in this chart. The average increase in the score ranges
from 10% to 30% for group without student with
learning difficulties and for students with learning
difficulties have 20 to 30% increase in their scores
indicating that cooperative learning approach can be
an alternative approach to teaching students with
learning difficulties in inclusive schools.
Figure 4: The comparison of the scores before and after the
implementation of cooperative learning.
As educators should be in the learning process
using methods tailored to the needs and
characteristics of students, such as cooperative
learning. This approach can be an alternative solution
to help students in learning difficulties in building and
understanding mathematical knowledge in addition to
this it can also accommodate the needs of students
with learning difficulties interacting with classmates
so that the learning objectives can be achieved
effectively and efficiently.
Cooperative learning approach can make learning
mathematics fun for students because they are
actively involved in the learning activities as
members of groups. In addition, the contextualized
instructional materials can encourage students to
apply their acquired knowledge in everyday life. This
approach can become an alternative solution to help
students with learning difficulties in construct and
understand mathematics knowledge. This approach
can also accommodate the needs of students with
learning difficulties to interact with their classmates
so that the learning objectives can effectively and
efficiently be achieved. Implications for mathematics
learning using cooperative learning approach,
students are more motivated to participate actively
and independently solve math problems that students
form their own knowledge based on experience in the
This study is expected to be a material
consideration and reference for teachers who teach
students having trouble learning math in primary
school. Each case would require a different solution,
but with this research can be made one example of a
solution in dealing with students' learning difficulties
in math, especially at the primary school level.
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Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching for Students with Learning Difficulties