The Improvement of Maximum Speed Phase of 100 meter Sprint
Raja Syaifullah Sihombing and Agung Sunarno
Departement of Sport Science, Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Medan, Jl. Willem Iskandar Medan, North
Sumatera, Indonesia.
Keywords: Kinematical Sprint ing Stride Effect, Ground Time, Flight Time.
Abstract: The aim of this Research was to find out the difference influence of Resisted Sprint Training Method and
Unresisted Sprint Training Method in relation to increase maximum sprinting velocity100 meter sprints, the
research used experimental method and the research design was factorial design 2 x 2. Forthy (40) male
students participated in this research.Video analysis was used as an instrument and the technique to analyze
the data is Two - Way ANAVA with SPSS 11 for Windows Computer Program. The Research concluded
that there was difference influence between resisted sprint training to unresisted sprint training method in
relation to 100 meter’s maximal sprinting speed phase.
A 100 meter sprints divided into three different
phases: acceleration; gaining maximum sprinting
speed; and deceleration. From those all phases,
maximal sprinting speed has been believed to be the
most important indicators for succsesfull sprinter
(Faccioni, 2004). Mechanically, sprinting speed can
be defined as a result of stride rate and stride
length.When coaches try to improve sprinting
velocity, the most influencing factors is stride rate
and stride length. Sprinting speed is a function of
form of biomechanic, keeping maximum speed,
increasing maxiimum acceleration into maximal
speed and increasing both stride length and stride
rate (Corn, 2003). Sprinter can take finish line
immediately is determined by both stride length and
stride rate, and as a result of execution of both
kinematical basic components, such as ground
contact time and flight time (Schmolinsky, 1983,
Hay, 1993). Research found that almost sprinters
needed a similar amount of time at flying time
during sprinting, but they needed different amount
of time at contact phase (Coh, 2005). Hence, stride
rate of sprinter will be affected by sprinter’s effort
on decreasing ground contact time and flying time
(Seagrave, 2005, Coh, 2005; Hoskisson, 2005).
Speed is the most important and the hardest
factors in the training process and in that training
itself in relation to reach maximal sprinting speed
(Saraslandis, 2002). There are various methods have
ever been tried in order to increase sprinting speed
(Delecluse, 1998), including weight training, neural-
activation training, plyometric, resisted sprint
training; sprint assisted training (Delecluse, 1998).
Moreover, this kinds of training including pulling
metals, tire, parachute speed, or other tools by
covering some training distance (Loockie, 2003;
Saraslandis, 2002). Others defined as pulled training,
overspeed training, or supramaximal sprinting
(Delecluse, 1998; Luhtanen, 2004). Specifically
stated that sprint assisted training, uphill running,
resisted towing, and sprint in treadmill are believed
to have important role in increasing stride length and
stride rate (Hazeldine, 1985).
Unfortunately, field survey shows that
application of this training method has no significant
impact on increasing maximum speed, even worst, it
decreasing their sprinting speed ability.
Interestingly, some studies investigated the
impact of resistence training method in relation to
sprinting kinematics basic component have
concluded on inconsistent results. Various
researches showed that there were great increased
related to stride length (Luhtanen, 2004). On the
other hand, research reported that this training
method has significant impact on increasing stride
rate particularly to the elite male sprinters (Mero,
1985). In contrast, their other study showed that
there was an increasing on stride rate in all subject
except elite male sprinters (Mero, 1986).
Surprisingly, their last studies concluded that there
was no significant different in stride rate for all
sprinters being researched (Mero, 1986).
Suprisingly, researches paper conducted by Mann
and Weyand (Weyand, 2000) claimed that stride
Sihombing, R. and Sunarno, A.
The Improvement of Maximum Speed Phase of 100 meter Sprint.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 178-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
length and stride rate are related to maximum
velocity speed performance but are not the primary
causative factors associated with performance.
Due to that inconsistencies results, this study
trying to address the effect of sprinting training
method both resisted sprint training or unresisted
sprint training to increase kinematical basic
component quality particularly on increasing
maximal sprinting speed. Here, we hypothesized
that: 1). Resisted sprint training has greater effect as
compare to unresisted sprint training method related
to increase maximal sprinting speed; (2) There was
difference influence between high stride rate and
low stride rate, (3) There was an interaction between
training method and stride rate on the Improvement
of 100 meter maximal sprinting speed.
2.1 Experimental Design
The research used experimental method and the
research design was factorial design 2 x 2. Forthy
male students who were physically active between
18-19 years of age participated in the study. For data
analysis, subject were then divided into relatively
high stride rate and low stride rate based on their
variable kinematics of sprinting speed (ground
contact time and flying time).
2.2 Mesurenment
The instrument in this research was video analysis.
Subjects were filmed at high speed to determine a
range of lower body kinematics measure. Maximum
speed phase and stride rate were recorded visually
by video editing, and the data then have been
analysed using Adobe Premieri Computer
Programme 6.5 (AVI) with hardware Pinnacle Pro-
One, as it can be seen as follows:
Figure 1: Video Analysis.
By using two cameras with 48 kHz speed: first
camera was placed 20 metres for covering distance
from flying start (10 metres before start) to 50
metres, second camera was placed 15 metres, for
covering distance between 20 to 50 metres where
maximum speed expected to be reached. The data
collected based on the observation in a time line
with a period of standard code that 1s equal to 25
frames (1s = 25 frames). The amount of frame of
stride rate while athletes reached their maximum
speed (predicted at 20 - 50 meter) will be used as a
data in this research. Then, amount of time of
maximum speed phase will be calculated by amount
of frame at a distance of 30 metres, and both of them
will be calculated in s (or measured in second).
Stride rate will be calculated by the average of
ground contact time and the average of flying
time/air time (equation 1). Stride rate can be found
by divided one second to stride time (equation 2).
Finaly, technique to analyze the data is two - way
anova with SPSS 11 for Windows Computer
Stride Time (ST) = Ground Time (GT) + Air Tme (AT)
(equation 1)
1/ST = Stride rate
(equation 2)
3.1 Result
The table below describes the overall research’s
result of this study concerning with the difference
influence of resisted sprint training and unresisted
sprint training method in relation to increase
maximum sprinting velocity of 100 meter sprint.
Table 1: Data of Descriptive Analysis.
Training Method
= 0,126
SD = 0,023
N = 10
= 0,208
SD = 0,351
N = 10
= ,334
SD= 0,374
N = 20
= 0,022
SD = 0.0174
N = 10
= 0,050
SD = 0,0173
N = 10
= ,072
SD= ,0347
N = 20
= 0,148
SD = 0,0404
N = 20
= 0,258
SD = 0,3683
N = 20
= ,406
SD= ,4087
N = 40
The Improvement of Maximum Speed Phase of 100 meter Sprint
Based on the data of descriptive anlysis, firstly,
unresisted training method showed a better result as
compare to resisted training method in relation to
increase maximal speed phase in a 100 metre sprint (
= 0,258 > = 0,148). Secondly, for high stride rate
students, unresisted training method showed a better
result in relation to increase maximal speed in a 100
metre sprint ( = 0,208 > = 0.126). Similarly,
unresisted training method showed a better result
compare to resisted training method at low stride
rate students on increasing maximal speed phase of
100 metre sprint ( = 0,050 > = 0. 022).
Table 2: Test of Between Subjects Effects with Anova.
Dependent Variable: maximalspeed
Corrected Model
Corrected Total
Type III Sum
of Squares
Mean Square
R Squared = ,898 (Adjusted R Squared = ,889)
Based on the Anova test above, it can be
concluded that; Training method has a significant
impact on maximal speed phase of 100 meter sprint.
It can be seen from the value of F: F
= 81,375,
exceeds from the F table: 4, 11; α = 0.05. Due to the
fact that differences are quite significant, it
continued with Tukey test and the results can be
seen as follows:
Table 3: The Results of Tukey-test.
Q tabel
P1 and P2
P3 and P4
P1: Group of high stride rate
with resisted sprint training
P2: Group of high stride rate
with unresisted sprint training
P3: Group of low Stride rate
with resisted sprint training
P4: Group of low stride rate
with resisted sprint
training method
The Tukeys’table showed that unresisted sprint
training has a better effect on high stride rate’s
students compare to resisted sprint training method
in relation to increase maximum speed in 100 metre
sprint. It can be seen from the value of Q = 26.073
excceed from Q Table 3.79. Subsequently, the table
showed that Q = 76.25 exceed from Q table 3.79.
