In this elementary school, there are 24 people ABK,
as many as 23 people with mental illness and one
person with disabilities. The following details of the
children's class; First class A as many as three people;
First class B as many as three people; Second class A
consists of two people; Second class B consists of two
people; Third grade A consists of two people; Third
class B also two people. Fourth grade A consists of
four people; Class four B consists of three people;
Fifth grade A one person; Class five B consists of two
They learn not everyday in regular classes but one
day they study in a special class. Intervals between
one and two months they are visited by teachers from
the Special School (SLB) upon arrival of this teacher
visiting regular classroom teachers to use them to
consult and share experiences in managing the ABK
and learning about learning strategies for ABK. In
addition to teachers from SLB who visited the
primary school of SD N 3, SD N 3 teachers also did a
reply visit to the SLB school to make observations
and discussions about various science in handling the
needs of ABK in learning and education.
The preparation of curriculum for inclusion
classes flexibly according to the needs of BK children
and normal students, as well as school conditions, is
an unavoidable task, more importantly to develop an
inclusive classroom learning curriculum. Therefore,
there are several ways to formulate the inclusion class
curriculum by duplicating, modifying, substitution,
escalation, and omission. In this way, it can
encourage teachers and education personnel to carry
out the learning that suits the needs of learners. In this
primary school, it appears that the curriculum used is
a combination of duplicates with slight changes
(modified but not entirely). This is seen in the lesson
plan designed by the teacher. Where the
determination of SK and KD still refers to the regular
curriculum load. Then, it is going to the determination
of indicators and the teacher’s goal in modifying it by
way of some reduction in the demands of student
According to the researcher's opinion, teachers
should consider the specificity of the needs of the
ABK since starting from the determination of SK and
KD by considering the needs and interests of ABK
such as curriculum in PLB schools, as well as
learning methods, learning resources, media, for them
should also be modified as needed, interest, and his
abilities as well. Determination of study hours should
also be considered because the ABK that bears
grahita have a very short concentration of power, they
are easily bored quickly and so forth. If the conditions
are so, then learning will be ineffective to continue to
be implemented for them and may also disrupt non-
BK students who are studying.
It is must be kept in mind when developing into
the RPP, that the RPP is done in for accommodating
interests and abilities of learners in accordance with
the conditions and potential they have. Then, this
learning activity should be designed with the
completeness of compulsory learning activities in
accordance with the characteristics of each student in
the inclusion class. Teachers who do it adapt the
development of modification curriculum that can
facilitate students in the learning process.
Compulsory adaptation is to minimize difficulties,
eliminating learning barriers, meeting student needs,
delivering successful experiences to students in
learning. When the teacher makes the RPP, it is
prepared by the results of the assessment in advance
of the things that the students of the inclusion class
need. Because while studying in regular classes the
ABK will not be surely able to follow the way of
regular student learning. The component of the lesson
plan consists of; SK, KD, indicators, objectives,
materials, time and duration, approaches, models and
methods, media, resources, and tools. This means that
the teacher of the inclusion class is required to have a
special RPP for ABK, and other lesson plans for
regular students.
When creating the RPP, the teacher has included
the expected character of discipline, diligence,
responsibility, thoroughness, cooperation, tolerance,
confidence, and courage. The opinion of researchers
is that the character value who are needed to appear
in students very much, it is advised that the teacher
should only emphasize on one or two things but it is
being carried out in internalization continuously. This
is done because teaching and building the value is not
the same as teaching and building the academic skills.
In addition, this one not only loads the hooks but
should appear in the content of each component in the
The learning process of the class of inclusion
should prioritize the method of learning that can
accommodate the needs of students interacting with
each other and in that activity, they will learn from
each other mutual respect and care for the
shortcomings and advantages of each classmate.
Cooperative and participatory methods are the
options that enable teachers to use among other
methods. The use of this method will provide equal
opportunities for all students to learn to socialize with
others and learn how to respect and value and care for
others. Creation of this commonality must be done by
Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in
Bengkulu Tengah