Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Art Performance Category
Yasep Setiakarnawijaya
Program Studi Ilmu Keolahragaan, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jln Pemuda 10, Jakarta,
Keywords: Pencak Silat, Art Performance.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was intended to obtain the weight loss after Pencak Silat Art Performance category
by using quasi experimental methods with group pretest-posttest design in a final stage of Pencak Silat Student
Championship. Data were collected before and after the Art Performance activity, then processed and
analyzed using SPSS. The result of t-test showed that; (1) there is significant weight loss after Pencak Silat
Art Performance Activity.
Pencak silat is one of indigenous culture of Indonesia,
where pencak silat was used as a provision of self-
defense from enemy attack and then pencak silat
movements are more developed. One form that is
gaining international recognition is martial arts, or
simply silat. Silat is one of the sports included in the
South-east Asian Games (Shapie et al. 2008) and
other region-wide competitions (Anuar 1993).
Pencak silat is a form of martial arts indigenous to the
Malay derived ethnic groups that populate mainland
and island Southeast Asia (Wilson, I.D., 2003). This
art of self-defense is indigenous to the ethnic Malays
and has its origins in South East Asia, dating as far
back as the 13th century (Ku Ahmad and Wong,
1978). People with high self-esteem are not confusing
to take risks, they are more confident of self-abilities,
generally happy and positive about themselves.
According to Elavsky (2010).
In its development, Pencak Silat now has a lot of
devotees from all circles of society, ranging from
children to elders. Pencak silat has grown rapidly in
urban areas as well as in remote areas. Various kinds
of Pencak Silat school have emerged in Indonesia.
Along with the development of the era, Pencak Silat
has been calculated as a sport of achievement and has
been included in the matches at the level of students,
college students and general and international level.
The schools are now beginning to be occupied by
Pencak Silat schools to recruit members as an effort
to preserve the Indonesian culture. Starting from
elementary school, junior high schools, even private
or state high school now already have their own
Indonesian schools. A lot of research shows that self-
esteem is related to anxiety and low performance
(Alesi, Rappo, Pepi 2014; Khaledian 2013; Bhatta
2012; Harris 2009).
In general, every Pencak Silat school has a
program to add activities, develop the personality and
potential of each member. Achievement guidance
should be started early to emerge the outstanding
athletes, therefore they can be professionally guided.
One of the efforts to develop and hone the ability of
an athlete is to follow the championships between
students, adolescents and adults and other
Silat competition rules state that an exponent is
allowed up to four consecutive punches and / or kicks
to the opponent during a single attack, upon which the
referee immediately breaks off the confrontation
(International Pencak Silat Federation, 1999). Pencak
Silat match consists of two categories namely fighter
category and art category. The fighter category is
based on weight, and the art category consists of
several numbers namely single, double, team.
Identifying the range of motives given by
different martial art participants will help sports
psychologists provide adequate and variety of sport
programmes to maintain interest among those martial
sport. Focusing and development on those particular
motives can encourage more people to involve in
those sports (Vincent, P., Nizan, M.S.M. and
Julinamary, P., 2015).
A single category is a category that displays a
fighter demonstrating his skills in a single standard
stance correctly, precisely, and steadily and full of
animation with his bare hands and arms. The double
category is a category featuring 2 folks from the same
team by demonstrating the skills and richness of the
Setiakarnawijaya, Y.
Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Art Performance Category.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 111-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
technique of the Pencak Silat attack. And the team
category is a category that shows 3 folks from the
same camp by demonstrating their skill in the
standard stance of the team correctly, precisely,
steadily, full of inspiration and unified with bare
A three-minute single category is included into
the level of medium intensity zone. In this intensity
zone, the supported energy supply in the body is 40%
anaerobic and 60% aerobic. In doing a single
movement continuously in Pencak Silat someone can
sweat. Sweat is one form of releasing of combustion
substances in the human body in the form of fluids.
Body fluids are the most important factors and
supporting factors in doing the sport to give
maximum appearance and in the combustion of
energy and also the body temperature regulator.
Height and body mass were measured with an
electronic scale (708 Seca, Hamburg, Germany).
Percentage body fat was calculated from skinfolds:
subscapular, biceps, triceps and suprailiac (Durnin
and Womersley, 1974) with a Harpenden caliper
(Quinton Instrument, Seattle, USA).
The present investigation describes the
physiological attributes of exponents and match
responses during actual competitive duels of an
emerging martial art sport, pencak silat.
The problem in this study is the low speed of the
crescent kick of PPLP Dispora Riau Pencak Silat
athletes caused by lack of repetitions. The data
analysis also gives the conclusion that an increase in
15.13% of the comparison results of the initial test
and final test. Based on the above results, it can be
concluded that the proposed hypothesis is proven that
there is a significant influence of the Repetition
Exercise Method in improving Crescent Kick Speed
of PPLP Dispora Riau Pencak Silat athletes
(Nugroho, G., 2017).
Research Method. The method that will be used for
this research is the experimental method, and the
experimental research design is One Group "Pre Test
and Post Test Design", ie pretest before treatment and
posttest after treatment. According to Sugiyono,
experimental research method is a research method
used to find the effect of certain treatment against
others in controlled conditions. Thus the treatment
results can be obtained more accurately, because it
can compare with the situation before treatment.
Sampling Technique. In this research, the
technique used in sampling is purposive sampling,
that is sample determination technique with certain
consideration. Out of 35 people of the population and
based on the criteria determined, then the sample used
in this study amounted to 25 people.
Data Collection Technique. In this study the data
were taken by performing a body fluid test of the
testers using a digital weight scales.
Data Analysis Technique. The analyzed data are
the samples that have followed the initial test and the
final test. To process the results obtained from the
sample following the initial test and the final test, this
study uses T-Test statistic.
Table 1: Description of Research Data on Body Fluid Loss
in Single Art.
Body Fluid Loss
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Standard Error
Source: Result of Data Analysis
3.1 Data Test Result of Body Fluid Loss
on Single Art
The data of body fluid loss result in single art, showed
the highest score of 400 ml and the lowest score of
200 ml with mean of 264 ml of fluid loss, standard
deviation (SD) equal to 56, standard error mean
(SEm) equal to 11,45 (see attachment ). This can be
seen in the following frequency distributions and
Tabel 2: Frequency Distribution of Body Fluid Loss in
Single Art.
Source: Result of Data Analysis
Fluid Loss
200 ml
300 ml
400 ml
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.2 Frequency
200 300 400
Figure 1: Histogram Graph of Fluid Loss in Single Art.
Based on the tables and graphs, it can be concluded that
the largest data frequency in the interval class is 274 - 310
with percentage score of 56%, and the smallest data
frequency in interval class 237 - 273 with percentage score
of 0%.
Result of Research Analysis. Presented about the mean
score (x) of the results obtained at the initial test of 47.77
kg and at the final test of 47.50 kg from the average data on
the initial test and the final test on body weight showed a
decrease in the results obtained. From result of data analysis
obtained difference of mean (MD) 0,26 with standard
deviation difference (SDD) 0,1 standard error difference
mean (SEMD) 0,02. In the next calculation, the t-count
score is 13 and the t-table score with degrees of freedom (n-
1) and 5% significant level is 2.06 which means t-count =
13 is bigger than t-table = 2.06 . This shows that the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the working hypothesis
(H1) is accepted, meaning that there is an effect of
decreasing body fluid on athletes when performing a single
art movement. From these calculations it is stated that a 3-
minute single art movement affects the athletes’ body fluid
loss in Open UN V championship with an average of 264
ml of fluid loss.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this research
is that doing a single art movement in pencak silat can
lose weight which in this case is fluid. The calculation
results stated that a 3-minute single art movement
affects the athletesbody fluid loss in UNJ Open V
championship with an average fluid loss of 264 ml.
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Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Art Performance Category