procreation in rural areas. In addition, in accordance
with the Constitution number 20 of 2003 which
states that the achievement of equal achievement in
both rural and urban areas is one indicator of the
success of the national education system that ensures
equal distribution of educational opportunities,
quality improvement and relevance and efficiency of
education management to face Challenges according
to the changing demands of Local, National, and
Global life.
This study revealed that adolescent girls tend to
have higher levels of academic achievement than
boys. Women tend to have a neat personality in
learning and have a higher learning motivation,
while men tend to be less lazy to learn and be
indifferent to the motivation to learn (Zahroh 2008).
Different growths in male and female adolescents
both physical and psychic will also affect the overall
behavioural pattern, not least in the achievement of
academic achievement (Goleman 1999). However,
in this study found no influence between age and
achievement This is because the adolescents in this
study are in the same age range that is the final
adolescence, so the data collected is relatively
homogeneous. In general, the achievement of
academic achievement held by adolescents shows
good results. This explains that adolescents have the
motivation for high achievement and high learning
persistence, it can also be seen from the level of
delay in doing the academic task is also low.
Teenagers generally have enough level of
confidence in carrying out tasks and goals.
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assessment analysis needs that have been done can
be seen that many of the students of class XI social
science who experienced academic procrastination.
Social support factors are also believed to negatively
affect academic procrastination (Andarini and
Fatma, 2013). One of the social support mentioned
is the environment of peers. In addition, students
who have higher academic procrastination have low
performance levels and have low self-efficacy and
end up with a low score (Jackson, 2012).
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences