The annulment of Akta IV is supposed to be
followed up by the provision of a definitive
professional teacher training so as to overcome two
issues in educational development. The first is
encouraging and strengthening the economic growth
achievement by the provision of educated
manpower’s with the ability to:
Create jobs or entrepreneurial ability;
Address the challenge of labor needs.
The second is facilitating the teacher certification.
A study shows that many of 3 million teachers have
been found unprofessional and that certified teachers
cannot be made sure of being professional (Rohman,
2016). According to the Ministry of Education and
Culture, out of 3,015,315 teachers, 2,294,191 are
certified, and the other 721,124 are not.
Therefore, this study was conducted to answer the
following questions: (1) How is the graduates’
academic performance in relation to pedagogic
competence? (2) How is the graduates’ job
performance in relation to pedagogic competence?
(3) Do the users find any difficulties in describing the
professional teachers?
This study used a survey approach. Findings
indicated that most directors perceive they are
implementing the indicators of program quality
support in all of the areas surveyed. Qualitative
analysis provides an accessible and theoretically
flexible approach to analyzing data. The depth and
flexibility of qualitative methods contribute towards
the creation of an in-depth understanding of the
participant’s social word. In addition, considering the
research objectives and its instruments, this includes
cross sectional studies and exploratory research
The survey was carried out by the surveyor: first,
by inviting students enrolled in the 2011 and 2010
academic year who are working on their
undergraduate thesis. The interview questions
represented various aspects of academic performance
of certain working behavior; second, by visiting the
alumni working in various institutions. While
working, they were questioned about job
performance, how they do their jobs, and their
impression about their jobs; and third, by
interviewing the users to figure out their assessment
of the performance of the alumni and their
assignment. The users were 4 people including
Section Head of Bandung Non Formal and Informal
Education (PNFI), Section Head of Bandung Barat
Non Formal and Informal Education (PNFI), Head of
Ash-Shoddiq Community Learning Center, and Head
of House of Learning. The study began in April and
ended in November 2016 in Bandung and Bandung
Barat, Jawa Barat.
3.1 Research Results
The result revealed that the pedagogic academics had
yet to integrate their affective domain (attitudes) with
cognitive domain (knowledge) and with psychomotor
domain (skills). It seems that the affective domain
was conditioned to shape a teacher’s character, the
cognitive domain is oriented for professions other
than teacher, and the skills are limited but encouraged
to be self-reliant. The service quality of integrated
pedagogic academics is recommended to be
The alumni work for public and private sectors.
Most alumni work for public sectors although there
has been no indication that their knowledge and
academic title has a positive effect on their career
development. In addition, they demonstrated the
competence of motivating the community, initiating
the anticipation of environmental change, identifying
opportunities and problem solving, negotiating-
consulting-directing/coordinating activities with
others and following up on policy with
implementation and monitoring to assess
effectiveness. They also demonstrated organizational
management skills, management identification and
interpretation skills, sensitivity to environmental
issues, skills to resolve conflicts by developing
consensus, skills to provide advice and required
inputs and skills to create networks by maximizing
information technology. It was also revealed that
there are different problems in different workplaces.
3.2 Discussion
The study found that sufficient academic
performance in professional academic context but
less sufficient in the context of national and
international development. The job performance was
found to be sufficient for the practitioner-users but
not sufficient for the governmental users. It can be
concluded that there is a mismatch between the study
program qualifications and the competence of
graduates. The users also found it difficult to describe
their work placements.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences