Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment
Hana Silvana, Gema Rullyana and Angga Hadiapurwa
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
{hanasilva, gemarullyana, angga}
Keywords: Plagiarism, Plagiarism prevention, students’ final assignments.
Abstract: Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment This research was motivated by the
plagiarism issue in academic life especially in Higher Education. The main issue discussed in this research is:
How can plagiarism be prevented in the students’ final assignment? This research was conducted to identify
the patterns and strategies in preventing plagiarism in students’ final paper. To this end, descriptive method
was utilized. The respondents of this study were lecturers and university students. Through descriptive
analysis on the plagiarism in the students’ final paper, it was expected that it may positively contribute to and
identify the more effective patterns and strategies in preventing plagiarism among the students.
University students are supposed to finish their study by
conducting final papers. In composing the papers they
quote from various sources. The students sometimes
ignore the most appropriate ways in quoting the sources
and references for their papers. It may cause them to
commit plagiarism.
Plagiarism is such a serious matter that it was
manifested in Ministry of Education Regulation Number
17. Plagiarism is a deliberate or intentional act of
obtaining or attempting to obtain credit or value for a
scientific work, citing some or all of the work and / or
scientific work of another party acknowledged as a own
scientific work, without stating the exact and adequate
source. Williams (2005) in His book Plagiarism:
Deterrence, Detection and Prevention defines plagiarism
as the denial of one’s ideas and/or statements used in.
As it is acknowledged that there are some cases
related to plagiarism (especially in the academic world).
This is so distressing because institutions like colleges
should be in the front line in dealing with plagiarism, since
the act of plagiarism contradicts the values of education.
The demand to produce a paper leads us to do everything
we can to achieve that goal. There are several reasons for
the occurrence of plagiarism as proposed by Herqutanto
(2013) there are two things in general that cause
plagiarism, the first is the plagiarist does not know that the
action he did was plagiarism. The other reason is that the
plagiarist accidentally commits plagiarism because he/she
is influenced by what she/he reads so that he
unconsciously copy what he/she read. While Sinaga
(2010) in his research concludes various factors that cause
plagiarism of thesis happened among student of
Department of Sociology FISIP USU among others is
lack of knowledge about the rules of writing scientific
papers, low writing ability and less references for the
thesis, pursuing good grades, a shortcut, laziness, less
communication with supervisors and lack of supervision
from the institution of education.
Mulyana (2010) has conducted research on
prevention of plagiarism for students in thesis writing in
Javanese Language and Literature Department,
Yogyakarta State University he has concluded that the
symptoms of plagiarism that have been done by students
in thesis writing is in the form of duplication, including
title, theory, data, and reference duplications. The
duplication percentage vary (some are few, some are
dominant). Furthermore Mulyana (2010) suggests that the
mode of plagiarism acts of scientific writing are generally
done by: (1) copying the work of others; (2) piggybacking
the work of others; (3) changing others work; (4) ghost
writing; and (5) buying the work of others.
Along with the development of Information
technology, the Internet has a significant role related to the
action of plagiarism. The Internet has a negative and
positive side to the act of plagiarism. According to
Ernawati (2014) the negative side of the internet on
plagiarism is the opportunity to do plagiarism will be
easier with the access to millions of scientific articles.
While the positive side is the internet can be a bridge to
check whether the existing articles are the same or
different from the articles that have been published by
Silvana, H., Rullyana, G. and Hadiapurwa, A.
Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 20-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
There are various ways of preventing the practice of
plagiarism, among them (a) fostering student integrity, so
they are honest in doing scientific studies; (b) improving
the function and the role of supervisor of the thesis /
research, because the student's research determines the
career of the supervisor; and (c) using anti plagiarism
software (Wijaya, 2010).
Institutions such as Universities certainly have a great
responsibility in dealing with the problem of plagiarism,
considering that universities are one of the science-
producing institutions. The college is responsible for
educating its academic community on plagiarism. In the
academic world, action plagiarism is more likely to occur.
a student in his daily course of course will be preoccupied
with tasks such as making papers or other scientific
papers, has become a public secret in the digital age of
today the internet feels to be the right solution amid tasks
assigned, no doubt activities copy paste is considered to
be the best method in solving a scientific paper especially
among students. The point that if we take deeper care is a
matter of grave concern, instead of trying hard to get the
job done when he has deceived others and himself. To
deceive others because they harm others by stealing
others' work, deceiving themselves, by acting as if they
feel successful, seeking and mastering what they write,
when they are not at all in their power. Apart from the
author who has written the above issues, very serious
efforts are needed by institutions such as universities,
especially the Indonesia University of Education (UPI)
which is very concentrated in the field of education.
The above concepts and thoughts are the foundation
in developing this research. The prevention of plagiarism
in preparing the final thesis is expected to be one effective
way in reducing or even eliminating the actions that lead
to the plagiarism especially students within the Indonesia
University of Education (UPI).
The prevention of plagiarism act that will be
analyzed as the general problem is “how is the
prevention of plagiarism in students’ final paper in
the faculty of education Indonesia university of
Education? Specifically described in the research
question as follows: (a) how is the perception of UPI
Faculty of Education students about the act of
plagiarism in preparing the final task? (b) How is the
use of scientific guidelines of the University of
Education Indonesia's academic work on prevention
of plagiarism for students of Faculty of Education
UPI? (c) What is the policy of every Department in
Faculty of Education UPI in preventing plagiarism?
(d) How is the prevention of plagiarism on the
students of UPI Faculty of Education in the
preparation of the final paper?
The results of this study are expected to contribute
to improving the quality of student papers. University
as an educational institution that is obliged to produce
qualified and highly competitive human resources. To
produce these qualities, some efforts are needed in
conducting the learning process. Well-designed and
effective learning process can produce a good
learning output as well, one of them is through
student involvement in the design.
The prevention of plagiarism activities in students’
final assignment was carried out in 2017. The
research was conducted to senior students of the
faculty of education.
The method in completing the study was
descriptive analysis using case study. The main
approach was qualitative. It was expected that the
result will be relevant to the research objective in
finding out the prevention of plagiarism in students
final paper in the faculty of education.
The focus of the research was aimed at analyzing
the plagiarism prevention in completing the final
paper/ thesis. The subjects of the study were the
students completing their thesis and the lecturers as
the thesis supervisors.
The data collection technique was done through
interviews using interview guidelines.
3.1 The Faculty of Education Students
on Plagiarism in Completing Thesis
The issue of plagiarism is often a scourge of its own
in the college environment. Plagiarism is regarded as
an unforgivable disgrace. College in addition to
producing gray literature, of course, must ensure that
the resulting works must be original and free of
plagiarism. Government defines plagiarism in
Ministry of Education Regulation no 17 as a
deliberate or intentional act of obtaining or attempting
to obtain credit or value for a scientific work, citing
some or all of the work and / or scientific work of
another party acknowledged as a own scientific work,
without stating the exact and adequate source. In
various universities, the issue of plagiarism often gets
special attention. Preventive measures are always
strived to be free from plagiarism. Plagiarism is
deemed is academic dishonesty or academic cheating
in education and is associated as deception,
dishonesty and lies (Sutherland-Smith, 2008)
Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment
Based on the results of research that has been
conducted through in-depth interviews of students at
the Faculty of Education at Indonesia University of
Education, there are generally three aspects related to
student perceptions of plagiarism in the preparation
of the final task. According to the respondents, the
plagiarism act in preparing the final task done by the
students is to quote without listing the original source,
the opinion of this respondent along with the
government's view on the plagiarism itself, the
respondent's opinion on plagiarism is illustrated by
the interview quote.
"Hmmm the act of doing such a quotation or the
transfer of the copyrights of others without the
knowledge of the author and without good and proper
rules" (M1)
"Plagiarism is hmmmm quoting without listing the
original source. Hmmm someone’s statements is not
listed the opinion is other’s or expert’s thought in a
scientific statement (M4)
“Plagiarism is copying other’s work by hmmmm
not listing the original sources”. (M5)
The actions that fall into the category of
plagiarism are quite diverse, according to Weber-
Wulff (2014) there are at least ten forms of plagiarism
that often occur, such plagiarism acts; copy paste,
translation, covert plagiarism, shake and paste and
collections, clause quilts, structural plagiarism, pawn
sacrifice, cut and slide, self-plagiarism, other
dimensions. From the results of in-depth interviews
conducted on Faculty of Education students, they
stated that they had done the action of plagiarism
during the preparation of their final paper. As stated
by the following respondents drawn from the excerpts
of interviews conducted.
