Paradigm Shift in Pencak Dor Traditional Sport
Wasis Himawanto
, Toho Cholik Mutohir
and Made Pramono
Department of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Jalan KH. A. Dahlan 76,
Kediri, Indonesia
Department of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang No. 3, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Participation, Fighter, Free Fight.
Abstract: The objective of this research is to describe a paradigm shift in Pencak Dor participation. This research used
a qualitative method. The data sources were executive members of the Pencak Dor Preservation Community
(Paguyuban Pelestari Olahraga Tradisional Pencak Dor) and Pencak Dor fighters. Data were collected
through observation, interview, and field notes. The results revealed that there has been a change in the
fighters’ motives to participate in this traditional sport. Nowadays, fighters participate in Pencak Dor to
make money and to train mentality. This was not the case in the past. Pencak Dor used to be held as a
friendly gathering event for santri (Muslim seminarians), but today it is held in a competition format. High
participation in Pencak Dor is the result of socialization in various ways including using social networking
Pencak Dor is a traditional sport originating in the
Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, East Java.
Over time, there has been a shift in fighters’ motives
to participate in this sport. When there is a paradigm
shift about a particular thing, it could be bad, but it is
quite often that it is in a good way (Cheng, 1995).
The shift could be very influential (Comaniciu &
Meer, 2002). In the past, Pencak Dor used to
emphasize artistic movements, rather than physical
contacts. Today, it is all about brutal physical
contacts. To avoid fatal accidents, the fighters must
know the rules of the game (Baird et al., 1998).
Similar research has been conducted by
Saengsawang (2015). This research studied the
history of Muay Thai traditional sport. In the past,
Muay Thai is a compulsory martial art in Thailand.
Every Thai citizen had to master this martial art
since their childhood. It was a similar case for Judo.
Judo was first developed to help Japan fight against
Russia (Hoare, 2010). Iwata et al. (2010) conducted
a case study on ICT-based GO traditional game card.
They developed GO game augmentation.
The development of martial arts needs
supervising and controlling to preserve their original
principles. Traditional arts should adapt to the
today’s conditions to be easily accepted by society
(Situngkir, 2008).
This qualitative research used a phenomenological
approach. The selection of this approach was meant
to study a paradigm shift in Pencak Dor
The research was carried out in Kediri. Time and
place where the data were collected were based on
agreements with the respondents. Generally, the
wanted to be interviewed at their home in the
afternoon where they were not relatively busy.
The respondents were executive members of the
Pencak Dor Preservation Community and Pencak
Dor fighters. The data were collected using the data
saturation principle; i.e., the data collection stopped
when participants started to repeat what others have
said so that new information was emerging (Pollit,
Beck & Hungler, 2001). There were 11 people
volunteering in this study; however, only eight of
them became the data sources as the data have been
The data were collected in natural settings by
means of in-depth interviews. This is in line with
what Sugiyono (2014) suggests that data could be
collected through observation, interview,
documentation, and their combination.
Himawanto, W., Mutohir, T. and Pramono, M.
Paradigm Shift in Pencak Dor Traditional Sport.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 134-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
When it first emerged, Pencak Dor was a martial art
used by santri to fight against Japan and usually
performed during their friendly gathering. There was
no grudge, violence and brutality in it. Nowadays,
brutality and violence seem to become parts of it.
This certainly deviates from its original principles.
What follows is a discussion of Pencak Dor
paradigm shifts.
Now, everyone, be it professional or amateur
fighters, is entitled to participate in Pencak Dor. This
open participation causes paradigm shift in Pencak
Dor. As earlier noted, Pencak Dor used to be held in
a friendly gathering between santri.
Paradigm shift is nothing new. Arnet’s (2006)
study, entitled Emerging Adulthood: Understanding
the New Way of Coming of Age, describes the shift
in people’s thinking in anticipation of the adulthood.
Arnet noted that 40 years before the conduct of the
study, people at ages 20-22 were married, had
children, and had to have their own house. However,
since the early 20th century, people will only get
married once they have done adventurous things.
Arnet’s report also cited Brodrick’s (2003) 10 things
to do before 30.
In relation to competition, Boone (2008)
conducted a study entitled A New Way to Measure
Competition. This study described the change in
how competition is assessed based on corporate
profits. This study emphasized the price-cost
margin(PCM) as a competition measurement. This
study suggested that relative profit difference was a
new competition measurement. This way, we can
locate the industry percentage in both directions. It is
congruent by 95% more than industry, PCM can be
used as a competition measurement in an empirical
study without much regard to theoretical examples.
The above studies showed that paradigm shifts
occurred to adapt to new existing needs and
environments. One of paradigm shifts in Pencak Dor
is that today it emphasizes strengths, rather than arts.
This condition is inevitable and not to be construed
as a problem since it is a modern dynamic.
A study on traditional-to-modern shift was
conducted by Bilgili (2011). This study described
the development of new jewelry designs using
Kano’s traditional method. The samples were 102
women in Enzurum. The result revealed that the use
of this traditional method was well-accepted by
consumers in the market with high expectation and
Wattanabe et al. (2011) studied a Japanese
traditional medication, Kampo. The purpose was to
investigate the benefits of this medication and its
future use. It was revealed that Kampo is a holistic
and individual medication with a long tradition.
The above studies indicate the process of past
tradition modernization. This modernization is well
accepted by the society. However, this is not the
case with Pencak Dor. The shift in Pencak Dor is
rather negative than positive; i.e., from arts to
Table 1: Shift in Pencak Dor Participation.
Pencak Dor
Heard it
mandate to
Pencak Dor
As a sport and
and friends
For fun and
talent training
New challenge
Try out own
A little bit
Friends and
mentality and
money making
Not yet
BBM and
The above description shows fighters’ different
motives to participate in Pencak Dor. Data are sorted
by age, from the youngest to the oldest. The above
data only shows fighters’ motives to participate in
Pencak Dor. This study also captured data on
fighters’ responses after they participated in Pencak
Dor battle.
Almost all fighters expressed they wanted
Pencak Dor to be more widely acknowledged.
Below are fighters’ responses towards Pencak Dor.
Table 2: Fighters’ Responses after Participating in Pencak
Arts or Strengths
Strengths to win,
but arts are still
Pencak Dor should be
Strengths to win
Pencak Dor should be
Strengths to win,
but arts are still
This martial art
should be preserved
and have standard
Victory to see the
The competition
Paradigm Shift in Pencak Dor Traditional Sport
results of training
should be massively
organized and have
standard rules
Pencak Dor
competition should be
routinely organized
Strengths to win
Pencak Dor should be
well organized and
audience friendly
Strengths are more
Pencak Dor
competition should be
routinely organized to
bring about good
Then arts, now
Pencak Dor is
expected to bring
about national and
international athletes
Like Pencak Dor, global warming is also a
change with a detrimental effect. Therefore, it
requires control. Meinshausen (2009) examines a
climate change aiming to restrict it by 2
Meinshausen said that global warming restriction is
needed to keep the earth from getting hotter. Not
only complex issues, simple research problems also
need a delimitation. Weijer et al. (1999) said that
research delimitation is required to protect the
research subjects if necessary.
Pencak Dor is not the only sport characterized
with violence. Mixed Martial Art (MMA) is also full
of violence. Garcia and Malcolm (2010) studied
violence associated with MMA. MMA is always a
subject of many debates. Many experts argue that
MMA is too violent, and its competition must be
outlawed. However, Garcia and Malcolm’s study
reveals that fighters are happy to participate in
MMA. They argue that MMA emerges as a global
sport through the hybridization of the east and west
combat styles to increase the happiness. The result
of their study suggests that it MMA always a subject
of many debates because it is in between real and
staged fights.
Pencak Dor has rapidly developed. There has been a
change in the fightersmotives to participate in this
traditional sport. Nowadays, fighters participate in
Pencak Dor to make money and to train mentality.
This was not the case in the past. Pencak Dor used to
be held as a friendly gathering event among santri,
but today it is held in a competition format. High
participation in Pencak Dor is the result of
socialization in various ways including using social
networking media.
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