Error Analysis of Trigonometric Problem Solving by Vocational High
School Students Based on Differences in Ability and Cognitive Style
Liknin Nugraheni
, Nur Fathonah
, Sri Rahayu
and Esti Widhiarni
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Jl. Ngagel Dadi III-B No. 37, Surabaya 60245, Indonesia
Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 100, Surabaya 60117, Indonesia
{liknin, nurfathonah, srirahayu},
Keywords: Cognitive styles, error analysis, vocational high schools.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe the locations, types and contributing factors of the students of
mechanical Vocational High Schools in solving trigonometry problems. This was descriptive research. The
research was conducted in three vocational high schools. The main instrument in this research was the
researcher himself. Other instruments used in the research were test of mathematical ability (TOMA), The
Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), trigonometry problem solving tasks and interview guides. The
research data were analyzed in four stages, namely: data categorization, data reduction, data presentation,
conclusion drawing. The results obtained by discovering the locations, types, and contributing factors of the
students’ errors could reveal whether or not the learning that had been implemented in accordance with the
goals to be achieved. By doing the analysis of the students’ errors, the appropriate learning model to improve
their understanding of trigonometric problem solving in particular and improve the mathematic learning
outcomes in general is therefore recommended.
Mathematical problem solving has become the center
of attention in 2013 curriculum recentnly
(Kemendikdub, 2014; Depdikbud, 2016). Many
Indonesian children have difficulty in solving
mathematical problems (Tatag, Y.E.S., et al., 2015).
Based on the result of preliminary study conducted by
researchers at 3 mechanical vacational high school in
East Java Indonesia, was that only 15% of students
able to solve mathematical problems especially
trigonometry well. To overcome these problems and
to find out the reasons that cause low understanding
of trigonometric problem solving , It is necessary to
analyze the mistakes made by mechanical vacational
high school student.
Some studies have shown that cognitive style is a
very important thing in learning (Acharya, 2002;
Tenant, 1988; Kagan, 1966; Egelan, 1974; Witkin, et
al., 1977; Witkin, et al., 1971; Tantiana, A. G., Iriana,
A. L., 2014). By knowing the cognitive style of
learners, teacher can use appropriate method in
teaching mathematical concepts, especially
trigonometry for those who have a particular
cognitive style. The cognitive style used in this study
is the cognitive style of Field dependent and Field
Students with a field dependent cognitive style are
difficult to separate items of an object from their
original form (Witkin, et al., 1971; Slameto, 2003).
Students with independent field cognitive style are
students who are able to abstract elements from their
context, they tend to be more analytic and tend to use
problem-solving approaches in a more analytic way
(Witkin, et al., 1977; Slameto, 2003).
Witkin, et al. (1971) states that, cognitive style is
a characteristic reflected from each individual and
these characteristics can be influenced by two factors,
namely: factors related to the influence of external
stimuli and individual personal influences. The
external stimulus factors is the dominant enough to
affect psychiatric problems, such as educational
environment, family environment, and community
Besides the cognitive styles, the different aspects
of students' abilities influences the mathematical
problem-solving abilities (Astunnisyah, Budiono,
Isnandar, S., 2017; Sukriadi, A., Juniati, D., Tatag,
Y.E.S., 2017; Utomo, E.S., Juniati, D., Tatag, Y.E.S.,
2017). Problem solving is defined as an attempt to
find out solution of difficult probme to achieve goals
Nugraheni, L., Fathonah, N., Rahayu, S. and Widhiarni, E.
Error Analysis of Trigonometric Problem Solving by Vocational High School Students Based on Differences in Ability and Cognitive Style.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 428-432
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Polya, 1973). While Cooney et al. (1975) suggested
that problem solving as a process of accepting
problems and trying to solve the problem. Problem
solving is form of a mental activity consisting of
various cognitive skills and actions intended to obtain
the correct solution (Kirkley, 2003). Thus, the
solution of the problem among individual is different.
The stages of problem solving in this study refers
to Polya's opinion (1973). Polya’s problem-solving
steps are from (1) understanding the problem, (2)
making problem-solving plan, (3) implementing
problem solving plan, (4) reviewing problem solving
result. While the aspect of ability selected from
students who have high, medium, and low ability.
The reasons why students feel difficult to solve
trigonometry problem can be reviewed from students’
method in solving trigometry problems. Therefore, it
is important to make an error analysis of students in
solving the trigonometry problem. The errors of
Students that are analyzed include (Polya, 1973) the
location, the type (Soedjadi, 2000), and the error
influencing factor. After knowing the location, type,
and error influencing factors made students in solving
trigonometry problem, the alternative solution can be
determined. Thus, it is expected that by analyzing
students’ error we can improve their understanding of
trigonometric problem solving in particular and
improve their mathematics learning outcomes in
The design of this study used descriptive research to
describe the location, type and error influencing
factors of student in solving the trigometry problems.
While the approach used in this study is a qualitative
approach because the data collected and presented in
the form of words that are arranged in a sentence,
rather than a number or value.
The subjects of this study were students with high
ability and field dependent and field independent
cognitive style, and students with moderate ability of
field dependent and field independent cognitive style,
and students with low ability of field dependent and
field independent cognitive style.
In addition to the researcher as the main
instrument, other instruments are needed as well such
as test of mathematical ability (TOMA) instruments,
problem-solving tasks, The Group Embedded
Figures Test (GEFT), and interview guidelines. The
data were collected using tests and interviews to
determine the location, type, and error influencing
factors made by the subject of research. The location
of the error viewed from the mistake made by the
subject while solving problem in using Polyas steps.
The type of error refers to instruments made by
Sudjadi (2000), for instance ; factual errors, concepts,
operations, and principles. Error influencing Factor
relates to internal factors. Data analysis started from
the preparation of the research to the completed data
collection process. In this research, data analysis
technique is done through 4 stages, namely: data
categorization, data reduction, data presentation,
conclusion drawing
3.1 Results
The Subjects of this research are Students of
mechanical vocational high school in East Java
Indonesia, selected using test of mathematical ability
(TOMA). The result of test is the form of score and
then is categorize as high ability (if their score is >
87), categorized as moderate ability (if their score is
more than 67 and less than 87), and categorized as
low ability (if their score is below 67).
The next step is giving the selected students a test
of mathematical ability (TOMA). The results of
GEFT results are assessed based on the guidelines
developed by Witkin, ie students who get score
between 0-9 in sections 2 and 3 are classified into the
field dependent (FD) cognitive style while students
who get score between 10-18 is classified in the field
independent (FI) cognitive style.
To determine the subject of study needs to be
tested using GEFT for 3 times, so that the selected
subject is really in accordance with the cognitive
style. Based on the distribution of mathematics
ability, cognitive style, teacher’s consideration, and
score of their learning report, so that the 6 subjects are
categorized as high, moderate, and low ability and
field dependent (FD) and field independent (FI)
cognitive style.
To determine the location, type, and error influencing
factors in solving the trigonometry problem
conducted subjects is based on differences in ability
and cognitive style in general is found in all stages
beginning at understanding the problem, planning the
problem-solving, solving the problem, reviewing the
result of problem solving.
3.2 Discussions
Based on the analysis and the results of the research,
the location of the errors of students with low ability
Error Analysis of Trigonometric Problem Solving by Vocational High School Students Based on Differences in Ability and Cognitive Style
and field dependent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found in all
stages beginning at understanding the problem,
planning the problem-solving, solving the problem,
reviewing the result of problem solving. While the
type of error that students with low ability and Field
Dependent cognitive style is all kinds of errors
ranging from fact, concept, opration, and principle
errors that spread at all stages of problem solving.
While error influencing factor in general are internal
factors caused by the intellectual ability, and the
cognitive conditions of the subject.
The error location of students with low ability and
field independent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found in all
steps: beginning at understanding the problem,
planning the problem-solving, solving the problem,
reviewing the result of problem solving. The type of
error that subjects with low ability and Field
Independent cognitive style is type of factual error
and principles at all stages of problem solving. While
error influencing factors in general are internal factors
caused by the intellectual ability, and the cognitive
conditions of the subject.
If compared between subjects with low ability and
field dependent cognitive style and subjects with the
low ability and Field independent cognitive, both of
them have similarity and differences. The similarity
is that both of them make mistakes at all stages of
problem solving. While the difference is subjects with
low ability and Field Independent cognitive style only
do 2 types of errors, but subjects with low ability and
Field dependent cognitive style make 4 types of
errors at once.
Error location of subjects with moderate ability
and Field Dependent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found in all
stages beginning at understanding the problem,
planning the problem-solving, solving the problem,
reviewing the result of problem solving. While the
types of mistakes made by subjects with moderate
ability and Field Dependent cognitive style are all
types of errors ranging from factual errors, concepts,
operations, and principles that spread at all stages of
problem solving. While the error influencing factors
in general are internal factor caused by the intellectual
ability, and the cognitive conditions of the subject.
The error location of subjects with moderate
ability and Field Independent cognitive style in
solving mathematical trigonometry problem is found
in three stages beginning at, planning the problem-
solving, solving the problem, reviewing the result of
problem solving. Subjects with moderate Field
Independent cognitive style do not make mistakes
(error) at understanding problem stage. The types of
mistakes made by subjects with moderate Field
Independent cognitive style are all types of errors
ranging from error concepts, and principles that
spread at all stages of problem solving. While the
error influencing factors in general are internal factors
caused by the intellectual ability, and the cognitive
conditions of the subject.
