhood Education (PAUD), (2) Study Group of
Literacy Education (KF), (3) Literacy Study Group,
(4) Course and Training Study Group, (5) Media
Study Group , (6) Life skills study group, (7) Study
group of Student Productive Economic Enterprises
(UEPM), (8) Study Group Children with special
services (beggar, child laborers, victims of family
violence, trafficking etc.), (9) Study group of HIV
AIDS, (10) Cross-field study group. In 2015 formed
into 4 study clusters of PNFI study groups, training
review groups, community empowerment study
groups and early childhood study groups. In 2016,
the study groups were formed into three study
groups: PNFI study group, training study group and
community empowerment study group.
Students have various characteristics; these
characteristics can be social character, culture,
psychological character and character of student's
economic condition itself. These characteristics
distinguish the type of student behavior in certain
situations. The psychological social characteristics
observed in this study are characteristic views of
age, characteristics in the classroom management
Recruitment Model of Human Resources Training and Development Education in Improving Graduates’ Competence and Employability
organization, characteristics in the BEM
management organization in Departments and
Universities, characteristics in the community and
social contacts of self-confidence, responsibility,
experience, motivation, independence, and
According to BPS (2015), based on population
composition, age is grouped into 3 i.e. age 0-14
years considered as unproductive population group,
population group aged 15-64 years as productive
group and age group 65 years and above as
population group which no longer productive. Age
of respondents is the length of the respondent lives
up to the research done; the student's productive age
will affect the adoption process of a new innovation.
Distribution of student age characteristics based
on the results of research known that 98.00% of
students are in the age range of > 20-22 years. This
shows that most of the respondents are in the
productive age category, the age of the respondent is
related to the innovation, someone at the non-
productive age will tend to be difficult to accept the
innovation, and otherwise someone with the
productive age will be easier and quicker to accept
innovation. This is in accordance with Soekartawi's
(2005) opinion that younger students usually have a
passion for wanting to know what they do not know
yet, so they try to accelerate adoption of innovation
even though they are usually inexperienced in the
matter of adoption of the innovation.
3.2 Design of Recruiting Model of
DIKLAT and PSDM which Have
Feasibility in Increasing
Graduates’ Competence and
From the description of the general description of
the above mentioned activities, it is ultimately
assumed to increase the high level of employment,
both from the quantity aspect, the quality of PTK-
PNF manpower and even assumed to be a trigger in
encouraging the high level of absorption of
graduates of PLS department by partner institutions,
stakeholders or parties users of other graduates.
The development of the study group program,
designed to apply a multilevel assessment model,
includes preliminary assessment, process
assessment, and final assessment as a follow-up.
Systematically the development of the study group
program was started by assessing the students,
especially in this phase to analyze the needs,
potentials and interests of students to join and
conduct activities in the study group, in this phase as
well as analyzing and reviewing the basic
competencies that have been owned by students,
after further considerations, the design of the PNFI
study group program together with the supervisors,
senior students and alumni elements. The program
that has been compiled is then implemented in the
form of study group activity, in this phase the
assessment of the process of conducting the study
group activities for all fields. Lastly do an
assessment in the framework of obtaining feedback
and follow-up programs that must be implemented
by the study group in one phase or cycle of a
particular activity.
Based on the above description, seen from the
flow of the process of organizing this study group, it
will follow the procedure that begins with the
assessment process and end the follow up of the
From the results of the study on the
implementation of the study group program
developed, the existence of this study group has a
value of excellence in several ways:
Students are taught through systemic, specific
and integrated learning systems and acquire
comprehensive curriculum strengthening, with
proportional weight theory and practice.
Students are taught through varied learning,
whether individual, group, mass with the
highest weight on individual learning (self
Students are taught through experience
learning cycle, that is, through; exploration of
concepts, further theories directly conduct
testing or experimentation, reflect on his
experience, and formulate new conceptions and
so on.
The process of guiding students through study
groups is done in stages (layered), namely; (2)
through guidance by the coordinator / assistant of
senior students, (3) through the guidance of the
lecturer based on the expertise of the study field, (4)
through the referred technical resource person (s)
and recommended by counselors, in accordance with
individual institutions or expertise in the field of
field studies. Activities and products or study results
from each study group can be input and inventory of
products and activities for departments, faculties and
UPI in improving accessibility of service programs,
partnerships and institutional development itself.
For communities, institutions and target groups,
even practitioners in the field obtain academic
services from students and lecturers through the
implementation of study group programs.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
3.2.1 Schedule of Activities
The results of the study on the implementation of
preliminary study (exploratory study) on the setting
or working area of program targets, drawn up the
recruitment model design through several stages,
namely: preparation stage, implementation,
reporting stages, and program sustainability. In more
detail these activities are as follows: Preparation Stage
Some of the activities undertaken at this preparatory
stage, both technical and administrative in relation to
program implementation, such as:
Conducting policy review materials related to
the study group
Conducting assessment of students' interests
and needs, as well as field studies, with regard
to socio-cultural conditions and potential and
other support issues, within the target area
Conducting socialization of study groups
Performing the dissemination of registration
Recording the participants of the study group
Activities in the preparation stage are carried
out with methods and techniques of identifying
the needs of participants with the dissemination
of instruments or identification tools of need.
The resulted product is the data base of the
study group participants. Implementation Stage
Implementation of expedition treatments program
contains the material: awareness, appearance,
motivation and advocacy to study group participants
with the method which is done in the form of
outbound, FGD and workshop. These traits form the
management of study groups by producing products
consisting of general guidelines of study groups,
preparation of study group recruitment sop,
governance structure, and study group guides.
Continuing the coordination and dissemination
activities of the study groups in the framework of the
preparation of study groups were conducted through
several types and stages of activities as follows:
Coordination of the organizing team with
department leaders, PLS laboratories, faculty,
universities, local government, agencies /
agencies, NGOs, and other community
institutional elements.
Conducting a dialogue (Focus Group
Discussion), involving elements of faculty
leaders, departments, lecturers of study groups,
coordinators and representatives of study group
Semiloka preparation of guide and organization
of study group Lab. PLS
Implementing mentoring and advisory test
(empirical validity) application of draft
guidelines and organization of study groups
Lab. PLS Each study group conducted various
studies activities with various agenda that have
been prepared by the study board, guided by a
coordinator of senior students and lecturers
expert in the field of study by using draft tools
and guidelines that have been prepared by the
organizing committee team.
Carrying out analysis of the general guidelines
of group study expedition study group Lab.
PLS test results
Implementing review and improvement of draft
general guidelines expedition program study
group Lab. PLS trial
Writing of the results of the Lab. PLS
expedition general guide trial Reporting
Reporting is the stage in which the report submits
the implementation of conceptual model activities. It
is expected that the implications of this reporting
activity will be the follow up of the program plan
that has been prepared by each study group. The
preparation of systematic report refers to the
guidance, the contents of the report describes the
whole set of development activities, supplemented
by various appendices in the form of tools or group
instrument of study to other devices including
activity documents. Follow up or Program Sustainability
Follow-up is the implementation of the study group
program. Lab. PLS as one of the department's
flagship product, especially PLS laboratory was
pioneered and developed because it gives academic
perspective with dimension of plural and futuristic.
Plural dimension, that is, its development involves
three studies and even its sustainability can foster
other study groups that are more specific in
accordance with the dimensions of science and
dimensions of the field of study of education outside
of school itself. A futuristic academic perspective
implies that the type of study group will always be
adaptive and melt with the demands and
developments as well as the current problems in
anticipating future trends.
With the characteristics of the study group
program, the program's sustainability orientation has
been embedded with the characteristics and demands
of the program itself, so it becomes the concern and
obligation of the department, especially the PLS
laboratory study group continuously strives to
Recruitment Model of Human Resources Training and Development Education in Improving Graduates’ Competence and Employability
follow up and develop the program as its superior
program according to the academic calendar of the
The general condition of the student activity of the
department of PLS after the activity of motivation
study group and interest is high, social contact (the
ability of students to communicate very high /
active, and the stewardship of BEM in Department
and University is very high.) There is a conceptual
model design that begins with stratified assessment,
including initial assessment, process assessment, and
final assessment as a follow-up.
Acknowledgment is regarded to the Institute for
Research and Community Service, Universitas
Pendidikan Indonensia that has funded this research.
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