Developing Local Content Curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province
Rudi Susilana and Asep Herry Hernawan
Departement of Curriculum and Education Technology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Keywords: Curriculum development, Local Content Curriculum.
Abstract: The study was aimed at formulating local content competence, local content, implementation strategies and
the evaluation of the local content curriculum implementation as an input in establishing the policy on local
content curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province (Kepri) This research was conducted for 4 months by
searching the districts and cities in Riau Islands by encountering and involving the Education Office,
teachers, principals, supervisors, committees including Malay Customary Institutions (LAM) to conduct
interviews, questionnaires and conduct FGDs. The conclusion of this study is that there are 6 types of local
content that has the potential to be defined as Kepulauan Riau Mulok, namely: (1) Local Culture, (2)
Gurindam 12, (3) Traditional Game, (4) Malay Literature, (5) Marine and Maritime; and Malay Arabic
accompanied by the competence formulation of the respective content.
In 2013, the Government has made some
improvements to the curriculum for primary and
secondary education that will be applied throughout
Indonesia in 2018, known as the Kurikulum 2013.
There are three domains developed in the
implementation of the Curriculum 2013, the
National Curriculum (Kurnas) developed by the
government-appointed development team (center),
the Regional Curriculum (Kurda) developed by the
development team appointed by the local
government (provincial and district / city), and
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) developed
by a team of developers appointed by an education
unit (school or madrasah).
Related to the duty of the Regional Government
related to the development in the second domain
above, in line with Law Number 20 2003 in
Sisdiknas Article 36 paragraph 2 which states that
"curriculum at all levels and types of education
developed with the principle of diversification in
accordance with the educational unit, local potential,
and learners ". This is also in line with Law Number
23 2014 on Regional Government, Article 12
Paragraph 1 which states that the area of government
that must be implemented by the Regency / City is
education. Furthermore, in other sections mentioned
that the Regional Government needs to make a
renewal in the form of curriculum diversification
which gives the opportunity to the region to develop
its potential in order to serve the diversity of their
respective students, diversify the type of education
professionally, and meet with the interests of the
Given that Indonesia has a diversity of cultures,
ethnicities, languages, and geographies as well as
other potentials and characteristics, the
implementation of diversified curricula should thrive
and become a necessity to be developed in Indonesia
with the principle of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika". Zais
(1976: 101) argues that society and culture is one of
the factors underlying the development of the
curriculum, as well as Tyler (1988: 25-43) which
explains that the study of contemporary life, the uses
of philosophy, and the study of learners as factors
that must be considered in the curriculum
development. In addition to those statements, related
to the philosophical and theoretical foundations for
curriculum development, Hasan (2007: 483) states
as follows: ...The curriculum should start from the
immediate environment. A curriculum should not
separate learners from the social, cultural, physical,
economic, religious environments that the
curriculum serves. The curriculum of an educational
unit in an agricultural environment is different from
the curriculum for the fishing community, town, or
industry in the first three years. Learners should
Susilana, R. and Hernawan, A.
Developing Local Content Curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
understand their environment well and learn from
their environment to the wider environment ".
Regional potential is one of the resources that
need to be developed and utilized for the benefit of
education. Local potentials cover such aspects as
demographics, natural resources, socio-economic
conditions, technology, and cultural values
prevailing in society. Until now, education is seen as
not only a sector that has no economic value in the
short term, but also there is no a sustainable
development method. The Conditions that support
the development of education, especially primary
education cannot be accurately detected, including
the potential of natural resources and local people,
local government policies related to the education
sector, the presence of teachers and other education
personnel, and community involvement in education
management. This situation has had an impact on a
number of unfavorable assumptions and predictions
related to the development of education in the era of
regional autonomy.
Therefore, the study of the potential of the region
in supporting education is a strategic thing to do,
especially related to the importance of local content
(regions) developed, compiled, and packaged as part
of the process of education and learning in schools.
The results of this study can be utilized by the Local
Government in an effort to improve the development
of education and conservation of local content and
the values of local wisdom through educators and
learners in various channels, types, and levels of
education in the region.
The method is survey. The use of this method was
done with the intention to obtain accurate data about
the potentials in Riau Islands region. The activities
undertaken in the framework of this survey include
the following steps.
Document and policy analysis was aimed at
analyzing policies on public sector support for
the education sector relating to the factual
conditions in education.
School and community surveys was aimed at
capturing the potential of existing schools and
communities, assessing the availability of
educational resources and community needs for
local content development.
Focused Group Discussion (FGD) involving
several elements, i.e. policy holders, policy
implementers, and policy users. FGD involved
members of representatives, education offices,
Curriculum Development Team, school supervisors,
principals, and teachers as well as community
elements, especially Malay Customary Institutions
3.1 The Implementation Strategy of
Local Content Curriculum
Implementation strategies of local content in
educational units can be done through 3 ways: (1)
local content is implemented as a separate subject
and / or (2) the learning materials are integrated into
other subjects and / or (3) self-development.
3.1.1 Local Content Stands as a Separate
Subject (Monolithic)
The monolithic approach is an approach based on
the idea that each subject is an independent
component of the curriculum and has a specific
purpose in a unified whole. This approach system
can be pursued in two ways: 1) build a new
discipline and be subjected to separate subjects from
other sciences. 2) build a local content package that
is a stand-alone subject. This approach has several
advantages including: stand-alone subjects, easier
teaching preparation and the materials can be known
from the syllabus, the knowledge obtained by
students will be more synthesis, the time provided
can be specific, the achievement of the objectives
can be more active, and the valuation of learning can
be more clear and easy The local content can be a
stand-alone subject if the learning materials are not
directly related to the core group subject in the
national level.
3.1.2 Integrative Local Content
This approach is a local content study material that
is integrated into other subjects (integrative). In
other words, an integrated approach is an approach
that is based on the integration of subjects with other
subjects. This approach can be pursued in two ways:
building a unit or series of subjects prepared to be
integrated into a particular subject, or building a core
program that starts from a particular subject. The
advantages of an integrative approach is that there is
no need to add special resources or teaching staff to
the local content, and more teachers of other subjects
are involved so that students get more material. In
this approach, local content is a study material that is
Developing Local Content Curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province
integrated into other subjects if the local content
assessment material is part of the scope of the
subject matter in the national curriculum, then the
local content is a study material integrated into the
national subjects. However, if the material of the
local content study is too broad then it can stand
alone as a subject of local content.
3.1.3 The Implementation of Local Content
through Self-Development
In this approach the local content is not in the form
of subjects, whether integrated or independent, but
in the form of local study materials in the form of
activity programs that provide opportunities for
learners to express themselves through various
activities outside the lesson in extracurricular form.
The lessons are expected to be implemented through
self-development in extracurricular programs. The
advantages of this program include: (1) providing
opportunities for students to choose programs of
interest based on their interests and potentials; (2)
schools do not need to provide special teachers and
allocation of time outside of lesson time so as not to
disrupt the existing clock formula, (3) internalization
of multifarious values that can be implemented
directly on the activities / activities of students in
everyday life, (4) activities can be more fun because
based on the choice of students there is no coercion
to join the program.
3.2 The Assessment of Local Content
Assessment of the achievement of basic competence
of learners is done based on some indicators. The
assessment is performed using tests and non-tests in
written or oral form, performance observations,
attitude measurement, assessment of work in the
form of tasks, projects and / or products, portfolio
use, and self-assessment. Assessment is a series of
activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data about
the process and learners’ learning outcomes done in
a systematic and sustainable way so that it becomes
meaningful information in decision making process.
Things to consider in the assessment are as
Assessment are aimed at measuring
competence achievement.
Assessment uses reference criteria; wherein it
is based on what the learners can do after
following the learning process, and not to
determine a person's position against his group.
The planned system is a system of continuous
assessment. Continuous in the sense that all
indicators are observed, then the results are
analyzed to determine the basic competencies
that have been acquired and who have not, as
well as to identify the students’ problems.
The results of the assessment were analyzed to
determine follow-up actions. The follow-up is
in the form of improvements in the next
learning process, remedial programs for
underachievers, and enrichment programs for
learners who have met the criteria.
The assessment system should be tailored to
the learning experience pursued in the learning
process. For example, if learning uses a field
observation approach then evaluation should be
given either on the process (process skills) e.g.
interview techniques, or product / result of field
observation in the form of required
Based on the analysis, the following conclusions can
be drawn: First, The Scope of Local Content
Curriculum The Competencies in Kepulauan Riau
Local Contents Include: Local Culture
Competencies, The Traditional Games Competence,
Gurindam 12 Competence, Marine Competence,
Malay Literature Competence, Malay Arabic
Competence. Second, The Scope of Local Content
Curriculum, the Riau Islands local content program,
which will later be studied in schools, has a scope of
materials in accordance with the education level (SD
/ MI, SMP / MTs, SMA and SMK). In general, the
scope of the materials is presented as follows: Local
Culture (community courtesy, kinships, customary,
history and culture, local arts, environment), The
Traditional Games in Riau (the concept of traditional
game, the types of traditional games, the history and
development of traditional games, the characteristics
and types of traditional games, the positive value of
traditional games, the way to play various traditional
games), Gurindam 12 (verbalizing gurindam 12 to
discover the values and uniqueness in the disclosure
of content and the use of diction, appreciating
gurindam 12 as a legacy of the local cultural values
of riau islands, reading, ranslating and interpreting
gurindam 12 as a legacy of the local cultural values
of riau islands), Maritime (the concept and the
definition of maritime and maritime terminologies,
the history and development of the heyday, the
period of deterioration and the rise of maritime in
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
indonesia, the concept and understanding of marine
and marine terminology, the concept of the
indonesian ocean, the concept, and the marine
characteristics of riau islands province, the concept
and definition of indonesian maritime), Malay
Literature (the concept and the characteristics of
malay literature, the history and development of
malay literature, the types of malay literature
including: saga, harmina, quatrain, simile, poem, and
poetry, using malay literature: reading, telling,
making simple malay literature, appreciating malay
literature), Malay Arabic (the concepts and
characteristics of malay arabic, the history and
development of malay arabic, the malaya arabic
writing techniques, using malay arabic in the daily
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Marsh, C. J., Willis, G. 2007. Curriculum: Alternative
Approaches, Ongoing Issues. Fourth edition. New
Jersey; Pearson Education Inc.
Ncandra. “Profil Provinsi Kepulauan Riau” [online]
Tersedia: https://ncandra.
Situs Resmi Pemerintah Provinsi Kepulauan Riau.
“Gambaran Umum Provinsi Riau” [Online] Tersedia:
Tyler, R. W. 1975. Basic Principles of Curriculum and
Instruction. Chicago and London: The University of
Chicago Press.
Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang
Pemerintah Daerah.
Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem
Pendidikan Nasional.
Zais, R. S. 1976. Curriculum, Principles and Foundations.
New York: Harper and Row Publisher.
Developing Local Content Curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province