The Use of Mind Mapping to Understand Question Words of
Hearing-Impaired Students
Tati Hernawati and Dini Nur Legita
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung Indonesia
Keywords: Mind Mapping Method, Understanding Question Words, Hearing-Impaired Students.
Abstract: The research aims to determine the effect of mind mapping method on increased understanding of question
words of first grade elementary school students with hearing impairments in the special school for hearing-
impaired students in Indonesia. Mind mapping method is one of the visual-based methods to focus the mind
into a form of diagram that contains themes, subthemes, and important parts of a piece of information. This
research used quantitative approach with experimental method and one group pretest-posttest design. It was
conducted to seven first grade elementary school students with hearing impairments with three treatments.
Data were collected through written tests. The data were then analyzed with quantitative analysis techniques
using nonparametric statistics, i.e. Wilcoxon test. The results of this research show that mind mapping
method had an effect on increased understanding of question words of the first-grade elementary school
students with hearing impairments in the special school for hearing-impaired students. The implication of
this research is that teachers are expected not to hesitate to apply the mind mapping method in helping to
improve hearing-impaired students’ understanding of question words.
Based on preliminary observations conducted to the
first grade of a special elementary school for
hearing-impaired students in Indonesia,
communication problems were discovered, one of
which was found in the questioning activity.
Questioning activity becomes one of the learning
stages at all grade levels using a scientific approach.
According to the Regulation of the Minister of
Education and Culture No. 81A of 2013, appendix
IV, Curriculum 2013, there are two models of
learning process that have been developed, namely
direct and indirect learning processes. Direct
learning is the process of education to develop
knowledge, thinking ability, and psychomotor skills
through direct interactions with learning resources
designed in the syllabus and lesson plans in the form
of learning activities. Indirect learning is the process
of education that occurs during the process of direct
learning, but it is not designed in special activities.
In direct learning, learners learn to observe, ask
questions, collect information, associate or analyze,
and communicate their findings. In the questioning
stage in the classroom, students are required to make
inquiries based on observations made in the previous
stage, and it is at this stage that hearing-impaired
students have difficulty because they still do not
know about the types and uses of question words.
Understanding the use of question words is very
important to align the perceptions of the person who
asks and the person being asked, or between the
communicant and communicator. Disagreement
between a communicant and communicator about
the question words will cause the information given
or received to be irrelevant.
Question words are words used to form
interrogative sentences (Ramlan, 1985). Question
words include what, who, when, where, where to,
where from, how much, how, and why. In the
questioning activity, there are some components that
must be understood in advance by students,
including the types of question words, uses of
question words, differences in question words,
structure of interrogative sentences, and the like.
They have to be familiar with the components for
making simple questions; for example, the question
word “who serves to show people, the question
word “what” serves to show things, the question
Hernawati, T. and Legita, D.
The Use of Mind Mapping to Understand Question Words of Hearing-Impaired Students.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 386-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
word “when” functions to indicate time, and so on.
Based on these problems, efforts should be made to
increase the understanding of the question words.
One of the efforts assumed to be able to increase
the understanding of question words of hearing-
impaired students is a visual learning method that
maximizes the visual sense of hearing-impaired
students, who are often referred to as visual people.
This is in line with the opinion of Bunawan and
Yuwati (2000: 5) who explained that in the hearing
impaired, "the visual sense will take an important
role, followed by the senses of touch, smell, and
taste." Thus, hearing-impaired people will more
easily receive information or learning by
maximizing their visual sense. The visual learning
methods in question are, one of them, the mind
mapping method. Musrofi (2008: 179) defined mind
mapping as “a technique in the form of a scheme to
describe everything we think about or have in our
brain". Mind mapping is also one of the ways
teachers use to assist students in focusing their
concentration and organizing learning materials to
be easily understood by students.
There are several journal articles that are relevant
to the use of mind mapping. First, there is the article
written by Kernan et al. (2017) which suggested that
by constructing mind maps, students can develop
structured research questions and a list of major
search terms that form the basis for literature review
and questionnaire development for descriptive
research. Second, Jimenez (2017) argued that mind
maps can be used to understand autistic conditions,
which include: the brain that has different abilities,
repetitive behavior, and limited communication. He
added that intelligence in different aspects is
conserved, and there is isolation or little social
Interaction. Third, the article written by Dutt (2015)
shows that mind maps are effective as a thinking
tool, and there is an opportunity to use mind
mapping in adding values into and effectiveness in
managing projects. Fourth, the article written by
Shallcross (2016) demonstrates that concept maps
are useful tools for assessing knowledge and
understanding of sustainable development concepts
and the students surveyed in the research had a good
awareness of the technical, social, and
environmental aspects of the domain. Fifth, in the
article written by Enright and White (2012), it is
explained that mind mapping can be used to clarify
and simplify the complex problems of
pharmaceutical department. Mind maps are used to
shape, visualize, produce, categorize, and classify
ideas, as well as assist in various activities including
problem solving, writing, and critical decision
making. Sixth, the article written by Ginting (2013)
shows that the mind map model is effective in
improving the ability of writing articles of eleventh
grade high school students. Seventh, the article
written by Rejeki et al. (2014) indicated that the use
of mind mapping model can improve the process
and learning outcomes of social studies of the
fourth-grade students of elementary school. Eighth,
the article written by Salfina and Pasaribu (2015)
demonstrates that the achievements of students who
were taught using the mind mapping method were
better than those of the students taught by
conventional methods.
Of the various journal articles found, none has
examined the application of mind mapping method
to increase understanding of question words of
hearing-impaired students. Therefore, there is a need
for research to determine the effect of mind mapping
method on hearing-impaired students’ increased
understanding of question words.
This research used quantitative approach with
experimental method. It employed the one-group
pretest-posttest design. The design is as follow in
table 1:
Table 1: One-group pretest-posttest design.
(Noor, 2011, p. 115)
In this design, there is no control group.
O1 = Measurement before treatment
X = Treatment
O2 = Measurement after treatment
At the measurement stage, students were given a
test with the same instrument. The test was given to
uncover their understanding of the use of such
question words as “what”, “who”, “when” and
“where”. The test includes: a complete test of the
function of the question words (what, who, when,
and where); matching the questions with the right
answers; completing interrogative questions with the
right question words, and answering simple
At the treatment stage, a teaching and learning on
the use of the question words (what, who, when, and
where) was carried out, using the method of mind
mapping. The steps to make the mind map
referenced Buzan (2011), namely: (1) The activity
starts from the middle of a blank page to the side; (2)
The Use of Mind Mapping to Understand Question Words of Hearing-Impaired Students
As the central idea, the child’s photo is used with a
question mark, so that the child can stay focused and
concentrate. In mind mapping, a variety of colors are
used to make the mind maps more alive and fun; (3)
The child connects the main branches to the central
image, then connects the second and third level
branches to the first and second levels, because the
brain works according to the association. In its
application in the present research, the subjects were
guided to read the main part of the mind mapping,
and then together connected the main part with the
branches of understanding, type, function,
characteristic, and example of the question words;
(4) The child creates a curved line; (5) The child
uses one keyword for each line; and (6) Each
keyword has a picture to make it easier to remember
the mind maps. In the implementation in the
research, the mind maps were made through
computer applications.
In this research, the samples were taken by
nonprobability sampling with surfeited sampling
technique. The samples included all (seven) first
grade hearing-impaired students, at one of the
special schools in Indonesia. The description of the
samples can be seen in table 2.
Table 2: Research sample.
No Name Gender Age Hearing loss level (dB)
Initial (year) Right Left
1 Ab man 8 100 100
2 Al woman 9 90 90
3 Ar man 7 90 90
4 Bo man 8 100 100
5 Da man 9 90 90
6 Mu woman 9 100 100
7 Ra woman 7 100 90
Table 2, indicated that students who become
research samples experience hearing loss at the level
of profound, so classified as deaf person. In general,
they can read and write simple sentences.
Data collection was done by using the test
technique, namely a written test on the use of
question words (what, who, when, and where). The
test is in the forms of completing sentences,
matching items, and short answer questions. In the
implementation, the students were assisted by using
total communication to clarify the questions asked.
The research aims to obtain a description of the
effect of mind mapping method on increased
understanding of question words of hearing-
impaired students. Therefore, it required data in the
forms of pretest and post-test scores for comparison.
