Identification of Art Activity Futsal Run at Professional Futsal
League in Indonesia
Mohammad Faruk, Hasbi Hamanatul Arsy and Abdul Hafidz
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Lidah Wetan Surabaya 60213, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Running, Jogging, Walking, Futsal Match.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to identify how far the running, jogging and road activities in each game.
Calculates the average of all activities done by all athletes UPI Antam Bandung who competed against
Cosmir UNJ Jakarta in one game. And aims to know the distance from each activity so that can be used as a
basis by the coach in preparing the exercise program. The method in this research is quantitative with
descriptive approach by analyzing the activities of futsal athletes run in the match video UPI Antam
Bandung against Cosmir UNJ Jakarta at Bung Tomo Stadium Surabaya. The results showed that the total
distance of activity run 11112.77 meters in one game. This resulted in an average total of athletes
performing 1234.75 meter running activities in one game.
The futsal sports bureau is often dominated by men,
but futsal has also been favored by women. This is
proven by the highest caste rolling futsal league in
Indonesia called Liga Futsal Professional Indonesia
which consists of female futsal athletes.
Establishment of the league is no other than
improving the quality of Indonesian women futsal
athletes in facing of tournaments among countries.
But the achievements currently obtained by
Indonesian national futsal team is still not pleasing,
this is driven by several factors such as lack of
match schedule, futsal female research, and others.
In today's modern world many modern applications
or tools support the advancement of world sport in
all sports. To find out how far a football player
running in a 2x45 minute time range, soccer sports
experts usually use statistics to find out their running
events. The high intensity of running is not favored
by opponents in the application of play strategy and
irregular reflection of the ball inhibits teamwork
because the ball is difficult to control and easily
taken by the opponent. (Rosario et. al, 2015)
Running activity is a component in playing futsal
that can play an important role in achieving an
achievement. (Makaje, Ruangthai, Arkarapanthu and
Yoopat, 2012). Running activities are often
underestimated by some coaches because some
coaches assume that teamwork will make a team win
in a match. The coach always gives feedback in a
match to the athlete (Sarmento, 2015). But if the
coach is able to know the running activity of every
athlete in a game then, the coach will take the
decision by rotating the players to change the game
strategy (Watsford, 2014). In addition trainers can
create standardized training programs for each
athlete in order to improve performance in the next
game. Given the data about running activities in this
study, it is expected to trainers, players and readers,
so that they can understand how important running
activities are in futsal game. It is also hoped that this
research can be useful for futsal sport in Indonesia
especially for UPI Antam Bandung to achieve more
in the future.
Futsal Liga Professional Indonesia followed by
16 male teams and 8 female teams, 8 female teams
that follow LFPI (Professional Futsal League of
Indonesia), among others: UNJ Cosmir Jakarta, UPI
Antam Bandung, Netic Cibinong and 5 other teams.
UPI Antam Bandung is a famous futsal club in
Indonesia which is domiciled in Bandung West Java.
UPI Antam Bandung was established in 2006 after
being declared as a Student Activity Unit (UKM)
with members of UPI Bandung, so the cohesiveness
in the team is highly trained due to professional
coaching and coupled with some members of the
team who have become members of the national
team of Indonesia Fitri Rosdiana, Tia Darti, Deliana
Fatmawati and Novita Murni.
Faruk, M., Arsy, H. and Hafidz, A.
Identification of Art Activity Futsal Run at Professional Futsal League in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 144-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Type of Research
The type of research applied in this study is a
quantitative research. Quantitative research has a
deductive research process in which to answer the
formulation of the problem used the concept or
theory so it can formulate hypotheses and then the
data collected can be analyzed quantitatively by
using statistics. This research is a non-experimental
research through descriptive quantitative approach.
Some theories say that quantitative research is a
study that uses numbers as a measurement scale
(Severini, 2015: 8). This type of descriptive research
uses descriptive problem formulation as well, which
means that the question is directed towards the
existence of independent variables, either only on
one or more variables (stand-alone variables).
Quantitative research uses descriptive statistical data
analysis. This research is done through a detailed
observation in order to get maximum results.
Conducting observations are done in a way, every
single athlete examined by one researcher, if in one
game there are 11 athletes who play then there are
11 different researchers. This study uses a duration
of 2 x 20 minutes, with a note when the time stops
(ball out, timeout, foul) then not done research, and I
am already running then research done again.
2.2 Research Instrument
The research instrument is a tool used to measure
natural or social phenomena being observed. The
instrument of this research is Smartphone used to
record the events during the futsal match of UPI
Antam Bandung.
2.3 Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques used in this research is
the technique of observation and documentation.
The observation technique is one of the researcher's
interaction efforts with the subject in the field by
making the note become the focus of observation of
the researcher (Wilkinson & Birmingham, 2003:
115). In this study, researchers conducted a
recording of the match between futsal daughter of
UPI Antam team against UNJ Cosmir Jakarta at
Bung Tomo Sports Arena Surabaya East Java.
Based on the data of research that includes the
activity of the road, jogging activity and running
activity at the futsal athlete of UPI Antam Bandung
in Indonesian professional league in 2016. In futsal
sport game, running activity is an important
component that must be considered either by the
coach or by the player own. Running activities can
play an important role in the team's winning
outcome, this is because in sports games futsal is a
sport that has a high tempo game, thus putting
pressure on technical skills and abilities in high-
pressure situations. Related to the objectives of the
research that has been presented in the chapter one,
the results of research on road activity, jogging
activity and running activities can be measured
through video identification, that is:
3.1 Running Activity
Futsal movement is an activity that is always used
and reliable both in the process of attacking and
defending, both in dribbling or movement without
the ball. Running with maximum effort is the effort
that is done maximally with the position of the foot
floating in the air. (John Lythe, 2008: 20).
Table 1: Results of observation of running, jogging and
Futsal athletes at UPI Antam Bandung.
Stage 1
Stage 2 2
Total (m)
Figure 1: Percentage of running activity, jogging and
futsal team of UPI Antam Bandung round 1.
Identification of Art Activity Futsal Run at Professional Futsal League in Indonesia
Figure 2: Percentage of running activity, jogging and
timing of futsal team of UPI Antam Bandung daughter in
round 2.
Based on the results of the research in table 1 and
images 1 and 2 explained that the total keseluruan
activities athletes futsal athletes UPI Antam
Bandung is 3802.96 m with an average of 422.55 m.
Then the total running activity in the first half as far
as 1790.54 m with an average of 198.95 m, while in
the second half performing activities run as far as
2012.42 m with an average of 223.60 m, for a
detailed calculation can be seen in the appendix 7.
Running activities of futsal athletes UPI Antam
Bandung has a percentage in the first half of 26%
while in the second half of running activity
increased by 38% with total overall percentage of
32%. The data obtained show that, the percentage of
42% overall total run. This shows that the difference
in activity difference is very significant ie 32% UPI
Antam Bandung. While 42.1% of professional futsal
athletes in Spain (Castagna, Carlo, Dottavio,
Stefano, Granda, Juan & Alvarez, Balbero, 2008).
Running activities performed by futsal athletes
daughter of UPI Antam Bandung when competing
against Cosmir UNJ Jakarta, from all athletes in
doing the longest running distance 2800 cm or 28m.
Then for the activity that often run from all athletes
UPI Antam Bandung that is as far as 1884 cm or
18,84 m. From the data above description can be
concluded that the data can be used as a reference to
the coach of UPI Antam Bandung, that in training to
increase the distance of athletes run for more than
28m. So if in the process of exercising in running
activity exceeds than 28 m, it is expected that the
quality of running athletes in a game can run for
more than m. In futsal sport game, there are three
names of players positions often mentioned in futsal
game: Pivot, Ancor and Flank. Of the three positions
in this study, for the position of Pivot perform the
most fleeing activity with a distance of 21 m in a
single run. For the position of Ancor jogging
activities as far as 26.6 m in one jog, and in the
position of Flank as far as 28 m. From the data it can
be concluded that the activity run with the farthest
distance in a single run that is in the position Flank.
