(Azhar Arsyad, 2011: 94). In fact, use audiovisual
resources in teaching and learning as an eccentric in
totality. The dissenting voices wondered if
audiovisual resources have in any way enhanced
teaching and learning. It is against this backdrop that
the study investigates the impact of the use of
audiovisual resources on teaching and learning (Ode,
2014: 196).
This is the basis for developing variations of
volleyball service techniques using computer-based
media. Basic volleyball learning techniques have not
been taught with the maximum, because teachers
have not used the varied learning media in the
learning process.
Several previous studies that have studied the
learning media were conducted by Lumintuarsa
(2013), which was written in a Journal entitled the
development of basic volleyball instructional media
for junior high school students. Based on the results
of the research is known that this learning media is
very good to use, and has an effect on improving
learning achievement. Furthermore, the results of
research conducted by Djuwaini and Pardijono
(2014) entitled the application of the use of plastic
ball learning media to improve learning outcomes
passing under volleyball. Based on the results of the
research note that the use of plastic ball learning
media in learning bolavoli turned out to improve the
learning achievement passing under grade V
students SDN Pakal II Surabaya.
Based on the problems in learning volleyball
service techniques. It is necessary to develop various
learning media, hoping to improve the skills of
volleyball service technique as the development of
learning model.
This research is a research development or research
and development (R & D). This research was
conducted to develop learning model variation
techniques of volley ball services using visual audio
media. All subjects targeted in this research are all
students of grade X SANDIKA Senior high school
Talang Kelapa Banyuasin with a population of 160
students. Samples taken are 40 students of grade X.
In the design validation phase, products that
have been designed on the prototype created will be
validated by content experts, design experts, and lay-
out experts. Experts test the validity of products
made by researchers. The test is a test of content
validity, design, and lay-out. Expert advice will be
used to revise the media created. Opinions and
suggestions from experts are written on the
validation sheet as material for revision and state
that the media design has been valid
Research stages (1) small group testing that is
the result of revision from experts on prototype one.
Product testing phase with small groups to see
whether basic volleyball technique learning medium
can be developed. The two prototypes were tested on
a small group, consisting of 8 (eight) class X
students representing the actual class. At the end of
the learning students are asked to fill out a
questionnaire and provide feedback to the media
learning, to see the practicality of advanced learning
media volleyball techniques developed. The result of
the questionnaire of the students' responses, was
used as the material for revision of learning media of
volley ball technique that was developed. This result
is called the third prototype. (2) Product revision,
result of creativity test of new student get value 60%
than expected. The design of new teaching methods
needs to be revised so that students' learning
creativity increases in higher gradations. (3) Large
group trials of revised products based on suggestions
from validators and small group experiments were
used on research subjects in field tests. Research
subjects in grade X students. Trials were used to see
the potential effects of media developed on
outcomes student learning. Products tested on field
trials are products that meet standard of validity,
practicability and have potential effects. (4) The
revision of the product is a revision made when in
the use of a broader institution there are deficiencies
and weaknesses. (5) Preparation of the final product
if the product in the form of teaching method is
declared effective, then the method can be applied to
every educational institution.
Data analysis technique used is (1) Data
Walktrough Analysis: Knowing the prevalence of
learning media variation of volleyball service
developed, then the validation of the experts. After
studying the design of learning media, experts will
provide comments, feedback, on learning media
developed. The data obtained in the form of
suggestions from the experts used as a reference to
revise the product being developed, until the
developed product is judged or declared feasible and
ready for trial. (2) Questionnaire Analysis: Data
obtained through questionnaire then analyzed by
using likert Scale to get opinions, appreciation, and
perceptions of students in using media learning
techniques volleyball service. (3) Observation Data
Analysis: Observational data obtained from the
learning process takes place when held observations
using the instrument observation guide sheet. At this
stage to be observed is the students with the intent to
know the activity of students on learning by using
learning media.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education