ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of
Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School
Arif Hidayat
Sports Education, Univercity of Bina Darma Palembang, South Sumatra 30662, Indonesia
Keywords: Sports Performance, Soccer, Coaching.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how big the influence of ABC running exercise to increase VO2
max. This research is a type of experimental research. In this study the population is students at footbal
extracurricular, SMA Negeri 2 Lais, the number of samples of this study were 30 students with
Nonprobability Sampling by using a saturated sampling technique in which all the population used as a
sample. Data collection techniques used initial and final test techniques. The statistical test used to analyze
the data in this study is t test. Based on the research results obtained t test results show tvalue = 14,921>
ttable = 2.048. Thus, reject the hypothesis Ho and accepts Ha means there is an influence of running ABC
training on the increase in VO2 max in students exstracurricular football in SMA Negeri 2 Lais.
Furthermore it can be concluded that the running ABC training can increase VO2 max.
Exercise is a series of organized and planned
exercise that a person consciously takes to
improve his functional ability. Physical performance
in soccer depends on various characteristics.
Specifically, endurance, strength, speed, power and
agility must all be well developed in order to achieve
a high performance level in soccer. Soccer match
activities cover a range of intensities from low
through moderate to high. Hence, a well-developed
aerobic energy delivery system is important as it can
assist players to maintain high-intensity and total
work, and also help them to adjust the distance
covered at low intensities so they perform at higher
intensities when the game demands.[II]
There are ten components of physical condition
used in sport such as strength, endurance, muscular
power, speed, flexibility, agility, coordination,
balance, accuracy and reaction (reaction) [XII]. Of
the ten physical conditions above, they have
differences in terms of virtue in every sport
depending on the needs required. This will lead to
different forms of exercise used.
Through these soccer activities the teenagers get
a lot of benefits, both in physical growth, mental and
social. Football at the present time is not just as a
recreational sport and leisure time but has become a
sport of achievement. So no wonder if in the game
of football game, players are required for highest
achievement. High performance can only be
achieved with systematically planned and
continuous exercises accompanied by professional
supervision and professional guidance. As applied in
SMA Negeri 2 Lais through extracurricular activities
of football as an effort to develop the potential of the
students themselves.
Modern football is highly energetically
demanding, and the ability to perform repeated high-
intensity work is of importance for the players.
Furthermore, the most successful teams perform
more high-intensity activities during a game when in
possession of the ball [V]. Physical endurance in the
game of football as one of aerobic exercise should
be strong. Aerobic conditions relate to efforts to
increase the strength, power, agility, agility or body
movement skills that are indispensable in the sport
of football [IX].
Improvements in VO2max have been associated
with improved soccer performance during
competition (i.e.,distance covered, average work
intensity, involvement with the ball)[VII]. In doing
sports, football will involve various organs of the
body that is heart, blood circulation, and breathing.
The heart has a very important role that is to supply
blood throughout the body. Blood circulation will
increase during exercise and this is for body
metabolism. Blood circulation plays an important
role to provide O2 through the lungs. So the vital
capacity of this lung plays a role in determining
one‘s ability in doing physical activity, while VO2
Hidayat, A.
ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 42-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
max is the fastest tempo where one can use oxygen
during exercise. Training at any intensity above ~
60% of VO2max is likely to improve maximal
oxygen uptake in healthy adults. While the lack of a
positive effects of increasing training intensity on
the increase in VO2max suggests minimum
additional benefit to higher intensity training, it is
important to highlight the fact that higher intensities
of training induced adaptations following the bottom
lower training session doses and total training
volumes [ XI].
To improve the VO2 max program, training
should be done carefully, systematically, regularly
and always on the rise, following the principles and
methods of accurate practice in order to achieve the
expected goals. Thus an alternative training that can
be used and applied in improving VO2 max is the
Running ABC practice. ABC Running Exercise is
one of the basic exercises that should be done by
athletic athletes because it covers all leg exercises.
Running ABC is divided into agility, balance, co-
ordinate run. ABC Running Exercise is used to
improve endurance in football athletes because the
ABC Running exercise has a very high intensity.
This is based on the work of stamina at anaerobic
levels of high intensity, so that the supply or oxygen
intake is not sufficient to provide the work required
by the muscles, due to insufficient oxygen supply,
anaerobic work will always result in oxygen-debt
owed. Aerobic capacity is especially important in
the stages of recovery. It represents the ability to
perform work over a longer period of time in
conditions of aerobic metabolism. [III]
Based on the observation in SMA Negeri 2 Lais,
that there are still many findings of some students,
that they have less body resistance, this is seen from
the ease of students experiencing fatigue and lack of
ability students play football within 2 x 45 minutes.
Based on the background of the above problems
researchers interested in conducting research on the
issue with the title “The influence of ABC Running
exercise tehadap increasing VO2 max in students
ekstrakulikuler football in SMA Negeri 2 Lais“.
Increasing the VO2 Max training program should
be done carefully, systematically, regularly and
always on the rise, following the principles and
methods of accurate practice in order to achieve the
expected goals. Thus an alternative training that is
used and applied in increasing VO2 Max is circuit
training. Running ABC is a run in it combined with
Agility Balance Coordination, which serves to train
one's agility, balance, and coordination. This
exercise is an exercise that unites the agility, balance
and coordination of a person in one armed
movement. The emphasis of this exercise is its
systematically polarized and systematically
movement from easy to difficult movements, from
slow to fast movements.
Within the realm of endurance exercise, most
attention has been focused on exercise limitation as
a manifestation of energy dependence, the ceiling of
performance capacity being considered linked to
depletion of substrate (i.e., glycogen) and/or the
limits of oxygen delivery. Compared with other
candidate determinants, the latter is readily assessed
by a direct “yardstick” (measurement of maximal
oxygen uptake [VO2max]), the greatest rate of
oxygen utilization recorded during a progressive
exercise test. VO2max is closely linked to endurance
performance in both children and adults, and
increased values accompany athletic training; hence,
it is not illogical to conclude, as evident in standard
texts, that “peak VO2 limits the capacity to perform
aerobic exercise [ I ].
2.1 Types of Research
Research to obtain optimal results should use
appropriate research methods. This type of research
is quantitative research because the data will be
obtained in the form of numbers that will be
analyzed by statistical calculation (Sugiyono, 2015:
2.2 Research Design
The method used in this research is the experimental
method in the form of Quasi Eksperiment. With
consideration of the difficulty of controlling all
variables that affect the variable being studied, then
the researcher chose Quasi Eksperimen. The design
of this study is pretest-posttest. Draw the research
design as follows:
Pretest Treatment Posttest
Figure 1: Research Design (Sugiyono, 2015:42).
In this research the test is done twice as much as
pretest (before) and postest (after) treatment
(treatment). The difference between pretest and
01 X 02
ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School
posttest is assumed to be the effect of treatment, so
the result of treatment is expected to be known more
accurately, because there is a comparison between
the conditions before and after treatment. Treatment
given in this research is with the form of Running
ABC training.
2.3 Sample dan Sampling Techniques
The sample selection was done by Nonprobability
Sampling by using saturated sampling technique. So
the sample in this study is all students who follow
extracurricular activities of soccer sport which
amounted to 30 students.
Table 1: Research Sample.
(Source: SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year 2016)
2.4 Data collection Technique
2.4.1 Test
The test used in this study aims to obtain data on
maximal oxygen volume values (VO2 max). Using
the Multistage Fitnes Test.
2.4.2 Observation
Observations used in this study aims to determine
the places and samples that will be used as research.
2.4.3 Research Instruments
Instrument used in this research is Multistage fitness
test (Run back and forth).
Figure 2: Multistage Fitness Test.
(Source: Ismaryati, 2011:80).
2.4.4 Data Analysis Technique
Test Prerequisite Analysis, The prerequisite test in
this study is using the normality test that aims to
determine whether the data is normally distributed or
not. The normality test as follows:
a. Normality Test
b. Homogeneity Test
2.4.5 Hyppothesis Testing Research
Hypothesis testing is used to determine whether or
not a significant influence of the exercise is given.
Hypothesis test is done by t test.
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Description of Research Data
Description of research data serves to facilitate
research data. Description of research data include
pretest and posttest data from experiments
conducted. The research results obtained after the
pretest and posttest as follows:
3.1.2 Pretest Data Result
VO2max extracurricular football participants of
SMA Negeri 2 Lais at a minimum score of 35.00, a
maximum value of 50.20, a mean value of 42.08, a
median value of 41.90 and a standard deviation of
3.90: d can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Histogram Pretest Results.
3.1.3 Hasil Data Postest
The result of Post-test data description of VO2max
extracurricular soccer participants of SMA Negeri 2
Lais obtained minimum score 40,50, maximum
value 56,00, mean 49,09, median 49,45 and
deviation standard 4,15. The frequency distribution
obtained can be seen in Figure 4:
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Figure 4: Histogram Hasil posttest.
3.1.4 Uji Normalitas
Normality tests are performed to test whether the
sample comes from a normally distributed
population or not. Statistical analysis using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test one sample was
performed with SPSS 21.0 program. The
distributions to be tested for normality are two
pretest and posttest data. After the calculation of the
normality test of the test participants data obtained
results in Table 2:
Table 2: Normality Test Data.
Level (P)
Data is normally
Data is normally
Data obtained from the results of pretest and
posttest of extracurricular football participants of
SMA Negeri 2 Lais as shown table 2 above, it
appears that the pretest and posttest results have a
significance level of more than 0.05 this means the
data pretest and postest normally distributed.
3.1.5 Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test aims to determine whether the
sample comes from the same variance or not.
Homogeneity test in this research is done through F
test by using SPSS 21.0 program. The result of
pretest and posttest data analysis can be seen in
Table 3. Homogeneity Test Data.
Level (p)
Berdasarkan tabel 3. Data Uji Homogemitas,
diketahui memiliki taraf signifikansi (p) sebesar
0,259 artinya p > 0,05. Maka dapat disimpulkan data
pretest dan posttest memiliki varians yang homogen.
3.1.6 Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of data used to answer the proposed
hypothesis that there is no influence of running ABC
training on the increase of VO2max of football
extracurricular participants of SMA Negeri 2 Lais in
2016, that is by doing t-test.
Table 4: Uji-t.
The results of data analysis can be seen that the
value of t count of 14.921 with a significance value
of 0.000. Then the value of tcount is compared with
ttable at 5% significance level, so it‘s obtained the
ttable equal to 2,048. This shows that the tcount is
bigger than ttable (14,921> 2,048). When compared
with a significance value of 0.000 smaller than the
significance of 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), then the
hypothesis in this study is declared acceptable. This
means that there is a significant influence of ABC
running training on increasing VO2max of football
extracurricular participants at SMA Negeri 2 Lais in
Furthermore, to know the increase in students‘
VO2max of football extracurricular participants at
SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year 2016, can be known
through calculation of differences in average pretest
and posttest average. Based on the above table it can
be seen that the percentage increase in students‘
VO2max of football extracurricular participants
SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year 2016 is amounted to
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of data analysis on the
hypothesis in the study, it is known that there is a
significant influence of the running exercise ABC to
increase the VO2max of football extracurricular
participants SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year 2016. This is
shown from the value of t count that is greater than t
table (14.921> 2.048) with the significance value of
0.000 is smaller than the significance of 0.05 (0.000
The result of data analysis is known that the
mean value on posttest is bigger than pretest (49,09>
42,08). That is, ABC running exercise is effectively
ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School
applied to increase the VO2max of football
extracurricular participants SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year
2016. Furthermore, to determine the percentage
increase in the VO2max of football extracurricular
participants SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year 2016, the
calculated (Mean difference / mean pretest x 100%)
is (7.017 / 42.08 x 100%).
Table 5: Increased Percentage Calculation.
16,68 %
Based on the results of percentage calculations
obtained results that increase the VO2max of
football extracurricular participants SMA Negeri 2
Lais Year 2016 of 16.68%. Based on the results of
data analysis above it can be concluded that efforts
to increase VO2max through the exercise running
ABC give an influence in the increase in the
VO2max of football extracurricular participants
SMA Negeri 2 Lais.
The importance of VO2max in soccer sports has
a major influence in appearance when the game of
football takes place. With good pulmonary heart
resistance, a septic player will not experience fatigue
in play and is able to optimize the techniques they
Based on the results of data analysis, hypothesis
testers and discussions that have been stated in the
previous chapter, the conclusions in this study
obtained results that show tcount larger than t table
(14.921> 2.048) thus there is influence of exercise
Running ABC to increase the VO2max of football
extracurricular participants SMA Negeri 2 Lais Year
2016. The importance of VO2max in soccer sports
has had a major influence in appearances while
playing football. With good pulmonary heart
resistance a septic player will not quickly experience
fatigue in play and be able to optimize techniques
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