Dharmayanti, 2014). Densely populated homes can
have a chance of getting pneumonia 2.20 times.
Densely populated homes may contribute to
bacterial transmission, pneumonia-causing viruses
by breathing from one home to another easily and
quickly (Hartati, 2011).
Based on the observation of the house, all
respondent households use ceramic type floor and
clean house floor condition although there are still
some respondents with less clean house floor
condition. Type of floor at risk of the incidence of
pneumonia in infants because basically toddlers
more often play on the floor. The condition of the
floor of the house is a risk factor because the
condition of the house floor is closely related to the
type of floor of the house.
Most respondents have air ventilation in their
homes and some respondents do not have air vents.
Most of the respondents had a window in the house
with varying numbers, but there were two
respondents who did not have a window at home.
Homes that do not have air ventilation 6.44 times
risk of experiencing pneumonia compared to
toddlers who have home ventilation (Sugihartono &
Nurjazuli, 2012).
In addition, family members who smoke in the
house have a major influence in indoor air pollution.
Based on demographic data it is known that most
respondents have family members who smoke.) Said
that exposure to cigarette smoke is a factor that can
increase the risk of pneumonia in infants. Research
conducted by also that indoor air pollution increases
the risk of under-five mortality due to pneumonia 3
times greater (Sugihartono & Nurjazuli, 2012)
4.7 Relationship between cultures with
Pneumonia Prevention
Most respondents have a positive culture and almost
half of respondents have a negative culture.
Negative cultures of respondents include the habit of
not closing the mouth when coughing near the child,
not wearing a mask while coughing, not wearing a
mask when in contact with sick children and not
washing hands after contact with the nose and mouth
when coughing. Toddlers have 4.72 times the
possibility of pneumonia if the mother washes hands
without using soap after coughing (Shibata, T.,
Culture is the plural of the word mind and power
which means love, taste and intention. Culture is all
the work, taste, and creation of society (Setiadi,
2008). So that culture or culture concerning all
aspects of human life both material and non material
Culture is a pattern of life produced by normal
behavior, habits, values and procurement of
resources within a community (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
Culture in the community is a factor that affects
health behavior of the behavior of prevention of
pneumonia in infants. In addition, cultural values
and knowledge of mothers about health helps
motivate mothers in making decisions about health
behaviors (Miller, 2011). In addition to the culture in
which a person lives and is raised has a great
influence on the formation of one's attitude. Attitude
is an important domain for forming an action or
health behavior (Notoatmodjo, 2010).
Preventive behavior against pneumonia in the
mother associated with thought and feeling
(knowledge, attitude, perception and trust),
resources and culture. The better the knowledge
about the prevention of pneumonia owned by the
mother, the better the prevention behavior of
pneumonia done by the mother. The more positive
the perception of the mother the better the mother's
behavior in the prevention of pneumonia. While the
personal reference factor is not directly related to the
prevention behavior. The formation of behavior is
not only influenced by the reference of others who
are considered important, but also influenced by
several factors one of which attitude and personal
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