3.2 Jogging Activity
Associated with sport futsal jogging activities is a
necessity that is always done by futsal athletes, be it
futsal son or futsal daughter. Even jogging activity is
not only done in futsal sports only, but there are also
on other sports namely: Football, Hockey, Floorball,
and others. Jogging is a form of running exercise,
but at a slower and more relaxed pace. Jogging is a
slowly moving forward movement to move places
(John Lythe, 2008: 20).
Based on the results of research conducted can
be explained that the total jogging activities athletes
futsal daughter UPI Antam Bandung is 4610.81 m,
with an average 512.31 m. Then the total jogging
activity in the first round as far as 2109.84 m with an
average of 234.43 m, while in the second half
jogging activities as far as 2500.97 m with an
average of 277.89 m. The jogging activities of futsal
athletes UPI Antam Bandung has a percentage in the
first half of 41% while in the second half jogging
activity experienced a determination that is 41%
with total overall percentage of 41%. The data
obtained when associated with previous research
results conducted by Castagna. Carlo, Dottavio.
Stefano, Granda. Juan and Alvarez. Balbero. (2008)
shows that the total percentage of total jogging is
39.9%. This shows that the difference in activity
difference jogging is relatively the same ie 41% UPI
Antam Bandung and 39.9% professional futsal
athletes in Spain.
2.3 Walking Activity
Road activity is a movement performed by humans
in their daily life. But in the sports activities of the
road is also needed, as in the sport futsal. Futsal
sports cannot be separated from the road activities
such as the example when the athlete to decrease the
tempo, then the road activity that plays a role in
these activities. The road is the movement of the two
feet that touch the ground at the same time and do
like swinging a bicycle (John Lythe, 2008: 20).
Result of research of running activity that has
been done can be found that total of all activity of
futsal atlet of UPI Antam Bandung is 2699 m with
average 299,89 m. Then total road activity in the
first half as far as 1404.38 m with an average of
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
156.04 m, while in the second phase of road
activities as far as 1294.62 m with an average of
143.85 m, for detailed calculation can be seen in the
attachment 7. The activities of futsal athletes UPI
Antam Bandung has a percentage in the first half of
33% while in the second half of road activity has
decreased 21% with total overall percentage of 27%.
The data obtained when associated with the results
of previous studies showed that the percentage of
roads 9.0% (Castagna, Dottavio, Granda and
Alvarez, 2008). This shows that the difference in the
difference of road activity is very significant 27%
UPI Antam Bandung, while 9.0% professional futsal
athletes in Spain. Therefore comparison with far
difference enough that is on the activity run and on
the activity of the road, while the jogging activity
has percentage which is relatively the same. If
analyzed the differences can occur due to the factors,
among others, the professional futsal athlete Spayol,
the sample used is futsal athlete son while on
samples UPI Antam Bandung samples used are
female futsal athletes. So there are differences in the
activities performed by each player that influences
the research results. However, for the total running
activity (road, jogging and running) have
similarities, that is, both experienced an increase in
the intensity of running activity from the first half to
the second round.
Based on the research that has been done through
observation using video object by analyzing the
activities of futsal athletes at UPI Antam Bandung
league in 2016 Indonesian professional league, it can
be collected that from three component of physical
activity such as running activity, jogging activity
and activity of road. Jogging activities are more
dominant than those of running and walking
activities. Based on the total overall physical
activity, jogging and running activities increased in
the second half, but on road activity actually
decreased in the second half. While the total number
of activities performed athletes UPI Antam Bandung
when against Cosmir UNJ Jakarta reached 11112.77.
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Identification of Art Activity Futsal Run at Professional Futsal League in Indonesia