Assessing Youth Knowledge and Attitude about HIV AIDS in
Bandung City
Yanti Shantini, Jajat S. Ardiwinata and Purnomo Purnomo
Department of Non-Formal Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: HIV AIDS, Teens.
Abstract: HIV AIDS information as a sexually transmitted disease has been known by the community for a long time,
it is the result of efforts made by the government and society to prevent the spread of this sexually transmitted
disease. The descriptive quantitative study in this study total 163 respondents and data collection technique
using questionnaire, examined adolescent knowledge about HIV / AIDS in urban areas, to find out the
adolescent knowledge of HIV AIDS and how they behaved against people with AIDS. Based on the results
of the research conducted through surveys and interviews in 2 sub-districts in Bandung, it was found that the
adolescent's understanding of HIV AIDS was in good criterion, with indicators to understand the definition
of HIV / AIDS and its consequences (84%), and how to prevent the spread of HIV (88%). Meanwhile,
adolescent attitudes toward people with HIV / AIDS are included in the moderate category (40% -69%), with
adolescent attitude indicators responding to people living with HIV / AIDS (63%), respect (65%). Based on
the results of this study, illustrates that the level of adolescent knowledge about HIV / AIDS is not directly
proportional to the attitude of adolescents to people living with HIV / AIDS, this raises a negative or
discriminatory stigma against people living with HIV.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a
set of symptoms and infections or syndromes that
arise due to decreased human immune system due to
HIV viral infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) is a virus that weakens the immunity of the
human body. People affected by this virus will
become susceptible to opportunistic infections or
easily affected by tumors. Although existing
treatment can slow the rate of progression of the
virus, it is not completely curable.
Figure 1: Number of HIV in Indonesia.
Source: BKKBN, 2014
The development of HIV/AIDS disease continues
to show improvement not only in Indonesia but also
in other countries. South Africa is the most severely
affected country of HIV/AIDS with a case of about
6.5 million people living with HIV/AIDS.
Significantly, HIV/AIDS kills about 200,000 people
in South Africa in 2013 and about 1 million children
are orphaned due to the disease (Maurice, 2014).
Several previous studies have also reported that in
Ethiopia the unmarried sexual practices of unmarried
youth begin at a young age, thus causing the
prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
such as HIV/AIDS relatively high. HIV/AIDS
accounts for about 34% of all causes of death among
people aged 15 to 24 years and also 66% of all deaths
at the age of 15 to 49 years, especially residents living
in urban environments (Central Statistical Authority
and ORC Macro, 2011). According to the 2011 HIV
sentinel surveillance report, Ghana has more than
212,000 adults and children with HIV, the majority
(60%) of whom are women (Ghana AIDS
Commission, 2012). While the case of AIDS began to
be found 42 cases in 1986 whose number increased to
2,148 in 1991, more than 5,000 cases in 1993, rose to
15,980 cases in 1995, and 41.229 at the end of
Shantini, Y., Ardiwinata, J. and Purnomo, P.
Assessing Youth Knowledge and Attitude about HIV AIDS in Bandung City.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 33-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
September 2000 (Ghana National AIDS Control
Program, 2000).
The handling of HIV/AIDS is carried out in
various countries, such as Brazil, India and Malaysia.
The Brazilian government rolls out HIV/AIDS
treatment called antiretroviral therapy (ART). This
therapy began actively introduced since 1996,
universal and free for the community. This therapy in
the form of drug delivery and psychological
education in patients - patients of HIV/AIDS are
susceptible to stress, depression and symptoms of
severe anxiety. Treatment of antiretroviral therapy in
addition to reducing morbidity, mortality, and control
of viremia also aims to improve the quality of life of
patients affected by HIV/AIDS (Betancur MN, et al.,
2017). As for the handling of HIV/AIDS in Ghana,
the government of India is intensifying its strategies
including: improving the ART treatment system,
improving medical management, improving the
patient's nutritional supplements, improving home
care systems and developing a network of security
systems to accommodate AIDS orphans Skovdal et
al., 2011). In Malaysia HIV/AIDS treatment is
conducted through HIV screening, which is voluntary
and confidential HIV testing (VCT) which includes
blood tests, organ examinations to be donated,
antenatal screening, routine screening of inmates at
drug and prison rehabilitation centers, tuberculosis
(TB) / sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well
as premarital screening (Ministry of Health Malaysia,
2014). Although prevention and mitigation efforts
continue to be done. The higher population mobility
among regions, the spread of economic development
centers in Indonesia, the increasing unsafe sexual
behavior, and the increasing of drug abuse through
injections, have simultaneously increased the risk of
The spread of HIV/AIDS is also influenced by
intrinsic factors that include knowledge, attitude and
prevention of HIV/AIDS through risky behavior (Elly
Nurachmah, et al., 2009). The knowledge of
Indonesian adolescents around HIV and AIDS
including the danger is still low. Knowledge of low
adolescents about HIV and AIDS is then followed by
the vulnerability of adolescents performing risky
behaviors such as using drugs and free sex. Previous
research has shown that knowledge about HIV/AIDS
is still low for teenagers, due to the lack of
information about HIV/AIDS. Proper knowledge,
right and continuous to teenagers is very important,
because although high knowledge is not necessarily
behave and behave well (Sudikno, et al., 2011);
(Haerana, Titi et al., 2015); (Rahmayani, Vicca.,
2014); (Oktarina., 2009). This also applies to people
in the Ethiopian region, despite the high HIV/AIDS
awareness rate of 96% (among men) and 85% (among
women), but who knows how to avoid HIV/AIDS is
only available 42% of men and 35% of women
(Central Statistical Authority and ORC Macro, 2011).
