to the situation on the ground which is unique for each
study. Qualitative data analysis in this research was
done by collecting data, data reduction, data display
and then draws conclusions.
In the early identification phase, researchers
conducted observations of the child-care condition
performed by parents of children with autism. Child-
care conditions observed, among others drawn from
the theory of Baumrind (1991) covering the aspects
of warmth, positive control, positive affect,
protection, and punishment against children. Based
on observations conducted, researchers found out that
parents did not understand the quality of child care
that should be applied to children which impact on the
less optimum development of the child's ability.
Results confirmed through interviews with the school
and their parents, researchers concluded some
problems faced by parents among other, parents do
not understand the essence of children with autism
and parents’ lack of understanding of the quality care
application for children who have yet to fully impact
the development owned by the child.
Limited trial held on 14-15 June 2016 at the
school. Implementation carried out by inviting
parents, the school and resource experts as facilitators
for the participants to have a high level of confidence.
Farell and Weaver (2000), revealed that the
facilitators are individuals who helped to launch the
process of the communication group of people so that
they can understand or solve problems together.
Trials conducted for 3 x 60 minutes to 13 autism
parents were carried out in a joint meeting but
researches used 3 subjects for. Implementation of the
program led by the principal and featured Dr. Hj.
Rahayu Ginintasasi, S.Psi., M.Psi., as an expert in the
field of parenting a child with autism. The event
began with an introduction, then the experts
explained about the materials to be delivered. Further
activities were conducted with the provision of
material about the nature of children with autism as
well as the material regarding the caring quality and
attention of participants.
Based on observations the development of Parent
Support Group (PSG) program were in accordance
with the needs on the field, the speakers deliver
material in accordance with program implementation
plans that have been validated, parents were
enthusiastic to pay attention to the material presented
and to ask some questions to the informant related to
their desire to improve the quality of care for their
children who have autism. The result of this study
proves the Hallahan, Kauffman and Pullen (2011)
that the presence of parents support group so parents
can share their experiences and knowledge so as to
provide emotional support. Boonsuchat (2015) and
Abenavoli, Greenberg, T., and Bierman (2015)
revealed that through the Parent Support Group
program can reduce the level of anxiety of parents
that will greatly help improve the child's ability in
academic and non-academic.
Evaluation can be defined as a systematic way of
valuation which ultimately provides the necessary
information for continuous improvement (Borate,
Prasad, and Borate, 2014), the evaluation was done
with the instruments of observation and interviews
related to the planned implementation of the program.
Based on observations conducted by researchers
during the implementation of the program, the Parent
Support Group (PSG) program development was
based on the results of preliminary studies that were
in accordance with the needs in the field, the
implementation process were conducted in
accordance with the stages in validation. During the
implementation, the parents enthusiastically paid
attention to the material presented and had chances to
ask some questions to the experts related to their
eagerness to improve the quality of care for their
children who in needs.
Some of the challenges expressed by Oloffson,
Skoog, and Tillfor (2016) related to the
implementation of the Parent Support Group
program, where each parent has different activities so
it’s difficult in scheduling, a facilitator greatly
influences the success of the program so that schools
should be very careful in determining issues that will
be presented as well as selecting the right facilitator.
The stages of PSG program implementation process
began with early identification to problems and needs
in the school, then the identification results were
taken into consideration to determine the topic of the
meeting soon after the implementation schedule was
agreed upon investigator with the joint school,
parents and facilitators. The PSG program
implementation process indicated an active exchange
of information between the school, parents and
facilitators so that this stage was highly recommended
to be implemented in other schools with adjustment
needs in particular schools.
Parent Support Group (PSG) Approach for Parents of Children with Autism