Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling for Gifted Children
Model of Academic Achievement of “Dark Horse”
Yuyus Suherman
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Model, Achievement, Gifted Children Underachiever.
Abstract: This research aims to test the effectiveness of comprehensive guidance and counselling (the model) on
improving academic achievement of gifted children "underachiever" is also known as "dark horse". This
research uses quasi-experimental design. The experiment condition focused on implementation model by
counsellors and through integrated guidance and counselling by the teacher, parent and community.
Participants consisted of 15 gifted children at a pioneer "5-year primary school" pioneering inclusive
education in Indonesia. The statistical analysis used Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, with a one-sided test. The
result showed that the implementation of the model does not significantly impact the academic achievement
of gifted children. We also found that even though the score is getting down, the quality is still increasing
that is not readable by the statistics, but the individual analysis shows that this model has a tangible impact.
The tangible impact is shown in the improvement of the categories i.e. From ‘mildly gifted’ to ‘moderately
gifted’, ‘moderately gifted’ to ‘profoundly gifted’, even from ‘mildly gifted’ to ‘profoundly gifted’. This
finding is an essential evaluation of the policy to implement acceleration program, and the basic
development of guiding and counselling on gifted children program. In conclusion, individually this model
proved to have an effect to optimize the academic potential of gifted children "underachiever". The
implications of gifted children should be confronted with appropriate activities. The role of parents and
society needs to be optimally organized. By utilizing the existing momentum. As in the beginning, mid and
end of the semester, as well as extracurricular activities. Momentum can be used as a media sharing
experience between school, family, and community.
Comprehensive guidance and counselling model of
gifted children (the model), is the way of thinking of
the concept as an approach to understanding the
reality. Important aspects that form the basis of
development is the challenge of pedagogy for gifted
children (Mansfield, 2015) and individualized
learner (Lewis and Norwich, 2005; Rojewski et al.,
2015; Vitelli, 2015), and the interrelationship task of
the teacher and counsellor (Atan, 2013). Pedagogy
challenge is how to deal with diversity and equity
context (Lang and Evans, 2016). From the
perspective of diversity, educational yet to
appreciate diversity, while the equity aspect,
education is not targeted for all. Linkage task of the
teacher and counsellor, deals with the task of
developing the whole child as a common task;
teachers, counsellors, parents, and the community.
In the context of quality education, the model
functions require the attention of teachers and
learning function subject areas need counsellor’s
attention. (Korir and Kipkemboi, 2014; Cross et al.,
2014; Bharaj, 2016).
The Model development, aims to facilitate the
application of innovation with empirical
considerations, which can reveal the picture of the
function, purpose, process, and action-oriented
effective deployment (Mapfumo and Nkoma, 2013;
Manyowa and Ncube, 2013). The Model
development aims to provide an alternative for
stakeholders (Frederickson and Cline, 2009; Oswald
and de Villiers, 2013) to achieve the optimum
development of the students, through guidance and
counselling’s independence and learning to educate
(Kartadinata, 2011), a tribute to the uniqueness of
the individual and the belief that everyone can learn
anything if they are left to do it with a unique style
(Dryden and Vos, 2004; Turki, 2014; Gilmour,
Suherman, Y.
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling for Gifted Children - Model of Academic Achievement of “Dark Horse”.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 374-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Conceptually, The Model aims to promote
success academically gifted children through the
optimization of the role of parents, teachers, and
community including peer counsellor with the
position as the leader (State of Iowa Department of
Education, 2001; Ganiron, 2013). Operationally, the
model was designed and implemented with the
support of the leadership of the school to serve the
needs of gifted children, by promoting effective
learning, through partnerships of school, home, and
community (Coleman, 2014) in what is called
Padersen (Kartadinata, 2011) as an inclusive culture.
The model is implemented independently through
self-development by counsellors and through
integrated guidance and counselling by teacher,
parent and community as in consultation form, mini-
seminar, workshop and independent study through
media activity report, counsellor manual, teacher
guide, parenting guide, community guide and my
independent study for gifted children.
Sisk (1987) proposed a modification of its
manifestations through the lessons, and program
diversification. Sternberg and Davidson (2005)
states that gifted children thrive in extreme
conditions, stress (Foley-Nicpon et al., 2012; Abu-
Hamour and Al-Hmouz, 2013) and the structure of
diverse giftedness (Milgram, 1991), so that the
orientation of the model cannot be separated from
the context of such diversity. "Milgram: structure of
giftedness" depicted in four categories, two
categories related to aspects of intelligence and two
categories with aspects of original thinking, as well
as four levels of ability. Through an understanding
of giftedness and settings that influence, counsellors,
teachers, parents, and community, can play a role in
the implementation of " the Model". This led to the
need to adapt and model strategies. Thus, the
effectiveness of the model is to increase the
academic achievement of gifted children in full day
elementary school, becomes interesting to be
Gifted children are unique. In the context of
academic achievement, the uniqueness is shown by
the absence of gifted children who excel in all
aspects. Despite having a score above the average
class and above the highest average score, but in
certain subjects the score is below the average, even
below the lowest average score. The concept of
giftedness continues to grow dynamically, thus
impacting the definition of gifted children. The
definition gives direction to the method of
identification and practice of education. Hallahan et
al. (2006) suggested variations in definition due to
different views expressed in the question; (1) in
what way gifted children are very superior; (2) how
giftedness is measured, to where the child should be
so superior to be considered gifted; And (3) who is
the comparison group.
Giftedness includes both actual and potential
ability dimensions. Gray-Fow (2012) states talent as
specific, gifted as global. Academics believe
giftedness is inherent in all populations, including in
persons with disabilities (Silverman, 1988). Dole
(2000) reported in a school that 66% of children
were identified gifted as well as learning disabilities.
Because IQ is high, they do not qualify for children
with learning disabilities programs, and because
their low-test scores do not qualify for gifted
children programs. The existence of prolonged
polemics and sporadic educational practices shows
that there is no consensus on who and how gifted
children are educated. The gifted children's
profession is important to understand and to be
found to be known for their particular needs. This
particular need context underlies the assessment, and
based on the diversification program assessment
developed for gifted children to develop fully and
potentially develop optimally.
The presence of prolonged polemics and
sporadic educational practices shows that there is no
consensus on who and how gifted children are
educated. The profile of gifted children is important
to be understood and found to be known for their
particular needs. This particular need context
underlies the assessment, and based on a
diversification of comprehensive guidance and
counselling programs. Schools should focus on
acceleration for all children, through an approach
previously intended for gifted children. Acceleration
allows children to move at a level where they feel
comfortable. While Schiever (1991) asserted
acceleration should be based on high standards,
where children engage in active learning,
participatory, and understand important ideas.
Finally, gifted children's education will be of little
value unless directed to adult skills that enrich the
community (Heller et al., 2000).
Comprehensive guidance and counselling
research recommends that this model be effective
and able to improve school counselling and
counselling. This model has eligibility applied at all
levels of education (Kartadinata, 2011). Although
expectations are different, they are important, as
they relate to the context of the unity of education.
Thus ideally, counsellors serve as leaders in the
context of promoting success for all children,
including gifted underachiever children who have
been neglected, by synergizing the potential of
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling for Gifted Children - Model of Academic Achievement of “Dark Horse”
schools, homes and communities (State of IOWA
Department of Education, 2001).
This study will be a reference to the need of how,
the developed Model is tested quantitatively by
revealing its impact on academic achievement. The
target, knowing the impact of the model on the
academic achievement of each respondent by
comparing the average initial academic achievement
score with the end (post-treatment model). Prior to
that, the data of both variables were described
profiles using the view of Milgram (1991) which
divided gift categories into three levels, namely
profoundly gifted, moderately gifted and mildly
gifted. These three levels of categorization are
categorized by looking at the composition of the
average scores of individual and group acquisitions.
Includes the individual earning score of the lesson
This model was developed based on the unique
profile of gifted children, applicability model linked
to the leadership support of the principal, the active
role of counsellor and teacher in building synergy
with parents and community. The key aspects are
assessment and counsellor’s role as a leader in the
context of "promote succes4 all", and the effort to
develop program diversification by counsellors.
While the essence of the effectiveness of the model
is in the change at the individual level. This is
reinforced by the testimony of parents, teachers, and
children, regarding the meaning of the model of
academic achievement. Thus, the results of this
study can encourage teachers' commitment to
providing the best learning for all children,
encourage motivation to meet the needs of all
children and believe that all children can be
challenged to learn.
