followed by a drama that tells about Wiji thukul, an
activist and colleagues, regardless of the background
of the activists, the incident initially hurt many
parties, especially the family. This drama is only a
description of it, because we really do not know
what really happened by him. The background song
titled "Jingga" by the EfekRumahKaca on the album
Sinestesia. During the 1997/1998 period,
KONTRAS (Commission for Missing Persons and
Victims of Violence) noted that 23 people had been
eliminated by state equipment. From that number,
one person was found dead (Leonardus Gilang), 9
people were released by their captors, and 13
including wiji thukul and others still missing to this
day. And the kidnapping took place during the
period of ABRI's supreme general leadership,
Wiranto. Those who disappeared were on the list of
dangerous people against the government at the
time. The play of the drama also tells how that
despite the disappearance of the activists is unclear
to date, yet a thought or spirit of his fight will never
be lost. In fact, it can be stale and passed on to the
next generation. Class D
Figure 4: Cleng cleng cleng Poster. ClassD. 2017.
Description: Cleng cleng cleng (Beggar Girl).
Scene 1: The beggar girl (Gita) sleeps over a
fruit basket while imagining the beautiful
dreams depicted on the silhouette (a beautiful
dream of children and happy family).
Suddenly a nightmare comes and drives off a
beautiful dream (pictured on silhouette). Gita
began to feel afraid of the nightmare and Gita
was screaming (silhouette light is off).
Hearing Gita’s scream, her friends feel
shocked and approached Gita and awaken
Gita from her dream. Then her friends invited
Gita to play by symbolizing it with the dance.
After the dance was over, suddenly some bad
people came while throwing cans that made
the children shocked. The bad people also told
the children to line up to distribute the cans.
After the cans are given, the children are
examined by them in turns. After they left, the
children marched and begged.
Scene 2:(lights flash Gita) Gita begged alone
and ran with an anxious and pitiful face
because she did not get the money. Finally,
Gita was upset and screamed. Laughter also
accompanied Gita’s annoyance and anxiety.
Scene 3: The bad people come and wait for
the children to deposit the money from
begging. Children come in turns. When the
people were checking, Gita came too late and
the men were too upset and finally tortured
her because Gita came late and her deposits
was too little. Gita felt angry with the injustice
she got, finally she rebelled while saying
"you, do not feel what I feel, I want to be
happy, I want to be happy, I want to be
happy". The people also feel annoyed and then
hit Gita in the head by using a bottle of liquor
while saying "aaah, shit". (lights off). After
that, poetry is read behind the stage and is
visualized through the silhouette. Gita
moaning in pain until finally Gita was killed
on fruit basket. Then came Yana while doing
epilogue to strengthen the storyline. In the
middle when Yana was doing epilogue, there
came dancers as the closing and symbolized
Gita’s death.
The players in this show are PGSD students class
of 2014, all cast members followed a casting which
is done by their own class.
3.1.3 Implementation of the Exercise
The process of art practice can be done quickly or
slowly in the implementation, it is highly dependent
on the skill ability of the creators of supporting art.
Adequate suffrage, proper manuscript selection,
supported by adequate artistic stylists can be
performed effectively and efficiently by shortening
the training schedule and supported by adequate
funding capability.
Improving Students’ Art Creativity and Appreciation of PGSD FIP UPI Through The Art Performance Entitled “KALENG” in Art
Development Course