Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game
Abdian Asgi Sukmana
, Toho Cholik Mutohir
, and M. Muhyi Farough
Penjaskesrek, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Jalan KHA Dahlan 76 Kediri, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang 3 Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Jalan Dukuh Menanggal 12, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Children Sepaktakraw, basketed sepaktakraw, modification.
Abstract: The learning process of the child is not the same as the adult, so the child in learning a skill requires
modification of the tools and regulations. Basketed sepaktakraw (krawnjang) is a form of child sepaktakraw
game that combines sepaktakraw game techniques and basketball. The purpose of this research is to develop
the form of game with prototype of tool model and rule of the game, which has been learning basic skills
conventionally. This research is a research development (Research and Development). The subjects of this
research are elementary school students class IV, V and VI, amounting to 120 children who are joining the
sepaktakraw sport. The results of this research is a prototype of the tool and the basic rules of the basketed
sepaktakraw game. Equipments are basket-like baskets as high as 130 cm, with two baskets 35-40 cm, balls
of rattan coated with soft sponge with size 14 cm, diameter 150 cm game field. The game is played by 4 to 6
children, with the basic rule of putting as many balls as possible into the basket within 8 minutes for 2 innings.
Sports become a phenomenon that can not be
separated from the life of people in this world because
it is something interesting and has become a major
requirement. To grow, the fulfillment of the
necessities of life, people will always move. Motion
has a meaning, in which, to change the position from
a stationary position to a different position or
move. Likewise sport is moving the body both the
position of the legs, arms, shoulders and parts of the
human body from static to dynamic. Mutohir, (2007:
26) an activity to actualize human rights as an
opportunity to develop and maintain physical, mental
and moral abilities. Therefore everyone should have
access to physical education and sport. Sport is
divided into three domains namely sports education
activities, sports achievements and recreational
Sepatakraw movement is a collection of
badminton courts,volleyball rules and tactics,football
techique and Chinese shuttlecock kicking skills,is a
kind of modern social fashion sports (Kongmeechon,
2017). Sepak Takraw is a popular sport among the
Southeast Asian countries and various brands of
takraw balls are available in the local market to suit
the needs of players (Adam, N.M., 2014). Sepak
takraw is a highly complex net-barrier kicking sport
that involves dazzling displays of quick reflexes,
acrobatic twists, turns and swerves of the agile human
body (Maseleno, A. and Hasan, M.M., 2011) .The
takraw ball is a very unique interwoven ball used in
the action game of sepak takraw. The traditional
takraw ball is manufactured by conventionally
weaving split rattan strips into a spherical basket
(Ahmad, N., Taha, Z., Ya, T.M.Y.S.T. and
Hasanuddin, I., 2012). Sepaktakraw which originally
a culture of society, now a sport of achievement
recognized by the international community, is a form
of cultural transformation of society that existed in
the past until now. Rezai (2013: 936) said that,
sepaktakraw has been included in the Asian Games
since 1990 in Beijing. Sepaktakraw is basically a
modified game of the traditional sport in the concept
of a sport of recreational games being a contested
sport, as we know that this game has been played and
popular throughout Indonesia, partly in the Malacca
Peninsula from Burma to Singapore border.
Passing the ball is an extremely important basic
skills in Sepak takraw.From defense into
attack,passing the ball was mainly rely on in sepak
takraw game (ZHANG, Y.B. and ZHANG, S.Z.,
Sepaktakraw learning system that is known
conventionally still be the basic practice principle to
date, namely learning by individual way, pasing
autonomous, pasing in pairs, pasing with the media of
wall and rope. Therefore it is necessary to develop a