max is the fastest tempo where one can use oxygen
during exercise. Training at any intensity above ~
60% of VO2max is likely to improve maximal
oxygen uptake in healthy adults. While the lack of a
positive effects of increasing training intensity on
the increase in VO2max suggests minimum
additional benefit to higher intensity training, it is
important to highlight the fact that higher intensities
of training induced adaptations following the bottom
lower training session doses and total training
volumes [ XI].
To improve the VO2 max program, training
should be done carefully, systematically, regularly
and always on the rise, following the principles and
methods of accurate practice in order to achieve the
expected goals. Thus an alternative training that can
be used and applied in improving VO2 max is the
Running ABC practice. ABC Running Exercise is
one of the basic exercises that should be done by
athletic athletes because it covers all leg exercises.
Running ABC is divided into agility, balance, co-
ordinate run. ABC Running Exercise is used to
improve endurance in football athletes because the
ABC Running exercise has a very high intensity.
This is based on the work of stamina at anaerobic
levels of high intensity, so that the supply or oxygen
intake is not sufficient to provide the work required
by the muscles, due to insufficient oxygen supply,
anaerobic work will always result in oxygen-debt
owed. Aerobic capacity is especially important in
the stages of recovery. It represents the ability to
perform work over a longer period of time in
conditions of aerobic metabolism. [III]
Based on the observation in SMA Negeri 2 Lais,
that there are still many findings of some students,
that they have less body resistance, this is seen from
the ease of students experiencing fatigue and lack of
ability students play football within 2 x 45 minutes.
Based on the background of the above problems
researchers interested in conducting research on the
issue with the title “The influence of ABC Running
exercise tehadap increasing VO2 max in students
ekstrakulikuler football in SMA Negeri 2 Lais“.
Increasing the VO2 Max training program should
be done carefully, systematically, regularly and
always on the rise, following the principles and
methods of accurate practice in order to achieve the
expected goals. Thus an alternative training that is
used and applied in increasing VO2 Max is circuit
training. Running ABC is a run in it combined with
Agility Balance Coordination, which serves to train
one's agility, balance, and coordination. This
exercise is an exercise that unites the agility, balance
and coordination of a person in one armed
movement. The emphasis of this exercise is its
systematically polarized and systematically
movement from easy to difficult movements, from
slow to fast movements.
Within the realm of endurance exercise, most
attention has been focused on exercise limitation as
a manifestation of energy dependence, the ceiling of
performance capacity being considered linked to
depletion of substrate (i.e., glycogen) and/or the
limits of oxygen delivery. Compared with other
candidate determinants, the latter is readily assessed
by a direct “yardstick” (measurement of maximal
oxygen uptake [VO2max]), the greatest rate of
oxygen utilization recorded during a progressive
exercise test. VO2max is closely linked to endurance
performance in both children and adults, and
increased values accompany athletic training; hence,
it is not illogical to conclude, as evident in standard
texts, that “peak VO2 limits the capacity to perform
aerobic exercise [ I ].
2.1 Types of Research
Research to obtain optimal results should use
appropriate research methods. This type of research
is quantitative research because the data will be
obtained in the form of numbers that will be
analyzed by statistical calculation (Sugiyono, 2015:
2.2 Research Design
The method used in this research is the experimental
method in the form of Quasi Eksperiment. With
consideration of the difficulty of controlling all
variables that affect the variable being studied, then
the researcher chose Quasi Eksperimen. The design
of this study is pretest-posttest. Draw the research
design as follows:
Pretest Treatment Posttest
Figure 1: Research Design (Sugiyono, 2015:42).
In this research the test is done twice as much as
pretest (before) and postest (after) treatment
(treatment). The difference between pretest and
ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School