I have done partial copy-paste it is because I was
in hurry to consult to my supervisor and the time is
not enough... (M1)
... I often commit plagiarism yaa it is sometimes
partial or total”. (M2)
“Yes I have done such plagiarism.” (M3)
“Yes I have committed plagiarism, but I just
translated from english speaking journal and I copy
pasted the Indonesian speaking journal” (M4)
The form of plagiarism that is generally done by
the students of the Faculty of Education in the
preparation of their final paper include copy paste,
shake and paste collection and translation.
The next aspects that may cause plagiarism in
completing the paper are: 1) lack of knowledge about
the in house style of writing 2) limited time
availability 3) the development of information
technology (especially internet) that facilitate and
open opportunities to cheat 4) some lecturers are not
aware on plagiarism issues 5) the use of anti-
plagiarism applications is still minimal. 6) Lack of
socialization on the issue of plagiarism 7) lack of
workshops or training on.
Figure 1: The factors causing the act of students’ plagiarism
in completing final paper.
Respondents' discussion of this theme is
illustrated by some of the following interview quotes
“I just understand that UPI uses APA, It has never
been socialized. I just read the senior students’ work,
I never checked the guidelines either. It is more
convenient to just check the seniors’
“I’ve heard that once, my lecturer told that... but
i never used Turnitin... only some lecturers use
Turnitin... (M2)
Yes it is, the deadline for supervision has always
made me...” (M3)
I think it is about the time, the time for
completing the paper is not much, students always
wants to finish it quickly he he he. In addition, the
lecturers never check the plagiarism too so that we
never think about it either. It may be because of the
internet... it facilitate us.” (M4)
Yes it is because of the limited time availability so
that I just copy pated other’s work, and the lecturer
never complain about it and it is also because of the
1. The lack of
knowledge about
the in house style
of writing
2. The limited time
3. The internet
allowing the
1. The lecturers’
awareness on
2. The lack of
checker software
3. The lack of
socialization on
4. The lack of final
paper workshop
and training
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
internet, there should be some workshop for paper
writing. (M5)
... the department has started to suggest the use of
the guidelines for the paper writing, using mendeley
for citing and checking the plagiarism percentage as
the prevention.. as far as I know there has been no
plagiarism socialization... i haven’t heard any
workshop either ... (M3)
3.2 The Students’ Perception on the
Use of the Paper Writing Manuals
Guidelines of scientific papers are made to provide
guidance or as a general reference to UPI civitas
academic especially students in writing scientific
papers. Through the rules and also the general
guidelines presented in it, it is expected to appear the
same perceptions of students across courses and
faculty in UPI in writing scientific papers, especially
in terms of the characteristics and systematics of
The significance of the book facilitate the students
in doing good and appropriate citations.
“it is helpful, I did not know how to cite
appropriately, this book has guided me how to do
good and appropriate citations to avoid plagiarism”
The importance of scientific writing guidelines
for students provide comfort in writing someone’s
ideas or thought by proper citations.
“I feel helped by this book, by doing good and
appropriate citations. Yes I feel that way eee I can
verify that it is someone’s work. By this book I don’t
have to copy other’s work, I just have to put the
original sources clearly” (M2)
Similarly, the M3 expresses the importance of the
manual in avoiding the plagiarism act, especially
there is a special chapter on plagiarism.
"There is a chapter on plagiarism in the book, so
I now know what plagiarism is and why I think this
book is one of the efforts to avoid plagiarism. so I do
not casually pick quotes or theories of others, so
yaaaa the main author must be listed". (M3)
The manual of scientific writing aims to make
students in writing their scientific papers in
accordance with the rules applicable in UPI
environment it is very important for students to write
scientific writing according to their writing and not
plagiarize the work of others.
Yees this book has the intention of making the
student can write well Yees plagiarized other people's
writing like a small thing but the future is very
dangerous so, with this guidebook yaaa I do not need
to plagiarize ". (M4)
Similarly, the M5 expresses the importance of the
scientific paper manual so as not to plagiarize the
work of others.
