The Effect of Mass Media on Achievement of Indonesian Badminton
Ika Novitaria
Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Pemunda No. 10, Rawamangun Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Mass Media, Achievement of Athletes Badminton.
Abstract: Mass media and sports have reciprocal relationships and influence each other. There are an advantage and
disadvantages can occur in the relationship between mass media and sports. The mass media is widely
accepted by its customers, as it broadcasts sporting events. While sports have supporters and fanatical
audiences, as he is preached by the mass media. This paper has a goal to find an answer from the question
about the effect of mass media on achievement athlete’s badminton Indonesia from the sport psychology side.
Sport became the main orientation in life to attain an
achievement. The only way to get the achievement is
by follow competition and get a victory. But to build
sporting achievement is not an easy thing, because it
needs a system that is mutually sustainable between
athletes, parents, coaches, organizations and
In order to attain the highest achievement there
must be a good planning and systematic coaching
efforts and the existence of mutual attachment to
produce the highest performance athletes. Singgih D
Gunarsa (1996) argues that: "The appearance of an
athlete's peak involves three interrelated aspects in
harmony, namely mental, emotional and physical."
Therefore, to achieve high physical and mental state
athletes must be in peak condition. It means that to
face a competition, an athlete must have a mental
readiness to deal with all the possibilities that might
be occur in the game. Sudibyo setyobroto (1993)
said that: "Mental readiness is a person's mental state
where emotional sources are ready to perform tasks
according to their ability."
Unfortunately, mental factors are often ignored
by trainers. Although the problem of disharmony or
environmental problems that are not conducive will
have an impact on mental factors or psychological
factors, where these mental factors affect the
achievement of athletes. Ostrow's research shows
that 80% -90% of success, especially among "elite"
athletes, will determine by the preparedness of
mental/psychology of the athlete.
Theoretically, individual performance is
influenced by the presence of others. Social
influence occurs when an individual respond to the
presence of others, because basically everyone is
acting oriented towards others around they. Khalid
Mehraj, Akhtar Neyaz Bhat, and Hakeem Rameez
Mehraj (2014, 56 64) said that Man is a social
animal,he cannot live in isolation,so his actions
affect not only him but society in general, society
affects a man in so many ways Not just the presence
of the influential ones, but the opinions and behavior
of others can also improve the quality of individual
performance (that called social facilitation) or even
reduce the performance (that called social
For examples the news that exist in the mass
media like newspaper, news on television or report
on internet. Such reports can have both positive and
negative impacts for readers, from athletes
themselves, coaches, administrators and even the
general public. The impact of the news can be
negative or positive depending on the content of the
news and the perceptions of each reader who sees
the content of a news from various points of view.
There always be news in the media related to the
match result of the badminton championship.
When Indonesian badminton athletes win a
championship, the news in mass media is busy
giving praise to the athlete. Vice versa, if Indonesian
badminton athlete suffered defeat in a championship,
Novitaria, I.
The Effect of Mass Media on Achievement of Indonesian Badminton Athletes.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 215-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the news in mass media crowded provide criticism,
blasphemy and even contempt against the athlete.
The rapid development in the field of
communications technology has a great influence on
the dissemination of information or ideas that will
bring about social change in society through
increasingly sophisticated and complex media and
having more power than ever before. As Marshall
Mc Luhan says in a mass communication book, “we
live in a global village today, because modern mass
media allows millions of people worldwide to
communicate to almost every corner of the world”.
Mass media refers to the results of modern
technology products as channels in mass
communication. The term 'mass media' provides an
overview of communication that working on a range
of scales, ranging from a limited scale to reaching
and engaging everyone in society, on a broad scale.
According to Joseph R. Dominick (2011, p.9), “mass
media are the channels used for mass
communication”. Basically mass media divided into
two categories, namely printed mass media and
electronic media.
Mass media can shape and influence messages or
information that was submitted, so that the media
can change or strengthen opinions, attitudes and
behaviors and even the media has become one of the
socialization agencies in creating and forming
attitudes, values, behaviors and perceptions about
social reality. In communication process, messages
in the mass media can exposure someone either
directly or indirectly.
Donald K Robert says that, "the effects are just
changes in human behavior after being exposure by
mass media messages". Mass media focus on
message, so the effect must be related to the
message conveyed by the mass media. While Keith
R. Stamm and John E. Bowes (1990) divide the
effects of mass media into two, namely: "first,
primary effects or affective effects (exposure,
attention and understanding); second, secondary
effects that include changes in cognitive level
(change of knowledge and attitudes), and behavioral
changes (accept and choose).
Mass media as a source of news, reviews or
coverage of sporting event or championships could
be a media of communication from journalist to the
reader (such as community, coach or even the
athletes themselves. News that published in mass
media is informative, persuasive and perhaps
instructive. So, article in mass media can be a source
in efforts to develop psychological factors athletes
by the coach or the athletes themselves directly.
Because through sport and with the help of mass
media, athlete has a wide opportunity to develop
their mental ability, gain recognition and increased
popularity like celebrity, discover new friends, and
all of that is bring an excitement and satisfaction for
the athlete themselves.
Therefore, it can be said that the news in mass
media is perceived to be disturbing so it has an
opportunity to inhibit athlete to be able to provide
optimal performance. And this is one of social
influence that almost has to be faced by athletes, and
unfortunately if the exercise program has been done
very seriously should be useless because athletes
couldn’t cope with that social influence. Based on
the above problems, it is necessary to find an answer
about the effect of mass media on the achievement
of Indonesian badminton athletes in order to restore
the achievement of Indonesian badminton athletes to
its glory era.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect
of mass media on the achievement of Indonesian
badminton athletes. Research method in this
research was used an associative methodology with
survey technique, while for data analysis in this
research were used correlation and regression
techniques. The data was collected at the National
Training Center (PELATNAS) of Indonesian’s
The population used in this study was the
Indonesian National Badminton Athlete which
amount 64 people. The sample used is 49 people by
using purposive sampling. The instrument research
to know about the effect of mass media was used a
questionnaire by using Likert scale. And for the
instrument for the athlete achievement was used
portfolio of the total score of the championship
result during the beginning year of 2013 until the
end year of 2015 that listed in badminton world
federation’s calendar.
The results of this study can be seen from the
general description of data distribution and
frequency distribution in the following table:
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Table 1: Descriptive Statistic of mass media and sport
achievement of Indonesian Badminton Athlete.
Mass Media
The following table (table 2 and table 3) was the
frequency distribution from each variable’s research:
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Mass Media.
114 - 117
118 - 121
122 - 125
126 - 129
130 - 133
134 - 137
138 - 141
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of sport achievement of
Indonesian Badminton Athlete.
100 - 103
104 - 107
108 - 111
112 - 115
116 - 119
120 - 123
124 - 127
The result of data analysis using regression
shows that the regression equation formed is: ŷ =
30.43 + 0.66 X
. And the result of data analysis that
using correlation indicate that r
value equal to 0.64
higher than r
value equal to 0.23 with significance
level of 0.05. This proves that the value of mass
media affected the achievement of Indonesian
badminton athletes. And the mass media
contribution to the achievement of Indonesian
badminton athletes amounted to 40.96%.
The results of this study indicated that the
achievement of an athlete is influenced by the
exposure of mass media. Article in mass media is
expected to affect the emotional state of the athlete
to be quite passionate, that is, at a sufficient level of
tension as has been pointed out in the previous
section that sufficient tension can help the athlete
reach the peak of his achievement. Because
sufficient tension indicates arousal. And of course to
get a peak performance, an athlete should have a
good and positive arousal.
Reviews about the weakness of an athlete or a
team, can reduce tension, because it can be seen that
the opponent also has a weakness. For example, the
news that review the weakness of an athlete or a
squad so they can be defeated, will encourage
another athlete or team that is being prepared, to be
more motivated to train and get their best
performance when they compete. Or coverage of an
opponent's game pattern with all the specifics, can
increase the confidence that he/she will be able to
fight and win the games against opponents who have
a pattern game like that.
The development of sports today cannot be
separated from the mass media. There are positive
and negative effect from the mass media that can
affect the success of an athlete's performance.
Because the success of sports growth is the result of
media attention that has been done for a long time.
The positive effect of mass media can provide
information or description of one particular sport so
that the sport became famous. But one of the
negative effects, mass media can also make the sport
is not advanced, when the news coverage in mass
media not in line with the norms and values that
existed in the sport. Therefore, a synergic
relationship between the mass media and sports is
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education