The Effect of Skillastics Game on the Elementray School Students
Social Skills
Syam Hardwis
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Skillastics Game, Social Skill, Elementary School.
Abstract: The research was conducted because of the low social skill in children at elementary school level today.
This is shown by the observed behavioral disorders such as lack of confidence, academic failure, shyness,
and violent conduct. Skillastic game can help social skill development at elementary school children
( Skillastic game can be used because it is not quite popular in Indonesia. The research was
aimed at finding out what is the effect of skillastic games on students’ social skill development at
elementary school level. To this end, true Experimental Design using The Randomized Pretest-posttest
design was used to solve the problem. The sample was two fifth grader classes. The sample was divided into
two groups; experimental and control group consisting of 42 students of each group. The research was
conducted in SD Padasuka 5 Bandung and SD Rancaekek II Kab. Bandung. Cluster sampling technique was
used to choose the sample. The instrument used was a test Social Skill Assessment Elementary School Age
by Ellen McGinnis and Arnold R Goldstein. The Analysis of the data in this research using SPSS with the
test equipment used include: test for normality with Shapiro Wilk, test homogeneity with Lavene statistic.
And F test or Anova for to see the difference the average score sample group. The result of this research is
obtained an average score of the experimental group and control in urban and rural areas for the
development of social skill (3.3810: -0.1429; 1.1905; 1.6429) with a value of F= 6.251 (0.000) (P<0.05).
This means that there is a significant difference from the average score of the development of social skill
between the experimental group and control group in urban and rural areas. In other words, that skillastic
game have a significant influence on the development of social skill of students with demonstrated presence
of cooperation, interaction with other students, and sense of responsibility compared with the control group.
Students with low social skills can be observed
through behaviors such as lack of confidence, school
failure, feelings of shame, and violent behavior
(Samanci, 2010).
Furthermore, Samanci (2010) stated, "One of the
main objectives of basic education is to help
students to adapt to healthy social life, as a
foundation in the process of socialization, from birth
and during human life".
The ability to behave socially must be owned as
early as possible as a foundation for the
development of the ability of the children to interact
with their environment more broadly. The inability
of children to behave socially as expected can result
in the children isolated from the environment, have
no self-confidence, exclude themselves from the
environment, and so on. As a result, the child will
experience obstacles in his development.
Basically students at the elementary school level
have a strong desire to be accepted in their group.
He will try to join and be recognized by his peer
group. If the student is not recognized by his or her
group, he will find another way to be accepted in his
Suprobo (2008) stated that the full opportunity to
socialize is important for children, because he
cannot learn to socialize if opportunities are not
optimized. Year after year they increasingly need the
opportunity to mingle with many people, so not only
with children of the same age and developmental
level, but also with adults of different ages and
environments. In Shared states, the child should not
only be able to communicate in words that other
people can understand, but also be able to talk about
Hardwis, S.
The Effect of Skillastics Game on the Elementray School Students’ Social Skills.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 76-79
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
topics that can be understood and can tell them
interestingly to others.
Elliot and Busse (1991) argue that students will
continue to show a decline in social skill experiences
that are negative impacts, both in the short and long
run, and the possible negative impacts as research
cues have an indication that the decline in student
social skills is relatively stable over time, is
associated with poor academic outcomes and
perhaps predicted serious social and psychopathic
problems at the adolescent level.
Elliot and Busse (1991) said that behaviors such
as sharing, helping, starting relationships, asking for
help from others, giving praise and saying "please"
and "thank you" are social behaviors that are
expected to be approved as examples of social skills.
Skillastic game, which is a new approach to
Physical Education developed by Sandy (2010),
students at the elementary school level are
accustomed to hearing the word monopoly game.
Skillastic game is almost the same as the monopoly
game only difference students will make the
movement in accordance with the image on the sheet
of monopoly. In this skillastic game the emphasis is
on participation instead of winning or losing, fun
skillastic games and challenging students will ask to
play again.
According to Sandy (2010) explains the skillastic
game offers a new approach to help physical fitness
in students. Skillastic game is designed to help
students in both physical and social development, in
this game the students are allowed to move
regardless of their skill level, the philosophy of these
games aims to make students think that this exercise
is fun, and hopefully improve fitness and health
become better. Furthermore, it is said that skillastic
game can improve the 4 components of fitness
include: flexibility, heart resistance, endurance and
muscle strength. In addition to improving the four
physical components, in this game students can learn
social values such as communication, cooperation,
The research method is using experimental method
with True Experimental Design. The main
characteristic of true experimental is that the
samples used for the experiment as well as the
control group are taken randomly from a specific
population. So the characteristic is the existence of
the control group and the sample is chosen
The form of experimental design used in this
study is to use the research descriptions of the
randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
2.1 Research Sample
The sample in this study was primary school located
in urban and rural areas, based on the location of
urban and rural demographics. From this statement,
the state primary school Padasuka 5 Bandung and
elementary school Rancaekek II Kab Bandung can
be the subject or population and the sample of the
research is the 5th grader.
2.2 Research Instrument
The research instrument used is a Social Skill
questionnaire created by McGinnis and Goldstein
(2006) on Social Skill Assessment - Elementary
School Age. The instrument was developed and
modified by first experiments on respondents who
have the same characteristics with the sample
3.1 Results
3.1.1 Description of Data of Pre-test Result
of Social Skill in Elementary School
For the city and rural experimental group given the
Skillastic Game treatment, the sample is 42 students.