“Important or not, there are people who use the
manual as the main reference in the systematics of
writing there is also those who only do what the
lecturers say. Well if this book is still effective but
maybe there should be more socialization about the
manual of this scientific paper. Iyaa with the book, I
know so citing techniques that match the rules and the
author's writing is clear, so I do not need to plagiarize
the work of others "(M5)
Guidebooks of scientific papers are prepared to
facilitate the writing of scientific papers to conform
to applicable rules of writing. The handbook of
scientific papers has a positive impact on students,
who did not know about citation techniques to know
about citation techniques. Knowing about citation
techniques, the students become more confident, not
afraid of plagiarism.
As expressed by M1 to be not afraid of plagiarism
with the existence of this manual feel more
"Previously I was afraid to write this thesis, one
of which is feared plagiarism suspected, hmmm but
precisely with the guidebook that I become more what
it is, sincere do it, so do not feel afraid, honest in
writing something" (M1)
Meanwhile, M3 clearly expressed that this
guidebook became a student guide to avoid
“Hmmm yes the manual book has made me feel
more confident and original in writing my ideas or
opinions” This manual book is so important that it
can guide the students in avoiding plagiarism and
using the appropriate citing techniques.
The manual book has given the students some
comfort when listing others people works by using
appropriate citing techniques. Convenience when
writing scientific papers in accordance with the rules
of writing so that the writing of scientific papers to be
The manual has given me more comfort in listing
other people works. It is so important that I have both
hard and soft copy of the book so as to not forget to
use the book” (M2)
The positive effect of the manual book has given
the guidelines in writing and citing others’ work. M3
has stated it clearly
“I feel more comfortable and original in writing
my paper It is important for the students who are
completing the paper like me, hmmm feel more like ..,
the manual has guided us to write better scientific
works” (M3)
Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment
Along the same line, M5 has firmly stated that the
manual has become a framework for students to be
more careful in using, citing and paraphrasing a
Hmmm I think I feel more careful in writing,
citing and paraphrasing a sentence, yeess it does
help. It is so important I think that it helps students
completing their research”. (M5)
The research paper writing manual is very
important for students. It provide matters relating to
ethics and guidelines that must be adhered to and
implemented with a sense of responsibility by the
academic community UPI especially Faculty of
Education. Through scientific ethics and the
guidelines in the manual, It is expected that students
have a sense of comfort, confidence, and carefulness
in making scientific papers especially thesis.
3.3 The Policy of Departments in the
Faculty of Education UPI on the
Act of Plagiarism Prevention
3.3.1 The Students’ Perception on the
Written Policy on the Act of
Plagiarism Prevention
The policy made by each Department in the Faculty
of Education of UPI in the effort to prevent the action
of plagiarism is a preventive action undertaken by
each Department aimed to avoid plagiarism action
among students.
The policy made by the Department on the
prevention of acts of plagiarism does not exist, but the
policy of the use of scientific paper manual is always
delivered by every lecturer. There also exists the
policy in checking plagiarism by using applications.
“There is no written policy. But there is a policy
of plagiarism checking. It is given, but it is often
delivered by the supervisors”. (M1)
As expressed by M2 firmly that the policy of the
use manual and checking plagiarism are always
delivered by lecturers and always reminded by every
supervisors to always use the manual of scientific
As far as I know the manual must always be used
and there is the rule of plagiarism checking before the
paper examination. There has been no formal
dissemination, but the lecturers always reminded us
the importance of the manual of writing research
paper”. (M2)
Similarly, the M3 reveals that supervisors always
emphasize to use manuals of scientific papers as well
as in lecturer seminar courses always appealed for the
use of the manual.
It is the department policy, every lecturer has
always emphasize on the use of the manual, there is
also such thing as plagiarism checking before the
paper examination. Lecturers always remind us but
not in a formal forum. During the proposal seminar
course, the lecturers always encourage the use of the
manual”. (M3)
Supervisor always appealed to his students to use
the paper writing manual. The policy in using the
manual is always delivered during the supervision.
Supervisors are the ones who always remind the
students to use the manual of paper writing” (M4)
There is no written policy, but there is always
appeal to avoid plagiarism. The socialization on the
plagiarism is the department policy.
Yes it is the department policies starting from the
use of manual book of paper writing, citing using
Mendeley application, and plagiarism are the acts of
plagiarism prevention. There is time before the
proposal seminar, there was a socialization on the
plagiarism checking and Mendeley application. (M5)
3.3.2 The Students Perception on the Use of
Paper Writing Manual Books as the
Act of Plagiarism Prevention
The policy on the use of paper writing manual books
as the act of plagiarism prevention is effective in
preventing plagiarism. This manual is effective in
preventing plagiarism by providing special chapter in
the act of plagiarism and citation.
"The guidance policy of this scientific paper
needs to be submitted by every mentor, and it has
effectively prevented me from being more careful and
careful in writing. It's good, but its still needs to be
improved, it means the necessity must be given to the
students, the plagiarism test should be done ". (M5)
As M4 expressly states that with a special chapter
on the act of plagiarism. The handbook is helpful in
writing scientific papers.
"It has been helped in the writing of scientific
papers, because there is a special chapter of the act
of plagiarism. It is very precise, I suggest that
students writing the final paper must use the manual
". (M4)
The policy of using scientific guidebook as an
effort to prevent the plagiarism of other people's
writing. M3 expresses firmly that this manual is
helpful in avoiding the plagiarizing of other people's
"Yes I think it is helpful to avoid as a plagiarism
of other people's work, with this manual I am more
comfortable. It is very appropriate hmmm because
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
both policies are aimed to avoid the action of
plagiarism ". (M3)
Similarly, M1 expresses emphatically that the
student will be spared from plagiarizing the work of
"The policy of using the guidebook is to prevent
students from copy-pasting or plagiarizing the work
of others. Hmmm is right, the use of the book is
explained about the quotation, I think it will avoid the
action of plagiarism ". (M1)
As confirmed by M2 that the scientific writing
guidelines is effective in preventing plagiarism.
"I think the policy is effective in preventing
copying and pasting the work of others, of course with
information about clear quotations so that students
can understand it. Of the three policies that have been
made by the Department is right yah I think in
avoiding the plagiarism ". (M2)
3.3.3 The Prevention of Plagiarism for the
Faculty of Education Students in
Completing Their Thesis
Government through permendiknas Number 17 of
2010 states that what is meant by the prevention of
plagiarism is a preventive action undertaken by the
leadership of the college that aims to avoid plagiarism
in the environment college. There must be some
preventive acts to ensure that every scientific works
dine by the students are plagiarism-free or original.
Prevention that can be done to minimize the act of
plagiarism done by the students of the Faculty of
Education in preparing the final task is to provide a
comprehensive understanding of writing techniques
including a true understanding of the in house style
used by the University of Education Indonesia, in
addition, the students must be equipped with
comprehensive information the danger of plagiarism
, students are given an understanding that at least
includes some important points such as; legislation
governing plagiarism, plagiarism sanctions, the
effects of pluralism, and tips on how to avoid
“...steps that can be done is to organize
workshops or writing training, discussing APA, then
also given the understanding to the students the
danger of plagiarism is like what, the rules, the
sanctions how, the techniques how to avoid it ... (D1)
Comprehensive understanding of writing
techniques and the dangers of plagiarism should be
cultivated in the world of universities, not only to
students but also to lecturers. The lecturer should be
concerned and critical on the issue of plagiarism,
because in addition to guiding students in the writing
of the final task, lecturers also conduct research, both
individual and team, collaboration team with similar
field, across fields or even collaborate with students.
Other precautions that can be done in prevention
of plagiarism by students of the Faculty of Education
in the preparation of the final task by utilizing the
center of learning resources in the college (library) by
consulting the librarian, students can ask about
relevant sources of references, citation techniques ,
and others as.
...not only consulting to the supervisor, the student
can also come to the library, as far as I know
librarian has competence on this (avoiding
plagiarism), the student can consult about referral
source, quotation technique ...... "(D3)
The most effective approach to avoiding
plagiarism is to do the paraphrase without forgetting
the correct quotation. By paraphrasing we can read
and understand someone’s idea and we can rewrite
them using our own sentence by keep listing the
original source.
“...paraphrase is the most effective way in
avoiding plagiarism...” (D2)
... improve the paraphrasing skill I guess...”
Another precaution that can be done is to make a
comprehensive check on the students’ paper. Every
chapter of the students’ work are checked using anti-
plagiarism software, such as Turnitin. Turnitin is used
by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as an anti-
plagiarism tool managed by the library, Turnitin is a
software that can track the level of similarity of a
paper with other writings that have been first
uploaded in various kinds of online portals. The
similarity level is presented in the form of percentage.
Suppose the similarity value of a scientific paper has
a score of 30%, the number means that the level of
similarity of the paper with other writings on the
online portal as much as 30%. A final paper can be
said to be plagiarism free and deserves to be
published if the scanning process has been done
through Turnitin in the final project and the result is
below 30%.
For the thesis the value of similarity or similarity
below 30%, if there is still above it then it should be
analyzed, improved and guided by the lecturers ......"
“The Turnitin value for a thesis must be lower
than 30%...” (D2)
it will be better if it is below 20 %, but it will be
too much for S1, so 30% will be just enough ...” (D3)
Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment
Students Final
<30 %
>30 %
Figure 2: The flowchart of final paper checking in the
faculty of education.
The flow illustrates a process of checking the
students’ final paper using Turnitin at the UPI Faculty
of Education, supervisors must ensure that the
students’ final paper must go through the process of
scanning using Turnitin. The paper which has
similarity score below 30% get recommendation of
plagiarism-free, while the final assignment which has
score above 30% must be analyzed and revised in
accordance with the direction so that the similarity
score can be below 30%..
The form of plagiarism that is generally done by the
students of the Faculty of Education in the
preparation of their final paper include copy paste,
shake and paste collection and translation. Factors
causing plagiarism among students in preparing the
final task include the lack of knowledge about the in
house style of writing, limited time, the development
of information technology (internet in particular) that
facilitate and open opportunities to cheat, some
lecturers are not aware on the issue of plagiarism, the
use of anti-plagiarism applications still not
maximized, lack of socialization about the issue of
plagiarism, and lack of workshop or training of final
paper. The handbook of writing scientific papers is
considered very important for students, it contains
matters relating to the ethics and guidelines that must
be obeyed and carried out with a sense of
responsibility by the academic community especially
Faculty of Education of UPI. Through scientific
ethics and guidelines in the manual, it is expected that
the students can have a sense of comfort, confidence,
and more careful in making scientific papers
especially for thesis. Preventive action by the
department regarding to the prevention of acts of
plagiarism among others is by conveying policies to
students to use manuals of scientific papers, checking
the level of similarity by using applications used at
the University level. Comprehensive understanding
of the technique of writing and avoiding plagiarism
should be familiarized in the world of universities, not
only to students but also to lecturers. Preventive
action that can be done in prevention of plagiarism by
the students by utilizing the center of learning
resources in the college (library) can be done by
consulting with the librarian, making the thorough
completion of student testing tasks, each chapter final
student task is tested through anti plagiarism
software, for example Turnitin. Turnitin is used by
the Indonesia University of Education as an anti-
plagiarism tool that is managed by the library,
Turnitin is a software that can track the level of
similarity of a paper with other writings that have
been first uploaded in various kinds of online portals.
Ernawati, E., et al. 2014. Sistem Pendeteksi Plagiarisme
untuk Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa di Universitas Bina
Nusantara: Studi Pendahuluan. Jurnal Humaniora. 05
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Herqutanto. 2013. Plagiarisme, Rutuhnya Tembok
Akademik. eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia. e-ISSN
2338-6037. 1(1), 1-2. Agust 1, 2017.
Mulyana. 2010. Pencegahan Tindak Plagiarisme dalam
Penulisan Skripsi: Upaya Memperkuat Pembentukan
Karakter di Dunia Akademik. July 25, 2017.
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia
Nomor 17 tahun tahun 2010. Tentang. Pencegahan dan
Penanggulangan Plagiat di Perguruan Tinggi.
Peraturan Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia No
6411/UN40/HK/2016. Tentang Pedoman Penulisan
Karya Ilmiah UPI Tahun Akademik 2016.
Sinaga, D. J. 2010. Fenomena Plagiat Dengan
Memanfaatkan Situs Google Pada Mahasiswa FISIP
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences