quality education. Second, the lack of capital to
develop community enterprises. This is an obstacle in
the business, so it is only able to produce small scale.
Third, there is no institutional support for the
marketing of developed products, so the product is
difficult to develop.
3.3 Factors Supporting the Industry
The strengths that support the improvement of the
rural economy are First, Rural people have a
distinctive characteristic of society compared to
urban areas, still can be seen the attitude of tolerance
and mutual help that is often seen in everyday life.
Second, interest and entrepreneurial spirit is good
enough, with support from various programs from
PKBM, government and other institutions. The
people are already eager and have the courage to start
the business, thanks to the PKBM assistance.
Business that focus on the typical food products of the
region so as to preserve local cultural heritage. Third,
the population already has business groups in their
respective areas, so that they can share experiences
and solutions to problems. Fourth, the location of the
area is not densely populated and the availability of
clean water.
The product developed by PKBM consists of three
categories, namely a) the original product without any
development or modification, b) the product of
modification or development by adding or reducing
the component of production, thus becoming a new
product, and c) a new product of creativity or
innovation citizens learn to create a particular product
that is distinctive. PKBM position for these three
categories is to act as an initiator and mediator to
develop regional superior products.
The region's superior product is one of the
outcomes of a culture-based creative economy.
Culture-based creative economy can be the backbone
of the Indonesian economy that will affect the lives of
its people. Based on the results of the study, this can
be measured from contributions to GDP, job creation,
poverty reduction, and SME empowerment. (Honor,
E., 2010); (Rini, P and Siti C., 2010); (Purwaningsih,
E. (2010); (Marwanti, S., and Astuti, I. D. (2012); (RI,
J. K. L., 2012).
Culture-based creative economy products will go
fast if supported by the tourism sector. Both will be
mutually influential if managed well (Romarina, A.,
2016); (Ooi, Can-Seng., 2006); (Triardodo, S. and
Damanik, PJ, 2015) If viewed from the geographical
situation, the rural heritage has the potential of agro
tourism. The area of the hills with the livelihood of
the population comes from agricultural products and
plantations have the opportunity to become a tourist
attraction to come to visit.
The concept of tourism activities is defined in
three broad categories, something to buy (Yoeti, O.,
1985). The three categories are, creative economy can
be started with something to buy that is creating a
product that characterizes the region. Typical
products are already owned by the three villages
above, although still to be developed in order to have
more distinctive characteristics of the region. Further
development is in the category of something to see,
that is, the village attempts to arrange the place of
business so that the visitor can see the production
process of the produced product. This effort needs to
be supported by facilities and infrastructure that
support for the presence of visitors. Once the process
is achieved, then on the aspect of something to do,
visitors can actively participate in the production
This creative economic development will be
better if the area has innovative products that are
competitive. This processed product will indirectly
involve individuals and business entrepreneurs who
come into contact with the cultural sector
(Suparwoko, 2010). PKBM as an institution that
accommodates community education will surely fully
support the development of creative economy. PKBM
needs to provide assistance to the community to
realize the creative economy. PKBM can organize
trainings to the community. PKBM can be a
community communication center in the progress of
the creative economy, a forum for sharing
information and formulating solutions with regard to
obstacles in the development of creative economy.
PKBM as an institution can also establish
partnerships with other institutions in terms of
marketing, as well as the collection of investments.
PKBM support is in line with the PKBM
philosophy in more detail as the center, activities,
learning, and society. First, the center that PKBM
becomes an easy place for people to communicate,
coordinate, and cooperate with various parties, both
PKBM and outsiders, such as Government, national
institutions, international institutions, and so forth.
Second, the activities that PKBM exists to organize
useful and quality activities for the local community.
Third, learn that PKBM organizes activities that can
improve the people's self-capacity for a better life.
Finally, the community that PKBM was created based
on the joint efforts of the community, by society, and
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences