Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Fighting Category
Ramdan Pelana
Sport Science Program, faculty of Sport Science, State University of Jakarta, Jln. Pemuda 10, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Weight Loss, Pencak Silat, Fighting Category.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to obtain the weight loss after martial art fighting championship by using
quasi experimental methods with group pretest-posttest design in a final stage of Pencak Silat Student
Championship. The method used for this research is experimental method, and experimental research design
is One Group "Pre Test and Post Test Design". Data collected before and after the fighting activity, then
processed and analyzed using SPSS. The result of t-test showed that; (1) there is significant weight loss after
Fighting Activity, (2) there is different weight loss between Male and Female student, and (3) there is no
different weight loss between Junior High and Senior High Student.
Sport training is defined as a special and
organizational process of comprehensive and
balanced physical education that aims at reaching
the highest possible level in the type of chosen
physical activity; it also contributes a significant
portion in preparing the individual to work, produce
and defend the individual’s homeland (Abdelrazeq,
Pencak silat is one of the indigenous cultures of
the Indonesian, which has been accepted by the
international community. Pencak Silat is now
developed into a modern sport that is accepted by
the wider community and will provide a ‘logical’
consequence that martial arts will be studied and
occupied by the people who study it. The
development of Pencak Silat martial arts which is
the result of Indonesian culture continues to be
accepted by the world community, as part of sports
for sports, sports education and sports achievement
(Notosoejitno, 1999).
Guidance of achievement should be started early
in order to bring athletes who excel, therefore can be
nurtured with professionals. One of the efforts to
develop and hone the ability of an athlete is to
follow the championships between students,
adolescents and adults and other championships.
In its development, pencak silat now has a lot of
devotees from all circles of society, ranging from
children to people who have old age (elderly).
Pencak silat also has developed rapidly in the urban
areas and remote areas. Various kinds of martial arts
colleges have emerged in Indonesia. Along with the
development of the era, martial arts has been
calculated as a sport of achievement and has been
included in the matches at the level of students,
students and general and international level (Aziz,
In the highest multi-event in Indonesia, the
National Sports Week (PON), Pencak Silat Sports
began officially competed on PON VII in Jakarta by
displaying the number of matches, the term of the
previous match category known as martial arts term,
then developed into wiralaga, and now better known
with the title category. Pencak Silat basic motion is a
planned, directed, coordinated and controlled
movement that has four aspects as one unity, namely
the mental mental aspects, martial arts aspects,
sports aspects and aspects of art and culture. Thus
the four aspects are a unity and cannot be separated.
In sports match, pencak silat consists of two
categories that are competed, namely the category of
fighter (fighter) and art category. The comparative
category consists of a weighted matching number,
and the art category consists of several numbers:
single, double, team. In this article, researchers
focused on the category of match.
Competition category is a category featuring two
people from different camps. Both facing each other
using the elements of defense and attack, which is to
deflect / deny / hit / attack on the target and dropped
the opponent, the use of tactics and techniques
compete, endurance of stamina and morale, using
rules and step patterns that utilize wealth of jurus to
get the most value. The meaning of the rules is that
in achieving technical achievements a fighter must
develop a pattern of matches starting from the
Pelana, R.
Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Fighting Category.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 107-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
attitude of the tide, the pattern of steps and measure
the distance to the opponent and coordination in the
conduct of defense and return to the attitude of the
tide. To foster rules of competition there are
guidelines to note:
Figure 1: Competition rules. Source: Dr. Johansyah Lubis,
M.Pd dan Hendro Wardoyo, M.Pd.
Anthropometry is expressed as a study
concerning the measurement of human body
dimensions and application of design, concerning
the physical geometry, mass, strength and
characteristics of the human body in the form and
size. Each individual athlete basically has a different
shape, height and weight .
Anthropometric measurements are a series of
systematized measures that quantitatively express
the dimensions of the human body and skeleton
(Reilly, 2000). Anthropometric measurements
include body weight, height, skinfolds measurement,
circumferences, and various body diameters. The
use of these measurements vary, but either
individually or combined they allow for reasonable
predictions of body composition in non-obese
subjects. For example, weight provides a simple
measurement of body mass and thus total energy
content. Skinfolds measurements reflect the relative
amount of fat for a given body site and may be used
to describe regional adiposity. Finally, weight
combined with skinfolds measurement and body
diameters can accurately estimate the amount of fat-
free mass and fat mass.
In Pencak silat which is a body contact sport in
the game, per class is determined using weight.
Weight is very influential in the game. An athlete
who will compete must adjust his weight to enter the
class to be followed (Rachmawati,2014). Based on
weight, mature pencak silat matches can be
classified into 7 females and 11 male's class. In
MUNAS IPSI XII 2007 it is explained that for the
women‘s match consist of: (a) Class A, body weight
45 kg s / d 50 kg, (b) Class B with weight above 50
kg to 55 kg, (c) Class C, with the provision of
weight above 55 kg s / d 60 kg, (d) Class D, with the
provisions of body weight above 60 kg s / d 65 kg,
(e) Class E, with the provision of body weight 65 kg
s / d 70 kg, (f) class F with weight of 70kg to 75 kg,
(g) Free class with weight above 75kg to 90kg. In a
special free class, it is competed in a single event
match. The class classification for men is the same
as the class women class from grade A to class F,
hereinafter described as follows: (a) Class G with
the provisions of body weight above 75kg to 80kg,
(b) Class H, (c) Class I with classes above 85kg up
to 90kg, (d) Class J, with classes above 95kg up to
110kg (specifically single event match).
Height and Weight can significantly influence
success in sports depending on how the design of the
sport is linked to factors that are height and weight
biased due to physics and biology. The balance of
the intricate array of links will determine the degree
to which height and weight plays a role in success
(Calugi, 2017).
Based on the above statements then, this article
intends to know the amount of weight loss on
Pencak Silat athletes in the fighting category, so that
it can control the weight in each class. The
importance of weight measurement in martial arts
athletes is to classify weight classes in the category
of fighting. Therefore, this study is intended to
answer how much weight loss after competing in
martial arts athletes in the category of fighting.
2.1 Participant
In this research technique used in sampling is total
sampling that is sample determination technique
with certain consideration. Of the population of 72
people, the sample used in this study amounted to 72
2.2 Procedures
The method used for this research is the
experimental method, and the experimental research
design is One Group ‘Pre Test and Post Test
Design‘, which is pre-test before treatment and post-
test after treatment. According to Sugiyono,
experimental research method is a research method
used to find the effect of certain treatment against
others in controlled conditions. Thus the treatment
results can be known more accurately, because it can
compare with the situation before being treated.
A1 A2 B2 B1
Standing still position Standing still position
Proper distance for defense
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
2.3 Instruments
The instrument used in this study was taken by
means of the testers, performing weight tests using
weight scales (Sudjiono, 2015; Sugiyono, 2014).
Data processing begins with analyzing data. The
data analyzed are the samples that have followed the
initial test and the final test.To process the results
obtained from the sample following the initial test
and the final test, this study uses T Test statistic.
t =
The data descriptions in this study includes the
highest values, mean (mean), median (median) and
standard deviation (s), including the following data:
Table 1: Research Data on Weight Loss of Pencak Silat
Athletes before Competing in the Fighting Category.
The highest score
The Lowest Value
Deviation Standard
3.1 Weight of Pencak Silat Athletes
before Competing in Fighting
Table 1. Shows weight data on athletes of Pencak
Silat before competing in fighting category. These
results are the result of data processing that will be
used as comparison with the research data of Pencak
Silat athletesweight after competing in the category
of Fighting. Here the data table of Pencak Silat
athletes’ weight after fighting in the category of
Table 2: Weight Loss Research Data of Pencak Silat
Athletes after Competing in Fighting category.
The highest score
The lowest Value
Deviation Standard
3.2 Weight of Pencak Silat Athletes after
competing in fighting category
Tables 1 and 2, it can be said that there has been a
weight loss in athletes Pencak Silat after competing
in the category of fighting. The results can be seen in
the following table:
3.3 Result of Weight Loss Research Data
of Pencak Silat Athletes after
Competing in Fighting Category
Table 3: Results of Weight Loss on Pencak Silat Athletes
After Competition in the Fighting category.
The highest score
Lowest Score
Deviation Standard
Table 3. Showing weight loss results in the
category of fighting, showing the highest value 0.70
and the lowest value 0.30. Mean of 0.4319. Median
of 0.4000 and standard deviation (SD) of 0.08192.
To facilitate the interpretation, it can be seen in the
following histogram images:
Figure 2: Histogram Chart of Weight Loss.
Table 4: Frequency Table of Weight Loss of Pencak Silat
Athletes After Competing in Fighting category.
Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Fighting Category
3.4 Frequency of Weight Loss of Pencak
Silat Athlete after Competing on
Fighting Category
Table 4 and Figure 1, it can be concluded that at the
Pencak Silat athletes, fighting category, the largest
frequency data is in the interval class 0.4 kg with the
number of frequencies 31 people and the percentage
value of 43.1%, and the smallest data frequency in
the interval class 0.7 kg with the number of
frequencies 1 people and percentage value of 1.4%.
Result of Research Analysis. Presented about the
mean value (x) of the results obtained at the initial
test obtained an average of 52.60 and in the final test
of 52.17. Based on the average data on the initial test
and the final test showed a decrease in the results
The conclusion that can be taken from this research
is that martial arts athletes who perform pencak silat
movement in the category of fighting will lose
weight. From the calculation results stated that there
was a difference of weight data results before and
after of the Pencak Silat athletes in the category of
fighting with an average decrease of 0.4319. The
implications of this study are to provide information
on how much weight loss after performing Pencak
Silat on fighting category, therefore for athletes who
experience overweight, these athletes can increase
the volume of exercise to lose weight, so that the
weight in accordance with their class.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education