Development of Training Model in Increasing the Competence of
Labor at PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
Mohammad Asyhadi and Oong Komar
Non Formal Education Program Study, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Development, Training Model, Competence.
Abstract: The study examines the efforts to develop a model of labor training in improving the competence of workers
in the company namely PT. Sari Ater Raya Subang. Empirically there is a very urgent learning need as a gap
that must be overcome against the demands of Business standards and competency standards in the field of
hospitality both nationally and region (ASEAN). Application of training models is one of the solutions to
accelerate the achievement of current competencies. The focus of this research is how the application of labor
training models in improving employee work competence in accordance with standard demands in PT. Sari
Ater Raya Subang Regency of West Java.
The Development of Education and Training
Program is a real effort to educate and train human
resources in order to master practical functional skills
that can be utilized to work in both formal and
informal sectors in accordance with existing job
opportunities, and independent business or open
business opportunities independent. On the other
hand, the management of courses and training
institutions as training and learning centers still does
not reflect the needs of the labor force of the business
and the industry.
Experts' analysis of the future of the world
economy, will tend to be global. The changes that
occur in the Human Resources Management
environment are trends that include the diversity of
work, technology, globalization, and change of the
job and occupation world (Gary, 1997). The character
of the market is characterized by a highly competitive
competitive atmosphere, both in terms of quality and
quantity. High competition means more demands for
improvement reduce costs, boost employee
productivity, and do things well and cheaply. For
employees around the world, the function of human
resources is as key in helping companies achieve
strategic organizational goals.
Globalization and world trade are two currents
that affect each other or strengthen one another,
which is now facing the world and the two currents
are getting stronger in the future, along with
technological advances and increasing income per
capita and the increase of the world population
(Tambunan, 2004). Some of the characteristics
expressed by some experts on the global economy,
tend to refer to a strategic emphasis on the importance
of human resources in the global economic system.
Concepts that refer to the importance of the role of
human resources (HR) in various development
sectors, have long been recognized both by scientists
and policyholders. This can be seen from various
theories, opinions and regulations related to human
Increasing human resources in an institution or
organization through training as one form of off-
school education, is a form of strategic effort.
Through training, it can make a real contribution in
improving and implementing company programs in
achieving organizational goals and facing global
competition. This will be easier to understand,
because the training is designed and developed based
on the demands or real needs of the company and the
capacity building of the workforce of an organization
or institution.
Some of the problems in this study are as follows:
Increasing the competence of workers through
training has not been optimal in PT Sari Ater
Raya Subang;
Business development and competition of
tourism business is very fast and competitive;
Asyhadi, M. and Komar, O.
Development of Training Model in Increasing the Competence of Labor at PT Sari Ater Raya Subang.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 420-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Education in formal vocational schools that
have been pursued by job seekers have not
provided the required skills;
Demand for standardization and competence of
global competition impact of MEA and AFTA;
Requirement of labor that has a good work
competence and professional, impact on
improving job performance and work
productivity and service quality improvement;
Employee Educational background at PT. Sari
Ater Highway Subang varies (heterogeneous).
Trisnamansyah (1986), Explains the notion of
Overseas Education (PLS) is a regularly planned
educational effort, has identifiable and non-incidental
or informal objectives and programs. While Sudjana,
(1992), suggests that Non Formal Education is any
educational service undertaken intentionally,
regularly and planned outside the school system that
lasts throughout the ages.
Heidjrachman dan Husnan (1986), argues for the
importance of human resources as follows: "the most
important resource of an organization is the human
resources-the people who give their energy, talent,
creativity, and effort to the organization."
Notoatmodjo (1992) suggests that there are two
functions of human resource management are:
The management functions, which include:
Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling;
Operational Functions, which include:
Procurement of human resources (recruitment),
Development (development), Compensation
Based on the focus of the problem, objectives,
research subjects, and data characteristics, the
appropriate approach to obtain data on objective
conditions with the training applied in PT. Sari Ater
Raya Subang is a case study that is part of qualitative
methods. The selection of the approach is based on
the reason that this research intends to develop a
training model that is expected to improve employee
competency in PT, Sari Ater Raya Subang. Given the
nature and focus of this research, qualitative research
design is used. This research plan contains a scheme
or research program about what to do researchers,
ranging from questions that can explore deep data
until the final analysis. While the structure contains
the scheme, the paradigm of operational variables,
and the interconnection of multiple domains so as to
build a structural scheme in this study. In obtaining
the data conducted exploration, namely by tracing
carefully the various documents related to the focus
of research, interviews are broad and deep, and the
observation about the implementation of training in
PT Sari Ater Raya Subang. The conclusions drawn
from this research are carried out by SWOT analysis
accurately and accurately by examining the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats or obstacles.
The research method to be carried out is guided by the
research and development procedure proposed by
Borg & Gall (1989).
The presentation in this chapter will be divided into
two parts. The first section will present a description
of the results data. This section is expected to provide
detailed data. In the second part, present the
discussion of research results.
4.1 Empirical Training of Employees
PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
4.1.1 Profile PT. Sari Ater Raya
PT Sari Ater Raya is located in the area of natural hot
spring water tourism Ciater village Ciater Sub
District, West Java Province, about 30 km from the
direction of Bandung. PT Sari Ater Raya has brand
Ciater Resort & Wellness Spa has bungalow facility
50 family suite units, 2 President Suite 6, and 4
standards. 2 pools Kiara and Kunang- Kunang which
flooded natural hot springs water, Restaurant 2, the
area of about 60 hectares.
PT Sari Ater Raya has 230 employees, consisting
of Front Office department, House Keeping / room
devision, Food & Beverage Service and Product,
Recreation, Accounting, Medical, Sales &
Marketing, HRD. Owner name is Mrs. Ama
With regard to the standardization program with
Undang Undang No.10 Tahun 2009 tentang
Pariwisata, Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor.52 Tahun
2012 Tentang Sertifikasi Usaha dan Sertifikasi
Kompetensi, in order to increase the competitiveness
for both business and workforce, acceleration
program of standardization and certification.
Some obstacles that appear in PT. Sari Ater Raya
among others:
Development of Training Model in Increasing the Competence of Labor at PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
Labor education level;
Skills and quality of labor;
Number of employees versus room occupancy
rate and income.
4.1.2 Participant Profile of PT. Sari Ater
Raya Manpower Training Program
Training Participants are PT. Sari Ater Raya
(Restaurant / Food & Bevareage, House keeping),
Recruitment process by "Need Assessment" by
involving eight (8) competency assessors.
Assessment techniques by portfolio assessment,
interviews and written tests.
4.1.3 Implementation of Training Program
To improve and develop human resources in PT. Sari
Ater Raya as the above data presumably required
adequate training facilities and infrastructure that
must be provided. The number of employees who
have attended the training amounted to 40 people
with details of 20 from the restaurant department and
20 from housekeeping (data attached). Based on
observations and interviews, the implementation of
training activities is in accordance with the plan.
Materials delivered in conjunction with daily
practical activities in the form of materials and
expertise plus general materials such as customer
service, communication skills, grooming, general
terms in hospitality, legislation related standards of
professional competence and tourism business.
Technical resources in the implementation of the
training are competence assessors who have
experience in their field. Methods used in lecture
training, presentation of theory and practice by role
play, and interspersed by discussions and dialogue.
The attendance rate of participants in training
activities is 80%, thus indicating an indication of
active participation of trainees.
4.1.4 Training Program Evaluation
Based on the observations and interviews conducted
on the appointed resource persons, information is
obtained before and after the training, which consists
of skill evaluation, accuracy, speed of work of a skill
task. For knowledge evaluation by written test and
4.2 Development of Conceptual Model
of HR Training
4.2.1 Training Needs Analysis
Training of employees in PT. Sari Ater Raya Subang
environment is implemented based on work program
that has been planned in the period of one year.
Implementation of this program is very useful and can
be felt by various parties. Nevertheless, the results of
research through observation and experience of the
authors show that it cannot be implemented
Indicators that show the training program is not
optimal yet can be seen from several factors,
including the factors of planning, implementation,
and training evaluation factors. Therefore, it is
necessary to design and pilot a model of training for
employees appropriately based on a scientifically and
pragmatically accountable model that involves the
participants of the activity (target of the objectives) as
optimal as possible from the planning,
implementation and evaluation phases. Model as
mentioned above, is a model of labor training in
improving the work competence in the environment
of PT Sari Ater Raya Subang, so that the program is
implemented by involving various parties to establish
a cooperation that is really well established and
mutually beneficial through mutual interaction
teaching and learning.
In general, it is necessary to develop employee
training model in improving the work competence
intended for employee training program can be
implemented effectively and efficiently. In particular,
the development of performance-based employee
training models concerning the following: Based on Training Program Planning
The results showed that the planning activities
undertaken in the training program has not been
implemented optimally, so it has not been able to
support the increase in labor productivity. Some
weaknesses in training program planning:
program planning has not involved the whole
program participants;
Implementing organizations are not formed
The program material has not been traced to
Program is not formulated operationally;
The technical source does not prepare a
comprehensive training plan that is capable of
tracking the needs.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
The above description shows the need for a
briefing for training managers and technical resource
workers training programs on materials related to
programming knowledge and skills based on a
scientifically and practically responsible training
model. Based on the Implementation of Training
The implementation process of the training program
is the end of all activities planned and carried out in
the preparation stage. The results show that the
training process on the employee training program
has not been implemented optimally. Indicators that
show not yet optimal implementation of training
programs in the program include:
The technical source does not have an
instructor / competency certificate or as per the
required academic qualifications;
In each meeting, the technical resource person
never explicitly explains the purpose of his
training to stimulate the participants;
The material presented is not packaged in the
form of a systematic model or training
Training activities are based only on debriefing
or providing materials for program
The use of training methods is less varied,
mostly based only on practical activities so as
not to appear the learning process;
There is no orderly and systematic assessment. Based on Training Program Evaluation
Employee training programs in improving job
competence is one of the most strategic programs for
both employees, as well as the owners of the
company. Through the evaluation of the program will
be known the effectiveness and efficiency of the
program implemented. The results showed that,
evaluation activities on employee training programs
in improving their competence has not been
implemented optimally. Indicators not optimal
training program evaluation activities can be known
from: 1). No evaluation plan is planned, so that the
measurements used as the criteria for assessment of
the success of the training program are unclear; 2) the
non-implementation of orderly and organized
evaluation activities, both oral and practical; and 3)
lack of skills of tutors / instructors and managers in
assessing the performance of trainees.
On the basis of this matter, it is deemed necessary
a form of assessment to determine the effectiveness
and efficiency of training programs implemented.
4.3 Conceptual Model of Manpower
Training In Increasing Work
The initial product of this research and development
is a labor training model in improving employee
competence in PT Sari Ater Raya Subang. This
conceptual model is designed.
Empirical training of PT. Sari Ater Raya Subang
employees is a training conducted to improve and
develop human resources of employees in the
company environment, in addition to the required
formal education is also supported by adequate
training facilities and infrastructure to increase the
knowledge and practical skills, private as well as
government or community. Based on the results of
observations and interviews, the implementation of
labor training activities in PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
most of the materials related to tourism, especially
hotels, accommodation and marketing and service
fields. Technical resources in the implementation of
training are competence assessors. The methods used
in training most theories and practices, but sometimes
the discussions and dialogue is just a little portion.
The attendance rate of participants is quite good
during the training process, recorded above 80
percent on average. According to the training
managers the participants respond fairly well to any
given material. Form of response in the training
process, among others; ask questions, responses, and
/ or suggestions so that the training activities carried
out are not saturated.
The development of the employment training
model in improving job competence in hospitality
training program at PT Sari Ater Raya is the
conceptual development of active and participative
model of training which makes a significant
contribution in strengthening the developed training
model. Positive contribution given in the refinement
of conceptual model, among others the existence of
reference framework compiled in the form of learning
needs analysis enriched and sharpened with the
vision, mission, program objectives.
The effectiveness of the employee training model
in improving job competence in the hotel and
Development of Training Model in Increasing the Competence of Labor at PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
accommodation skills training program at PT Sari
Ater Raya is a feasible competency-based model
development program through model quality analysis
techniques, expert assessment, and field test. The
results of systemic model quality analysis, which are
about the content, relevance, and principles of model
development, in particular it can be concluded that the
developed hospitality vocational training model has
resulted in an appropriate relationship between the
model components. Thus the training model
component including: the rationale, the purpose, the
scope of the model, the product model, the success
criteria, and the existence of the model have the right
content, weight, consistency, and ease of
understanding and application. The employment
training model in improving job competence in the
hospitality field can be implemented effectively,
efficiently and effectively. The level of acceptance of
learning resources and training participants to the
material developed in the model that is implemented
is high enough to have a positive impact on both
trainees and management.
Borg, W. R., Gall, M. D., 1989. Educational Research,
Longman. New York.
Gary D., 2003. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, PT
Indeks. Jakarta.
Heidjrachman, R., Husnan, S., 1986. Manajemen
personalia, BPFE. Yogyakarta.
Notoatmodjo, S., 1992. Pengembangan sumber daya
manusia, Rineka Cipta. Bandung.
Sudjana, D., 1992. Pengantar Pendidikan Luar Sekolah,
Nusantara Press. Bandung.
Tambunan, T. T., 2004. Globalisasi dan Perdagangan
Internasional, Ghalia Indonesia. Jakarta
Trisnamansyah, S., 1986. Pengantar pendidikan luar
sekolah, Penerbit Karunika. Jakarta.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences