head movement, growls, movement (take the desired
own, do the work yourself interesting hands of the
mother). Receptive communication: Understanding
greetings, referrals, requests for attention. Tend to be
passive, in the class just copy the work of teachers.
Communication skills: At school more often with her
mother and only eat food that was delivered mother.
Any initiative in contact with other friends, If the
atmosphere is bustling student cry. Attractive mother
hand, if there is a desire that can not be done alone or
whining. Enjoys flashlight, hp and dolls a smile is a
sign of agreement or understanding. Implication and
discussion: Provide support / increase in the use of the
current movement in different contexts. Providing an
opportunity to make a choice. Watched and noted the
use of the symbols of objects. Support / improve
responsiveness to touch cues, gestures, signs, and
name, words spoken with touch gestures and actions
when possible Need to be involved with her friends
activities. Hnf need more taught socializing with
friends and people around him. Several previous
studies had no strategy / media communication
through both the original image and compic, also
assisted using visual cues. Modification of
communication lies in the theme of content tailored
to a child's learning experience and the immediate
environment. Selecting the communication strategy
to use depends on the ability of hearing, vision, and
language of the person; cognitive abilities; comfort;
and risk assessment. The more methods that people
can use skilled, easier communication with the public
(Miles & McLetchie, 2008).
3.1.2 Dk Profile
Dk was born in Serang, October 22th 2008. Known
to have congenital cataracts after birth, and perform
eye surgery at the age of 3 months. Developmental
delay before 5 years. According to doctors exposed to
rubella virus. Vision: Using glasses convex lens 16,
directions vision focus on the front center, always
closer in order to see more focus, some took off her
glasses when feeling uncomfortable, very happy to
see hp and a luminous object, sometimes often
approached the classroom window and stood looking
out. Can imitate finger movements facing position.
Frequent squinting his eyes in order to focus.
Hearing: Very active, sometimes angry and kicks.
Cooperative and willing to learn when already
understand but if there are things that are not
understood or disliked frequent head-banging. He
have his own gesture of the family, like drinking milk
with rubbing cheek. Speech: laughing, crying, has not
release a meaningful words. In the first week in
school often uncontrollable tantrums and sometimes
hurt himself or a friend. The new academic aspects of
stage thicken letters or numbers. For the case of Dk,
handling stages are analyzing the assessment results
(Based on the assessment results Dk still be able to
use his eyesight in a distance of 1.5 m (5 feet), hearing
impairment and nonverbal. Right now, DK
communicates limited with gestures only). Designing
Individual Program in line with the sensory
conditions. Determining the strategy to build his
communication skills. (Dk is suggested to use his
existed vision capabilities using an enlarged picture
media provided with written and sign language to
develop his expressive and receptive skills).
3.1.3 Fz Profile
After the birth of swelling of the right side of the head
so long for treatment and 5 months punctuated
oxygen. It affects the nervous eyes and ears that
suffered heavy damage and leaves a meeting right ear
cover ear hole. According to doctors exposed to
rubella virus. Neural vision right eye and ear had
collapsed and there is still little vision, left eye minus
7. See images at close range, Cannot focus in view,
always tilt head, can be mimicked with guidance Can
imitate finger movements less than one meter. Can
follow the driven object at a distance of
approximately 1 meter. Communication: Often
laughing themselves and irregular noises. Using a
simple gesture, responding to a contact from another
person, such as replying to the greeting / touch and
initiate contact to others in face to face. Not to
understand commands directly. Speech: laughing,
crying, has not release a meaningful words. Learning:
Very active and show interest in learning, loved the
pictures / photos in learning, learning materials
thicken and connect the dotted line.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of assessment, Fz's right side
vision and hearing abilities have not working
anymore, while the left side vision capabilities
working in (2/6 or 6/20 m feet, and the left hearing
capabilities still be heard up to a distance of 1.5 m (5
feet), the speech ability: nonverbal.
The individualized program should be designed in
accordance with the sensory conditions. Fz is able to
use the enlarged image and the sign language within
the left position.
Some studies related to persons with learning how
to give deafblind as written Chen (1999) about the
importance of early identification, early stage needs,
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences