The Psychological Characteristics of the Indonesian SEA Games
Athletes in the Measurable Sport
Ipa Sari Kardi and Dimyati Dimyati
Sport Sciences Study Program, Graduate Program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jln. Colombo No. 1, Sleman,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Sport Psychology, Sea Games Athletes, Measurable Sport Branches.
Abstract: This research aimed at identifying the difference of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the measurable
sport branches. The method is the ex-post facto with a retrospective comparative design and the samples
were 70 athletes. The data collection utilized the Psychological Skills Inventory Sports. The data analysis
used Manova with the significance level at 0.05. The research result showed that: (1) the psychological
characteristic of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the measurable sport branches were generally in the
high category in each of sport branches, namely: (a) athletics was in the high category; (b) water ski was in
the very high category; (c) weightlifting was in the high category; (d) cycling was in the high category;
and (e) swimming was in the high category; and (2) the Manova testing resulted the value of Wilk’s Lamda
at 0.688 and sig value at 0.478 (P > 0.05). Then, there was no significant difference between the
Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the measurable sport branches. Conclusion; the psychological
characteristic of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the measurable sport branches were the high
category and there was no significant difference between measurable sport branches.
The psychological skill was important in the sport
and exercise psychology because the psychological
state was considered to influence the performance in
the management of the sport and exercise, therefore
if the athletes could manage the psychological state,
the athletes would be able to improve their
performances. The psychological skills which would
be disclosed in this research are the motivation, self
confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation,
team priority, and concentration. The six
psychological aspects were badly needed in every
sport branches in accordance to the types of the sport
branches. Nine psychological skill that contributed
to the athlete achievement gain, namely, attitude,
motivation, goals and commitment, people skill,
self-talk, mental imagery, managing anxiety,
managing emotions, and concentration (Lesyk,
2007). Moss confirmed that the themes of
concentration, anxiety management, self-confidence,
mental preparation, and motivation were seen to
have potential importance in skill-level
differentiation (Moss, 2008). As for the
psychological aspects that would be studied using
the instrument of the psychological skills inventory
for sports covered the motivation, self confidence,
anxiety control, mental preparation, team priority,
and concentration (Mahoney, Gabriel, and Perkins,
Motivational processes could be defined by the
psychological constructs that energize, direct, and
regulate achievement behavior (Hanraham and
Andersen, 2010). It was asserted, further, by
Tenenbaum and Eklaud that understanding and
enhancing motivation was one of the most popular
areas of research in psychology, as well as sport and
exercise psychology (Tenenbaum and Eklaud,
2014). Self confidence rose to be the key skill
possessed by the elite athletes, and the international
elite athletes had identified the self confidence as the
most important mental skill which defined the
mental persistence (Brewer, 2009). Anxiety was
defined as a negative emotional state (feeling fearful
and uncomfortable, experiencing dread)
characterized by nervousness, worry, and
apprehension and associated with activation or
arousal of the body (Hanraham and Andersen,
2010). The experience of anxiety before and during
athletic competitions can have a variety of unwanted
outcomes, including poor athletic performance
(Schaefer, Vella and Allen, 2016).
Mental preparation was the individual mental
where the spiritual abilities, namely, the thought, the
Kardi, I. and Dimyati, D.
The Psychological Characteristics of the Indonesian SEA Games Athletes in the Measurable Sport.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 97-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
will, and the emotion were ready to undergo the
tasks suited to his abilities (Grieve, Whelan, and
Meyers, 2000). As it was disclosed before, athletes’
mental development was as important as three other
factors because even though the athlete’s physical,
technical and tactical developments are perfect, if
their mental states were not developed as well, it
was impossible to get high achievement. Basically
every athlete was the member of a certain sport club
that regularly carried out exercises and competitions.
In such team, every athlete gained experiences, both
the sport sciences and skills. As it was stated that the
effectiveness of a team depended on two things,
namely, the members’ skill and the leader’s ability
to facilitate the process.
Based on some studies above, it is confirmed that
the psychological aspects, such as (1)
motivation; (2) self confidence; (3) anxiety control;
(4) mental preparation; (5) team emphasis; and (6)
concentration are the psychological aspect which
influence the performance or the achievement of the
athletes in any kinds of sport. In other words, to
obtain the achievement in any sports, an athlete
cannot be separated from the influence of the
psychological aspects. Approaching the implantation
of the SEA Games in Malaysia 2017, the Indonesian
athletes’ preparation did not only cover the physic
and technique, but also in the psychological skills in
the hope that it would support the athletes
performance. However, the information or the study
of the athlete’s psychological aspect, especially the
Indonesian elite athletes, was still minimum.
Based on this, the writer was interested to study
and understand the psychological characteristic of
the Indonesian SEA Games athletes who pursue the
measurable sport branches. Hence, it employed the
instrument of The Psychological Skill Inventory to
disclose the psychological characteristics of the
Indonesian SEA Games athletes. Therefore, this
research was aimed at identifying: (1) the
psychological characteristics of the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches
covering the athletic, water skiing, weightlifting,
cycling, and swimming; and (2) the presence or
absence of the difference of the psychological skills
of the SEA Games XXIX athletes in the measurable
sport branches.