The results can be seen through the difference
between the pre-test and post-test scores, or the
difference between the scores of understanding
question words before and after treatment. The
difference between the pre-test and post-test scores
can be seen in table 3.
Table 3: Difference between the pre-test and post-test
scores of understanding question words.
Average (%)
Table 3 indicates there was a significant
difference in the hearing-impaired students’
understanding of question words before and after
getting treatment. The average ability of the students
in the pre-test was 37.14%, while the average ability
of the students in the post-test increased to 68.57%,
so the average percentage of students’ understanding
of question words increased by 31.43%.
The data that were obtained then processed using
quantitative analysis techniques, more specifically
using non-parametric statistical test (Wilcoxon test).
Meanwhile, the significance level used was α = 0.05.
Based on the calculation of total absolute value
taken (the smallest one), Jcount = 0. The value of J
in the table or Jtable with a significance level of α =
0.05 and sample number (n) = 7, was 2. Based on
the hypothesis testing criteria previously set, if the
value of Jcount < Jtable is 0 < 2, then H0 is rejected
and H1 is accepted. This means that the proposed
hypothesis was accepted, and it can be concluded
that the mind mapping method had a significant
effect on increasing the understanding of question
words of the hearing-impaired students of the first
grade of a special elementary school in Indonesia.
Based on the results explained above, it is found
that the hearing-impaired students’ understanding of
question words experienced significant progress due
to the use of mind mapping method compared to
before the students were taught with the method.
Thus, the hypothesis formulated in this research,
which is mind mapping method has an effect on the
increased understanding of the question words of the
hearing-impaired students in the first grade of a
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
special elementary school” is accepted. This is in
accordance with the Wilcoxon test results which
determines that when Jcount < Jtable = 0 < 2, then
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. In addition, the
average test score obtained by each student
increased after the students were given treatment
through the mind mapping method. This can be seen
from the comparison of the pre-test and post-test
results for each student as presented in table 2,
which reinforces the acceptance of the proposed
The explanations show that in an attempt of
increasing hearing-impaired students’ understanding
of question words, the learning methods used by
teachers by considering students’ needs and
conditions are very influential. This is in line with
the argument of Barizi and Idris (2010: 119) that “in
using a certain method, considerations of students’
condition should be made, including considerations
of their intelligence level, maturity, learning style,
individual differences, and so on.”
Still based on the research results, the mind
mapping method is significantly influential in
increasing hearing-impaired students’ understanding
of question words because this method is visually
based. Visual-based methods are very suitable for
hearing-impaired students, who because of their
hearing impairment, rely so much on their vision to
understand various pieces of information, thereby
making them earn the nickname of “visual people.”
This corresponds to Myklebust’s argument (in
Bunawan and Yuwati, 2000: 5) that in hearing-
impaired people who are classified as deaf, the
visual sense will take the most important role,
followed by the senses of touch, smell, and taste.
The results of this study prove that the mind
mapping method significantly affected the increased
understanding of the question words of hearing-
impaired students; therefore, teachers should not
hesitate to apply the method. This research
examined the implementation of the mind mapping
method to increase the understanding of question
words related to the subject of Indonesian language
among hearing-impaired students. Future research is
suggested to examine the application of mind
mapping method to increase other abilities, such as
material understanding on the subject of natural
The results of this research show that the mind
mapping method had a significant effect on
increased understanding of question words of
hearing-impaired students. The question words
included what, who, when, and where. The increase
was based on the average post-test score obtained by
the students which shows a significant increase
compared to the average pre-test score. This increase
is very possible to achieve, because mind mapping is
one method that is based on vision, appropriate for
hearing-impaired students who are often referred to
as visual people. The visual-based method is perfect
for hearing-impaired students, because for them the
visual sense serves a very important role in the
limited ability of interpreting language as the impact
of their hearing impairment.
This research is very important to do in order to
show that the method of mind mapping is effective
to improve the understanding of hearing-impaired
students of question words. Therefore, teachers need
not hesitate to use this mind mapping method,
especially in improving the understanding of the
question words for hearing-impaired students. Based
on the results of this study, it can be concluded that
the results of this study support the proposed
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences