special elementary school” is accepted. This is in
accordance with the Wilcoxon test results which
determines that when Jcount < Jtable = 0 < 2, then
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. In addition, the
average test score obtained by each student
increased after the students were given treatment
through the mind mapping method. This can be seen
from the comparison of the pre-test and post-test
results for each student as presented in table 2,
which reinforces the acceptance of the proposed
The explanations show that in an attempt of
increasing hearing-impaired students’ understanding
of question words, the learning methods used by
teachers by considering students’ needs and
conditions are very influential. This is in line with
the argument of Barizi and Idris (2010: 119) that “in
using a certain method, considerations of students’
condition should be made, including considerations
of their intelligence level, maturity, learning style,
individual differences, and so on.”
Still based on the research results, the mind
mapping method is significantly influential in
increasing hearing-impaired students’ understanding
of question words because this method is visually
based. Visual-based methods are very suitable for
hearing-impaired students, who because of their
hearing impairment, rely so much on their vision to
understand various pieces of information, thereby
making them earn the nickname of “visual people.”
This corresponds to Myklebust’s argument (in
Bunawan and Yuwati, 2000: 5) that in hearing-
impaired people who are classified as deaf, the
visual sense will take the most important role,
followed by the senses of touch, smell, and taste.
The results of this study prove that the mind
mapping method significantly affected the increased
understanding of the question words of hearing-
impaired students; therefore, teachers should not
hesitate to apply the method. This research
examined the implementation of the mind mapping
method to increase the understanding of question
words related to the subject of Indonesian language
among hearing-impaired students. Future research is
suggested to examine the application of mind
mapping method to increase other abilities, such as
material understanding on the subject of natural
The results of this research show that the mind
mapping method had a significant effect on
increased understanding of question words of
hearing-impaired students. The question words
included what, who, when, and where. The increase
was based on the average post-test score obtained by
the students which shows a significant increase
compared to the average pre-test score. This increase
is very possible to achieve, because mind mapping is
one method that is based on vision, appropriate for
hearing-impaired students who are often referred to
as visual people. The visual-based method is perfect
for hearing-impaired students, because for them the
visual sense serves a very important role in the
limited ability of interpreting language as the impact
of their hearing impairment.
This research is very important to do in order to
show that the method of mind mapping is effective
to improve the understanding of hearing-impaired
students of question words. Therefore, teachers need
not hesitate to use this mind mapping method,
especially in improving the understanding of the
question words for hearing-impaired students. Based
on the results of this study, it can be concluded that
the results of this study support the proposed
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Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture
Republik Indonesia Nomor 81A Tahun 2013
The Use of Mind Mapping to Understand Question Words of Hearing-Impaired Students