Correlation between Power of Limb Muscle with Smash Skill Kedeng
on Sepaktakraw
Hasan Hasan
and Fahrizal Fahrizal
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical components, Games, Sport.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the correlation between power of limb muscle (X) with smash skill kedeng on
sepaktakraw (Y). The research was conducted in the gymnasium of sepaktakraw State University of Makassar
South Sulawesi in March 2017. The sample of the study is 38 students on student activities sepaktakraw
Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Makassar. This method used in this study is an associative
quantitative descriptive method with correlation analysis models. The collecting data uses test and
measurement techniques as a primary data through some tests, namely smash skill kedeng test and power of
limb muscle test. The results of this study finds that the correlation table generates a probability value of 0.05
is greater than the probability value sig or [0.000 < 0,975], significant meaning and have a positive correlation
to smash kedeng with the level of relations is (r) 0,975 showed a very strong positive correlation and
coefficient of determination (Kd) or Pearson correlation by: Kd = r 2 x 100%, (0.975) 2 x 100% = 0,950,0 x
100 = 95.0, which means smash skill kedeng determined by power of limb muscles and the rest influenced by
another factor of 5,0.
Sepaktakraw is one sport that has been played and
recognized by the world community. Especially in
Indonesia, sepaktakraw has been used as a sports
education, recreation and achievement. As a sporting
achievement and therefore, we need to increase the
quality and quantity of coaches, athletes and
organizational management was good early on,
especially the development of students is an asset
most essential and the potential to be developed, so
the achievement sepaktakraw nationally is very well.
Sepaktakraw is a historic sport, culture of the
nation, and the state of nature as well as the results of
the Earth Indonesia (Achmad, 2015). Sepaktakraw or
sepak raga was played in the era of the kingdom of
Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Gowa. In Indonesia there
are many naming of sepaktakraw as in Minangkabau
called football Rago, in Riau with high Rago name.
Bengkulu named smacking, in Nias called fa Rago /
Famai Rago, Southern Sulawesi named marraga or
maddaga while in Makassar "addaga" (Syam). The
basic technique in a game that is servicing
sepaktakraw, soccer precepts and smash. Smash skills
kedeng including mastery skill category in
sepaktakraw with appropriate backs performed as a
player to attack the opponent's area by means back to
the net.
Sepaktakraw sport in Indonesia has existed since
1971 was marked by the establishment of sports
organizations (Engel, 2010). Performing with power
requires a combination of aerobic and anaerobic
fitness that can be accentuated with special methods.
An example is a single speed bike which
encouragesthe muscles contract more forcefully
(Lemond, 2015). High intensity training (HIT),
involves using high training loads throughout the year
and performing all working sets to at least positive
failure (Bompa, 2015)
Poor strength in the lower extremities results in
loss of stability when landing, and high-impact forces
are excessively absorbed by the passive restraints of
the body (James, 2012). Early fatigue also becomes a
problem for athletes without adequate development
of lower-extremity strength. These factors will result
in the deterioration of performance during exercise
and will cause the athlete to approach overuse levels
much more rapidly, thus subjecting the athlete to
possible injury (Donald, 2013)
Structure and composition are separate yet
interrelated aspects of the body that contribute to
what has been defined as physique (Widiastuti, 2015).
Hasan, H. and Fahrizal, F.
Correlation between Power of Limb Muscle with Smash Skill Kedeng on Sepaktakraw.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 259-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
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