In this researcher, the writers only see the two
very important physical components, namely the
agility and power, because the two components
already include some other components, for example
long jump motion includes the combination of
power with speed causing power or explosive
power. Power according to Woodrup (2009) "is a
combination of two elements of physical condition,
namely the forces of contraction and speed of
motion performed simultaneously.”
One of the tools that has been created for
training in increasing strength, speed, agility and
power is the agility ladder, and a wide variety of
movements has been created using such tool. The
hope from creating tools with a variety of
movements is to be able to provide various kinds of
training. Training by using kinetic tool has many
variations and can do various movement
combinations, so it is very useful for dynamic sports.
Agility ladder training also has many types of
movement with the aim of improving the agility and
power. "One of the principles of movement that can
use the agility ladder tool is plyometric movement.
Research with a plyometric training program with a
significant improvement (p <α 0,01) on agility and
power has recommended that giving plyometric
training for six weeks can improve the agility and
power (Michael G. Miller, 2006). These trainings
will help the performance of an athlete so that he or
she can be ready for the competition.
Generally, there are two categories of athletes
competing in elite competition, the first is for
athletes who are genetically talented in certain
branch of sport, and the second is for athletes who
develop through a training process with a well-
guided and well-run system "(David, 2011). In
enhancing the physical capacity and abilities of an
athlete, trainers need to know the basic skills and
specific abilities of a sport. "The basic capabilities in
question are the physical components (fitness
components) consisting of motor skills or motor
performance, fitness or physical fitness and health-
related physical fitness" (Pate, 2003). Among the
various components, the aspects of strength, speed,
agility and power support an athlete's achievement.
Strength and speed are the most dominant
aspects of every sport. The definition of "strength as
the ability to extract energy derived from skeletal
muscle" (Kraemer, 2008) becomes the most
fundamental aspect of all fitness components along
with heart and lung capabilities. Speed is defined "as
the distance divided by time, given by units of
meters per second. But in the definition of sport
performance, this sense is reversed. Speed is the
time it takes to travel a certain distance".
The involvement of strength aspect on the
increase of speed is dominant. This is caused by the
fact that in developing the speed, aspects such as
maximal force capacity, the rate of force
development ratio and the concentric-eccentric
ability of muscle contraction (stretch- shortening
cycle ability) become the most important predictors
of an athlete's pace determinant.". So, the
researchers felt that strength and velocity are
interconnected with one another.
Furthermore, there are aspects of agility and
power which become the aspects of development
and is a combination of some basic components that
are important in sport performance. Power, as it is
known in general, has a working ratio between
product of force and velocity. Athletes who want to
get a big power must have the ability to release a
large force and have the ability to have contraction
quickly too (Kawamori, 2010).
On the other hand, agility is a physical
component that requires development in many
aspects. The agility component requires not only the
physical aspect, but also the cognitive aspects used
to improve reaction time, anticipate, and know the
situation of the match and the decision of the
movement. The short definition of "agility is" CODS
"or Change-of-Direction Speed". In a motion that is
typically fast and changes direction, there must be an
acceleration phase, then deceleration, change of
direction, and then acceleration.
There are various types of training developed
due to the many effects produced and time
efficiency. One of which is training with ballistic
movements. The basic concept of this training is
more on the movement of stretch-shortening cycle
ability that is fast so as to increase the maximal force
capacity and rate of force development. Ballistic
training is said, in several theoretical studies to
improve the rate of force development and post
activation potentiation. The definition of the rate of
force development is the ratio of energy spent during
physical activity with a certain time "(McBride,
Another definition of rate of force development
is explosive muscle strength in both isometric,
concentric and eccentric contractions. Meanwhile,
the definition of post activation potentiation is an
acute increase in muscle capacity as a result of
muscle contractions." (Robbins, 2005) In ballistic
training there are several trainings that incorporate
typical movements such as training on weight
training with adjustments to the principle of ballistic
movement and ballistic exercise exercises
themselves are functional movements, due to
elements of physical components such as strength,
speed, agility and power is related to each other, and
the need for a training model that can accommodate
all these components in one form of training,
whereas the definition of the physical component's
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education