defined Athletes must have the psychological
characteristics and moral required by the sport
practiced to achievers. In harsh sports such as Boxing
or Taekwondo, aggressiveness must be possessed,
aggressiveness here was not interpreted as a form of
cruel or destructive attack, but it was tightly related to
the characteristic of sport itself which required
aggressive attitude (Gunarsa, 2008).
Each martial sports had different characteristics,
the task of motion that must do among sports were
different one another. The rules of the game between
group of martial sports such as Tinju, Judo, Pencak
Silat, Karate, and Taekwondo were clearly different.
Gunarsa (2008) defined the psychological aspects
underlain the behavior of sports activities practiced.
Thus, psychologically, athletes behavior arised from
each sport would form different psychological
Other factors that influenced was the character
contained in the sports. According to Najafi (2003)
stated that traditional martial arts practitioners more
emphasis on humility and had a high level of
motivation to accomplish hard tasks than those
involved in modern martial arts. The personality
profile of a athlete of the martial sports had a more
prominent value of discipline when compared to the
value of teamwork and sportsmanship, and there is a
difference from the value of sportsmanship, and
teamwork between sports (Hermawati, 2014).
Taekwondo athletes have a better anxiety control,
team emphasis, and concentration than pencak silat,
but pencak silat athletes had a high motivation
compared with taekwondo (Dimyati, 2013).
The literature review and the results study of the
above showed that the psychological aspects
influence on sport that athletes practiced was different
between one and another. Anshel & Payne stated
there are also some psychological aspects that are
necessary and influence on the appearance of martial
arts (Pencak Silat, Tae Kwo Do, and others) are
concentration, anticipation, emotional control, self-
control, confidence and fighting power (Anshel et al.,
1990). The optimistic attitude was very important for
sports martial athletes because it would have an
impact on increased fighting power, concentration,
and focus on attention (Zinseer et al., 2001).
According to Mahoney state psychological aspects
that potential and influence of appearance i.e.
motivation, confidence, anxiety control, mental
preparation, team attention, and concentration.
Mahoney et al. (1987) have used the instrument
the Psychological Skill Inventory for Sport (PSIS-R-
5) to compare elite athletes and non-elite athletes.
Further research had developed in identifying
psychological characteristics relevant to sports
(Meyers et al., 1996). Psychological characteristics
are the psychological aspects attached to the athlete's
self and affect the success or appearance athlete (Cox,
2012). Psychological characteristics in this study was
directed to psychological skills. Thus, the instrument
would be very appropriate to use in this study which
would specifically distinguish the psychological
characteristics of athletes among group of martial
sports SEA Games 2017.
Knowledge and understanding of the athlete's
psychological characteristics was very important to
be known by the coaches and manager of the sport as
an effort to support and prepare Indonesian athletes to
achieve optimal results in SEA Games 2017.
Accurate data required the coaches as an integral part
of the athlete's preparation. Therefore, this research
would focus on Indonesian athletes of martial sports
SEA Games 2017.
The method used in this research was survey method
with ex post facto research design. This research was
conducted from February to April 2017 at Pelatnas
location: Jakarta, Bandung, Sukabumi, Bogor.
The population of the research was Indonesia
National Training Camp athletes martial sports that
would be played in SEA Games 2017. The sampling
technique used purposive sampling with the criteria
of athletes National Training Camp martial sports that
have received Satlak Prima license. The totaled 93
athletes consist of 6 martial sports i.e. Taekwondo,
Karate, Wushu, Pencak Silat, Boxing, and Judo.
Instruments and techniques of data collected used
an instrument called The Psychological Skills
Inventory for Sport (PSIS-R-5). The instrument
consists of 44 questions that reveal the six
psychological skills: Aspects of Motivation,
confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation, team
Emphasis, and concentration, which is also a single
variable this study of the psychological
characteristics. The scoring of the subject's response
to the instrument, the score moves from one to five
with attention to the nature of the
questionnaire/instrument whether favorable or
The instrument was the first instrumen translated
by an English expert; rated by three experts; and then
tested against 76 PON DIY athletes because is
considered to have characteristics similar to the
sample. Tests are conducted with the aim of selecting
items and to see how far the instruments could reveal
Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes SEA Games 2017