Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes
SEA Games 2017
Fadli Dongoran and Dimyati Dimyati
Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jln. Colombo No 1, Sleman, Yogyakarta
Keywords: Psychology, Martial art, Boxing, Differences.
Abstract: This study aimed to obtain the psychological characteristics of Indonesian martial sports athletes. In addition,
this study also revealed the differences in psychological characteristics of Indonesian athletes among martial
sports group SEA Games 2017. The method used was survey with ex post facto research design. This research
was conducted from February to April 2017 at Pelatnas location: Jakarta, Bandung, Sukabumi, Bogor. The
population of the research was Indonesia National Training Camp athletes martial sports that would be played
in SEA Games 2017. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with the criteria of athletes National
Training Camp martial sports that have received Satlak Prima license. Sample totaled 93 athletes consist of 6
martial sports i.e. Taekwondo, Karate, Wushu, Pencak Silat, Boxing, and Judo. Instruments and techniques
of data collected use quesionnaire The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sport (PSIS-R-5). Technique of data
analysis was through analysis of variance One Way Anova with significance level 0.05, continued analysis by
Post-Hoc test. The results obtained showed the psychological characteristics of Indonesian martial sports
athletes SEA Games 2017 in High category with mean score value of 144,58. There was a significant
difference of psychological characteristics athletes among of martial sports group SEA Games 2017 with Sig.
(2-tailed) value of 0.048 (P <0.05), Significantly, the different results were between Boxing with Judo and
Pencak Silat with Boxing.
Indonesian sports accomplishment in international
events continued to decline and inconsistency, even,
the enforcement in year 2015 at Singapore, Indonesia
was the fifth rank with 47 gold, It was Indonesia worst
performance at the event sports biennial the Southeast
Evaluation of all factors causing the decline in that
performance must be done comprehensively,
transparently, and objectively to produce a
meaningful improvement in the Coaching of a
National sports. Sports coaching was not less
important than the role of the scientific approach of
various disciplines (Nossek, 1982). The latest sports
science and technology has been able to provide the
necessary detail of elite athletes to win world-class
sports competitions. Many studies proved the support
of sports science is one component to realize that
There are seven main theorems of sports science
and one of them Sports Psychology (Haag, 1994).
This means that Sports Psychology was one of seven
theoretical areas that become body of knowledge of
sports science. Sports psychology was a science that
applied the principles of psychology in sporting
situations or environments, with the aim of improving
the appearance or performance of athletes (Cox,
2012). More specifically Pate (1993) stated currently
there were three basic sciences that have become sub-
disciplines which supported perfect sport coaching
practices, namely biomechanics, exercise psychology
and sports psychology.
The success and failure of the player in the sport
of competitive was largely determined by the
combination of physical and mental factors. The
coach believe that no less than 50% of success in
sports determined by mental factors, even for sports
such as golf, tennis, and figure-skating of these
mental factors reached 80% to 90% (Weinberg and
Gould, 2011).
High-level competition demands top quality
athletes not only in terms of technique, physical, but
more so in the psychological aspect. Lutan (2010)
Dongoran, F. and Dimyati, D.
Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes SEA Games 2017.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 12-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
defined Athletes must have the psychological
characteristics and moral required by the sport
practiced to achievers. In harsh sports such as Boxing
or Taekwondo, aggressiveness must be possessed,
aggressiveness here was not interpreted as a form of
cruel or destructive attack, but it was tightly related to
the characteristic of sport itself which required
aggressive attitude (Gunarsa, 2008).
Each martial sports had different characteristics,
the task of motion that must do among sports were
different one another. The rules of the game between
group of martial sports such as Tinju, Judo, Pencak
Silat, Karate, and Taekwondo were clearly different.
Gunarsa (2008) defined the psychological aspects
underlain the behavior of sports activities practiced.
Thus, psychologically, athletes behavior arised from
each sport would form different psychological
Other factors that influenced was the character
contained in the sports. According to Najafi (2003)
stated that traditional martial arts practitioners more
emphasis on humility and had a high level of
motivation to accomplish hard tasks than those
involved in modern martial arts. The personality
profile of a athlete of the martial sports had a more
prominent value of discipline when compared to the
value of teamwork and sportsmanship, and there is a
difference from the value of sportsmanship, and
teamwork between sports (Hermawati, 2014).
Taekwondo athletes have a better anxiety control,
team emphasis, and concentration than pencak silat,
but pencak silat athletes had a high motivation
compared with taekwondo (Dimyati, 2013).
The literature review and the results study of the
above showed that the psychological aspects
influence on sport that athletes practiced was different
between one and another. Anshel & Payne stated
there are also some psychological aspects that are
necessary and influence on the appearance of martial
arts (Pencak Silat, Tae Kwo Do, and others) are
concentration, anticipation, emotional control, self-
control, confidence and fighting power (Anshel et al.,
1990). The optimistic attitude was very important for
sports martial athletes because it would have an
impact on increased fighting power, concentration,
and focus on attention (Zinseer et al., 2001).
According to Mahoney state psychological aspects
that potential and influence of appearance i.e.
motivation, confidence, anxiety control, mental
preparation, team attention, and concentration.
Mahoney et al. (1987) have used the instrument
the Psychological Skill Inventory for Sport (PSIS-R-
5) to compare elite athletes and non-elite athletes.
Further research had developed in identifying
psychological characteristics relevant to sports
(Meyers et al., 1996). Psychological characteristics
are the psychological aspects attached to the athlete's
self and affect the success or appearance athlete (Cox,
2012). Psychological characteristics in this study was
directed to psychological skills. Thus, the instrument
would be very appropriate to use in this study which
would specifically distinguish the psychological
characteristics of athletes among group of martial
sports SEA Games 2017.
Knowledge and understanding of the athlete's
psychological characteristics was very important to
be known by the coaches and manager of the sport as
an effort to support and prepare Indonesian athletes to
achieve optimal results in SEA Games 2017.
Accurate data required the coaches as an integral part
of the athlete's preparation. Therefore, this research
would focus on Indonesian athletes of martial sports
SEA Games 2017.
The method used in this research was survey method
with ex post facto research design. This research was
conducted from February to April 2017 at Pelatnas
location: Jakarta, Bandung, Sukabumi, Bogor.
The population of the research was Indonesia
National Training Camp athletes martial sports that
would be played in SEA Games 2017. The sampling
technique used purposive sampling with the criteria
of athletes National Training Camp martial sports that
have received Satlak Prima license. The totaled 93
athletes consist of 6 martial sports i.e. Taekwondo,
Karate, Wushu, Pencak Silat, Boxing, and Judo.
Instruments and techniques of data collected used
an instrument called The Psychological Skills
Inventory for Sport (PSIS-R-5). The instrument
consists of 44 questions that reveal the six
psychological skills: Aspects of Motivation,
confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation, team
Emphasis, and concentration, which is also a single
variable this study of the psychological
characteristics. The scoring of the subject's response
to the instrument, the score moves from one to five
with attention to the nature of the
questionnaire/instrument whether favorable or
The instrument was the first instrumen translated
by an English expert; rated by three experts; and then
tested against 76 PON DIY athletes because is
considered to have characteristics similar to the
sample. Tests are conducted with the aim of selecting
items and to see how far the instruments could reveal
Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes SEA Games 2017
the variables to be measured in collecting data on
actual research. The test results were analyzed items
by correlating the score of each item with the total
item score. Norm of R tabel 0,222 for N = 76. Thus,
the items in the instrument are revealed well if the
corrected total correlation value was greater than
0.222. Thus, the items in the instrument were revealed
well if the corrected total correlation value is more
than 0.222. Based on the results of the analysis of
some items that were not good, items 14,17, 32, 33,
34, and 38. From the statistical analysis of the
instrument value of cronbach alpha of 0.890. If the
value of conbach's alpha is more than 0.60 then the
instrument is reliable (Sugiyono, 2012).
The psychological characteristics of athlete could
know the category throught the assessment criteria
obtained on the athletes answer. Category criteria
determination was obtained using the formula Mi =
(ST + SR)/2 and SDi = (ST.-SR)/6. Table
determination criteria could be seen in the following:
Tabel 1: Formula of determination criteria.
Source: (Wagiran, 2015, p.337)
Mi : Mean ideal
Sdi : Ideal Standard deviation
ST : Maximum Score
SR : Minimum Score
The data obtained were analyzed in accordance
with the main purpose of the study, It described the
psychological characteristics of athletes consisting of
aspects of motivation, confidence, anxiety control,
mental preparation, team Emphasis, and
concentration. To answer the hypothesis used
analysis of variance with One Way Anova to analyze
the differences of psychological characteristics of
athletes among group martial sports, followed by
Post-Hoc test to identify martial sports which
significantly differentiate.
Descriptive analysis results of psychological
chracteristic of Indonesian martial sports Atheletes
SEA Games 2017, were:
Table 2: Psychological characteristics of Indonesian martial
sports athletes.
Very High
Very Low
The results of psychological characteristics of
athletes in general obtained a mean score of 144.5 in
the High category. Note the Frequency of Very high
category 6 athletes, high category 78 athletes,
medium category 9 athletes. The majority of
psychological characteristics of Indonesian martial
sports athletes SEA Games 2017 in category High
with the percentage of 83.87%.
The psychological characteristics were described
in every psychological aspects that could be seen in
the following figure:
Figure 1: Frequency of Psychological Aspects athletes.
Figure 1 Showed the Motivation aspect of
obtained mean score of 36.4 in the very high category.
The majority of athletes on Motivation aspect in
category very high of numbered 87 athletes with
percentage of 93.55%; Confidence Aspect of
obtained mean score of 26.8 in the high category. The
majority of athletes on Confidence aspect in category
high of numbered 64 athletes with percentage of
68.81%; Anxiety Control Aspect obtained mean score
of 23.4 in the medium category. The majority of
athletes on Anxiety Control aspect in category high
of numbered 46 athletes with percentage of 49.46%.
0 0
0 0
Motivation Confidence Anxiety
Very High High Medium
More (Mi + 1,8SD) s.d. (M i+ 3SD)
Very High
More (Mi 0,6) s.d. (Mi + 1,8SD)
More (M 0,6SD) s.d. (Mi + 0,6SD)
More (Mi1,8SD) s.d. (Mi - 0,6SD)
(Mi3SD ) s.d. ( Mi1,8SD)
Very Low
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Figure 2: Frequency of psychological aspects athletes.
Figure 2 Showed the Mental preparation aspect of
obtained mean score of 23.2 in high category. The
majority of athletes on Mental Preparation aspect in
category high of numbered 54 athletes with
percentage of 58.06%; Team Emphasis aspect of
obtained mean score of 13.7 in high category. The
majority of athletes on Team Emphasis aspect in
category high of nembered 46 athletes with
percentage of 49.06%; Concentration Aspect of
obtained mean score of 21.0 in high category. The
majority of athletes on Concentration aspect in
category high of nembered 50 athletes with
percentage of 53.76%.
In this discussion quite interesting related with the
anxiety control aspect of athletes that is in the
category medium. Instrument search The
Psychological Skill Inventory for Sport specifically
discovers facts on the aspect of anxiety control in
point question 16 and 18 with obtained mean score
the lowest. Athletes often feel the panic just before
going to perform and the athlete is nervous because it
will start performing. The type of anxiety felt by the
SEA Games athlete is Competitive anxiety, is the
anxiety felt athletes in the situation of the game or
tournament to be faced. Cox (2002) describes
competitive anxiety is divided into two, that is
Competitive trait anxiety (Competitive A-trait) is part
of the personality that affect the level of competitive
state anxiety. While competitive state anxiety
(competitive A-state) is anxiety arising because of the
specific situation, which is a response to the situation
of a threatening competition. Competitive state
anxiety felt by athletes increased from one week to an
hour before the game began (Mabwezara et al., 2014).
Indonesian martial sports athletes feel competitive
state anxiety (competitive A-state) that is anxiety
arising from a specific situation, which is a response
to the competitive situation that threatening in the
game. Sports Anxiety can have a negative impact on
the athletes especially on performance in the game.
Therefore needed strategies in the form of mental
exercise techniques in managing sports anxiety. It
also relates to aspects mental preparation of athletes.
These statements are reinforced by the results on
aspects mental preparation, although in the high
category but seeing from the mean score obtained is
almost in the category medium, so there is a relation
between the control of anxiety and mental
And The results analysis variance of the
difference Psychological Characteristics athletes
among martial sports group (Taekwondo, Karate,
Wushu, Pencak silat, Boxing, and Judo) could be seen
in the following table:
Table 3: Results of analysis variance with one way anova.
The Results obtained F calculate value of 2.347
and Sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.048 (p <0.05), There
was a significant difference of psychological
characteristics athletes among martial sports group
SEA Games 2017. These findings showed differences
of psychological characteristics athletes among
martial sports group. The psychological aspects
underlain the emergence of behavior of sports
activities practiced (Gunarsa, 2008). Psychologically,
athletes behavior arised from each sport would form
different psychological characteristics. Each martial
sports had its own qualities, which could couse to
different psychological characteristics whether
viewed from aspects of psychological, physical,
athlete, regulation and training.
This research proved that there was a conformity
between theory and results. Psychological
characteristics consisting of aspects i.e. motivation,
confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation, team
importance, and concentration, indeed formed was
not the same among martial sports group
(Taekwondo, Karate, Wushu, Pencak Silat, Boxing,
and Judo).
The results also reinforce previous research which
stated there are differences in psychological aspects
between various martial sports such as (Kumar et al.,
7 7
0 0
Team Emphasis Concentration
Very High High Medium Low Very Low
Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes SEA Games 2017
2017; Sánchez-López., et al, 2013; Litwiniuk, et al.,
2009; Baljinder and Davinder, 2015; Kuan and Roy,
2007; Kurtovic and Savova, 2016).
So it takes a different psychological intervention
of each martial sports appropriate to the
characteristics of the sports that pursued athletes.
The results of further analysis of the conducted
identification of martial sports-anything made
differences significantly by using Post-Hoc test as
Table 4: Results of Post-Hoc Test among martial sports
Sport Branch
Std. Error
Pencak Silat
The results showed the sports of Pencak Silat with
Boxing with Sig. value of 0.005 (p<0.05), and on
Boxing with Judo with Sig value of 0.003 (p<0.05).
Thus, the identified sport of Pencak Silat with Boxing
and Judo with Boxing had the distinction of the
psychological characteristics significantly. It was
assumed that the differences occured because of the
factors of competed experience, exercise process,
skill level, age factor, and task of motion that must be
performed between the sports one another differently
and athletes between sports martial sports group did
too (Tazegul, et al., 2015; Kumar, 2015; Shrivastava,
et al., 2015; Simpson and Wrisberg, 2013; Ziv et al.,
Game characteristics, the nature of sports
contained in the sport between Pencak silat with
boxing and Judo with Boxing were different.
The majority of psychological characteristics of
Indonesian martial sports athletes in SEA Games
2017 were in the high category. Details in each of the
psychological aspects athlete as follows; Aspects
motivation was in very high category, Aspect
confidence was in high category, Aspects control
anxiety was in medium category, Aspects mental
preparation in high category, Aspects Team Emphasis
in high category, and Aspect concentration in high
There were psychological characteristics
differences of Indonesian athletes among martial
sports group (Taekwondo, Karate, Wushu, Pencak
Silat, Boxing, and Judo) SEA Games 2017. The
martial sports that significantly different were
between the sport of Pencak Silat with Boxing and
Judo with Boxing.
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