• Mention the
properties of light
• Mention optical
devices and their
• Mention 4 kinds of
eye defects
From Table 3 show that the items developed by
the students did not measure learning objectives. The
students are mostly weak in evaluating. Most of them
make questions with less measurement of learning
indicator. For example, the learning indicator of
"Students can explain the importance of living
healthy", while the question is "Mention the
properties of light".
Based on the data of students’ ability in preparing
lesson planning, the students are still far from
expectations. The purpose of developing a learning
plan is to provide assurance that learners will learn
well. Learning planning is related to the decisions
teachers make in organizing, implementing, and
evaluating learning outcomes (Burden and Byrd,
1999). Planning is a very important task to do by the
teacher. When teachers make decisions about
planning, it is necessary to consider "what one does,
when and what sequences of learning events will
occur, where the learning event lasts, the amount of
time spent, and the resources and materials used."
The results of this research can be concluded that in-
service training students of in-service Training of
Primary School Teacher Education Program are
categorized as quite capable in planning science
lesson. Students' difficulties in preparing the
implementation of lesson planning consecutively are
planning assessment, planning learning scenarios,
developing and organizing the material, and
determining materials that is related to the applicable
curriculum. It to be needed to develop a learning
process that facilitate to increase student’ ability in
creating lesson plan.
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