Learning Model to Improve Social and Emotional Abillity of the
Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Nandi Warnandi, Imas Diana Aprilia and Neni Satriani
Special Education Departement, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229
Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Inclusive, Social Behavior.
Abstract: Emotional and social abilities of children with special needs to inclusive schools are very low. This study
aims to find out the most effective the learning model to improve emotional and social development of
children with special needs to inclusive schools. The research begins with designing the learning model, tested
on a limited basis in four inclusive schools. The learning model is selected team’s tournament games.
Selection of this model because it has one of cooperative the learning model that is easy to implement,
involving the activities of all learners without any differences in status, involving students as peer tutors and
contain elements of games and reinforcement. The learning activities with games that are designed in a
cooperative learning model of team-games tournament enable learners can learn to be more relaxed in addition
to foster responsibility, honesty, cooperation, healthy competition and the learning engagement. The results
of this study can be applied in improving the emotional and social abilities of children with special needs to
inclusive schools.
On learning model to improve emotional and social
development in an inclusive school is currently
becoming the topic of conversation among observers
of education. As shown in several researches
(Finkoand Ludíková, 2013; Sonia, 2012; Samarina
et al., 2015; Isosomppi and Leivo, 2015; Dias, 2015;
Valeeva, 2015; Nigmatov, 2014; Borca, 2010; Orly,
2015; Westby et al., 1994; Wakefield, 2004;
Harrower, 1999; Duhaney, 1999; Wigle and Wilcox,
1996; Lasauskiene and Rauduvaite, 2015;
Kostromina and Gnedykh, 2016; Roman, 2013), this
issue is attractive, specifically in the ability of
children's emotional and social development in an
inclusive school actual fact the field is not in
accordance with what is written in theory. On
learning model to improve emotional and social
development in an inclusive school, it is currently
becoming the topic of conversation among educators.
The barriers of children with special needs often
have an impact on social and emotional development,
children often have problems in social adjustment
with the environment, because any interaction or
work are influenced by their emotional and social
factors. The emotional and social abilities of children
with special needs in inclusive schools are essentially
very low when they are compared with children in
general. To optimally develop the emotional and
social maturity of children with special needs, the
abilities must be improved, because people’s
emotional and social maturity will affect the aspects
their knowledge and skill. Enhancing the emotional
and social abilities of children with special needs in
inclusive schools requires a customized approach to
the character and needs of children with special needs
(Finkoand Ludíková, 2013; Sonia, 2012; Samarina
et al., 2015; Isosomppi and Leivo, 2015; Dias, 2015;
Valeeva, 2015; Nigmatov, 2014; Borca, 2010; Orly,
2015; Westby et al., 1994; Wakefield, 2004;
Harrower, 1999; Duhaney, 1999; Wigle and Wilcox,
1996; Lasauskiene and Rauduvaite, 2015;
Kostromina and Gnedykh, 2016; Roman, 2013).
Emotional and social development of children
with special needs inclusive school are often
ineffective, namely; feel differently with children in
general (disabled), the discriminatory reactions from
the public, attitudes towards people with disabilities
ranging from indifference to the lack of
understanding, thus becoming overprotective or too
sympathetic, normal people often do not know how
to respond to individuals with disabilities. (Sue,
Warnandi, N., Aprilia, I. and Satriani, N.
Learning Model to Improve Social and Emotional Abillity of the Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School.
In 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017), pages 1021-1026
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2005). Learning in an inclusive school is still a
classical and yet give greater opportunities to children
with special needs to develop their potential. Special
needs children are often left to learn on their own,
placed in the rearmost row of the table, and not
involved in the discussions, or other group activities,
so that the potential of the child with special needs
does not develop to its potential.
This study is a model that can enhance the
emotional and social abilities of children with special
needs in an inclusive school, is also a learning model
is better than conventional learning models and The
purpose of research is to test the model effectiveness.
End of this research is to produce a model of learning
that can improve emotional and social abilities of
children with special needs in inclusive schools that
can be used as a reference for subsequent research.
The method applied in the development of learning
models for improving emotional and social abilities
of children with special needs in inclusive school is a
method of research and development (Research and
Development). Instruments are used observation
guidelines. While the data analysis through
qualitative analysis is by comparing the effectiveness
and efficiency of the learning process. Quantitative
analysis uses t test of average value. The research
steps that are conducted refer to the steps of Gall and
Borg (1989), namely; 1) Research and data collection,
which includes needs assessment, literature studies,
and research on a small scale, 2) Planning of product
development, 3) Development of the initial product,
4) Trial of initial product and 5) Completion of the
initial product, 6) Trial products which have been
improved, 7) Completion of a product that has been
enhanced, 8) Testing products which have been
enhanced, 9) field tests of products which have been
enhanced, 10) implementation and
institutionalization of the product. Tenth step above
is modified into three stages of researches. These
modifications are intended action research became
simpler, step namely "The first phase, a preliminary
study done by applying a qualitative descriptive
approach. Second, the development stage model of
descriptive approach, followed by a limited trial and
more comprehensive scale trial with descriptive
qualitative-quantitative approach. Third, there is the
validation of the model by applying quantitative
approaches-experimental pretest-posttest.
Table 1: Number of students with special needs.
Table 1 shows that schools for the research
subjects are 13, the number of class are 23, the
number of children with disabilities are 87 children,
average age ranged from 10-11 years, and research
activities include pre-survey, limited testing,
extensive testing, and validity testing.
The subject has inability in communication,
intellectual, learning, emotional disturb, and autism
and was selected based on the observation of very
feasible with consideration for the study because the
school has implemented a system of inclusive but not
optimal. The research had been conducted since
February 2013 to July 2014. Duration of initial
research until completion is 10 months. The research
locations are inclusive schools which are located in
the Bandung City / Regency. The schools that became
the study sites are:
Pre surveys; conducted in four schools, 8th
grade, and the number of students as research
subject is 23 people;
The limited trial; it was conducted at two
schools, in four classes with the number of
children with special needs about 12 students.
The test area; the number of school more than
the limited trial, conducted in four schools, five
classes, and students with special needs about
21 students;
Validity test of the model; conducted at three
schools, six classes, with the number of
children with special needs as many as 31
Emotional and social abilities of children with special
needs in inclusive schools are very low. This study
aims to find out the most effective learning model to
improve emotional and social development of
children with special needs in inclusive schools. The
research begins with designing the learning model,
tested on a limited basis in four inclusive schools. The
study begins with learning model piloted in four
schools on a limited basis inclusive. Learning model
has selected team’s tournament games. Selection of
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
this model because it is one of cooperative learning
model that has easy to implement, involving the
activities of all learners without any differences in
status, involves the role of students as peer tutors and
contain elements of games and reinforcement.
Learning activities with games are designed in a
cooperative learning model. Thus, it enables learners
for learning more relaxed in addition to foster
responsibility, honesty, cooperation, healthy
competition, and learning engagement. The result of
the research shows that there has improvement on
emotional and social abilities of the children with
special needs after using team-games tournament
model. The teams for learning model are modified
and adapted to the conditions of children with
disabilities has very suitable to improve emotional
and social abilities. The model can improve the ability
of children with special needs on aspects of; being
responsible, collaborating with others, trusting others,
and thinking about other’s rights. The results of this
study can be applied in improving the emotional and
social abilities of children with special needs in
inclusive schools.
This study aims to find out the learning model to
improve the social and emotional development of
children with special needs. The results show that in
responsible aspects; students were able to mention
their identities, they are able to maintain the
appearance (does not show the attitude of moody)
when they are in the school environment, and has the
ability to be active in following lessons. In
accordance with the opinion of Smith (1998), study
that was developed in the group would improve social
skills, cooperation, tolerance, interaction and
In the aspect of collaboration with others; the
students are able to cooperate with other learners, able
to show attention and affection towards other
learners, able to withstand cry when learning takes
place, able to follow the learning like other learners,
and have courage to perform in front to present
classroom learning materials. Corresponding opinion
of Smith (1998) that "children with special needs can
imitate peers in learning", in addition to special needs
students who do not learn to appreciate classmates
with special needs.
The implementation of Team-games Tournament
learning model can improve learning outcomes of
students with special needs in the aspect trusting
others; being able to follow the learning that is
considered difficult with patience, able to ask for the
help of other students if you have trouble doing
schoolwork, able to help calm other learners who are
sad or anxious, is able to hang out or play with other
learners, and able to withstand feelings offended and
angry with the other learners. According to the results
of previous research, there are significant differences
between the level of achievement of the experimental
group using the Team-games Tournament model
turned out better than the control group using
traditional 'models' (Gokkurt, Dundar, Soylu, and
Akgun, 2012).
The success of the Team-games tournament
learning model also appear on the aspects to think
about the rights of others; Special needs children are
capable of supporting other learners who are
considered good and right, able to rejoice if there are
other students who succeed, and able to rejoice if
other students were delighted. According to the
results, cooperative learning Team-games
Tournament creates a learning environment that is
active in solving problems, and discussion between
students and teachers (Aziz and Hossain, 2010; Veloo
and Chairhany, 2013).
As shown in Figure 1, learning model
development is the study was conducted in three
stages; initial conditions, which conducted an
analysis of the specific needs children as well as the
level of emotional and social abilities, and make the
initial design. Development of a model on aspects are
self-awareness, management of feelings, self-
motivation, empathy, and relationship management.
After through discussion and revision, the model is
developed learning.
Learning Model to Improve Social and Emotional Abillity of the Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Figure 1: Learning model development framework.
The steps in developing the model are; 1)
arranging the draft which is suitable with the findings
in the preliminary study, 2) discussing the draft of
learning model with teachers 3) trying out the model
draft, and 4) improving the draft model. The games
performing in the form of a tournament involving all
students performed with the following procedures: 1)
Teachers determine the serial number of learners and
place them on the table tournaments. 2) Students take
out a card to determine the first reader (the highest
number) and the others become the first and second
competitor. 3) Readers shuffle the cards and take the
card on top. 4) first reader reads the question based on
the number of the card and try to answer them. 5) If
the first or second competitors have different
answers, they can file an answer in turn, with
provisions; a) If the answer of the competitor is
wrong, he imposed a fine to return his card with the
correct answer (if any). b) Furthermore, the students
switch positions (in order) by the same procedure. c)
When it finished, the students count the cards and
their scores and then those scores are accumulated by
all the teams. d) certificate award, a super team to the
criteria above, the team is very good (central
criterion), both teams (below criteria). The
assessment of model draft; the steps of development
Team-games Tournament model to develop
emotional and social abilities of children with special
needs in the developed inclusive schools are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Steps team-games tournament model
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Team-games Tournament learning model that has
been modified / adapted to the type and level of
child’s abnormality is able to improve the emotional
and social development of students with special needs
in inclusive schools. the steps of experiments
conducted are; conducting limited testing, the result
is that at the first, second, and third meeting; applying
the Team-games tournament learning model affects
the emotional and social abilities of children with
special needs in inclusive schools. Extensive trials;
the test results can broadly be described that applying
the learning model affects the emotional and social
abilities of children with special needs.
A validity test; from the analysis of pre-test, post-
test, and the gain index, it can be inferred about the
comparison of the present learning model with the
usual model of the emotional and social abilities of
children with special needs. The experimental group
was no better than the control class, the experimental
class is better than the control class, but the increasing
in emotional and social abilities of children with
special needs in the experimental class was no better
than the control class. At the third meeting, there was
an increasing in emotional and social abilities of
children with special needs in the experimental class,
where the increasing is better than the control class.
Emotional and social abilities of children with special
needs to inclusive schools are very low. This study
aims to find out the most effective learning model to
improve emotional and social development of
children with special needs in inclusive schools. The
research begins with designing the learning model,
tested on a limited basis to four school inclusive. The
trial is widely applied to 17 inclusive schools
toandung City / Regency Indonesia. The results of the
validity test showed that the application of team-
games tournament learning model brings the positive
impact to the increasing of emotional and social
abilities of children with special needs. The team’s
games tournament learning model is modified and
adapted to the conditions of increasing of emotional
and social abilities of children with special needs. The
team-games tournament learning model is able to
improve the ability of children with special needs on
aspects of; being responsible, collaborating with
others, trusting others, and thinking from other’s
rights. The results of this study can be applied to
improving the emotional and social abilities of
children with special needs to inclusive schools.
Recommendations for further research to hold
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences