Development of Learning Model in Education of Early Children for
Generation Children Z
Ernawulan Syaodih
and Hany Handayani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
STKIP Purwakarta, Purwakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning model, Early Childhood Education, Generation Z.
Abstract: The article entitled the development of learning models in Early Childhood Education for Z-generation
children is a review of literature review. The review of this literature review aims to explain the importance
of developing models of learning in Early Childhood Education for the development of all potential children
in generation Z. Generation Z or Generation there is also a call Generation Net, or Generation Internet is a
generation born from generation X and generation Y. Generation Z is synonymous with a variety of highly
sophisticated digital technologies, such as laptops, mobile phones, internet, twitter, YouTube, Facebook,
IPad, Line, WhatsApp, Instagram and various sophisticated applications. Generation Z is one of the superior
generation they are able to access all information through the internet very quickly and easily. Generation Z
has several characteristics that include this generation is a generation of technology literacy, multitasking
and has the ability of social / communication a fast and good. Some efforts that can be done both in schools
in developing the ability of children in the Z generation include through the development of various models
of learning that can be applied in schools. The learning model is an instructional model and a Flowchart
simulation learning model.
Generation Z is the generation of the Internet is
usually called the generation of the net, this is
because the Z generation is a generation that is very
close to the technology or the internet world. In
addition to this Z-generation life is inseparable from
the internet from waking up to return to sleep cannot
be separated from the internet. In his book Raising
Children in Digital Era Elizabeth (2015) explains
that Generation Net is a generation born after 2000,
born when the internet began to enter and grow
rapidly in human life. This generation is not familiar
with the time when mobile phones have not been
produced, when the majority of everyday toys are
still traditional.
Similarly, Combi (2015) mentions that this Z
generation is a child born after 1994. However,
many concerns about the development of the Z-
generation, one of which does not have a patriotic
soul or has a low soul of nationalism. Similarly, the
younger generation of Americans in the
contemporary era tended to be less patriotic and
nationalistic than the previous generation of
generation X and generation Y. The Z generation
nationalism does not appear that appears is
These Z-generation children have the ability in
the field of IT therefore in facilitating the ability of
children Z generation educators must be more
creative in developing the model of learning in the
class with the right so that the character of the nation
is maintained and children of Z generation can have
facilitated all its ability with good and maximum.
Abrams (2015) states that in the learning process the
educator must possess the ability to design the
proper learning so that in addition to increasing the
digital literacy the child is able to observe, engage
and communicate well with others, so that the social
and soul development of nationalism can be well
Some of the research studies that have been
studied by Generation Z have been mostly done by
Bassiouni and Hackley (2014) in his research stated
that Generation Z is one of the generations that have
a very high level of technology consumption.
Further Stevenson and Muldoon (2010) the need for
Syaodih, E. and Handayani, H.
Development of Learning Model in Education of Early Children for Generation Children Z.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 251-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Internet for Generation Z to be high this impact on
the soul of nationalism of children.
In addition, Kui (2015) research results show that
in China the Internet became an effective medium in
the formation of character for children Z generation.
Further research conducted by Jensen (2011) whose
research results show that the use of the Internet is
one of the search identities of children in the era
Based on this, there has been no research that
specifically discusses the model of learning that is
used in schools in facilitating the generation of Z.
This paper is a literature review that discusses
what is Z generation, characteristic of Z generation,
and development of model of learning for children
of generation Z. In general, the purpose of this paper
is to explain the importance of developing a model
of learning in facilitating all potential Z-generation
2.1 Definition of Generation Z
Generation Z? This term is still foreign to our ears.
Generation Z has high technology skills and
mastery, Hellen (2012) gives understanding to the
term generation Z:
Generation Z or later popular with the digital
generation is a young generation that grows and
develops with a great dependence on digital
It is evident that the Z generation is a generation
of two generations past Y generation and generation
Z, where the internet began to grow and grow in line
with the development of digital media more and
more sophisticated, including the emergence of
laptops, advanced mobile phones, iPad, MP3, MP4,
internet like google, Facebook, twitter, Instagram,
email and so forth.
Generation Z is a generation born after 1994
(Combi, 2015). Generation Z is the development of
life is strongly influenced by technology so cannot
be separated from the name of technology, so it
affects directly or indirectly to the whole process of
affective, social, psychomotor, cognitive
development even on the results of education.
Children in the Z generation tend to be smart if the
use of information over the internet is used
maximally, but if it can adversely affect the
development of verbal communication of children, it
is because children obtain their own information
through the internet without direct communication
with others.
2.2 Characteristics of Generation Z
Each generation has its own characteristics, as well
as with the Z generation, the characteristics of Z
generation, among others, having different
behavioral and personality characteristics compared
to generation X and generation Y. The
characteristics of Generation Z include:
2.2.1 Generation Z is More Fluent in
Individuals who belong to the Z generation are very
fluent and reliable in the field of technology; they
very quickly get the information they need.
Individuals are very proficient and familiar with the
use of information technology including various
facilities and computer applications that can affect
the pattern of education.
2.2.2 High Social Development
Individuals in this generation is he who has a lot of
friends and easy, because through a variety of
developing technologies such as Facebook,
Instagram, twitter, WhatsApp, line and still many
longer media that can facilitate communication and
interact with many people in various circles, peers
but also others who are younger or even older, not
just locals even with strangers though. In addition,
individuals belonging to the Z generation tend to
have a high sense of tolerance for cultural
2.2.3 Individuals are Multitasking
The next characteristic of the individual belonging to
the Z generation is the multitasking individual. The
individual belonging to Z generation is an individual
who can perform several activities at one time
simultaneously, for example they can perform
activities of reading, talking, listening, and
watching, at the same time. Individuals in this Z
generation want everything fast and instant.
Based on the characteristics has a positive and
negative impact for the development of children. So
the task of parents and teachers in school how efforts
should be done in facilitating all the potential of
individuals who are in the Z generation so that
formed into a great individual and extraordinary.
Therefore, it takes a variety of stimuli or treatment
in accordance with the development of individual Z
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
generation. Here are some stimuli that can be given
to individuals who include generation Z.
2.3 Excitability That Can Be Given to
Individuals of Generation Z
Appropriate educational stimuli should be given to
individual Z-generation according to the
characteristics of the individual Z generation. In line
with the above mentioned Tridhonanto and Agency
(2014) describes the step of giving the right stimulus
to the Z-generation individual.
2.3.1 Awarding (Rewards) and Punishment
Habit of reward and punishment is something that
should be accustomed early on, so that children can
understand the good and the mistakes they have
done. Awarding is not always in the form of money,
charter nor trophies but can be toys, food, praise and
so forth. The award is given not to indulge or to
change the behavior of the individual, but it is done
in order to appreciate the good that the child has
Likewise, punishment Tridhonanto and Agency
(2014) is not always a punch, pinch, run-of-the-road
punishment and so on, but it can be a punishment
that can make a deterrent child realize his mistake,
most importantly the punishment must be
educational. Punishment or commonly also called
time-out, although it cannot actually be said of
punishment. The punishment may be in the form of
multiples, memorization of letters in the Qur'an,
making useful works, or being asked to justify
oneself and to understand his mistakes and so forth,
so that the development of the child can develop
well. Time-out is a process for the child to calm
down and realize his mistakes, so as to allow time
and opportunity for the child to gain control over his
2.3.2 Habituation of Discipline
Discipline is one of the characters of the nation that
must be developed early on in children; it aims for
children to have control over him by instilling
confidence so that children are accustomed to do
everything with pleasure without being forced
(Tridhonanto and Agency, 2014).
2.3.3 Modeling
The child has the imitating nature of what he sees.
Children early on can already learn to observe the
behavior, deeds, views, thoughts, ways of
communicating from adults around him, and then
the child will do imitation of these things. Based on
the issue it is the duty of the adult to act, it is said to
be good so as to provide a good replicable example
of the child.
2.3.4 Encouragement
The next stimulus that can be done more mature
person is doing encouragement or encouragement to
obtain positive behavior in children. It should be
done every time the child does the smallest thing, so
it can be embedded and bring up the nature and
behavior that is positive in the child (Tridhonanto
and Agency, 2014).
2.3.5 Attention Ignore
Last is to do an attention ignore, or stimulus that can
be given to the child by focusing on the actions and
behaviors well done by the child so that the child
will repeat the action and ignore the bad behavior
and will not do it again. Finally, the child can
distinguish which behavior is good and worthy in
the example and which behavior cannot be emulated
or performed by the child (Tridhonanto and Agency,
2.4 Generation Indicators Z
After knowing the characteristics and stimuli that
can be given to Z-generation children, it will then be
discussed about the Z generation indicator.
Indicators of each generation are different; Elizabeth
(2015) mentions some of the Generation Z's
2.4.1 Ambitious
Children in the Z generation tend to have big
ambitions to succeed and succeed in everything.
They have a very tinged self-confidence, therefore
our duty as teachers and parents to maximize their
ambitions to positive things (Elizabeth, 2015).
2.4.2 Practical and Instant (Speed)
In addition to the great ambition of Z generation
children are practical, very fond of practical problem
solving. Children in this generation tend to want to
do things quickly. This is because the child in this Z
generation was born in an era of instant all-round
(Elizabeth, 2015).
Development of Learning Model in Education of Early Children for Generation Children Z
2.4.3 Love Freedom
Furthermore, the indicator of generation z is love
freedom. This genre is very fond of the freedom in
choosing what he likes and dislikes through various
considerations, the impression to express opinions,
freedom of work and creativity, freedom of
expression, and so forth. This is because children in
this Z-generation are exploratory, have high
confidence and have an optimistic attitude in many
ways (Elizabeth, 2015).
2.4.4 Details
The next generation of Z is a generation of detail,
critical thinking, and have high creativity. This is
because the generation of Z who was born in the
Internet age very easy to find information they want
to know about various things (Elizabeth, 2015).
2.4.5 Want to Be Recognized
A child in the generation of Z is a child who always
wants to be different and recognized the existence
and his work by everyone (Elizabeth, 2015).
2.4.6 Digital and Information Technology
The last indicator of the Z generation is a generation
that is very close to digital and technology, this is in
accordance with its name, the generation of Z or
generation of the Net which was born when the
digital world began to penetrate and grow rapidly in
the world. This generation is very adept at using all
kinds of technologies that are always growing and
increasingly sophisticated (Elizabeth, 2015).
Based on the description of the Z generation above,
the steps that can be done by teachers in facilitating
all the development and potential of children in the
Z generation is one of them is the teacher must have
high creativity, especially in choosing a suitable
learning model. The role of teachers in the success
or failure of the learning process is a very dominant
determinant factor in education, because teachers
play a role in the learning process, where the
learning process is the core of the overall education
Djamarah in Sugihartono (2012) explains that
there are 13 teacher roles in the learning process
among others, as a corrector (assessment of the
results of learning activities and correcting all child
development), inspiratory, mentors, demonstrators,
supervisors, improve and critically assess the
outcomes of the learning process), most recently as
evaluators (assessing the product (outcome) of
learning and learning process).
Similarly, Sanjaya (2013) mentions the role of
teachers in the learning process, among others,
teachers as learning resources, teachers as
facilitators, teachers as teacher managers as
demonstrators, teachers as mentors, teachers as
motivators, and teachers as evaluators.
Based on the above, one of the most important
tasks that teachers must possess is that teachers
should be able to choose the model and develop a
model of learning that can facilitate the full potential
of the child in the next generation Z. The
development of learning models that teachers can do
for Z-generation children must can be tailored with
the characteristics of children Z generation that must
be close to the development of technology. The
learning model is very close to the technology and
demands the students actively and find out their own
information, IT-based learning model or E-learning,
so that the potential of all children can develop with
Based on the above the main task of the teacher
is to develop each model of learning that will be
applied in the classroom with no escape from IT or
Whether or not the teacher should be able to
develop learning based on Information Technology
and Communication / Technology Information and
Communications (ICT). Generation Z is aware of
the learning process by using ICT media will be
The notion of Information Technology (IT), or in
English known as Information technology (IT) that
in general is any form of technology that helps and
facilitates humans. The advantages of IT-based
learning are the process of more innovative and
interactive learning activities, can motivate and
create a sense of fun during the learning process, can
combine all aspects of learning between text,
images, audio, music, animated images or video in a
unity that supports each other so as to achieve
learning objectives, IT-based learning model can
also visualize abstract material, storage media
relatively easy and flexible, can help teachers bring
objects that are difficult to get or dangerous into the
learning environment, can display the object large
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
into the class, and display objects that cannot be
seen directly, and most importantly can facilitate the
potential of Z-generation children who are very
close to the technology.
In addition, one of the learning models that can
develop the potential of Z generation is the model of
project learning. Clark and Ann (2006) explain that
the project is an in-depth investigation of a topic to
be studied by the child. Furthermore, Sani (2014)
states that the project learning model is one of the
learning models that involves students directly in
making a certain useful project.
This learning process can develop the creativity
of students and teachers in designing and creating
projects that can be utilized to overcome the
problems in learning. Students in this case can take
advantage of technology one is the internet. There
are several criteria for project learning, according to
Henry (1995) there are six criteria such as (1)
selecting project topics by children, (2) source of
study material in search by child, (3) presenting final
result, (4) freedom in working in groups; (5) project
activities are carried out for a long time and (6) the
role of the teacher as a consultant.
Based on the description of the potential of
children of Z generation can develop with maximum
in accordance with the era.
The development of learning model for Z-generation
children is one of education tasks. Providing proper
stimulation can develop the ability of Z-generation
children, so that children in this Z-generation can be
facilitated all its potential. The learning model that
can develop the potential of Z-generation children is
E-learning based learning model, IT. IT-based
learning is between is it is because children in this
generation cannot be released from the internet or
technology. With the selection and development of
learning models for children of Z generation is
expected to develop the potential of Z-generation
children from an early age.
Acknowledgments are conveyed to the Faculty of
Education, University of Indonesia Education, which
has facilitated the training of journal articles and
their financing, and provides extensive opportunities
in the development of article writing skills.
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Development of Learning Model in Education of Early Children for Generation Children Z