Awareness and understanding of HIV/AIDS diseases
among Ghana's adolescents, India is over 95%, but
this understanding has not been fully applied to
positive behavioral changes. For example, most
young people still have early sexual intercourse with
multiple partners and rarely take protective measures
(condom use) (Ganle, 2015). Then, data from the
Ministry of Health in 2014 showed, about 18,237
adolescents are known to have been infected with
HIV and AIDS since June 2014. The largest case of
AIDS occurs in the age group 20-29 years or 32.9
percent. Then, in addition to teenage data show,
children aged 0-14 years even known to have been
infected with HIV and AIDS. In September 2014,
approximately 12,197 children aged 0-14 years who
suffered from HIV and AIDS (Commission for AIDS
Control, 2014).
A study conducted by the Department of Non-
Formal Education in collaboration with BKKBN in
West Java Province showed different research results
between youth knowledge indicators on HIV/AIDS
and adolescent attitudes toward HIV/AIDS sufferers.
The phenomenon of HIV/AIDS has provided fear,
anxiety and prejudice against people infected with
HIV/AIDS. Despite the knowledge possessed by high
adolescents about HIV/AIDS, but more dominant
anxiety when having to be friends with someone
infected with HIV/AIDS. Thus, there is stigma and
discrimination against a family or someone living
with HIV. This encourages researchers together with
BKKBN institutions in Bandung to conduct research
that aims to find out the latest data will knowledge
and attitude of adolescents in the city of Bandung will
This research applied descriptive research method,
which is used in solving or answering problems that
are developing in the present situation. This method
is done in a social situation that needs to be answered
more deeply, especially to reveal the phenomenon of
HIV / AIDS in the community. Data processing using
descriptive statistical data analysis techniques. This
technique in the completion of the data is done with
the questionnaire distribution and the way of
processing with percentage calculations, interviews
to reveal the phenomenon that occurs more deeply
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
with the respondent and observation for events or
social events that occur, so as to collect data with the
appropriate general keywords or generalizations.
Total respondents 163 from this study were 1)
early adolescents (12-15 years old), middle
adolescents (15-18 years), adolescents (18-21 years),
2) active adolescents at school, youth organization or
community. The study sites are located in sub-
districts that have the highest population density per
KM and areas susceptible to HIV/AIDS.
Data processing research is presented in the form
of descriptive statistics. Standard values of attitude
proportions based on the following table:
Table 1: Guilford Table Proportion Value.
Proportion Information
0 %
19% Ver
20 %
39% Low
69% Avera
89% High
100% Ver
Knowledge measurements follow the following
Good : Score : 76-100%
Average : Score : 56-75%
Below Average : Score : 55%
3.1 An Overview of Adolescent
Knowledge on HIV / AIDS
Table 2: Adolescent Knowledge on HIV / AIDS.
Number Question about
ondents Answe
True False
f% f %
1 Definition of
147 90% 16 10%
2 Transmission of
HIV virus
122 74.8% 41 25.15%
3 The goal of the
HIV antibody
128 78.5% 35 21.47%
4 The impact of
free sex
150 92.2% 13 7.98%
Total 547 105
e 84% 16%
Based on table 2, of 163 respondents correctly
answered about the impact of free sex as much as 150
people (92.2%) and respondents correctly answered
the question about the definition of AIDS and HIV
and consequently as many as 147 people (90%).
Meanwhile, the most frequently answered question is
the question of HIV transmission as many as 41
people (25.15%) and questions about the goal of HIV
antibody test as many as 35 people (21.47%). The
total number of questions answered correctly by
respondents is 84%, it shows that the respondents'
knowledge about the definition of HIV/AIDS and the
consequences of the HIV virus is included in the good
Table 3: Adolescent Knowledge on HIV Prevention.
Number Question about
ondents Answe
True False
f% f %
1 Sexual
transmission of
145 88.95% 18 11.04%
2 To be loyal to
the cou
146 89.57% 17 10.42%
3 Laboratory
check to find
the HIV virus
137 84.04% 26 15.95%
4 Function of
146 89.57% 17 10.42%
5 To avoid the
HIV virus is to
stay away from
drugs and the
use of syringe
144 88.34% 19 11.65
Total 718 97
e 88% 12%
Based on table 3 above, the most frequently
answered question by 163 respondents to prevent the
spread of HIV is to be loyal to the couple as many as
146 people (89.57%) and function of contraception as
many as 146 people (89.57%). While many of the
questions that are answered wrongly about the
laboratory checks to find the HIV virus in the body as
many as 26 people (15.95%) and 19 people (11.65%)
argue that to avoid the HIV virus is to stay away from
drugs and the use of syringe together- same. The total
number of questions answered correctly by
respondents is 88%, it shows that the respondent's
knowledge about how to prevent the spread of HIV
virus included on the good criteria.
3.2 An Overview of Adolescent
Attitudes towards People Living
Table 4: Adolescent Positive Attitudes toward People
Living with HIV / AIDS.
Num. Statement
Number of
% Category
Want to
directly to
49 29 66 19 434 652 67% moderate
Assessing Youth Knowledge and Attitude about HIV AIDS in Bandung City
with HIV
/ AIDS as
the person
is still
Do not
want to
talk and
hear the
vent from
with HIV
42 29 82 10 429 652 66% moderate
Total 91 58 148 29 863 1304 66.18% moderate
Based on Table 4 out of 163 respondents, the
highest score shows that 67% of respondents want to
talk directly to people living with HIV / AIDS as the
person is still healthy. The lowest score shows that
66% do not want to talk and hear the vent from people
living with HIV / AIDS. Based on the responses of
respondents on "Adolescent Positive Attitudes
toward People Living with HIV / AIDS" with a score
of 863 out of 163 respondents is (863: 1304) 100% =
66%, then the indicator can be categorized average.
Table 5: Statement of Adolescent Positive Attitudes in
Responding to People with HIV / AIDS.
Num. Statement
Number of
% Category
4 3 2 1
Will to
with people
living HIV
39 38 58 28 414 652 63.49 moderate
People with
should be
and support
to their
25 46 56 36 386 652 59.20 moderate
eople with
medicine is
a form of
support for
living with
29 41 51 42 383 652 58.74 Moderate
Want to
share a fun
to entertain
living with
44 37 60 22 383 652 65.79 Moderate
living with
44 30 54 35 409 652 62.73 Moderate
should be
advised on
how take
care of
Will seek
about HIV /
order to
people in
living their
55 22 66 20 438 652 67.17 moderate
Total 236 214 345 183 2459 3912 62.85 moderate
Based on Table 5 out of 163 respondents, the
highest score states that 67.71% of respondents will
seek information about HIV/AIDS in order to assist
people in living their lives. The lowest score states
that 58.74% will remind people with HIV/AIDS to
regularly take medicine is a form of support for
people living with HIV/AIDS. Based on the results of
the responses of respondents on "Adolescent Positive
Attitudes in Responding to People with HIV/AIDS"
with a score of 2459 out of 163 respondents is (2459:
3912) 100% = 63%, then the indicator can be
categorized average.
Based on the table that has been shown above, it
can be seen that the knowledge of respondents about
HIV / AIDS included in the high category.
Meanwhile, the attitudes of respondents to people
living with HIV / AIDS included in the medium
category. Thus, between the knowledge of
respondents about HIV / AIDS and the attitude of
responders to people living with HIV / AIDS is not
directly proportional.
Adolescents are also said to be in a critical period
where the understanding of health is still not enough.
Although adolescents have good cognitive skills on
HIV/AIDS, some adolescents still do not understand
how to behave towards people with HIV/AIDS
because they are motivated by other forces to behave
in such a way.