The average preliminary test results of Social Skill
questionnaire in the city obtained 24.00 and standard
deviation 4,367 and variance 19,073 and in rural
obtained 25.16 and standard deviation 4,411 and
variance 19,459. While the lowest score in urban
areas was 14 and the highest score was 35 and the
lowest score in rural area 13 and the highest score
was 33.
In the control group in both urban and rural areas
of 42 people, the pre-test result for the urban area
was averaged 25.47 with the standard deviation of
5,124 and the variance 26,255 for the lowest score in
the control group obtained score of 15 and the
highest score was 36. While for the rural areas an
average of 24.11 with standard deviation of 3,589
and variance 12,888 for the lowest score in the
control group obtained 17 and the highest score 32.
From these results it can be seen that the average
pre-test of social skills in school students for the two
The Effect of Skillastics Game on the Elementray School Students’ Social Skills
sample groups is no different. Similarly, the lowest
scores and the highest scores did not differ
significantly between the sample groups treated with
those not treated.
3.1.2 Description of Data of Post-test Result
of Social Skill in Elementary School
The post-test social skill data on primary school
students was obtained from the second test result in
both the experimental and control groups in both
populations. In the group given skillastic game
treatment, the questionnaire test was performed after
the sample was given treatment for 12 meetings. As
for the control group, the tests were performed
simultaneously with the experimental group but
were previously given no treatment.
The average post-test result of social skill in
elementary school students of experimental group in
urban area given treatment is 27,381 with standard
deviation 5,244 and variance 27,509. The lowest
score of the treated group was 16, and the highest
score was 36. And experimental group in rural area
is 26,357 with standard deviation 4,858 and variance
23,601. The lowest score is 13 and the highest score
is 35. While the average score of post-test result of
social skill for urban control group in elementary
school students is 25,333 with standard deviation
5,317 and variance 28,276. For the lowest score
obtained by the control sample group was 11 and the
highest score was 35. As well as for control groups
in rural areas is 25.761 with a standard deviation of
4.241 and variance 17.991. For the lowest score
obtained is 18 and the highest score is 37.
The difference in the influence of skillastic game
on social skill development is better than the effect
of learning without skillastic game on social skill
development in elementary school students.
To test this hypothesis used F or Anova test,
because the data to be tested comes from four
different samples.
From the statistical analysis it was revealed that
F observed is 6.251 and the critical value is 2.60.
Since F observed is higher than F critical (6,251 >
2,60), Ho was rejected.
The analysis showed that sig or probability value
is 0,000. Because sig. or probability value is lower
than 0,05 (0,000< 0,05), Ho was rejected. This
means that there is a significant difference from the
average score of social skill development between
the experimental group and the control group in
urban and rural areas.
This research was conducted to get answers from
four problems: What is the influence of skillastic
game on social skill development in both urban and
rural areas.
The result of the research shows that the
influence of skillastic game on social skill
development in elementary school students shows
better result is marked by the enthusiasm of the
students in the game, fun, interaction with each other
compared to the influence of less skillastic game
learning. The results are in accordance with opinions
in the lynx leisure (2010) which says that "skillastic
games teach coordination, cooperation, and
From the results of field observations in terms of
application of skillastic games in urban and rural
areas. In general both students in urban as well as
rural students have similarities in performing
skillastic game games, all students are enthusiastic,
happy and not a few of the students want to re-
skillastic games, because skillastic games are new
for students in physical education lessons and are
new experiences for students. The results is relevant
to the opinion of Sandy (2010) who said that
Skillastic game games let every child do physical
activity without seeing right or wrong in performing
every move. The philosophy of the game is that
students feel good about skillastic activity, and get
used to healthy lifestyle, and provide benefits
especially for children's fitness and health.
In practice there are differences between students in
urban and rural areas. Students in urban areas do not
take long to understand the motions contained in the
picture. If it is associated with social development
there is a significant increase from before skillastic
game treatment, it is seen from the absence of
students who do not participate, remain silent. All
students work together in their group to complete the
game, compared to the treatment given by many
students who show low social skills such as solitude,
not easy to associate with their friends and feel the
problem when grouped with non-friends. The results
of the study in accordance with the opinion of the
National Association of Sport Psychologists (2002),
"the consequences of students with bad social skills
will show: will have difficulty in interpersonal
relationships with parents, teachers, peers,
depressed, aggressive and anxious behavior.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
In addition, the results of this study can show that
students rarely do games that involve many people,
this is shown by the students are very enthusiastic to
do the game. The conclusion is that skillastic games
in urban and rural schools can influence as a
medium to help the development of social skills
from the beginning till its completion
Elliott, S. N., Busse, R. T., 1991. Social skills assessment
and intervention with children and adolescents:
Guidelines for assessment and training procedures.
School Psychology International. 12(1-2), 63-83.
Lynx Leisure Inc., 2010. Skillastic Rules.htm., (online)
available at:
McGinnis, E., Goldstein, A. P., 2006. Skillstreaming in
early childhood: New strategies and perspectives for
teaching prosocial skills, Research Press.
Samanci, O. (2010). Teacher views on social skills
development in primary school students. Education.
131(1), 147-158.
Sandy S., 2010. Skillastic is a trademark of Sandy “Spin”
Slade, Inc., (online) Available at:
Suprobo, N., 2008. Teori Belajar Humanistik, (online)
available at: http://. wordpress. com. html.
(23September 2015).
The Effect of Skillastics Game on the Elementray School Students’ Social Skills