If compared between subject with moderate
ability and Field Dependent cognitive style and
subject with moderate ability and Field independent
cognitive have difference in location and types of
error made by them. The error of location that is
conducted by subject with moderate ability and Field
Independent cognitive style is located in three steps
of planning the problem solving, implementing the
problem solving and reviewing the problem solving
result. While The error of location that is conducted
by subject with moderate ability and Field Dependent
cognitive style is located in all steps, beginning from
understanding the problem, planning the problem
solving, implementing the problem solving and
reviewing the problem solving result.
While the type of error made by subject with
moderate ability and Field Dependent cognitive style
are all types of errors such as factual error, concepts,
operation, and principles. These types of errors spread
at all stages in problem solving. And 2 types of errors
made by subject with moderate ability and Field
Independent cognitive style that are concept and
principle errors that spread only at each stage of
problem solving except the stage of understanding the
The error location of subject with high ability and
field dependent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found 3 steps:
beginning at planning the problem-solving, solving
the problem, reviewing the result of problem solving.
The type of error that subjects with high ability and
Field Independent cognitive style is error principles
spread in stages of problem solving such as planning
the problem solving, implementing the problem
solving and reviewing the result of problem
solving.While error influencing factors in general are
internal factors caused by the intellectual ability, and
the cognitive conditions of the subject.
The subject with High ability and Field
Independent cognitive style do not make mistakes in
all steps of problem solving. The error influencing
factor in general are internal factors caused by high
intellectual ability, and cognitive conditions of the
If compared between subject with high ability and
Field Dependent cognitive style and subjects with
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
high ability and Field independent cognitive style has
differences in the location and type of errors that are
made by them. The error location of subject with high
ability and Field Dependent cognitive style is found
in 3 steps: that are at planning the problem solving,
implementing a problem-solving, and reviewing the
results of problem-solving. While subjects with high
ability and Field independent cognitive style do not
make errors in solving the trigonometry problems.
Based on the results, analysis, and discussion of
research, it can be found that the cognitive style
influences the process and the results of trigonometry
problem solving of subjects with low, medium, and
high ability. The subject with Dependent cognitive
style make more mistakes (both error location and
types of error), than subject with Independent
cognitive style. This is in line with the results of
research conducted by Andi sukriani, edy, and
astunisyah that the cognitive styles (FI and FD)
possessed by high school students influence the
results of mathematical problem solving
(Astunnisyah, Budiono, Isnandar, S., 2017; Sukriadi,
A., Juniati, D., Tatag, Y.E.S., 2017; Utomo, E.S.,
Juniati, D., Tatag, Y.E.S., 2017). But in the study they
did not see the location, type, and factors that
influence the mistakes made by students in solving
mathematical problems.
The error location of the errors in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem by students with
low ability and field dependent-field independent
cognitive style is found in all stages beginning from
understanding the problem, planning the problem-
solving, solving the problem, and reviewing the result
of problem solving. While the error type of students
with low ability and Field Dependent cognitive style
is all kinds of errors ranging from fact, concept,
opration, and principle errors that spread at all stages
of problem solving. The error type of subjects with
low ability and Field Independentcognitive style is
type of factual error and principle at all stages of
problem solving.
Error location in solving mathematical
trigonometry problem of subjects with moderate
ability and Field Dependent cognitive style is found
in all stages. While the types of mistakes made by
subjects with moderate ability and Field Dependent
cognitive style are all types of errors ranging. The
location of the errorsof subjects with moderate ability
and Field Independent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found in three
stages, such as planning the problem-solving, solving
the problem, reviewing the result of problem solving.
Subjects with moderate Field Independent cognitive
style do not make mistakes (error) in understanding
problem stage. The types of mistakes made by
subjects with moderate Field Independent cognitive
style are all types of errors ranging.
The error location of subject with high ability and
field dependent cognitive style in solving
mathematical trigonometry problem is found 3 steps:
beginning at planning the problem-solving, solving
the problem, reviewing the result of problem solving.
The error type of subjects with high ability and Field
Independent cognitive style is error principles spread
in stages of problem solving such as planning the
problem solving, implementing the problem solving
and reviewing the result of problem solving. The
subject with high ability and Field Independent
cognitive style do not make mistakes in all steps of
problem solving.
While error influencing factors made by students with
high, moderate, and low ability and Field Dependent
or Field Independent cognitivestyle in general is an
internal factor caused by intellectual ability, and the
cognitive conditions of the Subject.
The author would like to thank the Ministry of
Research and Technology for providing the grants to
the author.
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