Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game
Abdian Asgi Sukmana
, Toho Cholik Mutohir
, and M. Muhyi Farough
Penjaskesrek, Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Jalan KHA Dahlan 76 Kediri, Jawa Timur Indonesia
Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang 3 Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Jalan Dukuh Menanggal 12, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Children Sepaktakraw, basketed sepaktakraw, modification.
Abstract: The learning process of the child is not the same as the adult, so the child in learning a skill requires
modification of the tools and regulations. Basketed sepaktakraw (krawnjang) is a form of child sepaktakraw
game that combines sepaktakraw game techniques and basketball. The purpose of this research is to develop
the form of game with prototype of tool model and rule of the game, which has been learning basic skills
conventionally. This research is a research development (Research and Development). The subjects of this
research are elementary school students class IV, V and VI, amounting to 120 children who are joining the
sepaktakraw sport. The results of this research is a prototype of the tool and the basic rules of the basketed
sepaktakraw game. Equipments are basket-like baskets as high as 130 cm, with two baskets 35-40 cm, balls
of rattan coated with soft sponge with size 14 cm, diameter 150 cm game field. The game is played by 4 to 6
children, with the basic rule of putting as many balls as possible into the basket within 8 minutes for 2 innings.
Sports become a phenomenon that can not be
separated from the life of people in this world because
it is something interesting and has become a major
requirement. To grow, the fulfillment of the
necessities of life, people will always move. Motion
has a meaning, in which, to change the position from
a stationary position to a different position or
move. Likewise sport is moving the body both the
position of the legs, arms, shoulders and parts of the
human body from static to dynamic. Mutohir, (2007:
26) an activity to actualize human rights as an
opportunity to develop and maintain physical, mental
and moral abilities. Therefore everyone should have
access to physical education and sport. Sport is
divided into three domains namely sports education
activities, sports achievements and recreational
Sepatakraw movement is a collection of
badminton courts,volleyball rules and tactics,football
techique and Chinese shuttlecock kicking skills,is a
kind of modern social fashion sports (Kongmeechon,
2017). Sepak Takraw is a popular sport among the
Southeast Asian countries and various brands of
takraw balls are available in the local market to suit
the needs of players (Adam, N.M., 2014). Sepak
takraw is a highly complex net-barrier kicking sport
that involves dazzling displays of quick reflexes,
acrobatic twists, turns and swerves of the agile human
body (Maseleno, A. and Hasan, M.M., 2011) .The
takraw ball is a very unique interwoven ball used in
the action game of sepak takraw. The traditional
takraw ball is manufactured by conventionally
weaving split rattan strips into a spherical basket
(Ahmad, N., Taha, Z., Ya, T.M.Y.S.T. and
Hasanuddin, I., 2012). Sepaktakraw which originally
a culture of society, now a sport of achievement
recognized by the international community, is a form
of cultural transformation of society that existed in
the past until now. Rezai (2013: 936) said that,
sepaktakraw has been included in the Asian Games
since 1990 in Beijing. Sepaktakraw is basically a
modified game of the traditional sport in the concept
of a sport of recreational games being a contested
sport, as we know that this game has been played and
popular throughout Indonesia, partly in the Malacca
Peninsula from Burma to Singapore border.
Passing the ball is an extremely important basic
skills in Sepak takraw.From defense into
attack,passing the ball was mainly rely on in sepak
takraw game (ZHANG, Y.B. and ZHANG, S.Z.,
Sepaktakraw learning system that is known
conventionally still be the basic practice principle to
date, namely learning by individual way, pasing
autonomous, pasing in pairs, pasing with the media of
wall and rope. Therefore it is necessary to develop a
Sukmana, A., Mutohir, T. and Farough, M.
Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 193-197
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
new concept of learning the basic techniques of sepak
takraw conducted outside the conventional concept.
Modifications, forms of sports development that
are tailored to the needs and abilities of a particular
group of people. A busy activity with busy work,
encouraging people to adjust it, for example with the
sport of the night (futsal, badminton) in due to work
activities until the evening, so it is possible to do it at
night. Nurhasan (2007) defines modification is an
attempt to make changes with the adjustments both in
terms of physical materials ie facilities and equipment
and goals and ways (methods, styles, approaches,
rules and judgments). The essence of a modification
step is to analyze and develop the learning materials
by way of guiding in the form of potential learning
activities so that it can easily in the process.
