Analysis of Peer’s Influence on Academic Procrastination
Evi Winingsih, Denok Setyawati and Khoirul Afidah
Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Kampus Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Peer, Academic Procrastination.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of peer environment and academic procrastination.
Researchers use qualitative research with descriptive method. The Data collected using interview and
observation method. From the results of the research indicated there is procrastination experienced by
students of class XI Social science, it is evident from the existence of information from the counsellor that
the delay tasks among high school students, and especially class XI social science is commonplace. Based
on interviews with guardian and geography teachers it can be concluded that as many as 90 percent of
students of class XI social science 1, 2, 3, and 4 do academic procrastination. Peer’s factor is one of many
factors to procrastination degree. Academic procrastination occurs because of low self-regulation levels,
combined with low self-efficacy that can lead to lower academic achievement. In addition, academic
achievement is also influenced by the social environment of teenagers is peers. The results showed that the
actions of members of peers and the role of peers have an influence on adolescent academic achievement.
Peer was contributing to making a positive and negative student’s behaviour.
Procrastination play a role in decreasing adolescent
academic achievement. Academic procrastination
occurs because of low self-regulation levels,
combined with low self-efficacy that can lead to
lower academic achievement (Judge and Bono,
2001). In addition, academic achievement is also
influenced by the social environment of teenagers is
peers. The results show that the actions of peer
members and the role of peers have a positive
impact on the improvement of adolescent academic
achievement. (Michael and Teresha, 2008) explain
that the role of friends in adolescent life will have a
positive effect on adolescent achievement. (Sears et
al, 2000) also explains that the actions of positive
members such as a sense of appreciation and
acceptance by friends will make the confidence of a
better teenager, a more stable emotion so as to be
able to solve all problems including in terms of
lessons so that their learning outcomes get better
(Ernawati et al, 2014). If the ability of self efficacy
and academic procrastination can affect academic
achievement either directly or indirectly, the
biological factor of adolescents may have equal
contribution to achievement of academic
achievement (Theresya, 2014).
The factors that play an important role to
increase or decrease academic achievement such as
self-efficacy, achievement motivation, academic
procrastination and gender (Azar, 2013). Self-
efficacy determines the individual action to achieve
their goal. High self-efficacy can affect motivation
in both and negative ways. High Procrastination can
affect to academic achievement.
Academic achievement is the status of
knowledge, understanding, and skills of the subject
matter at a time (Rubin, 2011). Academic
achievement is usually assessed in three ways:
grades from schools, standardized test scores, and
teacher ratings (Pinxten et al, 2010). Report from
data the 2012 International Student Assessment
(PISA) Program reveals that Indonesian student
achievement covering science, reading and math
literacy is ranked 64th out of a total of 65 countries
in the PISA (OECD 2012) survey. This shows that
the achievement of Indonesian teenagers is still
relatively low. Academic achievement can be
viewed as a complex relationship between individual
abilities, self-perception, task assessment,
expectations of success, cognitive strategies and
self-regulation, gender, socioeconomic status,
performance and individual attitudes toward school
(Clemons 2008). The statement shows that the
Winingsih, E., Setyawati, D. and Afidah, K.
Analysis of Peer’s Influence on Academic Procrastination.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 289-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
academic achievement is influenced by 2 factors that
is external factor from external (self) or from within
(adolescent) of adolescent. Adolescence is a time of
In the search process of identity, adolescents tend
to look for identification figures through their social
environment, especially friends who have the same
age or commonly called peers (Ernawati et al, 2014).
Interaction with peers is one of the external factors
that can affect academic achievement in adolescents,
have peers in a higher-grade classroom, potentially
able to perform academic ability distribution (Burke,
In addition, the sense of appreciation and
acceptance by friends will create a better confidence
of a child, a more stable emotion so that the child is
able to solve all the problems including in terms of
lessons so that the learning outcomes they get even
better (Ernawati et al, 2014). In addition to external
factors, academic achievement is also influenced by
factors that exist within the adolescent or commonly
called internal factors. Bandura (1997) suggests that
students can directly set themselves about how they
interact with the learning environment. However, it
all depends on their perception of ability 2 to face
the current reality or commonly known as self-
efficacy. Self-efficacy can be defined as a person's
belief in his ability to organize and implement a
series of actions to achieve his desired goals
(Bandura, 1997). Students who always consider
themselves able to spend more effort in the learning
process and able to survive longer than students who
doubt their ability, especially when faced with
difficult situations (Schunk, 2004). In addition,
students who consider their level of confidence to be
quite high will try harder, achieve more, and persist
in performing their duties compared to people who
consider low self-esteem (c, 2010).
In other words, students who have high self-
efficacy will have high academic achievement
because it can improve the quality of thinking,
cognitive skills and improve perseverance to find
solutions to problems (Bandura 1997). (Bong, 2001)
argued that self-efficacy is also a significant
predictor of academic value or adolescent
achievement. Students who have high self-efficacy
will try to immediately do and complete the
academic tasks and not easily give up in achieving
the desired target. However, students with low self-
efficacy tend to avoid and procrastinate academic
tasks (Ellis and Knaus, 2002). The term postponing
this task is commonly known as procrastination.
Procrastination is defined as a failure to perform
academic activities within the desired timeframe or
delay to complete the task until the end of the
activity (Wolters, 2003). In a study put forward by
(Onwuegbuzie, 2004) reported that almost all
students do academic procrastination.
Procrastination also refers to situations of academic
concern in the completion of academic assignments
such as preparing for exams, doing homework, and
writing papers.
These definitions indicate that procrastination is
a delaying behaviour in performing the academic
tasks assigned. Several studies have suggested that
academic procrastination has a negative impact on
academic achievement (Beck et al. 2000; Ellis and
Knaus, 2002). This decrease in academic
achievement includes lower values and lower
average values (Jackson, 2012). In addition,
Lestariningsih (Fibriana, 2009) also revealed that
social support may affect academic procrastination
in students. In this case, social support received by
teenagers one of them is a relationship with peers
(Burke, 2008). With peers, it is very effective to help
students to complete academic tasks. When students
get support from peer environments in the form of
emotional attention, they will have better self-
assertiveness and acceptable attitudes, develop self-
awareness, positive thinking, independence, and the
ability to own and achieve everything they want
(Fibriana, 2009). Academic procrastination is also
statistically related to self-efficacy (Jackson, 2012).
In the research explain procrastination and peer’s
influence. The data is collected with observation and
interview. The result is one of many factors
academic procrastination is peer’s influence.
Qualitative research is research on descriptive
research and tends to use analysis the process and
meaning (subject perspective) are more highlighted
in qualitative research. The theoretical basis is used
as a guide to focus the research in accordance with
the facts in the field. Researchers use qualitative
type of research with descriptive method. By
describing how moral development in grade VII
students of junior high school. In collecting data
using observation and interview method.
Descriptive research is one type of research
whose purpose is to present a complete picture of the
social setting or is intended for exploration and
clarification of a social phenomenon or reality, by
way of describing a number of variables concerning
the problem and the unit examined between the
phenomena being tested. [1] In this study,
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
researchers have a clear definition of the subject of
research and will use the who's question in digging
needed information. [2] The purpose of descriptive
research is to produce an accurate picture of a group,
to describe the mechanism of a process or
relationship, to provide a complete picture of either
verbal or numerical form, to present basic
information about a relationship, to create a set of
categories and to classify the subject of research, to
explain a set of stages or processes, as well as to
store information is contradictory about the subject
of research.
Descriptive research is one type of research
whose purpose is to present a complete picture of the
social setting or is intended for exploration and
clarification of a social phenomenon or reality, by
way of describing a number of variables concerning
the problem and the unit examined between the
phenomena being tested. [1] In this study,
researchers have a clear definition of the subject of
research and will use the who's question in digging
needed information. [2] The purpose of descriptive
research is to produce an accurate picture of a group,
to describe the mechanism of a process or
relationship, to provide a complete picture of either
verbal or numerical form, to present basic
information about a relationship, to create a set of
categories and to classify the subject of research, to
explain a set of stages or processes, as well as to
store information is contradictory about the subject
of research.
Descriptive research studies the problems in
society as well as the procedures prevailing in
society and certain situations, including on relations’
social science, activities, attitudes, views, and
ongoing processes and the effects of a phenomenon.
In descriptive method, the researcher can just
compare certain phenomena so that it is a
comparative study. Sometimes researchers conduct a
classification, as well as research on the phenomena
by setting a standard or a certain norm so that many
experts call this descriptive method with the name of
normative survey (normative survey). With this
descriptive method is also investigated position
(status) phenomenon or factor and see the
relationship between one factor with other factors.
Therefore, descriptive method is also called status
study (status study). Descriptive methods also want
to study the norms or standard, so that descriptive
research is also called the normative survey. In
descriptive method can be studied normative
problem together with problem of status and also
make comparisons between phenomenon. Such
studies are generally referred to as descriptive
studies or studies. The time perspective to be
reached in descriptive research, is the present time,
or at least the timeframe still affordably in the
respondent's memory.
From the results of the research indicated there is
procrastination experienced by students of class XI
social science, it is evident from the existence of
information from the counsellor that the delay tasks
among high school students, and especially class XI
is commonplace. Based on interviews with
geography teachers it can be concluded that as many
as 90 percent of students of class XI social science 1,
2, 3, and 4 do academic procrastination. Academic
procrastination is more prevalent in high-
procrastination classes. The data obtained from
social science guardians teachers 1, 2, 3 and 4 that
students who are often late to collect tasks are
students who have a friendly category. In line with
the homeroom teacher, geography teacher said in
social science class 3 there are 2 students who are
always late to collect tasks. When clarified to
guidance and counselling teachers they are close
friends. The geography teacher also informed that in
the social science class 4 there were approximately
25 people out of 30 students who collected the tasks
not on time.
Peer’s factor is one of many factors to
procrastination degree. Academic procrastination
occurs because of low self-regulation levels,
combined with low self-efficacy that can lead to
lower academic achievement (Judge and Bono,
2001). In addition, academic achievement is also
influenced by the social environment of teenagers is
peers. The results showed that the actions of
members of peers and the role of peers have an
influence on adolescent academic achievement.
Students with higher academic procrastination
have low levels of performance and have low self-
efficacy and end up with a low score (Jackson,
2012). There are many factors influencing academic
procrastination, one of which is individual
environmental condition, i.e. school environment,
learning process in school, and location of school in
town or village (Gunawanita and Hanik, 2008). So,
it cannot be denied, that academic procrastination
and decline in adolescent achievement also occur in
schools located in rural areas. Based on these
matters, it is important to examine the external and
internal factors of students such as peer relations,
self-efficacy and academic procrastination in terms
of achievement of academic in rural areas. This is
because there is no deeper research on academic
Analysis of Peer’s Influence on Academic Procrastination
procreation in rural areas. In addition, in accordance
with the Constitution number 20 of 2003 which
states that the achievement of equal achievement in
both rural and urban areas is one indicator of the
success of the national education system that ensures
equal distribution of educational opportunities,
quality improvement and relevance and efficiency of
education management to face Challenges according
to the changing demands of Local, National, and
Global life.
This study revealed that adolescent girls tend to
have higher levels of academic achievement than
boys. Women tend to have a neat personality in
learning and have a higher learning motivation,
while men tend to be less lazy to learn and be
indifferent to the motivation to learn (Zahroh 2008).
Different growths in male and female adolescents
both physical and psychic will also affect the overall
behavioural pattern, not least in the achievement of
academic achievement (Goleman 1999). However,
in this study found no influence between age and
achievement This is because the adolescents in this
study are in the same age range that is the final
adolescence, so the data collected is relatively
homogeneous. In general, the achievement of
academic achievement held by adolescents shows
good results. This explains that adolescents have the
motivation for high achievement and high learning
persistence, it can also be seen from the level of
delay in doing the academic task is also low.
Teenagers generally have enough level of
confidence in carrying out tasks and goals.
Based on the symptoms and results of the
assessment analysis needs that have been done can
be seen that many of the students of class XI social
science who experienced academic procrastination.
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Fatma, 2013). One of the social support mentioned
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Analysis of Peer’s Influence on Academic Procrastination