Similarly, for low stride rate students, unresisted
sprint training affected maximum speed better as
compare to resisted sprint training method in 100
metre sprint. Finally, the table showed that there was
no interaction between stride rates toward maximum
speed phase. It can be seen from the value of F
2.158 lower than F table = 4.11. Resisted sprint and
unresisted sprint training significantly have different
impact to increase maximum speed in a 100 metre
3.2 Discussion
We undertook this study to test three hypotheses;
firstly, we found that there was difference influence
between resisted sprint training to unresisted sprint
training method in relation to increase maximum
speed in 100 meter sprint. In regard to unresisted
sprint training method, this method would give
benefit for sprinter in the efficiency of movement
with a flexible range of motion on various sprint
mechanic components. Hence, sprinter will be able
to run with a skillfull sprinting technique. In
contrast, the potential result of sprinting using
resistance (e.g. sled towing) was increasing athlete’s
strength or force. As Gervais (2004) claimed that
resisted sprint training is believed to be the most
effective training method in reaching specific
strength movement which will increase stride length.
Resisted sprint training method showed a significant
deacrease on horizontal velocity of sprinters;
increasing ground contact and flight time, as well as
changing the upper body of sprinter and tended to
shape a sitting strides position. Moreover, the use of
resistence during sprinting produce greater output
foce on lower extremity, increasing stride speed and
increasing explosiveness. Studies reported that trunk
lean when touch down phase become greater
compare to unresisted sprinters in maximum speed
phase. In addition, this merhod induce greater angle
of hip at early ground contact time phase (Letzelter,
et al, 1995, Loocky, et al, 2003). However, these
methods of training would increase acceleration
phase of athletes. It can be seen from a high
correlation between output force in push phase and
sprinting speed which emphasizing on the important
of force during acceleration phase (Mero, 1978;
Faccioni, 2004). In short, successful athletes’
adaptations to resistences allow athletes to produce a
greater force during ground contact phase, resulting
longer stride length, and as a concequences, produce
greater running velocity (Pedro, 2008). Resisted
sprint trainings are believed to be the most effective
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
training method in reaching specific strength
movement which will increase stride length
(Gervais, 2004). Unfortunately, resisted sprinting
method by pulling resistence resulting in a slower
sprinting time because of dynamical changing on
stride rate and stride length,
Secondly, our experimental test has proved that
there was difference influence between high stride
rate and low stride rate both in resisted and
unresisted training methods to increase maximum
speed in 100 meter sprint. Although differed greatly
between two groups, we found that both high and
low stride rate’s subjects under research have
significant impact on maximum sprinting speed.
This results indicate that whatever level of subjets’
stride rate are, both resisted and unresisted methods
affected maximal sprinting speed considerably.
Although, research paper conducted by Mann and
Weyand (Weyand, 2000) claimed that stride length
and stride rate are related to max velocity speed
performance but are not the primary causative
factors associated with performance. However, our
result become evidence that stride rate is a
deteremintal variable in maximum sprinting phase.
This result supported Dillman, Luhtanen and Komi
in Mercer (2002) which claimed that maximum
sprinting speed, in general, would be reached by
stride frequency (stride rate), not stride length. It can
be explained, although in early sprint, increasing
speed from low to submaximal speed is dominated
by stride length. However, when reaching higher
speed (maximum speed velocity), increasing stride
rate would be a dominant factor.
As we know that increasing stride rate is
determined by stride time, and stride time itself is
determined by ground time and flying time. The
investigations on elite sprinters conducted by Mann,
Mann and Herman (in Weyand 2000), which the
skilled sprinters spend less time on the ground.
From this point of view, we also found the answer
why subjects with high stride rate with or without
resistance when doing sprinting affected
significantly in increasing maximum speed. Our
finding concluded that significancy differences both
subjects under research are deterimined by time
taken during contact phase particularly in ground. A
less time taken at ground contact time, a faster
sprinters will be. As suggested by Weyand (2000)
that sprint performance is a direct result of the
impulse (mean force multiplied by contact time)
applied by the athlete against the ground.
Due to both group (high and low stride rate)
subjetcs with or without resistance under research
have similar impact on maximum speed of 100
meter sprint, in the last hypothesis test we found that
there was no interaction between sprint training
method and maximum sprinting speed.
The Research concluded that both resisted sprint
training and unresisted sprint training method have
different impact on the Improvement of 100 meter
maximal sprinting speed. These research finding
suggested to those who involved in coaching
activities consider the effect of sprint training
method on mechanic variables of sprinting, such as
neuromuscular adaptation for resisted sprint, and
stride efficiency for unresisted training method.
Finally, coaches should pay more attention on
applying those methods proportionally on their
training programmes.
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