to handle ADHD students’ learning problems caused
by concentration and attention deficit, and impulsive
behavior, while the qualitative approach is used to
find out the rational validity of cognitive-behavioral
counseling hypothetic model in handling
concentration and attention deficit, and impulsive
This research is conducted in order to analyze the
tendentious of learning difficulties of ADHD
students, its causes and teacher’s effort in guiding
ADHD student’s learning difficulties using
participative-collaborative (Chen and Chang, 2016)
The main limitation of this work is the absence of
blinded independent evaluations of treatment
outcomes. However, the two previous large studies of
CBT (Counseling Behavioral Treatment) in
medicated clients, as well as the recent four-group
trial, reported effects of very similar magnitude for
independent ratings and self-report ratings of ADHD
symptoms and to decrease its causes such as; less of
concentration, hyperactive behavior, and impulsive
ADHD student both of elementary and secondary
The results of this research is obtained through
preliminary study to gain empirical data of: data
profile of implementation of cognitive counseling,
behavioral counseling, and cognitive-behavioral
counseling to optimize cognitive ability and adaptive
behavior of ADHD students; profile of optimizing
problem of cognitive ability and adaptive behavior of
ADHD students; profile of cause factor of optimal
difficulties of cognitive ability and adaptive behavior
of ADHD students; and profile of teachers efforts in
implementing cognitive-behavioral counseling model
to optimize cognitive ability and adaptive behavior of
ADHD students.
Table 1: Test of counseling cognitive-behavior model.
Based on the statistical calculation of Wilcoxon
test on first hypothesis with real degree (significant)
0.005 prove that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted.
This means that ADHD students who receives
cognitive counseling reach a higher cognitive ability
score compare with ADHD students who receives
behavioral counseling (Lenhard et al., 2017). Base
assumption is that the relation between visual (see
objects, words), motor (holding, writing, and tracing),
and auditory (mentioning objects, letters/words
simultaneously as the student write of tracing a word)
as the implementation of cognitive counseling, is a
suitable counseling process to help ADHD students
who usually has cognitive ability disorder, such as:
understanding concept of objects, reading difficulties,
which is difficulties in understanding the relation
between letters and sound, and sound similarities.
Furthermore, the study on second hypothesis
shows that Ho is accepted and H1 is rejected at real
degree (significant) 0.05, or it is shown that there is
no significant differences between the cognitive
ability’s score of ADHD student who receive
cognitive-behavioral counseling and ADHD students
who receives cognitive counseling. Base assumption
of this is the cognitive ability disorder of ADHD
students are understanding relation between
speaking, sound, and symbol. This can be handled
through visual learner or visual thinking and tactile
procedure, as the implementation of cognitive-
behavioral counseling. The cognitive weakness of
ADHD students shows that their way of thinking is
nonverbal. Cognitive skill of ADHD students can be
achieved without spoken language or another process.
The third hypothesis also shows that Ho is
rejected and H1 is accepted at the real degree 0.05 or
in other words the ADHD students who receives
cognitive-behavioral counseling reach higher
cognitive ability score compare with students who
receive behavioral counseling. If the fourth
hypothesis is analyzed, it proves that Ho is rejected
and H1 is accepted at real degree 0.05. It can be said
that ADHD students who receives behavioral
counseling, reach higher adaptive behavior compare
with ADHD students who receives cognitive
counseling. With assumption that ADHD students
can remember adaptive behavior examples easily
through structured visual stimulation in stages, while
the implementation of cognitive counseling process is
focused more on increasing memory aspect and
object understanding concept (cognitive process)
through multisensory technique.
Based on the fifth hypothesis, it is shown that Ho
is rejected and H1 is accepted at real degree 0.05. It
can be said that ADHD students who receives
Cognitive-behavioral Counseling Model to Optimize Cognitive Potentially and Adaptive Behavior of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorders Students