points in the value of reading and is often frustrated
when given open-ended questions that require
analysis and reasoning that require them to think
Then the rapid technology provides convenience
for the various needs. Information can be obtained
quickly through various content in technology.
However, not a bit of content that presented a
negative impact for its users. So it needs to be
digested, scrutinized and suffered if you do not want
to be adversely affected. not a few cases that occur
due to lack of critical thinking skills. It's as easy to
accept “Hoax” (news lie) that causes unrest. The
national hoax outbreaks have become a national
problem such as disunity, political instability and
security disturbances that potentially hamper
national development. This indicates that the ability
to receive and find out the truth of information is
necessary. By having the ability to think critically,
one cannot easily accept the lie.
Critical thinking should be part of one‘s self
because according to Ennis (1985, p. 45, in Mesa
(2017, p 17) suggests that “Critical thinking is
reflective and reasonable thinking is committed on
deciding what ti believe or do.“ Critical thinking is
reflective and sensible thinking that focuses on
determining what to believe and do, so that the
individual is able to use all the potential of his or her
mind and thought to solve the problem.
Kayes (2006, p. 613) reveals that Critical
Thinking emphasizes individuals‘ ability to manage,
integrate, and organize complex information.
Thought critical with regard to ability to understand
and assimilate information complex from various
perspectives and has been linked to academic
The development and demands of this era of
globalization should be the concern of the entire
nation of Indonesia. In order to prepare superior,
character and competitive human resources.
Education is a path that can be taken in preparing
the human resources needed in this era of
globalization. Through various curriculum, learning
model and teacher competence can form the students
according to the demands of the times. As in the
curriculum of outdoor education which is one of the
objectives is to develop critical thinking skills.
According to Fiskum (2012, p 22) explained that
“outdoor education encourages learners to
understand the interactions and relationships
between any part of the curriculum. This awareness
promotes lifelong learning and develops critical
thinking skills“. According to Gustafsson (2011, p.
4) Outdoor education has the potential to become an
integrative, complementary education form in a
pragmatic and progressive pedagogy tradition,
which can offer students and teachers opportunities
to learn on the basis of observations and experiences
in authentic situations. Outdoor education provides
an excellent opportunity for teachers and students to
learn in authentic and real situations.
The problems that exist in outdoor education
activities provide an authentic experience for
learners. Outdoor education is an approach that
utilizes the environment as a medium of learning.
Outdoor educational activities conducted with
various games and adventure activities make this
activity fun. Dal am Taniguchi et al (20 14 : 10)
disclosed that the outcome of outdoor education is
enjoyment, confidence, social awareness,
environmental awareness, activity skills, personal
qualities, key skills, helath and fitness, increased
motivation and appetite for learning; broadened
The process of implementing outdoor education to
improve critical thinking ability was conducted
during 16 times meeting with population of this
research is the second year of fourth semester
students of STKIP Pasundan Cimahi. Sampling
technique used is cluster random sampling, with the
design of The One Group Pretest-Posttest Design
according to Frankel (2012: 269).
Figure 1: Research Design.
In this study, the experimental group participants
were given treatment with recreational and outdoor
educational materials conducted with hiking,
climbing, orienteering, outbound and camping
programs performed twice a week.
Hypothesis testing with t test analysis through SPSS
18 using Paired Samples Test. T test using Paired
Sample Test is used to determine the influence and
outdoor education on critical thinking skills.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education