Jump Serve on Volleyball Survey
Muhamad Sazeli Rifki and Syafrizar Syafrizar
Deparement of Health and Recreation Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Jump Serve Skill, Elasticity, Arm Muscle Explosive Power, Self-Confidence, Volleyball Athlete.
Abstract: The jump serve skill is still one of the problems faced by west sumatera volleyball athletes. This is seen I the
results of the pre PON game in 2015 in sumatera where 35% of athletes did jump serve and the level of failure
in getting point was still 50%. There are several factors that ellegedly affects the skill of jump serve; elasticity,
explosive power of arm muscle and self-confidence. The purpose of this research is to find out: causal
relationship between endogenous variable, that is jump serve skill (Y), intervening variable that is self
confidence (X3). And two exogenous variables, namely the elasticity (X1) and arm muscle explosive power
(X2). The Method applied was survey method This research was analyzed by path analysis technigue (Path
Analysis) The population was all volleyball athletes of west sumatera. Data on elasticity were collected using
a bridge-up test, arm muscle explosive power was taken with overhead test of medicine ball throw,self
confidence data were taken with questionnaire and jump serve skill was taken with precision test, speed and
quality of jump serve (judge) technique. The results of this study conclude tht: (1) Elasticity directly affects
skill serve (py1 = 0,315); (2) The arm muscle explosive power directly affects the skill of jump serve(py2 =
0,534); (3) Self confidence directly affects skill serve (py3 = 0,310); (4) The elasticity directly affects the arm
muscle explosive power (Px21 = 0,288); (5) Elasticity directly affects self confidence (P31 = 0.264); (6) The
arm muscle explosive power directly affects the self confidence. (P32 = 0.271). As an effort to improve the
skill of jump serve, it is necessary to consider the dominant factor (the path coefficient is greater).
Exercise is one means of human self-development,
through sports can improve performance. Bolavoli
has become a very popular sport by the world
community, especially the people of Indonesia. The
facts prove that the bolavoli is currently ranked
second in the most popular row of sports, after
football. No wonder if the game that uses this hand is
played almost by all circles.
One of the most dramatic skills in modern
volleyball is the spike serve, or jump serve, which
provides an interesting and dynamic skill for both the
player and the spectator, that the jump serve is one of
the weapons to get the first number in a game of
bolavoli and ultimately victory. In order to master
jump serving skills, it needs to be supported by
physical, technical and mental abilities.
Volleyball requires a physical element to support
a player's performance. Sajoto (1995: 10) As for the
physical elements in question include: strength,
endurance, speed, kelentuk, agility, balance,
accuracy, reaction, explosive power and
coordination. According to Rusli Lutan (2001: 25) to
perform a player jumping service requires
coordination, where coordination is the ability to
perform movements with various levels of difficulty
quickly and efficiently with full precision.
Coordination is required from the prefix, repulsion,
while hitting to the ground. In other words by having
motion coordination and supported with good
reargood formation, then the jump serve that
dillakukan will perfect the result as expected and the
required for the effectiveness of the movement.
As for the physical capabilities that support in the
success is the power of explosion (power) which is a
combination of elements of speed and strength that
will generate explosive power capabilities in jumps
and blows, it is seen in the implementation of the
jump serve, which required a high vertical upward
jump of muscle power limbs so the point of reach for
hitting the ball is higher and when touching the ball
with the ball requires muscle power of the arm so that
the hit ball falls on the opponent's field with a strong
and fast as well as the ball that hit the top and
produces a falling ball dive as it is hit at the highest
part of the jump.
Another factor an athlete should have at a jump
serve is the confidence. Sudibyo (2001: 86) states that
confidence if he is able and able to achieve certain
achievements; if the achievement is high then the
Rifki, M. and Syafrizar, S.
Jump Serve on Volleyball Survey.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 71-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
individual concerned more confident. This means that
the higher the level of confidence the athlete will be
more confident that the athlete will do the jump serve
as expected. The high self-esteem of the athlete, of
course, has a tendency to be self-controlled and can
place anxiety that emerges as a signal to be careful,
concentrated, and try to display the best serve,
ultimately with confidence and concentration. both
related to confidence when doing a jump serve.
Jump serve done by West Sumatra volleyball
athlete percentage is still an average of 35% in every
game and 50% failure in every game. This can be seen
from the implementation of the jump serve
performed, where the jump serve is not in accordance
with the intended direction or target, this factor is
pointed to some weak points, among others: arm
muscle explosive power, togok formation, hand eye
coordination and confidence.
Based on the data in the Provincial Board of
Volleyball Entire Indonesia West Sumatra, that it has
three times the National Sports Week West Sumatra
bolavoli team did not qualify and in other national
games West Sumatra bolavoli team did not qualify
from the pool elimination round. According to the
recapitulation of the match report from the coach, the
percentage of West Sumatra athletes error in the
match is still big on the top serve and jump serve that
is 25% from the error of other factors.
The low skill ability of jump serve at bolavoli
athletes can also be known from the evaluation of the
results of the match so far, where many athletes are
rushing to serve so the result is not good, in doing the
jump serve the bolavoli athlete is less confident in
doing it, whereas in the national level jump match
serve is the main weapon or main attack to get
numbers. In reality this jump serve has not been used
by the team of West Sumatra in the game to get points
or points.
Another factor, the athletes can master the
material well. Difficulties experienced by athletes in
general in the movement. This is probably due to the
low physical condition of an athlete determining the
skill of the jump serve. This is probably due to the
low level of explosive power of the arm muscles, the
formation, balance and coordination of the athlete, so
the athlete is not perfect in doing the jump serve. In
line with research by Sirirat Hirunrat and Onwaree
Ingkatecha (2015), the jump serves a powerful
offensive action widely used elite players.
Based on the above description, the researcher is
interested to examine the factors that influence the
jump volleyball skill, ie (1) the flexibility of the joints
to move the joints to the back so as to help the
movement and power for service, (2) the power of
arm muscle explosion focused on how strength and
speed of the ball in service, and (3) confident in
service at the point of faith, earnest and responsibility.
The purpose of this study is to determine the
causal relationship between endogenous variables,
namely skill serve (Y), intervening variable, ie self-
confidence (X3). And two exogenous variables,
namely the formation (X1), and arm muscle explosive
power (X2), which is to obtain empirical data and
answer the problems in this research and useful for
building science of sports science, especially
The method used in this research is survey method
with causality or study of causal effect among the
variables studied. The first variable is endogenous
variable, ie skill of jump serve atlet of bolavoli (Y),
the next variable is intervening variable, that is
confidence (X3). Two other variables belong to the
exogenous variables, namely the elasticity (X1), and
arm muscle explosive power (X2). This research was
analyzed by using statistic, with path analysis
technique (Path Analysis). Path Analysis Model is
used to analyze the relationship pattern between
variables with the aim to know the direct or indirect
effect of a set of independent variables (exogenous)
to the dependent variable (endogen).
The population in this study is all West Java
bolavoli athletes who qualify for the final of West
Sumatra Nagari match in 2015 as many as 8 teams
totaling 96 men athletes. Sample technique is done by
Sampling Purposive is a sample determination
technique based on certain considerations that
athletes who can perform and often use a jump serve
in the game. Together with Bridge Up (Kayang) data,
arm muscle explosive power data were taken with
overhead test of medicine ball trhow, confident data
were taken by questionnaire and skill serve jump was
tested with accuracy, speed and quality of jump serve
(judge) technique.
Data analysis techniques used in this study are as
follows: 1) Descriptive statistics, ie statistics assigned
only to obtain description or measurements of data in
hand, 2) test requirements analysis include: (a)
normality test data with Liliefors test; (b) linearity
test, 3) the correlation statistic is to give the values for
each variable in turn correlated with the values of the
complex variables, 4) path analysis to analyze the
relationship pattern among the variables.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
In accordance with the results of this lane coefficient
calculation there is no path of influence discarded for
thitung> ttabel, as follows: (1) the results of the first
hypothesis testing, the coefficient of the direct
influence of togok gamut to skill serve serve 0.280
with thitung ¬ 2,125 and ttable of 1.675. Because the
value of t count is greater than ttable value, then the
test result decided to reject Ho hypothesis. This
means that there is a positive influence of the togok
formation of the jump serve skill, (2) the result of the
second hypothesis testing, the direct path coefficient
of arm muscle explosive power to the jump serve skill
0,534 with the thitung value 4,380 and the ttable value
of 1.675. Because the value of t count is greater than
ttable value, then the test result decided to reject Ho
hypothesis. This means that there is a direct positive
effect of arm muscle explosive power on skill serve
serve, (3) result of third hypothesis testing, coefficient
of direct influence of self confidence to skill serve
skill 0,310 with thitung value equal 2,262 and ttable
value equal to 1,675. Because the value of t count is
greater than ttable value, then the test result decided
to reject Ho hypothesis. This means that there is a
positive influence of confidence in the skill of jump
serve, (4) the result of the fourth hypothesis testing,
the coefficient of the direct influence of the togok's
velocity on the arm muscle explosive power of 0.288
with the thitung value of 2.176 and the ttable value of
1.675. Because the value of t count is greater than
ttable value, then the test result decided to reject Ho
hypothesis. This means that there is a positive
influence of togok formation on the arm muscle
explosive power, (5) the result of the fifth hypothesis
testing, the coefficient of the direct influence of the
togok to the confidence of 0.264 with the value of
tcount 1.896 and the ttable value of 1.675. Because
the value of t count is greater than ttable value, then
the test result decided to reject Ho hypothesis. This
means that there is a positive influence ongok togok
to confidence, and (6) the results of testing the sixth
hypothesis, the coefficient of the direct influence of
arm muscle explosive power to confidence of 0.315
with the value of thitung ¬ 2.299 and ttable value of
1.675. Because the value of t count is greater than
ttable value, then the test result decided to reject Ho
hypothesis. This means that there is a positive
influence of arm muscle explosive power to
Figure 1: Complete Path Coefficient Research Model
The results of the first hypothesis testing in this
study indicate that the gamut of togok has a direct
influence on skill serve serve. This gives the meaning
that the success of a jump serve one is determined by
the formation of togok. If the formation of good
athlete athletes, which is implied in the process of
implementation of the jump serve then the ball will be
the result of a maximum blow and difficult to accept
the opponent. This condition will contribute
significantly to the successful implementation of the
jump serve. Instead jump serve can fail or not
maximal if not supported by kelautan togok.
Based on the description it is clear that the
formation is one factor that can not be ignored in
increasing the speed of motion, this applies also to the
jump serve movement in the game bolavoli, where to
achieve the speed and coordination of optimal jump
serve motion requires good formation. Elements of
the required skill at the time of jump serve that is
when the player is in the air in the square kicked body
ball formed formally and when hitting the ball body
bent forward. And the formation is an inseparable part
in the improvement of motion skills, thus the ability
to influence the outcomes of the jump serve skills on
the game of bolavoli.
The results of the second hypothesis testing in this
study indicate that the arm muscle explosive power
has a direct influence on skill serve serve. This gives
meaning that the success of the jump serve one is
determined by the explosive power of the arm muscle.
If the explosive muscle power of the athlete's arm is
good, which is implied in the process of
implementation of the jump serve then the ball will
hit the maximum result and difficult to accept the
opponent. This condition will contribute significantly
to the successful implementation of the jump serve.
Instead a jump serve can fail or not maximal if it is
not supported by arm muscle burst power.
Muscle power factor will work optimally if the
strength and speed as a supporting factor also has a
good quality. In the jump serve, this explosive power
is a dominant factor in the creation of good skills.
This is because explosive power acts as a force factor
Jump Serve on Volleyball Survey
that forces the object, in this case is our body to move
forward. Allegedly the greater force (force) is played
by the explosive power, the greater the acceleration
made by the body. The greater the acceleration will
result in greater body speed and the time yag is quite
coupled by a good body balance in the end the power
of the punch will be maximal so that an athlete will
be easy and flexible in doing a jump serve.
In a crucial jump serve in reaching the ball speed,
further explosive power, shoulder and arm core are
highly influential and the optimal function of the
kinetic chain is an important element. The ability of
hip joint motion and thorack vertebrae is also an
important factor in the achievement of ball speed (ball
velocity) M. Hayrinen et al (2011).
The results of the third hypothesis testing in this
study showed that confidence has a direct influence
on skill serve serve. This gives the meaning that the
success of a jump serve one is determined by self-
confidence. If the athlete's self-confidence, which is
implied in the process of implementation of the jump
serve then requires confidence, concentration, goal
setting, mastery of techniques, good self-control so
that the maximum results. This condition will
contribute significantly to the successful
implementation of the jump serve. Instead jump serve
can fail or not maximal if not supported by
In doing a jump serve the self-confidence of a
bolavoli athlete will have an effect. This is because if
a bolavoli athlete does not have confidence in doing
a jump serve then not produced a good jump serve.
However, it should be accompanied by regular and
ongoing exercises. An athlete who has done the
preparation with the exercises to the maximum will
have a higher confidence than those who exercise but
less than the maximum.
Next Sudibyo (2001: 126) self-belief is very
important in mental coaching athletes. Believing in
yourself will create a sense of security, self-
confidence is usually closely related to the "emotional
security", the more confident self-esteem is also
steady emotional securely, it will be seen in attitude
and behavior that is not easy to hesitate, calm, firm
and ……………………..
The results of the fourth hypothesis testing in this
study showed that the togok formation has a direct
influence on the explosive power of the arm muscles.
This means that the formation of togok is one of the
factors that determine the ability to increase the
explosive power of the arm muscles.
Ability is the ability to perform a series of
movements to the maximum extent possible, with a
wide range of motion. This should be supported by
the readiness of the parts of the body itself so it is
possible to obtain maximum muscle elasticity.
Formation is also very big role in the sport bolavoli,
because with a high level of kelentukan will be able
to streamline the movement, streamline the time and
energy as in the time to serve during the game.
The results of the fifth hypothesis testing in this
study indicate that the formation has a direct
influence on confidence. This means that kelentukan
is one of the decisive factors that increase confidence.
In contrast, athletes who have a good kelentukan but
do not have confidence then the result will not be
In the implementation of jump serve is strongly
supported by several factors including physical
conditions, techniques and tactics. Mental factors are
decisive once in a match. In other words, these four
factors are indispensable for the achievement of the
maximum, alleged athletes who have good abilities
ability, it will affect from its appearance because an
athlete who is ready for physical condition will
increase confidence in making decisions in a jump
serve on game bolavoli.
This is in line with Tangkudung (2012: 72) that
the state of good physical condition will affect
psychological aspects in the form of increased work
motivation, morale, confidence, thoroughness and so
forth. Psychologically, the physical state seems very
big influence in the environment of our activities,
especially in socializing.
The results of testing the sixth hypothesis in this
study indicate that the arm muscle explosive power
has a direct influence on confidence. This means that
the power of the arm muscle is one of the decisive
factors that increase self-confidence. Conversely,
athletes who have a large arm muscle explosiveness
but do not have confidence then the result will not be
According to Maksum (2008: 2013) those who are
actively engaged in sports activities show a higher
level of confidence (self confidence) than those who
are not involved and positive self-concept appears not
only in the physical, but also social and more
impressive dimensions its influence on intellectual
development. Based on the above opinion, that active
exercise means general good physical condition and
relate in terms of trust cirri in acting.
In the implementation of jump serve is strongly
supported by several factors including physical
conditions, techniques and tactics. Mental factors are
decisive once in a match. In other words these four
factors are indispensable for the achievement of the
maximum, alleged athletes who have the ability of a
good arm muscle explosive power, it will affect from
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
his appearance because an athlete who is ready for
physical conditions will increase confidence in
making decisions in doing jump serve on the game
Sudibyo (2001: 71) says the successes
experienced by an athlete will be able to develop self-
confidence, therefore it is very important that athletes
athletes have a chance to win and a defeat must not
result in a loss of effort to instill self-confidence own.
In conducting a jump serve, a server must be able
to think and perform moves quickly and carefully
when it comes to deciding where the ball is directed
by considering the opponent's defense pattern. So
someone who has good coordination of motion helps
once an athlete's confidence to complete the task well
and in accordance with the intended target, so that
jump serve can bring points or numbers.
Implementation of this research has been
cultivated carefully based on the systematics and
procedures of scientific work in accordance with this
type of research so as to deliver results in accordance
with the intended purpose. But the perfection of the
results is something that is not easily realized this is
due to the weaknesses and limitations in this study.
Weaknesses and limitations should be presented as a
consideration in interpreting and generalizing the
results of this study.
Based on testing hypothesis yeng have been disclosed
above and result of data analysis hence can be taken
conclusion based on result of research finding. The
conclusions in this study are as follows: (1) the
formation of togok directly affect the skill of jump
serve atlet bolavoli West Sumatra. This means that
togok kelautan will affect the skill of jump serve atlet
of bolavoli of West Sumatra, (2) arm muscle
explosion directly influence to skill of jump serve
atlet of bolavoli of West Sumatra. This means that the
power of arm muscle explosion will affect the skill of
jump serve atlet of bolavoli of West Sumatera, (3)
confidence directly influence to skill of jump serve
atlet of bolavoli of West Sumatra. This means that
self-perception will affect the skill of jump serve at
West Java bolavoli athletes, (4) the formation of
togok has a direct effect on the explosive muscle
power of the atlet arm of the bolavoli of West
Sumatra. This means that togok kelautan will affect
the increase of arm muscle explosive power in the
achievement of skill of jump serve atlet of bolavoli of
West Sumatera, (5) togok formation have a direct
effect to confident atlet of bolavoli of West Sumatra.
This means that the elasticity of togok will affect the
confident increase of the bolavoli athletes of West
Sumatra, (6) the explosive force of the arm muscle
directly affect the self-confident atlet of West
Sumatra bolavoli. This means that the power of arm
muscle explosion will affect the confidence increase
atlet of West Sumatra bolavoli. Furthermore, in order
to increase skill of jump serve at bolavoli athlete,
aspect of togokiness, muscular arm explosion and
confidence need to be attention and can not be
ignored, implication like pay attention to factors who
influence it, promote appropriate training, work with
local governments, bolavoli organizations, coaches,
athletes, referees, the elderly and the club in terms of
improving the aspects of togok formation, muscular
arm power and confidence.
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Jump Serve on Volleyball Survey