This research uses a descriptive method by quasi-
experimental design. The impact analysis of the
Model was conducted to determine the effectiveness
of the Model of the gifted child's academic
achievement. The research was conducted in "full
day-5 years old school” which became an example
of inclusive education in Bandung-Indonesia. Data is
collected from relevant sources. Preliminary data are
taken from the academic achievement achieved
during the fourth grade, on Islamic religious, civic
education, Indonesian language, mathematics,
natural science, social sciences, art and culture,
physical education and sport, Sundanese, English,
information and communication technology, and
Arabic language. The Post-test data is derived from
the academic achievement of gifted children at the
end of the odd semester of class V, including its
portfolio data.
Research is done in this school, as it suits the
research needs. The full-day elementary school is
unique and is a pilot school of inclusive education,
which develops integrated guidance and counselling
and accelerated learning in inclusion settings, in line
with the context of comprehensive guidance and
counselling and the educational essence of gifted
children. With the 5-year primary school
equivalency assessment and with the vision of
building a quality school climate for the success of
all children through integrated school, home and
community partnerships in smart and leading school
systems, as well as the mission of facilitating all
children incompetence in academic, personal, and
career. Based on ethical living order, this is very
different from 6 years old Primary School.
The process of data collecting is done according
to the data source and the type of data required.
Taking it from class V because of the consideration
that grade V in full-day elementary School is the
highest-grade equivalent to grade 6 in regular
elementary school. The highest grade is in
accordance with the needs of research data related to
success indicators. Preliminary data are taken from
the academic achievement achieved during the
fourth grade (final semester), on Islamic religious
education lessons, civic education, Indonesian
language, mathematics, natural science, social
sciences, art and culture, physical education and
sport, Sundanese, English, information and
communication technology, and Arabic language.
The Post-test data is derived from the academic
achievement of gifted children at the end of the odd
semester of class V, including its portfolio data.
Gifted children who were sampled according to
purposive sampling method were 15 children from
class V, 5 years primary full day-inclusive school.
Consideration; (1) The 15 gifted children were in
accordance with the results of identification through
non-traditional approaches through teacher
nomination, peer nomination, self-nomination
(Clark, 1983), including parental information and
academic achievements as well as a review of the
perspective "Milgram: structure of the giftedness
model" (1991), with a prediction of 20-25 percent
Munandar (1992) of the class V population and
passing the nomination. (2) the adoption of class V
because grade in full day-inclusive, 5-year primary
school is the highest-grade equivalent to grade 6 in
other elementary schools. This high class is also in
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
accordance with the needs of research data related to
success indicators. Furthermore, the 15 participants
were described in the profile based on Milgram's
point of view, namely profoundly gifted, moderately
gifted and mildly gifted. Three levels of giftedness
are categorized by looking at the composition of the
average score of individual and group acquisition.
Includes individual score of learning gems with
criteria; Average profoundly gifted, moderately
gifted, and mildly gifted scores.
Table 1: The research respondents.
Respondents Age Sex Note regarding the respondents
Academic Teacher
ANRH 11 P 90,8 159 17 17 Moderately Gifte
MZB 11 L 90,0 156 40 40 Moderately Gifte
MAGD 11 L 89,7 155 37 37 Moderatel
MTFM 11 L 87,1 150 5,5 55 Moderatel
MP 11 P 85,5 140 5 5 Mildl
MNRF 11 L 93,8 159 42,5 42 Profoundly Gifte
FZZ 11 L 90,3 148 5 5 Moderately Gifte
MHS 11 P 90,3 140 17,5 17,5 Moderatel
WRW 11 L 90,2 130 35 35 Moderatel
DAPA 11 P 85,3 134 5 5 Mildl
AGM 11 P 91,1 135 17 17,5 Moderately Gifte
RAY 11 L 88,6 122 7,5 5 Moderately Gifte
YPZM 11 P 90,8 147 40 40 Moderately Gifte
RA 11 L 87,3 151 5 5 Moderatel
MZ 11 L 84,9 114 5 5 Mildl
The case consisted of 15 respondents (less than
30) free distribution, so the non-parametric test was
used with two dependent samples, so the non-
parametric test of two samples was used
(dependent). See table 1. Statistical analysis using
the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. By Ho: the median
disparate population is equal to or greater than zero,
the Model does not have a significant impact on
academic achievement. Hi: the median disparate
population is less than zero, or the Model has a
significant impact on the development of academic
achievement. Tests using one-tailed test, since you
are looking for the academic achievement of the
respondents have been developed or not. Not test the
"achievement differed or not". Decision-making: If
the probability> 0.05 then Ho is accepted. If the
probability <0.05 then Ho is rejected. Statistical test
using SPSS ver.11.
