Based on the table above, there are many schools
that do not have a library, or there may be a library
but still not meet national standards. The Indonesian
National Standard (abbreviated as SNI) is the only
nationally accepted standard in Indonesia. SNI is
formulated by Technical Committee (formerly
referred to as Technical Committee) and determined
by Badan Standar Nasional (BSN). There are several
SNI especially in the library field, including SNI
School Library.
SNI 7329: 2009, School Library is intended to
provide guidance on library management that is
applicable to public and private school libraries
covering primary and secondary education. This
standard was discussed and agreed with consensus by
the Technical Committee 01-01 Library and Library
on 23 February 2009 in Jakarta and has received
feedback and input from the Indonesian
Standardization Society (MASTAN).
The application of standards is the use of a
normative document (including standards) by
interested parties in production, trade and other fields.
The application of the standard in the definition above
is essentially voluntary and can be done by various
parties concerned with the standards. The voluntary
nature of the application may become mandatory
when the standard is referred to by a regulation
established by a government in a country. Usually a
standard is mandatory when it comes to health, safety,
national economic development, and environmental
Based on the background that has been stated
previously, then the formulation of the problem that
became the focus in this study are: (a). How is the
conformity of library management implementation
with SNI of School Library? (B). What is the
suitability of library human resources with SNI of
School Library? (C). How is the suitability of library
facilities and infrastructure with SNI of School
Urgency of this research is to know the
implementation of SNI in school library field. SNI
Library School was published in 2009 and is expected
to be realized after 5 (five) years of the regulation is
published. This research is important to measure the
extent of school library supervision in accordance
with SNI of school library that is published by BSN.
School Libraries are libraries that exist or are held
in schools whether it is elementary, junior high
school, high school to high school like college.
School libraries are useful to support the learning
process whether students are in primary school or
high school. Most of the school library books consist
of a collection of textbooks or reading that can
support the learning process. The purpose of the
library is to increase interest and reading habits. But
not the same as the library in general, main purpose
of school library is to read to learn or add insight in
the field of science. Users of school library facilities
is the people who are in the school environment
whether they are students or educators (teachers).
School libraries have a goal that is to support the
implementation of educational programs such as
inculcate or foster children's interest to attract their
interest in reading. The school library is very
important for education.
Bafadal (2009) stated that the organization of
school libraries is not only to collect and store library
materials, but with the existence of school library, it
is expected to help students and teachers to complete
the tasks in the learning process. Suhendar (2007)
mentioned the purpose of the establishment of the
library is inseparable from the purpose of the whole
school education, which is to provide basic skills to
students, and prepare them for secondary education.
The benefits of school libraries according to
Bafadal (2009) are as follows.
The school library can generate students' love
of reading.
School library can enrich students' learning
School library can instill independent learning
habits that finally makes students learn
School library can accelerate the process of
reading techniques mastery.
School library can help develop language
School librarycan train students to be
School library can facilitate students in
completing school tasks.
School library can help teachers find teaching
School library can form students, teachers and
school staff in following the development of
science and technology.
In accordance with the library function that has
been stated previously the library should support the
learning process in school. The implementation of the
school library is expected in accordance with the SNI
of School Library field.
BSN (2009) School Library is intended to provide
guidance on library management that is applicable to
public and private school libraries covering primary
and secondary education. This standard was
discussed and agreed with consensus by the Technical
Committee 01-01 Library and Library on 23 February
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences