Modified Student Activity Sheet and Improving Problem Solving
Yayu Nurhayati Rahayu, Dindin Nasrudin, Siti Hamidah Nardiatun and Mila Faizatul Millah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Problem Solving Skill, Student Activity Sheet.
Abstract: Mastery of 21st Century Skills by pre-service teachers is a necessity. Problem Solving skill is one of them.
This study aims to obtain an overview of problem-solving skill in the Basic Physics course after getting the
learning by using Student Activity Sheet (SAS) with Problem Based Learning (PBL). This research method
uses quasi experimental with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this research is 30 pre-service
biology teachers in West Java taking a basic physics course. The result of research indicates that application
of SAS with PBL can improve student’s problem-solving skill. This research recommends applying this
model to other courses.
There is a shift in output and learning outcomes in
the 21st century. Learners are not only required
proficient in mastering the concept but must master
the seven other skills: technical, information
management, communication, collaboration,
creativity, critical thinking and problem solving (van
Laar et al., 2017). The seven skills must be learned
and practiced in everyday life especially in the
learning process (Trilling and Fadel, 2009). These
skills will be discussed, harvested and rewarded in
higher education (Egan et al., 2017). Various efforts
to improve these skills have been conducted in
various ways such as game-based learning (Qian,
and Clark, 2016), critical thinking models
(ŽivkoviĿ, 2016) and have been integrated into
science learning (Duran et al., 2011) and technology
(O'Neal et al., 2017).
One of the 21st century skills that are being
promoted in the world of education today is the
solvency of problem-solving (Rodzalan and Saat,
2015). Almost all science subjects in school are
directed to it, including physics. Even physics is
identic with problem-solving (Bascone et al., 1985).
Previous findings suggest that most students can
easily receive knowledge of physics, but it is
difficult to apply their knowledge flexibly in solving
problems (Larkin, 1980). The ability to solve
problems is not an innate ability but empowered
when students have the opportunity to do so (Shute
and Wang, 2015).
One effort to develop student problem-solving
skills is through approaches, models, methods and
instructional media that facilitate the creation of
problem-solving skills. One of the learning models
that is oriented to problem solving/real-world
problem is problem-based learning (PBL). PBL is
one of the effective learning models in teaching
problem-solving skills, supporting active, dynamic,
and varied learning (Martin, 2003). In practice, PBL
provides an attractive framework for learners and
teachers in careful planning and preparation (Caesar
et al., 2016; Sadlo, 2014). Usually, educators present
problems based on authentic and unstructured
experience, while solutions to these problems are
derived based on deep learning experiences
(McComas, 2013).
The PBL in this study is applied to a modified
Student Activity Sheet (SAS). SAS that has been
used in schools is considered not enough to facilitate
the achievement of problem-solving skills. The role
of the teacher as a facilitator is the key to the
successful use of SAS (Herman and Yusuf, 2016;
Sari and Wijaya, 2017). The use of SAS with PBL
model is expected to train and develop student
problem-solving skills. The purpose of this study is
to find out the improvement of student problem-
solving skills after obtaining learning with the PBL
model with the help of modified SAS.
Rahayu, Y., Nasrudin, D., Nardiatun, S. and Millah, M.
Modified Student Activity Sheet and Improving Problem Solving Skill.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 309-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a pre-experimental using one group
pretest-posttest design. Research subjects in this
study are biology teacher candidates in West Java
who take the Basic Physics course amounting to 30
people. Data collection in this study was obtained
through the problem-solving skill test instrument.
Meanwhile, the improvement of problem-solving
skills is obtained from the N-Gain pretest and
posttest values. Characteristics of problems used in
the form of real-world problems that are open (open
problem) to enable the emergence of a variety of
answers. The problem indicators include five
indicators of problem-solving skills, namely a)
useful description); physics approach; c) specific
application of physics; d) mathematical procedures);
and e) logical progression). The scoring guidelines
in this study adopted the scoring guidelines for
problem-solving skills developed by Docktor
The improvement in this research is the change
of problem-solving skill between before and after
learning with PBL model expressed in normalized
score gain average ( ). The normalized gain
value of a treatment according to Hake (1998) is
defined as the actual average gain ratio with
an average maximum gain as expressed
in equation (1):
<g> (1)
Where and are the final (post)
and initial (pre) class averages. The value ( )
is then interpreted into the classification in table 1.
Table 1: N-Gain classification.
3.1 Problem Solving Skill
Measurement of problem-solving skills can be done
in various ways such as Nonverbal Indexes of
Students' Physical Interactivity (NISPI) conducted
by Cukurova et al. (2018) or through stealth
assessment (Shute et al., 2016). In this study, the
measurement of problem-solving skills is done
through a problem-solving test instrument whose
problem-solving skill indicator is adopted from
Jennifer Docktor's assessment rubric.
Based on the results of recapitulation and data
processing problem-solving skills from all samples
obtained information that the average pre-test is
22.09, the average post-test is 75.09 and the
maximum value that can be obtained is 100.
Referring to the formula in equation 1, the average
value N-Gain for all student answers is 0.68
(medium category). This suggests that the use of
modified student activity sheets on problem-based
learning can facilitate students in sharpening their
problem-solving skills.
In addition to learning in the classroom, efforts to
improve problem-solving skills can also be done
with online games (Hooshyar et al., 2016) and
digital games (Ruggiero and Green, 2017). Problem-
solving skills are not only directed at students, but
prospective teachers (Karabacak et al., 2015) and
even assessors (Çevik, 2015).
3.2 Problem Solving Skills for Each
The average recapitulation of N-Gain scores of each
problem-solving skill indicator is illustrated in the
bar chart in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Chart of problem solving skill for each aspect.
Figure 1 shows that student problem-solving skills for
each problem-solving skill indicator increase after SAS
with PBL. The order of improvement of each problem-
solving skill indicator from the largest is physics
approach, a specific application of physics, mathematical
procedures, logical progression, and useful description.
Useful Description. These aspect skills train students
to reveal or redefine problems or problems in drawings or
sketches that are easier to understand. If the problem is
long and difficult can be simplified, further problem-
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
solving skill steps will be easier. This phase is similar to
the translation phase of the TADIR model (Translation,
Analysis, Design, Implementation, Review). The TADIR
method is a thought line that may be related to how and
where knowledge and skills are used in problem-solving
(Barojas and Pérez, 2001).
PBL facilitates students to solve problems even though
the problem is unstructured (Bigelow, 2004). The N-Gain
value of this aspect is the smallest although in the medium
category. This indicates that students are not used to
translating a case in a simple sketch. Although the
problem-solving skills here are physics issues, they can be
miniaturized in how we deal with the problems of our
lives. Many people are not able to solve the problem of his
life because he is not able to simplify the problem. He was
unable to see a simpler version or another model of the
problem. Getting the ability of the useful description is the
same as setting the ability to simplify the problem. This
ability is needed by 21st century humans.
Physics Approach. The physics approach aspect has
the highest increase compared to other aspects. This is
possible because students are already used to using
physics approaches to solve problems. This skill actually
trains a person to take a view or an approach in solving a
problem. The physics approach is used by us to solve
problems related to basic concepts or laws of physics. For
example, when our car broke down, physicists suspect that
the cause may be due to exhaust gasoline or because there
is mechanical damage etc. But deciding to pick the right
and appropriate repair shop to fix the car would, of course,
use another point of view. Studying students to get used to
taking a single point of view in solving problems is
indispensable today.
Specific Application of Physics. This ability brings
students to be able to apply the concepts and principles of
physics to the specific conditions of a problem. According
to the physics view, there are times when we must use
some approach or assumption so that the laws or
principles of physics may apply, for example, neglected
friction, mass pulleys, or mass of rope is negligible.
Selection of this approach is taken to make problem-
solving simpler. The improvement of the specific
application of physics is second only to the physics
approach aspect. This happens because students have
found physics approaches in the second aspect, so they
only put the chosen approach to the specific conditions
that fit the problem. Skills of this type can also be used
more widely in everyday life. There are times when we are
faced with complicated and difficult problems. The
election of a principled strategy is sometimes ineffective
and difficult. However, if we want to make certain
restrictions that do not alter the substance, the problem
will be more easily resolved.
Mathematical Procedure. This aspect trains students'
skills in using appropriate and correct mathematical rules
and procedures to solve problems. The term mathematical
procedure refers to techniques used to solve problems
from certain physical equations, such as isolating and
reducing the strategy of algebra, substitution, the use of
quadratic formulas, or matrix operations. The term
mathematical rules refer to mathematical conventions,
such as the use of parentheses, square roots, and
corresponding trigonometric identities. The aspect of
mathematical procedure has increased (third category)
third. In the point of view of the problem solving of
physics, mathematics is a tool or knife to split and peel the
problem so easily broken down and solved. Mathematics
is both an art and a language of communication. To solve
everyday problems, it sometimes requires appropriate
language or art and that the problem is easy to understand
and easy to solve.
Logical Progression. The latter aspect of the problem-
solving skill assesses students' skills in communicating
reasoning, staying focused on goals, and evaluating
consistent solutions (implicitly or explicitly). This phase
checks whether the overall problem solution is clear,
focused, and logically organized. The logical term means
that the solution is coherent, internally consistent (the part
is not contradictory), and is consistent externally (in
accordance with physics expectations). The N-Gain
logical progression value of the student shows the number
0.68 (medium category). Previous studies show that daily
problem solving can be predicted by cognitive styles
mediated by logical thinking (Pezzuti et al., 2014).
The results of the analysis show that problem-based
learning with modified student sheets can facilitate
prospective science teachers in enhancing problem-solving
skills which in turn will make them accountable for their
learning and empowered to address real-life problems
(Shadday, 1999). With a touch of other methods such as
creative problem-solving model (Kashani et al., 2017) and
the STEM approach (Liao et al., 2016) and continuous
practice will, over time, shape the skills of the other skill
are like creative thinking skills. Slowly but surely with the
spirit of learning and self-development (Crick and Wilson,
2005) and the spirit of interdisciplinary collaboration that
forms integrative learning (Beagle, 2012), 21st century
skills will populate the world of education.
The researcher would like to thank the UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung Research Center for the research
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