The research samples were the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches
assigned using accidental sampling technique
involving 70 athletes (male 42 and female 28). The
samples consisted of 12 Athletics athletes, 9
weightlifting athletes, 23 cycling athletes, 16
swimming athletes, and 10 water skiing athletes.
The research employed the ex-post facto method
with a retrospective comparative design. The
research was conducted from 24 February 2017 until
13 April 2017. The data gathering was done in some
cities which became the training centers for the
Indonesian SEA Games athletes, namely, Jakarta,
West Java, Yogyakarta, Solo, and Bali.
The research used the instrument of The
Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports, consisting
of six aspects of psychological skills namely; (1)
motivation; (2) self confidence; (3) anxiety control;
(4) mental preparation; (5) team emphasis; and (6)
concentration. The contents of the instruments are in
table 1, as follows:
Table 1: The Instrument Contents of The Psychological
Skills Inventory for Sports.
Number of
Psychological Skills
Self Confidence
Anxiety Control
Mental Preparation
Team Emphasis
Every answer in the statement item in the
questionnaires/instrument was rated by using the
likert scale; every answer had the score ranging from
positive to the negative scores in the ranges of 1 5.
The scoring could be seen in table 2, as follows:
Table 2: Answer Scores.
Alternative Answer
Positif Answer
Negatif Answer
Very seldom
The data processing was carried out using the
descriptive statistics and Manova testing. To identify
the psychological characteristics of Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches, the
data were categorized using the formula of the mean
and the standard deviation, like in table 3.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Table 3: The Formula to Determine the Criteria.
above (Mi + 1.8SD) up to (Mi + 3SD)
Very High
above (Mi + 0.6) up to (Mi + 1.8SD)
above (Mi – 0.6SD) up to (Mi + 0.6SD)
above (Mi – 1.8SD) up to (Mi - 0.6SD)
(Mi – 3SD ) up to ( Mi – 1.8SD)
Very Low
Source: Wagiran, 2015.
Based on the definition formula of ideal mean
and the standard deviation, it was obtained the
instrument criteria to identify the psychological
characteristic of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes,
as shown in table 4, as follows:
Table 4: The Criteria of the Psychological Characteristic
of the SEA Games Athletes in the measurable sport
above 159.59 up to 190
Very High
above 129.20 up to 159.59
above 98.80 up to 129.20
above 68.41 up to 98.80
38 up to 68.41
Very Low
The Psychological Skills Inventory for Sports
was the instrument adopted from foreign country.
Therefore, before it was employed, it would be
firstly undergone a validation of contents using the
expert judgment and would be tested to the National
Sport Week in Yogyakarta. The criteria used here
were the range between 0.21 up to 0.35. The result
of the instrument testing was the cronbach’s alpha
score in the amount of 0.890 > 0.60, hence it could
be concluded that the instrument was valid and
reliable to use.
The data analysis techniques utilized the
descriptive statistic and Manova, with significance
level of 0.05. Before multivariate analysis was used,
it would be conducted homogeneity testing using the
Box’s Test of Equality. The result of variance
homogenities was elaborated in table 5, as follows:
Table 5: Box’s Test Equality of Covariance Matrices.
Box’s M
0.293 > 0.05
df 1
df 2
Based on the analysis result as shown in table 5
above, it was obtained that the value of Box’s M is
119.994 with the value of sig. 0.293; for the value of
sig. = 0.293 > 0.05, it could be concluded that the
variance of every variable of the psychological
aspect of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the
measurable sport branches is homogenous. Thus, the
data matched the requirement for Manova test.
3.1 Research Result I
The result of data research obtained was analyzed
using the descriptive analysis to identify the mean
score of which became the criteria of psychological
skill characteristics of the SEA Games XXIX
athletes in the measurable sport branches.
The mean score of the measurable sport branches
in the amount of 152.23 which showed that the
psychological characteristics of the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches
were generally in high category. The psychological
characteristic of each sport branches are as follows:
(a) In the sport branch of Athletic, it was obtained
the mean score in the amount of 156.92, the mean
score indicated that the psychological characteristic
of athletic athletes were in high category; (b) In the
sport branch of Water Skiing it was obtained the
mean score in the amount of 164.80, the mean score
indicated that the psychological characteristic of
Water Skiing athletes were in the very high
category; (c) In the sport branch of Weightlifting it
was obtained the mean score in the amount of
153.89, the mean score indicated that the
psychological characteristic of Weightlifting athletes
were in high category; (d) In the sport branch of
Cycling it was obtained the mean score in the
amount of 148.96; the mean score indicated that the
psychological characteristic of Cycling athletes were
in the high category; (e) In the sport branch of
Swimming it was obtained the mean score in the
amount of 150.88; the mean score indicated that the
psychological characteristic of Swimming athletes
were in the high category.
Figure 1: Radar Diagram of the Psychological
Characteristics of The Indonesian SEA Games athletes in
the measurable sport branches
The Psychological Characteristics of the Indonesian SEA Games Athletes in the Measurable Sport
3.2 Research Result II
The research data result were analyzed using
Manova analysis to identify whether there was any
difference in the psychological characteristics of the
Indonesian SEA Games athletes in the measurable
sport branches, to prove the hipotheses as follows:
Ho : there is no significant difference between
the psychological characteristic of Indonesian SEA
Games Nationally-trained athletes in the measurable
sport branches.
Ha : there is significant difference between the
psychological characteristic of Indonesian SEA
Games Nationally-trained athletes in the measurable
sport branches.
(a) If the significance value > 0.05, then Ho was
accepted, hence there was no significant difference
in between the psychological characteristic of the
athletes in the measurable sport branches;
(b) If the significance value < 0.05, then Ho was
rejected, hence there was significant difference in
between the psychological characteristic of the
athletes in the measurable sport branches.
The Result of the multivariate analysis to see
whether there was any difference of the
psychological characteristic of the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches can
be seen in table 7.
Table 7: Multivariate Test.
Based on the output in table 7, it could be
identified that by the multivariance Manova testing,
it could be obtained the value of Wilks’ Lambda in
the amount of 0.688 with F = 0.992 and sig. 0.478.
The value of sig. Was 0.478 > 0.05, then Ho was
accepted, hence it could be concluded that there was
no significant difference among the psychological
characteristics among the Indonesian SEA Games
athletes in the measurable sport branches.
3.3 Discussion
Based on the research result of the psychological
characteristics of the athletes consisting of
6 aspects, namely, motivation, self confidence,
anxiety control, mental preparation, team priority,
and concentration, it was obtained the mean score of
152.23; the score showed that the psychological
characteristic of the Indonesian SEA Games athletes
were generally in the high category. From the
research result, it was also obtained the score of
Wilks’ Lambda in the amount of 0.688 with F =
0.992 and sig. 0.478 that showed that there was no
significant difference of the psychological
characteristic in between the athletes in the
measurable sport branches.
The absence of the difference of the
psychological characteristic the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes because in the measurable sport
branches is because basically the sport branches that
are categorized the measurable sport branches have
the same characteristics, namely, being not face to
face competition and having the limit that the
athletes should achieve or even surpass it, and the
implementation is dominantly carried out by
individual. The relation of psychological skills and
type of sport, significant main effect for motivation,
confidence, anxiety control, mental preparation and
concentration (Elferink, Visscher, and Lemmink,
2005). Besides, among the elite athletes having the
same scores were like the Indonesian SEA Games
athletes who were the elite athletes. The sport branch
of Athletic consisted of some categories, namely,
running, jumping and throwing, each of which was
divided into more specific events, for example, the
category of running consists of short-distance
running (100 to 400 meters), middle distance (800 to
1500 meters), long-distance running (5000 to 10000
meters), and the half marathon (Dosil, 2006).
Talking about the psychological skills of the Athletic
athletes, there are of course many kinds, depending
on the distance categories and the dominant
movement patterns in athletic category the athlete
pursue Dosil also asserted that the psychological
characteristics of this type of event vary enormously
depending on the distance.
The same things happen to the water skiing
which consists of some categories, among others,
jumping and trick riding. In the implementation,
beside demanding a qualified technique, the
psychological aspects have supporting role in the
athlete’s performance. The sport branch of
Weightlifting that has extraordinary challenges, the
athlete needs a very good concentration skill (Gump
and Brauer, 2014). Moreover, they stated that, in the
weightlifting sport branch, the athlete must be able
to centralize all energy to the lift itself, without
anything bothering the mind. In the sport
competition involving distance between 50 km and
250 km, with many environmental challenges, such
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
as heat, frost, climb and rain, it is demanded that the
athlete have persistent psychological and physical
conditions. On the other side, especially in the
swimming sport branch, Widohardhono said that
training and competitive and recovery programs
should consider the mental, cognitive, and emotional
development of each athlete. Beyond the physical,
technical, and tactical development including
decision making skills, the mental, cognitive, and
emotional development should be enhanced
(Widohardhono, 2014). Similarly, the swimming
study’s results clearly demonstrate the importance of
the interactional model of motivation (Wilson,
Based on the research result discussed above, it
shows that the psychological aspects in every sport
branch, categorized in the measurable sport
branches, have the same characteristics, hence there
is no significant difference of the characteristics of
the psychological skills among the Indonesian SEA
Games athletes in the measurable sport branches.
Analysis of Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
Based on the research results obtained psychological
skill athletes SEA Games Indonesia measurable
sport branches is in the high category, so it can be
concluded that psychological aspects capable of
supporting athletes achievement. Other than that the
research result also shows that there is no significant
difference in terms of psychological characteristics
among the Indonesian SEA Games athletes in five
measurable sport branches, namely athletics, water
skiing, swimming, weightlifting and cycling.
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