Academic achievement of gifted children in
Sundanese language full day-5 years primary
School who were used as research subjects is quite
unique. Several subjects were tested: Islamic
religion, civics, Indonesian language, sains, art and
culture, physical education and sport, Sundanese
language and Arabic, which are corresponding to
Islamic religion, civics, Indonesian language,
science, art, Sundanese language, and Arabic,
respectively. Judging from the average development
of the academic achievement of gifted children post-
implementation model, in every material covers 12
subjects, described as follows: Math, Social Studies,
PJOK, English and information and communication
technology is not progressing (p> 0.05). Islamic
religion, Civics, Indonesian language, art and
culture, physical education and sport, Sundanese
language, and Arabic are progressing (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Ho is rejected for most subjects. This
means that models have a real impact on the
development of academic achievement, particularly
in Islamic religion, Civics, Indonesian language,
science, art and culture, physical education and
sport, Sundanese language and Arabic.
Although the statistical test concluded models do
not effectively improve the academic achievement
of gifted children, but not necessarily be interpreted
so, because although the post scores are down, the
quality is increased. This is not readable by the
average statistics. Analysis of individual, is clearly
showing the impact of existing models. This is
proven by changes the mildly gifted to moderately
gifted, some even rising to the level of profoundly
gifted. Facts of moderate and profound levels have
not changed, it can be interpreted as an indicator of
the impact model. Changes in academic achievement
of gifted children in full-day elementary school
individually described as the following:
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling for Gifted Children - Model of Academic Achievement of “Dark Horse”
The achievement of ANRH, Civics, Indonesian
language Mathematics and Social Studies 0.3 points
down, but Islamic religion, sains, art and culture,
physical education and sport, English and Arabic 1.4
point increase. Meanwhile, art and culture, physical
education and sport, Sundanese, and TI remain. The
increase is small, but it changes mildly gifted into
moderately gifted and moderately gifted becomes
profoundly gifted. "Analysis by subject shows
various levels. The rise and decline of small,
therefore the level is fixed. Islamic religion, Civics,
Math, Social Studies, art and culture, physical
education and sport, Sundanese, TI, and Arabic
fixed. Except, art and culture, physical education
and sport, English up from moderately gifted to
profoundly gifted. Quantitatively down, but
qualitatively significant achievement ANRH
Overview changes to the academic achievement
of the other 14 cases are described below:
Achievements MZB rose 2.5 points. The increase
was moderately gifted change becomes profoundly
gifted. Per-subject analysis shows the level fixed,
except PJOK transform mildly gifted into a
moderately gifted, Sundanese and English change
moderately gifted become profoundly gifted.
Qualitatively achievement means MZB increased.
Achievement of MAGD went down 0.3 point. A
small drop, so that the level remains. Achievement
of MTFM went down 0.4 point, Civics and English
fixed. Analysis by subject shows levels remain,
except sains that transformed mildly gifted into a
moderately gifted.
Achievement MP rose 1.3 point, raise mildly
gifted to moderately gifted level. Analysis showed
levels per subject remained, except for Islamic
religion and English change mildly gifted to be
moderately gifted and moderately gifted to be
profoundly gifted. Qualitatively significant
achievement MP increased. Achievement of MRNF
went down 1,6 point. Analysis per subject shows
that MRNF level fixed, except Indonesia language
that changes moderately gifted to be profoundly
Achievement FZZ went down 0.4 point. Analysis
showed levels per subject remained, except Arabic,
it changed moderately gifted to be profoundly gifted.
Achievement of MHS rose 2.5 points. It changed
moderately gifted become profoundly gifted.
Analysis showed levels per subject remained, except
for Islamic religion, Math, science, social studies,
and art and culture, physical education and sport,
mildly gifted change into moderately gifted, mildly
gifted become profoundly gifted and moderately
gifted become profoundly gifted. Qualitatively
achievement means MHS increased. Achievement of
WRW fell 0.6 point, per subject analysis shows the
level fixed, except science moderately change
moderately gifted into profoundly gifted.
Achievement of DAPA rose 1.7 points. It
transformed mildly gifted into moderately gifted.
Analysis showed levels per subject remained, except
for science, social studies transformed mildly gifted
into a moderately gifted and Sundanese changed
moderately gifted into profoundly gifted.
Qualitatively, DAPA had a quite meaningful
increase. Achievement of AGM rose 0.7 points, to
profoundly change the moderately gifted into
profoundly gifted. Analysis by subject shows levels
"remain, except Math and English transform mildly
gifted into moderately gifted and moderately gifted
become profoundly gifted. In qualitative
achievements, AGM had meaningful increase.
Achievement of RAY fell 1.8 point. Analysis
showed levels per subject remained, except for art
and culture, physical education and sport and Arabic
that transform mildly gifted into a moderately gifted.
Qualitatively, RAY successfully defended his
performance. Achievement of YPZM rose 0.4 point.
It changed moderately gifted become profoundly
gifted. Analysis showed levels per subject remained,
except for science, social studies and art and culture,
physical education and sport transform mildly gifted
into moderately gifted and moderately gifted
become profoundly gifted.
Achievement RA point.Analisis down 0.7 per
subjects showed the level fixed, except Indonesia
language transform into a moderately gifted mildly
gifted. In qualitative RA successfully defended his
performance. Achievement MZ rose 1.8 point,
change becomes moderately gifted mildly gifted.
Analysis showed levels per subject remained, except
for Islamic religious education, Social Study, art and
culture, physical education and sport and Arabic
change into a moderately gifted mildly and
moderately gifted become profoundly gifted.
Qualitatively achievement means MZ increase. This
significant increase is interpreted as the impact of
the implementation of the model.
Essential effectiveness is there on the impact of
the Model, namely success4 all, both in academic
and personal development. There are two important
aspects in defining the effectiveness of the model,
first; related to the effective indicator itself, two; of
how the quality of the implementation process
model in order to reach an effective indicator. The
model requires partnerships to realize the family and
society, as well as an inclusive culture that is
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
realized in service that facilitates all children with
the diversification program. Dryden and Vos (2004)
believes all man in all ages can learn anything if
they are allowed to do so with a unique style.
Whitmore (Milgram, 1991) suggested gifted
underachievement; unmotivated perform the task,
has never been challenged and rewarded. There is a
discrepancy between school programs and learning
styles of children. Counselors assist gifted children,
teachers, and parents to understand the suitability of
learning (Dunn, 1987 in Milgram, 1991). Success in
school is facilitated, if the parents support their
children at home (Milgram, 1991; Mackey, 2014;
Thomas et al., 2015).
Learning emphasizes the internalization of what
is done so embedded and functioning as a charge
conscience and practiced in student life. Effective
learning emphasizes on how children learn in their
own way. Through the creativity of teachers,
learning becomes fun. Some gifted children have
low achievement motivation, easily discouraged and
unsure as to his ability, so it tends underachieving.
Motivation deals with why people behave as they
appear. Two important dimensions are activity and
direction. Firstly, children are motivated and do
something. Secondly, if the children are motivated,
their behaviors become focused on what is in the
Students of full-day elementary School are
important period in achievement motivation and
social motivation. This condition requires children to
take a new role that involves greater responsibility.
The relationship of children and parents, peers,
teachers, the community, can influence achievement.
Santrock (2007) states that school with high
academic expectations and standards, as well as
emotional support, make the children are motivated
to excel. As a leader, counselor becomes the main
point in the control model, such as how to practice in
partnership with experts, in coordination with
teachers, parents and the community. Efforts to put
counselor as a leader is the core of the idea that the
counselor is a leader in the context promotes success
for all students. It is done by encouraging the
practice of child-centered learning and effective
teaching, through a partnership of school, family,
and society which took place in a neighborhood
called Padersen (Kartadinata, 2011) as an inclusive
Individually, the model is proved to give effect to
optimize the academic potential of gifted children,
especially for gifted children "underachiever" This is
evidenced by the change from mildly gifted to
moderately gifted, and from moderately gifted to
profoundly gifted, even from the aspect of a subject,
there are some that have gone from mildly gifted to
profoundly gifted level. It is strengthened by the
testimony of parents and teachers and the children
themselves with regard to the meaning of the Model.
Thus gifted children should be exposed to a variety
of activities in the appropriate fields. In the
framework of cooperation, the teacher should give
parents information about the progress of their
children, and the parents gave information about the
situation at home. The role of parents and the
community need to be optimally organized.
Potentially, full-day elementary school has a
potential resource of parents and communities are
valuable in supporting success for all. Judging from
the momentum, has been available as at the
beginning of the new school year, when a progress
report studies the middle and end of the semester,
and the momentum of extracurricular and religious
celebrations that peak is farewell. Momentum can be
utilized as a medium for sharing experiences of
schools, families and communities can contributes to
the realization of giftedness with more effective
parenting, mentoring and counseling and education.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences