Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for
Understanding Model
Soni Nopembri
Faculty of Sports Science, Yogyakarta State University, Colombo Road No.1, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Education, Teacher, Action.
Abstract: Physical education teachers need to adopt various teaching approaches to meet the school curriculum and
their professional competence. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to evaluate the implementation of
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model by conducting action to physical education teacher who
has got long teaching experience. The research applied Participatory Action Research. The subjects of this
research were 19 physical education teachers who had got training of Teaching Games for Understanding.
Data collection was conducted intensively through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, Focused-Group
Discussion (FGD), observation, and documentation. The collected data were analysed qualitatively and
quantitatively. Physical education teachers had got proper interpretations of the TGfU model. The research
indicators are PE teachers had a good understanding of the TGfU model, PE teachers had a competence in
applying the TGfU model on Physical Education at school, the teacher itself is a highly influential factor,
and PE teachers’ perspectives on the TGfU model were good. Physical education teachers’ interpretations of
the TGfU model have been proper.
The Physical education is an education that applies
students’ physical activities as a means to achieve
the educational goals. Physical education is an
educational process that uses systematically planned
physical activities to improve individual organically,
neuromuscularly, perceptually, cognitively, and
emotionally. Physical education is an integral part of
the general education process, which is intended to
develop better students’ physical, mental, and
emotional, using physical activities as the mean
(Bucher, 1995). There is no education without
pedagogical goals, and there is no complete
education without physical education. It is because
movements are essential for human beings to
recognize the world and one’s self that develops
along with time. The Movement is the main purpose
of physical education learning, which has dynamic
meaning and significance. The instruction that
explores students’ creativity in moving could help
the achievement of the instructional goal.
The biggest part of physical education is game
learning that is related to sports. Nowadays, middle
schools and universities use games as one of the
activities to achieve physical education goals.
Students are very fond of various games, either
individual or group. Teaching games in physical
education put more emphasis on the playing skills
mastery by repeated drilling, so that chance to play
reduced. As a result, students’ performance on the
games frequently indicates obstacles to cooperate
and compete. For that reason, it is considered
necessary to have game teaching that engages
students in the game organization without merely
emphasizing on the skill mastery through drilling.
The emphasis on the technique mastery results in
saturation and boredom for the students, though
teaching game is intended to gain the excitement of
the game. For instance, as a football player, a
student would prefer to handle and play the ball.
The technical mastery in games is necessary, but in
physical education teaching, the exploration of other
areas must be comprehensive and holistic. Most
current teaching methods emphasize more on the
technical mastery than the tactic. Meanwhile, the
emphasis on tactics will lead to the spatial awareness
and shape game technique well, so that the teaching
would be more efficient. On the other hand, the
cognitive aspect would properly develop as well.
Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)
model pays more attention to develop cognitive
domain dominant without forgetting psychomotor
and affective domains. Behaviour measurement is
conducted to measure the effectiveness and
Nopembri, S.
Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for Understanding Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 24-29
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
engagement of the games that are developed to
contribute to the action and skill measurement,
which measured about the cognitive domain.
Researchers and educators have paid little attention
to cognitive and affective domains. The influences
of working and having fun in the sport would give
greater effects on the game learning. For instance,
children, coaches, and parents must know games and
game situations that are more fun than continuous
technique-oriented drilling. Teaching Games for
Understanding (TGfU) approach is a game learning
approach that focuses on the game itself. In TGfU,
the most important thing is answering why and what
is the purpose of the game teaching, not on what and
how the game played. TGfU stimulates children to
comprehend tactical awareness of how to play a
game to get its benefit so that player could make a
decision quickly toward what to do and how to do
(Setiawan and Nopembri, 2004). TGfU is a game
and student-centered teaching an approach to
teaching games that are closely related to sports with
constructivist learning (Griffin and Patton, 2005).
TGfU is an educational approach that helps students’
development of tactical awareness and skill learning.
TGfU is very efficient on student and game-centered
teaching. It requires students to comprehend tactics
and strategies of playing sports before learning the
techniques. Some experts such argued that TGfU is a
teaching approach that focuses on tactic skill to
improve the use of technical skills, not technical
skills to improve tactical skills (Hopper, 2002).
TGfU is a teaching model focusing on students’
development of game playing techniques (Metzler,
2000). The model emphasize tactics, decision-
making, and problems-solving in game situation
(Webb and Pearson, 2008).
The main roles of teachers in education are to
teach, educate, coach, direct, and shape character
and personality. They have got the responsibility to
change a human being to be a knowledgeable, smart,
and noble individual. Therefore, not all people can
be teachers or perform teacher duty. Teachers need
professional requirements obtained through designed
education so that, in accomplishing the duty, they
would not make mistakes. If they wrongly
conducted their role, it would cause a fatal effect on
students’ future and harm education. For this reason,
they need a professional education that could create
professionally competent teachers as it was required
as a profession. For example, physical education
teachers are required to adapt the curriculum
properly so that various teaching approaches are
needed to meet the school curricula. The
development of TGfU in physical education has
been conducted widely by practitioners and
instructors in the whole world. Many articles and
studies discussing TGfU showed how special this
approach is. Moreover, the TGfU approach has been
adopted by Physical Education Teacher Education
(PETE) in some countries like Australia, the United
States of America, Singapore, and European
countries. For two decades (20 years), TGfU had
explored and discussed, not only the ideas and the
important events but also the pedagogical principles
(Griffin and Butler, 2005). Considering those points,
the purpose of the study is to explore senior high
physical education teachers’ interpretations of the
TGfU model in Yogyakarta by conducting action
research. The specific purposes of the study are to
examine (1) the physical education teachers’
understand to the TGfU model, (2) their competence
in teaching games through the TGfU model, (3) the
factors hindering the implementation of the TGfU
model, (4) the PE teachersperceptions of the TGfU
Figure 1: The cycles of par.
Workshop on
TGfU Model
n of TGfU
Model in the
Focus Group
Test Sheet
Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for Understanding Model
The research applied Participatory Action
Research (PAR), consisting of one cycle covering:
Planning, Action (execution of the planning),
Observation (evaluation on Action), and Reflection
(academic experience). On the planning stage, the
study was started by preparing the TGfU model and
identifying physical education teachers that would
be involved in the research. On the action and
observation stage, training on the implementation of
the TGfU model to physical education teachers was
conducted and then followed by implementation of
this model by physical education teachers, and
monitoring and evaluation (data collection) on the
gradual implementation of the TGfU model. On the
reflection stage, the collected data analyzed by
referring to the prior planning. The cycles conducted
in this research presented in Figure 1.
The participants were 19 physical education
teachers of senior high schools in Yogyakarta with
approximately 5 20 years’ teaching experience and
had never obtained training or education on the
TGfU model. Also, students in those schools were
also part of the research subject of teachers’ action
research. So, the participants not only physical
education teachers but also their students. This
research utilized a variety of instruments and
techniques of data collection, namely questionnaires,
the TGfU model understanding test sheet, in-depth
interview guide and FGD, TGfU/TPCQ Teaching
Ability, and Documentation (photo, video, lesson
plans). The quantitative data analysis conducted
through three processes, namely: data display, data
reduction, and verification/conclusion and the
percentage category for the quantitative data.
3.1 PE Teachers’ Uderstanding of the
TgfU Model
The test score of PE teachers' understanding of the
TGfU model was very high (15.79 %), high (73.68
%), low (10.53%), and very low (0 %) shown in
Figure 2. The Interview and FGD results indicated
that teachers have got different understanding from
one another, less comprehend teaching steps of the
TGfU model, and know explicitly that TGfU
learning promotes active, creative, and joyful
learning. Figure 2. PE Teachers’ Understanding of
the TGfU Model
Figure 2: PE Teachers’ Understanding of the TGfU
3.2 PE Teachers’ Competence in
Implementing of the TGfU Model
PE teachers teaching competence is good, regarding
the opening, material delivery, empowering, and the
use of media and instructional tools, class
management, discussion arrangement, questioning
ability, facility management, instructional
evaluation, and closing. This condition was affected
by their long experiences in teaching, understanding
of students’ characteristics, and understanding of the
school atmosphere. PE teachers’ specific ability in
implementing TGfU model did not face a serious
problem. They implemented the TGfU model as
learning model procedures, covering: Game form
(the first game), Questions, Practice task, and Game
(the second game). It could obtain through the
analysis of documentation of teachers’ lesson plan.
However, most teachers had not been able to apply
the lesson plans properly. They did not understand
the game tactics well so that the teaching often put
more emphasis on the game techniques. As a result,
the modified games were less appropriate for the
3.3 The Influential Factors of the
Implementation of the TGfU Model
at Schools
The influencing factors in the implementation of the
TGfU model, in sequence, were a teacher (43.5 %),
facilities (22.9 %), environment (17.6 %), and
students (16 %) as shown as in Figure 3. The results
of this quantitative descriptive analysis were
justified by the observation, interview, and FGD
results. They indicated that the teacher was the
principal influencing factor in the implementation of
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
the TGfU model, especially in comprehending the
TGFU model comprehensively, making the lesson
plans and lacking mastery on materials.
Figure 3 : The Influential Factors of the Implementation of
the TGfU Model at Schools.
The facility factor was also one of the influence
factors of the implementation of this model at
schools, especially the limited equipment and
facilities. The environment factor, such as school
support, was an influencing factor as well. Students’
different attitudes, behaviors, and motivation in
following the lesson contributed to the influence
factors of the implementation of this model.
3.4 PE Teachers’ Perspectives on the
TGfU Model
Based on the descriptive analysis of the score of PE
teachers perspective of the TGfU model, the results
were very good (21.05 %), good (57.89 %), poor
(21.05 %), and bad (0 %) (None). These shown in
Figure 4. The interview, FGD, and observation
results indicated that PE teacher supports the
development of the TGfU model at senior high
school. They appreciate the TGfU model. They
perceived that the TGfU model increases their
confidence, make the teaching more efficient and
effective, and simplify the evaluation process. A less
positive perspective came from some teachers due to
some reasons, such as the fear that this model would
not be fully admitted by curriculum and school
supervisors and not fully acknowledged by senior
Figure 4 : PE teachers’ perspectives on the TGfU model.
Understanding of the TGfU model is critical to be
identified first by physical education teachers to
make the systematic frame of thought concerning the
intended object. Understanding is the foundation of
action. The understanding or knowledge is one’s
ability to recall or recognize names, terms, ideas,
symptoms, formulas, and so forth, without expecting
the capacity to utilize them (Sudijono, 2007). The
mastery of knowledge is also the main goal that has
possessed by a teacher, especially a physical
education teacher. Understanding, in this term, is the
acquisition of the TGfU model by physical
education as part of teaching. The introduction of
TGfU as a reaction to the traditional skill-drill model
may well have contributed to the direct comparison
of the approaches from an empirical perspective
(Holt, Strean, dan Bengoechea, 2002). So, it requires
a good understanding of the teachers to be able to
implement TGfU on PE instruction.
Teaching competence is essential for physical
education teachers. Ability to teach physical
education emphasizes on how teachers could put
into practice the skills they knew so that available
theories could apply as pedagogical values.
Teaching game materials using the TGfU model
needs to be attained by physical education teachers
so that the implementations of TGfU model run well
as the teaching procedures. The real competence of
teaching the TGfU model should improve by
teaching the TGfU model experience continuously.
Teachers must learn good teaching methods to
achieve the goal of physical education teaching
properly. Teachers’ main role is conducting
appropriate learning. Teachers are emphasized to
more explicitly in teaching games by playing games
itself (Kirk and MacPhail, 2002).
Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for Understanding Model
Obstacles to the implementation of physical
education learning should avoid, if possible. The
success of the teaching-learning process at schools is
the teacher’s responsibility. Teachers of physical
education and sports have long concerned that
traditional approaches to teaching sport have done
little beyond developing inert skills that have a little
reasonable chance of being used in a real setting
(Rink, French, and Tjeerdsma, 1996). Physical
education teachers should be able to plan, make, and
do a learning model appropriately so that efficient
and effective physical education teaching could
obtain. It implied that teachers might not be the
greatest problem in developing an innovation of a
learning model. Although their teaching competence
has been good, the interview and FGD results
indicated that they were one of the influential
factors. They felt that they could not understand this
model comprehensively. They thought they were not
capable enough of applying this model maximally at
school due to many limitations, which were
influential factors as well. Also, students’
motivation, equipment, and limited facilities, as well
as less conducive school environment hinder the
implementation too. TGfU stressed the game and
guided learners to discover the game, to capitalize
affiliation (i.e., social interaction, social reassurance,
and making friends) by encouraging children to
develop rules and to challenge them to work out
ways to arrive at appropriate tactics (Holt, Strean,
and Bengoechea, 2002).
The analysis of the questionnaires, interviews,
observations, and FGD showed that physical
education teachers engaged in the research had got
good perspectives on the development of the TGfU
model at schools, despite the limitations. A
perspective is an external stimulant through our
senses transmitted to the central brain to be resolved,
filtered, and reorganized, to be interpreted or
expressed in the form of attitude or behavior. This
opportunity is significant because affective
outcomes resulting from the TGfU approach may
have implications for children’s physical activity
experiences, future motivation to participate, and, in
turn, psychological and physical health (Holt,
Strean, and Bengoechea, 2002). A perspective is a
process of acceptance, interpretation, and meaning
production of conclusions perceived by our senses.
Besides, a perspective is picturesque of un-absolute
objectives of the outer world.
The interpretation of physical education teachers on
the TGfU model has been proper. It indicated by a
good understanding, a moderately good competence,
considering influential factors, and a useful
perspective of physical education teachers on the
TGfU model. The teacher needs to improve their
teaching ability, confidence, and optimistic in the
development of this model in physical education
classes. The more cycles in participatory action
research are necessary to know the broad
interpretation of PE teachers in using the model. In
the future investigation, other influential factors
should be explored deeply to find the effectiveness
of the model in teaching physical education.
I would like to thankful all PE teachers and theirs’
student who participated in the study. The work
supported by I-MHERE research grant.
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Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for Understanding Model