Influence of Ballistic Weight Training and Ballistic Functional
Training to the Increase of Strength, Speed, Agility and Power on
Lower Extremity Body
Sumardi Sumardi, Hari Setijono and Edy Mintarto
Sport Science Study Program, Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Strength, Speed, Agility, Power.
Abstract: The research method was quasi-experimental research, using randomized pretest-posttest design. The results
showed that there was a significant effect of leg press and squat exercises easy power station to the
improvement of ladder drill to increase strength, speed, agility, and power. There are differences in the
effect of two models of exercises on strength, speed, agility, and power. Model leg press and squat exercises
easy power station improved further on the strength, speed, and power, while the model of cherry pickers
ladder drill exercises and 180s worked more on agility. There was a significant effect of exercises on leg
press and squat easy power station to increase the strength of 15.8182 kg, a speed of 0.1318 seconds, agility
of 0.9091 times, and a power of 12.6 watts. There was a significant effect of exercises on cherry pickers and
180s ladder drill to increase the strength of 8.4545 kg, speed of -.5046 seconds, the agility of 4.0909 times,
and a power of 5.9364. Model leg press and squat exercises easy power station was more effective in
increasing the strength of 7.3637 kg, a speed of 0.3728 seconds, and a power of 6.6636 watts. The model of
cherry pickers ladder drill exercises and 180s ladder drill were more effective than the model of leg press
and squat exercises easy power station in significantly increasing agility and speed of 4.0909 times by -
0.5046 seconds. Exercise leg press and squat exercises easy power station with cherry pickers and 180s
ladder drill had very significant effect in increasing the strength of 12.1364 kg, speed of -0.3182 seconds,
agility by 2.5 times and power of 5.9364 watts.
In the modern sport era, to improve the skills and
performance in modern sports, everyone has to
prepare themselves through a series of training
processes and target the physiological aspects of the
body to improve its ability and optimize
performance for the body‘s needs. "An athlete’s high
performance in a game is achieved through training
designed to enhance the automation ability of motor
skills and enhance the structural and functional
abilities of the body's metabolism" (David, 2011).
And "the purpose of the training is to improve the
ability and endurance of the power aspect (ability to
sustain the highest power) or increase the speed of
movement from time constraint or a distance
travelled by the athlete" (Hawley, 2009).
Exercises conducted here aim to improve the
performance of an athlete and to increase the power
capability in addition to an increase of speed through
movements that are managed with time. These
movements are intended to gain endurance so that an
athlete will always be ready to perform. This cannot
be separated from the coaching system.
The element of physical ability according to
Bompa and Halff (2009) "is very important because
it is indispensable in improving sporting
achievement, in which the elements include strength,
speed, elucidation, muscle explosive power, agility,
precision, balance, endurance of heart and lungs
muscles and coordination.”
Before determining the type of exercise required
for this study, the characteristics of movement and
the type of muscle that is contracted to produce
agility and
power must be understood first. Chu and
Myer (2013) suggest that "a movement that begins
with eccentric action and later followed by a
moment when muscles have contraction
isometrically which will be continued by a
concentric movement, is a movement that can
always increase power.
As for the contracting
muscle, it depends on the type of movement
Sumardi, S., Setijono, H. and Mintarto, E.
Influence of Ballistic Weight Training and Ballistic Functional Training to the Increase of Strength, Speed, Agility and Power on Lower Extremity Body.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 47-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this researcher, the writers only see the two
very important physical components, namely the
agility and power, because the two components
already include some other components, for example
long jump motion includes the combination of
power with speed causing power or explosive
power. Power according to Woodrup (2009) "is a
combination of two elements of physical condition,
namely the forces of contraction and speed of
motion performed simultaneously.”
One of the tools that has been created for
training in increasing strength, speed, agility and
power is the agility ladder, and a wide variety of
movements has been created using such tool. The
hope from creating tools with a variety of
movements is to be able to provide various kinds of
training. Training by using kinetic tool has many
variations and can do various movement
combinations, so it is very useful for dynamic sports.
Agility ladder training also has many types of
movement with the aim of improving the agility and
power. "One of the principles of movement that can
use the agility ladder tool is plyometric movement.
Research with a plyometric training program with a
significant improvement (p <α 0,01) on agility and
power has recommended that giving plyometric
training for six weeks can improve the agility and
power (Michael G. Miller, 2006). These trainings
will help the performance of an athlete so that he or
she can be ready for the competition.
Generally, there are two categories of athletes
competing in elite competition, the first is for
athletes who are genetically talented in certain
branch of sport, and the second is for athletes who
develop through a training process with a well-
guided and well-run system "(David, 2011). In
enhancing the physical capacity and abilities of an
athlete, trainers need to know the basic skills and
specific abilities of a sport. "The basic capabilities in
question are the physical components (fitness
components) consisting of motor skills or motor
performance, fitness or physical fitness and health-
related physical fitness" (Pate, 2003). Among the
various components, the aspects of strength, speed,
agility and power support an athlete's achievement.
Strength and speed are the most dominant
aspects of every sport. The definition of "strength as
the ability to extract energy derived from skeletal
muscle" (Kraemer, 2008) becomes the most
fundamental aspect of all fitness components along
with heart and lung capabilities. Speed is defined "as
the distance divided by time, given by units of
meters per second. But in the definition of sport
performance, this sense is reversed. Speed is the
time it takes to travel a certain distance".
The involvement of strength aspect on the
increase of speed is dominant. This is caused by the
fact that in developing the speed, aspects such as
maximal force capacity, the rate of force
development ratio and the concentric-eccentric
ability of muscle contraction (stretch- shortening
cycle ability) become the most important predictors
of an athlete's pace determinant.". So, the
researchers felt that strength and velocity are
interconnected with one another.
Furthermore, there are aspects of agility and
power which become the aspects of development
and is a combination of some basic components that
are important in sport performance. Power, as it is
known in general, has a working ratio between
product of force and velocity. Athletes who want to
get a big power must have the ability to release a
large force and have the ability to have contraction
quickly too (Kawamori, 2010).
On the other hand, agility is a physical
component that requires development in many
aspects. The agility component requires not only the
physical aspect, but also the cognitive aspects used
to improve reaction time, anticipate, and know the
situation of the match and the decision of the
movement. The short definition of "agility is" CODS
"or Change-of-Direction Speed". In a motion that is
typically fast and changes direction, there must be an
acceleration phase, then deceleration, change of
direction, and then acceleration.
There are various types of training developed
due to the many effects produced and time
efficiency. One of which is training with ballistic
movements. The basic concept of this training is
more on the movement of stretch-shortening cycle
ability that is fast so as to increase the maximal force
capacity and rate of force development. Ballistic
training is said, in several theoretical studies to
improve the rate of force development and post
activation potentiation. The definition of the rate of
force development is the ratio of energy spent during
physical activity with a certain time "(McBride,
Another definition of rate of force development
is explosive muscle strength in both isometric,
concentric and eccentric contractions. Meanwhile,
the definition of post activation potentiation is an
acute increase in muscle capacity as a result of
muscle contractions." (Robbins, 2005) In ballistic
training there are several trainings that incorporate
typical movements such as training on weight
training with adjustments to the principle of ballistic
movement and ballistic exercise exercises
themselves are functional movements, due to
elements of physical components such as strength,
speed, agility and power is related to each other, and
the need for a training model that can accommodate
all these components in one form of training,
whereas the definition of the physical component's
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
ability is more focused on the lower extremity
body‘s ability, hence the researchers are interested to
compare one form of weight training with ballistic
movement and training of functional movements
with ballistic movement. Functional movement
training will be assisted by ladder drill tool with
cherry pickers ladder drill and 180s ladder drill and
weight training with ballistic movement using leg
press tools and power station equipment.
2.1 Types of Research
In accordance with the problems and research
objectives that have been described previously, then
the type of research used is quasi experimental
research (quasi experiment), using quantitative
research approach (quantitative research). The
design in this research is using experimental
research (experimental design). In the experimental
study here provides treatment in the form of leg
press training and easy power station squat and
training cherry pickers ladder drill and 180s ladder
2.2 Research design
This research uses quantitative approach with
experimental research type. The research design
used in this study refers to the formulation of
problem/objectives of research include: to group
pre-test post-test design.
2.3 Research population and sample
Population in this research is a set of students of
education force student of 2014 Universitas Negeri
Surabaya with details as in Table 2 below:
Table 2: Details of Research Subject Data.
Class Σ Studen
A 43 38
B 39 32
C 39 31
D 43 37
Total 164 138
Of the 164 students, the number of female
students was reduced by 26 students to 138 students,
followed by 138 students after identification, there
were some students who were not used because of
illness, attending outside training so that there were
124 students.
Furthermore, 124 students were given a lottery
and there were 22 students determined as members
of the sample. Because the 124 students who made
the population were of similar in aspects of age,
weight, and height, the population can be
categorized as a relatively homogeneous population.
Furthermore, to determine group I and group II,
there was a rating process for pre-test results which
was followed by Ordinal Pairing (OP) that
ultimately generated 11 members of the sample for
group I and members of the sample for group II.
2.4 Data collection instruments
To answer the research questions, the data required
in this research are data about the strength, speed,
agility, and power of each member of the sample.
Data collection before treatment (pre-test) and after
treatment (post-test) in SSFC UNESA. The test data
collection tool in question are:
The Limb Muscle Strength Test, measured
leg dynamometer with kilogram (kg). The test
was implemented three times.
The Speed Test, measured by a tool called
with time unit (seconds).
The Agility Test, measured
by a device called
Side Step Test.
The test results were seen on the
monitor with the "multiplication" unit (Sport Science
and Fitness Center Unesa).
Power Test, Force Plate/Accu Power Test. The
test was implemented three times, in which the best
result will be used as data.
2.5 Data collection process
In conducting the process of data collection,
researchers did as follows:
a. First, to conduct the orientation process for a
smooth implementation of research, especially in
the process of data collection. The researchers
must establish about the adequacy of the number
of respondents. Next was the gathering of
students of Education Unemployment Training
program, UNESA batch 2014, especially male.
Overall, there were 124 male students, from
which the size of the sample for research became
2 groups of 11 students each. So, the number was
22 students. It was based on the sample formula
Joan Welkowitz, et al (1971: 195) as follows:
sistabelpoweranalydelta 3==
Influence of Ballistic Weight Training and Ballistic Functional Training to the Increase of Strength, Speed, Agility and Power on Lower
Extremity Body
0.85 with significant of 0.05
N = sample size
== gammaeffectsizeP ;
0,05 ( α ; 0,05 ) treatment research.
N calculation:
= PN
N = 37
Based on the calculation above, there were 37
students, but only 22 students needed. So, it
was necessary to draw which students who
were assigned as sample. After the draw, there
was found 11 students for each group. The
process of selecting samples to determine who
will be sampled using simple random sampling
b. Second, giving statement letters to the samples,
and then the researchers conducted initial tests
with three measurements for strength, speed,
agility, and power. Implementation of random
sample process was to place the sample in each
c. Third, the implementation of maximal
repetition of each experimental group,
including the implementation of maximum
repetition of leg press and cherry pickers
ladder drill on group I, easy power station
squats and 180s ladder drill on group II.
d. Fourth, the processing of the maximum
repetition data that will be made into reference
program in increasing the intensity, repetition,
set, and interval in the exercise.
e. Fifth, after 2 months ended, a final test data is
collected from all experimental groups.
f. Sixth, after that, the researchers did data
processing in accordance with predefined data
analysis techniques using SPSS 20 assistance.
2.6 Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis in the study used SPSS 20 program
with 5% significant level. Before reaching the stage
of data analysis, there was mean data processing first
to find the average in the results of research. Such
process was continued by prerequisite test consisting
of normality test and homogeneity test.
The data normality test used Shapiro-Wilk test
with 5% significant level. If the significance level in
the Shapiro-Wilk test is greater than 0.05 then the
data are declared to be normally distributed. The
homogeneity test of covariance is done to know
whether the collected data are homogenous or not by
using the Box's Test of Equality of Covariance
Matrices. If the stastistic value of homogeneity of
variances is greater than 0.05, then the data have
homogeneous covariance.
After the prerequisite test is met, then the
process was continued with hypothesis testing. To
test the research hypothesis, the researchers used
paired t test technique and multivariate analysis of
variance (Manova) by using the assistance of SPSS
20 program.
Activities of each group during the study:
Group I, during the research activities, the
respondents of group I did leg press training and
cherry pickers ladder drill according to the training
program provided every Monday, Wednesday, and
Group II, during the research activities, the
respondents of group II did train
leg squats easy
power station
and 180s ladder drill according to
training program provided every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.
The results of this study were taken from the
previous calculation by using the same procedure as
data analysis technique that has been determined.
The analysis of the research results is then related to
the hypothesis of the study as described in the
previous chapter. In this chapter, we will describe
the description of the data, the hypothesis test
requirements, and the results of the hypothesis
testing. Description of the data will be elaborated in
the form of measurement data of strength, speed,
agility, and power before and after the treatments
were given to each group.
The result of descriptive analysis of research data
from Group I, which is the group that is treated with
leg press and squat easy power station model, can be
seen in table 3 below:
Table 3: Data on results of leg press training and easy
power station squat.
Strength Speed Agility Power
1 16,5 -,08 1,00 11,00
2 18,5 -,12 2,00 15,50
3 13 11 3,00 3,20
4 14,5 -,22 -,00 4,70
5 11 -,10 3 13,8
6 15 -,40 2 12
7 24 -,24 -1,00 25
8 12 ,10 -3,00 17,9
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
9 20 ,20 ,00 9,3
10 17,5 -,40 2 14,2
11 12 -,30 1 12
Mean 15,818 -,1318 0,9091 12,6
SD 3,9703 ,2044 1,8141 5,9933
From the table above, it is shown that the
training with leg press model and easy power station
squat can increase strength, speed, agility, and
power respectively as big as 15.8182 kg, -, 1318
seconds, 0.9091 times, and 12 , 6 watts, with raw
intersections respectively 3.9703 kg,, 2044 seconds,
1.8141 times, and 5.9933 watts. These results apply
only to group I samples only.
The result of descriptive analysis of research
data from Group II, which is the group that is treated
with cherry pskers ladder drill and 180s ladder drill,
can be seen in table 4 below:
Table 4: Data on results of increased strength, speed,
agility, and
power for group II.
Strength Speed Agility Power
1 7,00 -,25 6,00 4,00
2 11,50 -,50 5,00 6,00
3 8,00 -,24 3,00 3,00
4 6,00 -,80 2,00 6,60
5 12,00 -,60 4,00 7,60
6 9,00 -,44 2,00 9,00
7 5,00 -,60 5,00 5,00
8 8,00 -,60 6,00 5,20
9 9,00 -,80 3,00 8,30
10 10,00 -,50 4,00 3,60
11 7,50 -,22 5,00 7,00
Mean 8,454 -,504 4,09 5,936
SD 2,150 ,2054 1,44 1,964
From the table above, it appears that cherry
pickers ladder drill and 180s ladder drill models can
increase strength, speed, agility, and power
respectively by 8.4545 kg, 0.504 seconds, 4,0910
times, and 5.9364 watts with standard deviations
respectively 2.1501 kg, 2054 seconds, 1.4460 times,
and 1.9640. These results apply only to group II
samples only.
In this research, we get the
following conclusions:
Leg press exercises and easy power station
squats have significant effect on the strength
increase of 15.8182 kg, the speed of -0.1318
seconds, agility of 0.9091 times, and power of
12.6000 watts for sports education coaching
students, The results of this study show that more
effective training to improve strength, speed, and
power can be done using the leg press and squat
easy power station training model.
For coaches who want to improve speed and
agility effectively, it can be done by using the cherry
pickers ladder drill and 180s ladder drill and with the
help of kinesis tool. This training model is very
effective to improve the agility.
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