Knowledge is a predisposing factor of attitude
change (Ajik, S. Sarwanto., 1999). Adaptation theory
says that if a good level of knowledge can at least
encourage a person to have good attitudes and
behaviors as well (Widodo AD, et al., 2005);
(Maolinda, N., 2012); (Oktarina, O., 2009). The
results of this study are not in line with the findings
of the study, as evidenced by the high level of
knowledge, not necessarily have a correlation with a
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
good attitude. Thus, discriminatory elements against
people living with HIV / AIDS can still be seen. Other
studies also show results that are in line with this
study, ie the relationship of knowledge with attitude
is not necessarily directly proportional (Ershad, C.,
2014); (Sarininggar, A., 2001).
Although aware of the spread and prevention of
HIV / AIDS, concerns about receiving, responding to
people living with HIV / AIDS are still visible. The
notion that HIV / AIDS disease is a dirty and
contagious disease makes people fearful of being
close to the patient. The assumption that HIV / AIDS
is an antisocial disease causes people to worry about
its spread. Though HIV / AIDS can be transmitted by
direct contact between the inner skin layer (mucous
membrane) or the bloodstream with body fluids
containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid,
preseminal fluid and breast milk. Transmission can
occur through intercourse (vaginal, anal, or oral),
blood transfusion, contaminated needles, between
mother and baby during pregnancy, maternity or
breastfeeding, as well as other forms of contact with
the fluids (Sudikno, et al. 2011). HIV is not
transmitted through mosquito bites, handshakes, kiss,
eating together / sharing plates and glasses, hugs and
living together (Ministry of Health Library, 2017).
The results showed that discriminatory stigma
against people living with HIV/AIDS creates social
inequality (Sosodoro, O., 2009); (Azza, A., 2009);
(Sarikusuma, H, et al., 2012); (Dalimoenthe, I.,
2011); (Yuniar, Y., 2013); (Diatmi, K., 2014); (Butt,
L., et al., 2010); (Hardiyani, S. P., 2015). This also
affects daily life, causes people living with
HIV/AIDS to be less appreciated, embarrassed, and
ostracized. Negative stigma can occur anywhere and
anytime, can occur in the family environment,
community places of worship, schools, health, legal
services and workplace. Negative stigma can be done
by a person or group or by a professional institution.
As a result of the stigma, people with HIV/AIDS can
become discouraged, depressed, have a desire to end
their lives and damage themselves. It is possible not
only in people living with HIV/AIDS, but in their
immediate environment like family.
The cause of the inconsistency between the high
knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the low attitudes toward
people living with HIV/AIDS is the lack of a deeper
understanding of the community about HIV/AIDS
and the attitude of openness with people living with
HIV/AIDS. Therefore, knowledge is important as a
necessary first step and important to know. Because,
knowledge is the result of human sensing, or the
result of knowing a person to the object through his
or her senses (eyes, nose, ear, etc.) (Notoadmodjo,
Lack of public understanding about HIV / AIDS
resulted in the sufferer being ostracized or getting
discrimination from his environment. Therefore,
continuing education in every aspect, angle and unit
or institution about HIV / AIDS is continuously
clarified, and given understanding. Thus, people will
open themselves to HIV / AIDS sufferers by giving
sympathy, solidarity, motivation and real support
both morally and materially so that they remain
strong, still able to step and always optimistic in life.
HIV/AIDS is becoming a community-feared disease,
because apart from the lack of a cure and prevention
drug, it is known to have a long period of "window
period" and asymptomatic (asymptomatic) phases.
Seeing the phenomenon, resulting in the sufferers get
negative stigma and the patient feels depressed.
Public disclosure of HIV/AIDS sufferers is still
limited, as the in-depth knowledge of HIV/AIDS is
not fully understood. Myths such as transmitting
HIV/AIDS through saliva, touching, and even eating
together are a concern.
Based on the results of research that has been
done, obtained the difference of domain between
knowledge and attitude. High knowledge does not
necessarily have a good attitude, even dominant low
or moderate. Nevertheless, the knowledge factor is
very important, because with the community's
knowledge and understanding about HIV/AIDS, the
people's attitude towards HIV/AIDS sufferers will be
better. Perhaps in other studies, there will be a
corresponding result, this is because of the social
conditions under study.
We thank the Population and Family Planning Board
(BKKBN) for funding this research and the Institute
for Research and Community Service (LPPM)
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) which has
fully supported this research.
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Assessing Youth Knowledge and Attitude about HIV AIDS in Bandung City