In archery sport, the muscle endurance element
of the arm is very necessary considering the
magnitude of the thrust and pull that must be done
continuously by the arm muscle. The endurance will
greatly affect the rhythm of the shooting. With good
endurance, the performance of the athlete will
remain optimal over time as it is less likely to get
fatigue. This means that athletes are able to perform
quality movements that remain high from the
beginning to the end of the game. (Jae-Woo Park,
An archer must be able to concentrate and keep
his focus for a long period of time and put aside the
disturbances of the environment as well as the
fatigue he experiences. (Tsung-Min Hung, 2011).
With the increase of time to play then there is a
tendency to accumulate anxiety in the athlete
himself which can negatively affect his achievement.
Therefore an archery athlete must be able to control
both his emotional and physical anxiety in a match
so that he can show his optimum performance.
During the game, it is natural that the athlete
becomes nervous, tense, hesitant, afraid, anxious,
especially if facing a stronger and more balanced
opponent, coupled with a tense situation. If this
happens, then there are some techniques that can be
done by athletes or coaches in order to mitigate the
athlete's tension during the match, such as by doing
relaxation. (George Mamassis, 2010).
Anxiety as one of the unstable psychological
conditions can arise in any archery sporting event,
especially in the qualifying round, because of the
element of competition between an athlete and other
athletes. Every athlete is trying to achieve the best
performance, surpassing his other fellows. In every
competition, there is always a winner and a loser.
Victory or success on the athlete tends to make the
athlete try to maintain the achievement to remain the
Conversely, defeat or repeated failure tends to
make the athlete discouraged and demotivated. The
athlete's experience of this failure will usually
continue to imprint and cause anxiety in the athlete's
himself. When an athlete is confronted with a match
whose level is not much different from previous
failures, his achievement motivation is defeated by
anxiety fear of failure even if he is capable of
playing well.
Archery achievement is measured from the
number of scores collected. The higher the number
of scores an athlete achieved, the higher the
achievement he has (A.R. Soylu, 2006). Things that
need to be considered in order to achieve high
achievement of which is a prime physical condition
and master the basic techniques of archery. In
addition, an archer must also have a good psychic
condition in order to achieve his optimal
performance. Archery is an activity that demands
smooth motorized visual co-ordination, and
demands the ability to shoot at small targets and
great distances.
The results of archery skills are determined by
several important factors, three of which are the
endurance of arm muscle, kinesthetic perception and
anxiety. All three factors have an effective
contribution with different contributions to the
archery achievement (Andrew J Callaway, 2017).
An archer is said to have excellent physical
condition, if the archer has good arm muscle
endurance, which is used directly in archery. The
endurance of the arm muscle greatly determines the
consistency of the archer in firing the arrow to the
target with the same pull from the beginning of the
game until the end of the game. the endurance level
of the arm muscle will maintain the consistency of
the technique from the beginning to the end of the
Kinesthetic perception is a benchmark for
athletes to feel a technique that feels right or wrong.
In archery, repetition of basic techniques is
necessary, so the movements are stable and
unchanging. Archery requires the same technique of
movement from the first shot of arrows and the next
Kinesthetic perception plays a role when an
archer performs a series of movements ranging from
standing, darting, lifting an arc followed by pulling a
bowstring, aiming, releasing arrows, continuing
motion and arriving at the feedback control position.
So that factors such as kinesthetic perception is
helpful in a process of achievement based on the
characteristics of archery sport.
Archery sports also require subtle touch of soul,
patience, tenacity, concentration, and high mental
endurance. An archer must be able to concentrate
and keep his focus for a long period of time and put
aside the disturbances of the environment as well as
the fatigue he experiences. With the increase of
time to play then there is a tendency to accumulate
anxiety in the athlete himself which can negatively
affect his achievement. Therefore an archery athlete
must be able to control both his emotional and
physical anxiety in a match so that he can show his
optimum performance.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education