Wijono (2011: 26) in the Australian Sports
Commission recommends children to take part in
sports modifications, in order to adapt their skills by
using equipment appropriate to the child's abilities.
Yusup (2004: 48) said that, modification is
manifested in some ways, without objective
standards, because the priority is the process and the
pedagogic impact rather than on the outcome. Such
modifications are (a) changes in the size, shape, and
material of the tool such as bulbs made larger and
lighter, the beaters are shorter, the ball catcher is
made of fabric, (b) the field size change, the net height
or the ring height, such as narrowed fields, (c)
simplified game rules, shortened time.
The development model of the researcher is the
game of basketed sepak takraw game which is the
development of sepak takraw game of sepak takraw
and basketball game, which is done in groups and put
the ball into the basket. Basketed sepak takraw game
is a form of learned concepts sepak takraw for
children elementary school age that are fun, easy, and
can be played by several children at a time in a circle
with equipment that can be modified with simple
2.1 Research Design
This research is a research development (research and
development) which means research oriented to a
product. In this case the development is a game of
basketed sepak takraw which is used as a new model
of basic lesson sepaktakraw for children.
According to Borg and Gall (2003: 571) the steps
of implementing research and development strategies
to produce a particular product and to test the
effectiveness of the product in question are problem
formulation, prototype creation, expert and material
validation, small group trial, revision and validation,
moderate, expert validation, large group trials, and
results reports.
2.2 Research Subject
The subjects of this basketed sepaktakraw game
model are students who are active in elementary
school grade IV, V and VI in Kota Kediri, East Java
Indonesia which consists of 120 children.
2.3 Research Instruments
Instruments in this research development is used to
reveal the form of product development of learning
tools of basketed sepaktakraw at Primary School in
Kediri by using small-scale test sheets, large-scale
test sheets. The grid is arranged based on need is as
Table 1: Research Instrument Grid.
Variables Indicator
Kids Through
Scale and
a) Secure 1-3
b) Easy and
c) Interesting 6-7
d) In
with the
e) Durable and
easy to
f) In
with the
g) There are
elements of
Amount 18
(Sumber: Riyanto, 2013)
2.4 Product Specifications
The product specification developed is a development
research in the form of a game of sepak takraw games
for children in the form of tools and means of
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
modification in the form of combining sports
sepaktakraw and basketball or sepaktakraw motion
with the final result is to insert the ball into the basket.
The shape of the product in the form of means
game that focuses on the stimulation of basic skills,
namely football sila sepak takraw, soccer turtle,
comprehend and heading the ball into the appliance
or pole baskets made in such a way. The krawnjang
game model (takraw and basket) consists of cast pole
posts, supporting poles, iron plates, two baskets and a
modified ball of spun-coated rattan.
The principle of this game is a separate team or
team of 4 children to enter the ball with sepaktakraw
skills as much as possible with a predetermined time
target that is 8 minutes times 2 innings. So this game
basically uses sepaktakraw skills, but the gain of the
numbers with the execution of the ball into the basket
and determined by the time the game where the most
inserted is the winner.
3.1 Research of Data Analysis
Analysis of this data is used to answer the formulation
of the problem arised in front of how is the
development of basket facilities as learning skills
sepaktakraw for elementary school children in
Kediri? The data analysis is described as follows:
3.1.1 Initial Product Process
The initial process of making the basket, including
several stages, as follows:
a. basket bending process
This is done by arranging woven bamboo and
rattan basket with attention to the needs of the
desired researchers.
b. Making iron plate, used as bamboo basket
c. Basket knitting (jaring ring), as well as on a
basketball game, with a 4mm diameter plastic
strap string.
d. Results of the product, which is the result of
modification basket in the form of bamboo
woven basket and rattan knitted rope.
3.1.2 Modified Ball Making Process
1) Preparation of rattan for further in the woven
in such a way, with a size larger 1- 2
centimeters than the standard ball
circumference size.
2) Once the ball is wounded the ball is coated
with soft colored sponge.
3.1.3 Initial Product Revision
Once the game media in the form of a prototype
model is created, there are several revisions related to
the product made by the researcher, which are:
Table 2: Modified Ball Making Process.
No Indicator Information Initial
1 Game
Model Form
Cheal, lively,
fun, easy to do
and safe
Orientation to
the needs of
especially the
basic motion
epak takraw
2 Equipment Portable or
and moved.
Portable or
and moved.
3.1.4 Expert Infrastructure Validation
The researcher performs expert validation of the
infrastructure facilities of Sepaktakraw Coach, Koke
Wiluyo and the modification expert Dr. Ria
Lumintuarso, M.Si as lecturer of Yogyakarta State
University and inventor of Kids Atheltic which was
conducted through 3 stages of meeting. Briefly the
results of expert validation of infrastructure facilities
or expert input are as follows:
a. First meeting: woven baskets are made loose (see-
through), woven rattan more tightened,
appearance is still less tidy;
b. The second meeting: should be given a knit like a
basketball, and the knit should be colorful.
Expected in the rules of the game also
incorporated elements of the formation of a
positive character of children;
c. Third meeting: suggestion no validation of expert
facilities of infrastructure. Tools can be used as
small-scale trials.
3.1.5 Expert Materials Validation
Validation of expert learning materials with prof. Dr
Achmad Sofyan Hanif, State University of Jakarta as
a sepaktakraw expert. The validation of the
instructional expert is done as a whole in two stages
of the meeting. Brief description of input from the
material expert is as follows:
Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game
a. First meeting stage: Knitting color is less
attractive. Conclusion: a small-scale trial with
improvement can be used.
b. Second meeting stage: no suggestion from
expert validation. Conclusion: can be used in
small-scale trials without repair
3.1.6 Small Scale Trial
Small-scale trials were conducted at SDN Baluwerti
3 Kediri club involving 15 children after validation of
expert facilities and materials. In the small-scale test
period found several revisions of the materials are:
Table 3: Small Scale Trial.
No Indicator Information Small Scale
1 Pole Material Material is made
of iron
should be
cheap and
as well as
2 Circle of
Material is made
of iron ring
Material is
3 Elevation of
the pole
Height of 2.40
The child’s
ability level
should be
(height of
3.1.7 Large Scale Trial
Large group trials, researchers involved subjects as
many as 30 children of class V-VI coming from SDN
in three sub-districts in Kediri City. The results of the
revision of expert validation on large-scale trials are:
Table 4: Large Scale Trial.
No Indicator Information Large-scale
1 Material
Made of wood
lined with
Poles in paint and
given quasi /
2 Cirlce of
Made of rattan
and bamboo,
with a
diameter of 35
38-40 cm
(element of ease
of insertin
3 Elevation
of the Pill
High 2.10 cm
foe male, and
1.70 cm for
The size of the
pole can be
adjusted to the
needs of females
may be 1.50 cm
and males 1.70
4 Ball Made of rattan The rattan balls
are covered in
soft, colorful
5 Rules of
the game
Play the focus
of putting the
ball into a
Please enter a
rule that
6 Krawnjang
Krawnjang is
made from 2
Create another
game form, form
the original
3.1.8 Product Implementation
After passing some validation and trial processes then
the resulting product is the game manual of
Krawnjang along with the equipment and video of the
game instruction to train or learn basic technique
sepaktakraw through group basket game.
Development of learning tools for basket sepak
takraw for elementary school children can improve
the activity of students in learning sepaktakraw game.
This can be concluded through the results of large-
scale trials that, from some of the above conclusions
caused by several factors, among others:
a. Students judge that the game by putting the ball
into the basket through the game sepaktakraw
easy and interesting to be done.
b. Students judge that the basketed sepaktakraw
model is interesting (spiky knitted and sponge
ball, made of wicker, bamboo and sponge) and
different from the original game that is
sepakakraw with net.
c. Students assess that basketed sepaktakraw is
easy to be moved and does not have to open
field, under any tree or in door space can be
d. Students assess that basketed sepaktakraw game
is interesting to be done in groups, so it is useful
for team collaboration.
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Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game