text, students are able to problematize to fight against
unfair social systems, students are also able to act as
an agent that proposes a variety of solutions to change
the social system full of domination, injustice,
oppression, cheating, and various representations of
social problems that occur in their living
environment. The application of critical literacy
education can also improve students' skills in writing
critical literacy based argumentative essays. The
average value of cycle 1 reached 65.22 and increased
significantly in cycle 2 to 78.36. This proves the
effectiveness of critical literacy education by using
problem facing approach. Critical literacy education
is a necessity that can be applied in elementary
schools to prepare the golden generation in facing the
21st century's challenges.
Authors thank to every parties, especially to
researchers which focus on reviewing critical literacy,
multiliteracies pedagogy and Paulo Freire’s
Philosophy. Their ideas inspire the authors to finalize
this paper. Authors also thank to “The First
International Conference on Educational Sciences”
(ICES) committees which have facilitated authors to
publish this paper. Hopefully it could provide benefits
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