Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia
through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in
Using Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the
Learning Process
Hasnul Fikri, Ade Sri Madona and Yulfia Nora
Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia
{hasnul_ubh, yulfia_nora},
Keywords: Instructional media, Bahasa Indonesia, Interactive Multimedia.
Abstract: The use of interactive-based instructional materials for teaching Bahasa Indonesia enables students to
develop their cognitive skills. The current research is a development study which consists of four steps:
definition, design, development, and dissemination. The definition stage is conducted based on the needs
analysis, both for students and for teachers. Data were collected using student response questionnaire. The
purpose of the needs analysis was to determine the tendency of student and teacher response to use
instructional media. Subjects in this research are students of grade V SD Padang Timur academic year
2016/2017. The result of the of the research shows that the tendency of teacher and student response to the
use of instructional media for leaning Bahasa Indonesia are diverse. The analysis of tendency using media
by teacher indicates that basically, the teachers have positive response toward the benefits of using
instructional media, while the tendency of students show their interest in using instructional media since
they can access the media via the android program. Based on the analysis of the requirement, it is designed
interactive multimedia-based media for learning Bahasa Indonesia to be used by teachers and students, both
at home and at school.
Language plays an important role in human life. By
language, people can express ideas, thoughts,
feelings or information to others, both verbal and
written form (Iskandarwassid and Dadang, 2008).
Language learning is a linear process, starting
with mastering spoken language (listening and
speaking) and then turn to writing (reading and
writing) (Ghazali, 2010). In practice, teachers often
encounter various constraints related to the four
skills in Bahasa Indonesia, such as the lack of
student’s interest in pursuing the lessons which
make them to quite passive. Among other cause for
this is the method in teaching Bahasa Indonesia,
both from the learning strategy and Instructional
media. The study shows that learning activities are
still tended to be traditional with focuses on reading
and listening. Teachers only focus on using
textbooks, even if they use media, the media used is
the basic media, such as pictures/posters. Of course,
it makes learning language become a boring subject
since students are less engaged in learning activities.
In fact, if multimedia is well prepared, it can affect
the effectiveness of learning and assist in the process
of teaching and learning "(Neuman et al., 2010). In
addition, the National Association for the Education
of Young Children and Fred Rogers Center for Early
Learning and Children's Media (2012) states: "if it is
managed properly, the use of technology can have
an impact on children's language development,
vocabulary, understanding of mathematical logic,
skills of problem-solving, self-regulation, and the
development of social skills ".
In addition, a few of the teachers demonstrate
less attention toward language skills, both for
learning activities, as well as for the everyday life of
and the future. This affects the low average result of
the evaluation of student learning outcomes. There
are many cases regarding Bahasa Indonesia subject
which indicates average learning result below
standards, which are sometimes lead to remedial
learning. Though Marcon (1993) explains that child
failures in learning at the beginning will be an
Fikri, H., Madona, A. and Nora, Y.
Development of Instr uctional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers
during the Lear ning Process.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 162-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
important predictor of learning failure in the next
Base on this fact, it is necessary to provide
learning alternatives that focusing on learning
process where students can find the information
through interesting media which help them that
learners can understand all Indonesian learning
materials easily. Among the alternative is an
interactive multimedia media which using the
combination of images, sounds, animations, and
videos. In addition, media used by teachers in the
classroom can be accessed as well by students when
they are at home using a computer (PC), laptop or
android device. As stated "posit computer-based
multimedia environment has paved the way for more
effective teaching and created a platform for
applying Computer Assisted Language Learning"
(Nazir et al., 2012).
In learning Bahasa Indonesia, in order to achieve
the ideal condition, it is necessary to develop
interactive multimedia-based media which can give
clear information to the students. Kaur (2012) that
the current era of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT), the teaching of literacy has
taken on new and modern technological implications
especially for students. With rapid transformations
occurring in today's interconnected technological
world, it is relevant to integrate the teaching and
learning of literacy skills within electronic and
digital environments.
The media also has character-based value, it
must be fit with the text. In addition, by using media,
students are lead to more creative and honest.
The purpose of this study is to provide an
interactive multimedia for learning Bahasa Indonesia
which contains character education for elementary
school grade V as for the implementation of 2013
The current research is development research which
focuses on development and production of new
products in a learning system that will be applied to
learners as users (users).
Procedures for developing an interactive
multimedia-based media for learning Bahasa
Indonesia include four stages: definitions, design,
development, and dissemination. In this paper, we
will present the process and the results of the first
two phases; definition and design. First, the needs
analysis phase includes analysis of learning facilities
and infrastructure, children's needs, characteristics of
children, analyzing the ability of educators in
dealing with obstacles encountered during learning.
Second, the design phase, which sets the main
concepts of the characteristics of elementary school
students that will be integrated with interactive
multimedia-based media.
The subjects of the study were teachers and
students Grade V of Elementary School located in
Padang Selatan Subdistrict who registered in the
even semester of the academic year 2016/2017.
The instruments used are observation sheet of
proprietary tendency and the use of mobile phones
and computers that can run an android program and
the use of media in learning Bahasa Indonesia.
Data are analyzed using descriptive statistics,
including (1) finding the percentage of yes-no
questions (2) calculating the total of respondent’s
achievement from Likert scale statement 1-5. To
Classify the percentage, the following description
are used:
Table 1: Classification of response.
90% - 100%
Very good
80% - 89,99%
65% - 79,99%
55% - 64,99%
0% 54,99%
Base on two steps of development research, the
following are outlined the definition and design of
the research. The first aspect is definition which
focuses on analyzing the tendency of media usage
among teachers and students of Padang Selatan sub-
3.1 The Tendency in Using
Instructional media
The tendency of teacher and students' answers to the
use of android and instructional media are grouped
into two, namely (a) ownership and the use of
devices using android programs and (b) the use of
instructional media
First, on the teacher side, the highest tendency to
answer on the ownership and use of the device. The
results of each indicator can be seen in Figure 1.
Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using
Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the Learning Process
Figure 1: Graphic of android phone possession by teacher.
Indicator 1: has a phone with an android program.
Indicator 2: capable of using a phone with Android
Indicator 3: can use computer/laptop with an android
Indicator 4: schools provide computers / laptops
with Android program.
Indicator 5: has a computer/laptop with android
Indicator 6: the nucleus family having a
computer/laptop with android programs which can
be borrowed.
From Figure 1, it can be seen the highest value is
the first indicator: has a phone with an android
program (88.24%) and the lowest percentage on the
indicator has a computer/laptop with an android
program (50%). This indicates that teachers have
access to devices with android programs.
The highest tendency of teacher response in the
using of instructional media viewed from the total
respondent achievement for each question is in
graph 2.
Figure 2. Graph of teacher's tendency in using
instructional media.
Indicator 1: the use of media as a medium of
learning makes students motivated to learn.
Indicator 2: using instructional media can increase
students' attention to learn.
Indicator 3: more students want to be involved in
learning when used instructional media.
Indicator 4: students want to know more when
used media in learning.
Indicator 5: learning by using instructional media
is more fun for the students than just by lecture
Indicator 6: use of instructional media to make
students learn independently
Indicator 7: uses instructional media to assist
students in solving problems that arise in learning
Indicator 8: brings phone/laptop android to school
Indicator 9: uses print media such as posters,
newspaper clippings or magazines, collections of
folklore in learning
Indicator10: The core family indicator allows the
use of their Android computer/laptop
Indicator11: uses interactive multimedia in learning.
Indicator12: students feel quickly bored when
following the learning that only record and listen
without any media learning.
Indicator13: students are less able to capture the
material presented only by using lecture methods
without any examples of images or video.
Indicator14: uses phone for the benefit of teaching
in schools
Indicator15: uses e-learning (internet) in learning
Indicator16: uses video media such as film and
television in learning
Indicator17: uses audio media such as radio and
tape-recorders in learning
Indicator18: uses transparency media such as OHP
and PowerPoint in learning
Figure 2 shows the highest TRA score is
indicator 1: the use of instructional media makes
students motivated to learn (90%), whereas the
lowest TRA is indicator 18: using transparency
media such as OHP and PowerPoint in learning
(43.53%). It can be concluded that basically,
teachers are very confident of the benefits of using
instructional media, but they still tend not to
maximize the use of instructional media.
Secondly, on the student side, the highest
tendency to answer on the ownership and use of the
device is indicator has phone with android program
(61.34%), while the lowest indicator is the school
provides computers / laptops that have android
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
program that can be used by students, 92%)
Complete can be seen in figure 3.
Figure 3: Graph ownership of the device by students.
Indicator 1 : has a phone with android
Indicator 2 : parents allow student to use a phone
with android program
Indicator 3 : parent has a computer/laptop with
android program
Indicator 4 : has a computer/laptop with android
Indicator 5 : schools provide computers /
laptops with android programs that can be used by
From Figure 3 it can be seen that 58% of parents
allow their children to use a phone. As Flewitt
(2011) shows that parents support digital technology
for their children because it affects literacy and
knowledge skills, providing an appropriate footing
that allows engaging with various texts. This is in
accordance with the opinion of the American
Academy of Paediatrics Council on
Communications and Media (2011) that the parents
allow the use of media technologies such as tablets,
smart phones and others under supervision and
guidance of parents.
The highest tendency of students' answers in the
use of instructional media can be inferred from TRA
for each question, the highest score is in indicator 1,
that is the use of media as instructional media makes
motivated to learn (71,6%), whereas the lowest TRA
is on indicator 22, parents allow to bring
phone/laptop with android program to school
Figure 4: Graph of student's propensity in the use of
instructional media.
Indicator 1: the use instructional media makes
student motivated to learn.
Indicator 2: parents warn the students when
learning while playing phone/ laptop/computer.
Indicator 3: wants to know more if the teacher uses
the media in learning
Indicator 4: the use of instructional media can
increase attention in learning
Indicator 5: the use of instructional media helps in
solving problems that arise in learning.
Indicator 6: teachers use print media such as
posters, newspaper clippings or magazines,
collections of folklore in learning
Indicator 7: the use of instructional media makes me
study independently
Indicator 8: more interested in learning when
teachers use instructional media
Indicator 9: learning by using instructional media
is more fun than just by lecture method
Indicator 10: parents allow using phone with
Android program
Indicator 11: unable to capture material presented
only by using lecture methods without any examples
of images or video.
Indicator 12: using phone / computer / laptop for
home study
Indicator 13: quickly bored when following a
learning that only records and listens without any
instructional media.
Indicator 14: teachers use transparency media such
as OHP and PowerPoint in learning
Indicator 15: teachers use e-learning (internet) in
Indicator 16: teachers use interactive multimedia in
Indicator 17: understand material after using
phone/laptop / computer in learning
Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using
Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the Learning Process
Indicator 18: more diligent study after using
phone/laptop / computer in learning
Indicator 19: teachers use video media such as film
and television in learning
Indicator 20: teachers use audio media such as radio
and tape-recorders in learning
Indicators 21: teachers use video media such as film
and television in learning
Indicator 22: parents allow bringing phone/laptop
that has android program to school
This response shows that the use of instructional
media is very prospective because students can
relatively access devices with android programs,
both own and core families, although schools have
not provided such a device. Students also feel the
importance of the use of instructional media, but feel
that the use of instructional media for this less than
the maximum and the form is still the first
generation (basic form), the print media.
Based on the results of the analysis on the trend
of teacher and student response as described
previously, among the alternatives that need to be
done to improve students' interest in learning Bahasa
Indonesia is to provide interactive multimedia-based
instructional media.
3.2 Design of Interactive Multimedia-
Based Instructional Media for
Learning Bahasa Indonesia
Design stage aims to provide an optimal design of
application with respect to problems and needs as
identified in the analysis. The process includes
finding the right combination of hardware and
software to obtain optimal results and easy to
Development of computer-based interactive
media design according to Susilanan and Riyana
(2007) can be done by: (1) gathering material needs
to design and make the application. (2) making
flowchart, (3) storyboard making, and (4)
The steps are as follows. First, gather the
material needs to design and create applications. The
materials are as follows (a) hardware and software,
(b) theme of teaching material originating from
student’s book and teacher book in accordance with
the curriculum 2013, (c) images, audio and video
supporting teaching materials. At this stage, images,
audio, and video are obtained from internet
browsing based on material needs. At the time of
application creation, the files containing images,
audio, and video will be combined into interactive
multimedia. The media used to combine these files
is Macromedia flash 8.
Second, create detailed specifications of the
structure of multimedia applications that will be
created. In this structure is described in the form of
flowchart system.
The following describes the flowchart used in the
design of multimedia-based interactive learning
Figure 5: Interactive multimedia flowchart.
Third, create a storyboard, which visualizes text
that describes the scene, lists all the multimedia
objects and links to another scene, or describes the
shape of the application to be created. Storyboard is
a series of manual drawings made entirely so as to
describe a story. Storyboard describes the
description of each scene. First, the storyboard is
designed for the initial scene which is the initial use
of the application by the user, then the storyboard
continues for the next scene, the page where the
input will be delivered in the program. Storyboard is
developed for each topic, i.e.: (a) Scene 1: cover of
main menu display, topic menu, biodata, cover, (b)
Scene2: topic 1, (c) Scene3: Topic 2, (d) Scene4:
Topic 3, (e) Scene5: Topic 4, (f) Scene6: Topic 5;
and (g) Scene7: Exercise. For each scene output,
there is a button back to return to the main menu and
the exit button.
Fourth, programming that combines text, images,
sound, video, and animation using the necessary
tools. From this merging process, all multimedia
objects are built into one unity in multimedia
learning animation.
The results of the implementation of the design
of multimedia-based stenographic learning
applications to produce interactive interface of
multimedia applications. Details can be seen in the
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
following description. First, the opening page view
(cover media) that has a single button that is the
entry button. The entry button is useful for entering
into the application and leading to the main menu as
in the following view:
Figure 6: Display of interactive multimedia product cover.
Second, the main menu display consists of the
cover button, instructions. materials, exercises,
biodata and buttons as shown below:
Figure 7: Display of main menu of interactive multimedia
Third, the menu display of the learning topic that
contains the overall material as in figure 8:
Figure 8: Interactive multimedia product topic menu
Fourth, the menu display option sub-topic
consisting of three sub-topics and each consisted of
six meeting as in the following view:
Figure 9: Display the interactive multimedia product sub-
topic menu.
Fifth, the display of material in the form of
images and text. The available text contains
important information about the value of the
characters contained in the text that is available.
From the text that has been read, students are asked
to find the character value within the text, and at the
end, students will be directed to the quiz by
answering the question to find the character value
within the text. The character value within the text
that is the value of the spirit of nationality and love
of the country.
Figure 10: Display material in the form of images and text
of interactive multimedia products.
Sixth, the appearance of the material in the form
of pictures, on the view of the students are asked to
pay attention to the image on the display, the image
of the students was asked to look for important
information in the picture, and at the end of the
session, student is exposed to find the character
value within the picture, including the value of
environmental care, tolerance, and social care.
The design of interactive multimedia-based
instructional media is argued to improve the process
and student learning outcomes. Through view,
listening and touch activities, students will be
Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using
Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the Learning Process
actively involved in learning activities. This active
to be active is pushed by an eye-catching media
display and the use of sophisticated tools widely
used by the public. According to Neo and Neo
(2004), if multimedia is integrated into the teaching
and learning process, the situation will be changed.
By using multimedia, the instructional materials can
be delivered in a multi-sensory environment using
multimedia elements such as text, graphics,
animation, sound, and video. This process also
cultivates some interaction between the student and
the information itself, making the learning process
more effective for the student. Multimedia provides
a means to garner attention, increase retention,
improve comprehension, and to bring an audience
into the agreement "(Neo and Neo, 2004).
Based on research conducted by Neuman et al.
(2010) it was found that the use of interactive media
demonstrated the enormous potential of instruction
for improving children 's ability to develop a rich
network of interconnections of knowledge about
concepts and the meanings that words represent. It
also shows that a program targeted to conceptual
learning is very appropriate for pre-schoolers. The
results of Yamauchi's research (2008) show that
through the use of interactive media can increase
knowledge, direct the perception to a more positive
direction, and increase the satisfaction of learning.
Similarly, the results of research Nusir et al. (2012)
shows the positive impact of using interactive
multimedia for teaching elementary education. In
accordance with the design of research development
(R & D), the instructional media that has been
designed this will be tested in a limited manner and
asked the opinion of practitioners and experts about
the reliability of this media.
The importance of media in learning Bahasa
Indonesian can be inferred from teachers and
students. The accessibility to use hardware with an
android program is also quite high, either through
phone, laptop, and desktop based on Android, both
owned and owned by their nuclear family. However,
in reality, the use of media, especially interactive
multimedia, is relatively low.
Therefore, this research developed interactive
multimedia based on Android as instructional media
for learning Bahasa Indonesia. The steps are (1)
gathering material requirements for designing and
creating applications, (2) detailed specification of
multimedia application structures to be created in the
flowchart system, (3) storyboarding, and (4)
combining text, images, sounds, video, and
animation. In addition to mastering the learning
materials, to students can also be implanted
character education, both in the process of operating
the media and through the pictures and text in the
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Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using
Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the Learning Process