integrated into other subjects if the local content
assessment material is part of the scope of the
subject matter in the national curriculum, then the
local content is a study material integrated into the
national subjects. However, if the material of the
local content study is too broad then it can stand
alone as a subject of local content.
3.1.3 The Implementation of Local Content
through Self-Development
In this approach the local content is not in the form
of subjects, whether integrated or independent, but
in the form of local study materials in the form of
activity programs that provide opportunities for
learners to express themselves through various
activities outside the lesson in extracurricular form.
The lessons are expected to be implemented through
self-development in extracurricular programs. The
advantages of this program include: (1) providing
opportunities for students to choose programs of
interest based on their interests and potentials; (2)
schools do not need to provide special teachers and
allocation of time outside of lesson time so as not to
disrupt the existing clock formula, (3) internalization
of multifarious values that can be implemented
directly on the activities / activities of students in
everyday life, (4) activities can be more fun because
based on the choice of students there is no coercion
to join the program.
3.2 The Assessment of Local Content
Assessment of the achievement of basic competence
of learners is done based on some indicators. The
assessment is performed using tests and non-tests in
written or oral form, performance observations,
attitude measurement, assessment of work in the
form of tasks, projects and / or products, portfolio
use, and self-assessment. Assessment is a series of
activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data about
the process and learners’ learning outcomes done in
a systematic and sustainable way so that it becomes
meaningful information in decision making process.
Things to consider in the assessment are as
Assessment are aimed at measuring
competence achievement.
Assessment uses reference criteria; wherein it
is based on what the learners can do after
following the learning process, and not to
determine a person's position against his group.
The planned system is a system of continuous
assessment. Continuous in the sense that all
indicators are observed, then the results are
analyzed to determine the basic competencies
that have been acquired and who have not, as
well as to identify the students’ problems.
The results of the assessment were analyzed to
determine follow-up actions. The follow-up is
in the form of improvements in the next
learning process, remedial programs for
underachievers, and enrichment programs for
learners who have met the criteria.
The assessment system should be tailored to
the learning experience pursued in the learning
process. For example, if learning uses a field
observation approach then evaluation should be
given either on the process (process skills) e.g.
interview techniques, or product / result of field
observation in the form of required
Based on the analysis, the following conclusions can
be drawn: First, The Scope of Local Content
Curriculum The Competencies in Kepulauan Riau
Local Contents Include: Local Culture
Competencies, The Traditional Games Competence,
Gurindam 12 Competence, Marine Competence,
Malay Literature Competence, Malay Arabic
Competence. Second, The Scope of Local Content
Curriculum, the Riau Islands local content program,
which will later be studied in schools, has a scope of
materials in accordance with the education level (SD
/ MI, SMP / MTs, SMA and SMK). In general, the
scope of the materials is presented as follows: Local
Culture (community courtesy, kinships, customary,
history and culture, local arts, environment), The
Traditional Games in Riau (the concept of traditional
game, the types of traditional games, the history and
development of traditional games, the characteristics
and types of traditional games, the positive value of
traditional games, the way to play various traditional
games), Gurindam 12 (verbalizing gurindam 12 to
discover the values and uniqueness in the disclosure
of content and the use of diction, appreciating
gurindam 12 as a legacy of the local cultural values
of riau islands, reading, ranslating and interpreting
gurindam 12 as a legacy of the local cultural values
of riau islands), Maritime (the concept and the
definition of maritime and maritime terminologies,
the history and development of the heyday, the
period of deterioration and the rise of maritime in
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences