Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had
Experienced Injury
Juriana Juriana and Kurnia Tahki
Sport Science Faculty of Jakarta State University, Pemuda Street, East Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Anxiety Instrument, Water Ski Athletes, Injury.
Abstract: Injuries experienced by athletes during training and matching can affect their psychological behavior and
performance. Coach should know the condition of their athletes, not just physical but also psychological
conditions, especially anxiety. This study aims to apply anxiety instruments to water-ski athletes who have
suffered injuries. The study was conducted on 12 national ski air athletes of Indonesia ever injured who will
follow the SEA Games 2015 in Singapore. The method used in this research is descriptive research method
with survey technique that is using Re-Injury Anxiety Inventory (RIAI) including Re-Injury Anxiety
Rehabilitation (reliability RIA-R alpha= 0.98) and Re-Injury Anxiety Re-Entry into competition (reliability
RIA-RE alpha= 0.96). The results of the study showed that the anxiety level of national ski air athletes of
Indonesia who have experienced injury as follows: 67% experienced low anxiety, 16% experienced moderate
anxiety, and 16% experienced high anxiety. An athlete's anxiety when re-entering the competition increases
compared to anxiety during the rehabilitation process. This information helps the coach know the condition
of his athlete's anxiety, so the coach can provide the help needed by the athlete including referring to the
sports psychologist to speed up the healing process of his injury.
Injuries experienced by athletes both during training
and compete are not just about physical aspects but
also related to psychological aspects. Psychological
reactions such as stress, fear of back injury, negative
emotions, and mood disorders (Naoi and Ostrow,
2008; Sparkes, 2000; Vergeer, 2006). Often
encountered that an athlete who has experienced a
sudden injury suffered psychological disorders such
as suddenly fears excessive associated with the
injury. Athletes experience symptoms of anxiety and
insecurity that can disrupt his physical condition and
performance. Heil in Walker et.all (2009) says that a
lack of confidence and self-confidence athletes who
have been injured may affect the feeling of a back
injury that can also affect his hesitant performance.
Therefore, an assessment of the psychological
condition of an injured athlete usually consists of
cognitive, emotional, and behavioral assessments
(Clement et al., 2013).
Anxiety is a psychological condition that tends to
be unstable. Anxiety means feeling choked
(Setyobroto, 2001). Psychologist Sigmund Freud
describes and defines anxiety as an unpleasant
feeling, followed by certain physiological reactions
such as changes in heart rate and breathing. The term
of anxiety refers to feelings of discomfort and fear,
coupled with some unpleasant physical symptoms,
including muscle tension (tense muscles), an
accelerating heartbeat, breathing hoars, dry mouth,
sweating and trembling. When the anxiety gets worse,
the outlook becomes opaque, the feeling is choking,
the body feels hot and cold, nausea, and frequent
urination or diarrhea.
Saparinah and Sumarmo Markum in Djumidar, et
al (2012) argue that when a person's stress is too great
for him or herself to be unable to cope or when one's
stress persists, anxiety will arise. To some extent, it is
natural that an athlete has a fear of losing his
opponent, his concerns serve as a precaution to act
more carefully and not in a hurry. But if an athlete's
worries are exaggerated, he becomes afraid of doing
wrong, not daring to make decisions and too wait.
Excessive anxiety is characterized by unpleasant
feelings, so the athlete is more focused to exert his
energy to restore the balance of his condition. This
will reduced the concentration of the athlete in the
face of his opponent (Martens in Gunarsa et.all,
Uncomfortable injury usually will continue to
imprint and cause anxiety to the athlete. Athletes who
Juriana, J. and Tahki, K.
Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had Experienced Injury.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 267-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have very high anxiety usually will more and more
make mistakes at the time of performance. The
anxiety is caused by excessive fear and pain
experienced. The psychological response displayed
by the athlete will determine and significantly
influence the quality and speed in the rehabilitation or
healing process (Brewer, 1994). Besides that, it is also
said that social support can also accelerate the
athlete's healing from injury, including emotional
support, instrumental, information, and appraisal
(Hagger et.all, 2005; Hogan, 2002).
Ahead of the 2015 SEA Games, almost all
national ski air athletes of Indonesia who are the team
of SEA Games 2015 sustained injury. This happens
because water ski includes extreme sports that use
means that can be dangerous. Injuries suffered by
Indonesian water skiing athletes include upper
extremities, lower extremities, or a combination of
both. The types of injuries suffered consist of acute
injuries and chronic injuries. Taylor and Taylor
(2007) mentioned that an acute injury (trauma) is a
sudden injury, such as an ankle sprain, which can be
detected immediately, that is, the pain that is directly
related to the injury. While chronic injuries (severe or
sickly) develop slowly from low exercise, and are
continuously experienced during exercise. The pain is
initially mild and it is usually difficult to connect the
beginning of the pain to a particular injury event.
In the water ski, there are 3 (three) numbers that
are contested: Slalom, Trick, and Jumping (Mattalata,
2000). Injuries that generally occur on water ski
athletes based on the number of matches are: 1)
Slalom: tearing of muscles or fractures on the
shoulders, sprained on the ankle; 2) Trick: strains on
the ankle and upper and lower arms, back and hip
injuries; 3) Jumping: sprain on the knee, ankle, neck
injury, fracture on the shoulders and thighs.
To evaluate the progress of Indonesian sporting
achievement can be seen through the results of
international championships or a popular sporting
event such as South East Asian Games (SEA Games)
which is regularly held every two years.
Achievements of Indonesian water ski athletes still
need to be improved. Singapore, Malaysia and
Thailand which are the top-rated waters ski rivals in
every game. Meanwhile, at this time all national
water ski athletes of Indonesia has experienced
injury. On the other hand, they require strong physical
preparation, high motivation, and ability to overcome
the anxiety that is felt due to the injury they
experienced. If the anxiety condition of an injured
athlete can not be overcome, the condition will
hamper the athlete's efforts to perform optimally to
achieve the expected performance in the match.
Meanwhile, the focus of the coach has been more on
training, not on the psychological aspects experienced
by injured athletes (Clement et al., 2013). Whereas
there are enough references to psychosocial strategies
that can be done for injured athletes such as goal
setting, imagery, positive self-talk, and relaxation
(Beneka et al., 2007). Before providing such
psychosocial strategies, the coach must first know
about the extent of anxiety felt by the injured athlete.
This research intends to apply the anxiety
instruments to the national ski air athletes of
Indonesian which is the team of SEA Games 2015
that has been injured. According Arikunto (2006), the
data collection instrument is a tool chosen and used
by researchers in its activities to collect the activities
become systematic and facilitated by it. Meanwhile,
according to Sugiyono (2010), research instrument is
a tool used to measure natural and social phenomena
observed (research variables).
Instruments as data collectors, according to
Suryabrata (2008) is a tool used to record (generally
quantitatively) the circumstances and activities of
psychological attributes. These psychological
attributes are technically classified as cognitive
attributes and non-cognitive attributes. Suryabrata
points out that for cognitive attributes, the revelation
is a question. As for non-cognitive attributes, the
revelation is a statement. The validity of the
instrument is defined as the extent to which the
instrument records or measures what it is intended to
record or measure. Whereas instrument reliability
refers to the consistency of the results of data
recording (measurement) if the instrument is used by
the same person or group of persons at different
times, or if the instrument is used by different people
or groups of people at the same time or at different
Walker et al (2009) states that athletes think of his
injury both during the therapy process and when
going back to training and doing competition. Some
symptoms are experienced such as: nausea, sweating,
and tense. These symptoms are cognitive symptoms
(eg: negative thoughts, and worry) and somatic
symptoms (eg: physiological responses). Thus,
anxiety athletes who have experienced injury divided
into two, namely: 1) anxiety during the rehabilitation
process; and 2) anxiety on returning to the
competition. Based on the above description, the
instrument of anxiety instrument application that will
be conducted in this research is the application of
valid and consistent measuring instrument to collect
quantitative information about athlete’s anxiety that
has been injured, both anxiety during rehabilitation
process and anxiety on returning to the competition.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Through the application of anxiety instruments to the
national water ski athletes of Indonesian who have
experienced injury, the coach is expected to get valid
information about the psychological condition that
the athlete actually feels.
This research is descriptive research using survey
technique. The sample of this study is all national
water ski athletes of Indonesia which is a team of SEA
Games 2015 who have experienced injury that
amounted to 12 athletes (7 man athletes and 5 woman
The research instrument used to collect data is the
form of a closed questionnaire that has been provided
the answer so that the respondents just choose
(Arikunto, 2006). The questionnaire used is an
adaptation questionnaire from RIAI (Re-Injury
Anxiety Inventory) which is a standard or valid
instrument made by Walker et.all (2007). Items or
statements about Re-Injury Anxiety Rehabilitation
(RIA-R) are at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 25, 27
(favorable items) and 24 (unfavorable item). Items or
statements about the Re-Injury Anxiety Re-Entry
Competition (RIA-RE) are at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17,
19, 20, 22, 22, 23, 26, 28 (favorable items) and 13
(unfavorable items). Assessment for the favorable
items as follows: Never = 0; Rarely = 1; Sometimes
= 2; Always = 3. While the assessment for the
unfavorable items as follows: Never = 3; Rarely = 2;
Sometimes = 1; Always = 0 (Juriana et.all, 2017).
Internal consistency or reliability of RIAI
instruments is alpha = 0.70, with details are the
reliability of RIA-R alpha = 0.98 and the reliability of
RIA-RE alpha = 0.96. As for norm assessment is
determined criteria as follows: total value <32= low
anxiety level; total value 32-50= medium anxiety
level. total value > 50= high anxiety level; (Walker et
all, 2007). While the technical analysis used in this
study is descriptive statistics with a simple percentage
Table 1: Re-Injury Anxiety Inventory for Indonesia Water Ski athletes.
1. I am worried about becoming re-injured during rehabilitation
2. I am worried about becoming re-injured during re-entry into competition
3. I feel nervous about becoming re-injured during rehabilitation
4. I feel nervous about becoming re-injured during re-enty into competition
5. I have doubts that I will remain injury free during rehabilitation
6. I have doubts that I will remain injury free during re-entry into competition
7. I feel on edge about becoming re-injured during rehabilitation
8. I feel on edge about becoming re-injured during re-entry into competition
9. I am worried that I may not do as well as I could in rehabilitation due to re-injury worries
10. I am worried that I may not do as well as I could on returning to competition due to re-injury
11. My body feels tense about rehabilitation because of re-injury worries
12. My body feels tense about re-entering competition because of re-injury worries
13. I feel confident that I will not become re-injured during re-entry into competition
14. I am worried about failing during rehabilitation due to my re-injury worries
15. Ia worried about failing when re-entering into competition due to re-injury
16. Re-injury worries about rehabilitation make my body feel tense
17. Re-injury worries about re-entry into competition make my body feel tense
18. I am worried about performing poorly during rehabilitation due to re-injury worries
19. I am worried about performing poorly during re-entry into competition due to re-injury worries
20. I am worried about failing to achieve full re-entry into competition due to re-injury worries
21. I feel my stomach sinking due to rehabilitation
22. I am worried that others will be disappointed if I become re-injured during re-entry into
23. The thought of re-injury during re-entry into competition make my palm sweaty
24. I am confident about no becoming re-injured during rehabilitation because I mentally picture
myself staying injury free
25. I am worried about concentrating during rehabilitation because of re-injury worries
26. I am worried about about concentrating during re-entry into compeition because re-injury worries
27. My body feels tight due to re-injury worries during rehabilitation
28. My body feels tight due to re-injury worries during re-entry into competition
*N= never, R= rarely, S= sometimes, and A= always
Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had Experienced Injury
Based on the research data known some description
or profile about the sample as follows:
Based on sex: 58% man and 42% woman
Based on age: 33% are under 20 and 67% 20-40
years old
Based on race number: Slalom 17%, Trick 17%,
Jumping 25%, and Overall 42%
Based on type of injury: extremities above 25%,
lower extremity 33%, and a combination of 42%.
Based on duration of therapy: 50% under 1 month
and 50% 1-3 months
3.1 Anxiety Levels of Indonesian Water
Ski Athletes Who Have Experienced
Below is presented data on the results of statistical
calculations and histogram of anxiety level of
Indonesian water ski athletes who have experienced
Table 2: Anxiety Level of Indonesian Water Ski Athletes
Who Have Experienced Injury.
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Standard Deviation
From the calculation of the anxiety level of
Indonesia water ski athletes who have experienced
injury showed that: 68% (8 athletes) have low anxiety
levels (score below 32), 16% (2 athletes) have
moderate anxiety levels (score 32 -50), and as many
as 16% (2 athletes) have high anxiety level (score
above 50).
Figure 1: Histogram of Anxiety Level of Indonesian Water
Ski Athlete Who Have Experienced Injury.
3.2 Anxiety Levels of Indonesian Water
Ski Athletes Who Haved
Experienced Injury During the
Rehabilitation Process
Below is presented data on the results of statistical
calculations of anxiety level of Indonesian water ski
athletes who have experienced injury during
Table 3: Anxiety Level of Indonesian Water Ski Athletes
Who have Experienced Injury during the Rehabilitation
Statistical Value
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Standard Deviation
Walker et al (2007) only makes norms of criterion
assessment for the total anxiety score, but did not
make norms of criteria assessment for anxiety scores
during rehabilitation process. Therefore, based on
existing data the researcher makes norms of
assessment based on group or within-group norms
(Siregar and Nara, 2002), so for anxiety during
rehabilitation is determined as follows: score below 7
= low anxiety level, score 7-14 = moderate anxiety
level, and score above 14 = high anxiety level.
From the calculated level of anxiety level of
Indonesian water ski athletes who have experienced
injuty during rehabilitation prcess showed that: 34%
(4 athletes) have low anxiety levels (score below 7),
33% (4 athletes) have moderate anxiety levels score
7-14), and as many as 33% (4 athletes) have high
levels of anxiety (score above 14).
Figure 2: Histogram of Anxiety Levels of Indonesian Water
Ski Athletes Who Have Been Injured during the
Rehabilitation Process.
2 2
low anxiety moderate
4 4 4
low anxiety moderate
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.3 Anxiety Levels of Indonesian Water
Ski Athletes Who have Experienced
Injury on Re-Entry Competition
Below is presented data on the results of statistical
calculations of anxiety level of Indonesian water ski
athletes who have experienced injury on re-entry
Table 4: Anxiety Level of Indonesian Water Ski Athletes
Who Have Experienced Injury on Re-Entry the
Statistical Value
Highest Score
Lowest Score
Standard Deviation
Walker et al (2007) also did not make norms of
criterion assessment for anxiety scores on re-entry
competition. Therefore, based on existing data the
researcher makes norms of assessment based on the
group or within-group norms (Siregar and Nara,
2002), so for anxiety on re-entry competiton
determined as follows: score below 9 = low anxiety
level, score 9- 17 = moderate anxiety level, and score
above 17 = high anxiety level.
From the calculation of the anxiety level of
Indonesian water ski athletes who have experienced
injury on re-entry competition showed that: as many
as 25% (3 athletes) have low anxiety levels (score
below 9), as many as 42% (5 athletes) have moderate
anxiety levels (score 9-17), and as many as 33% (4
athletes) have high anxiety level (score above 17).
Figure 3: Histogram of Anxiety Levels of Indonesian Water
Ski Athletes Who Have Experienced Injury on Re-Entry
Application of anxiety instruments for water ski
athletes in this study is appropriate. The anxiety
instrument used is a special anxiety instrument, which
is in accordance with the condition of an athlete who
have experienced injury, namely Re-Injury Anxiety
Inventory from Walker et.all (2007). The instrument
is considered complete to represent the condition of
the injured athlete, as the questionnaire items reveal
the anxiety of the athlete during the rehabilitation
process and also reveal the anxiety of the athlete on
re-entry competition again.
In the application of this anxiety instrument,
there is dynamics of athlete's anxiety during the
rehabilitation process and anxiety on re-entry
competition also can be obtained. So, not limited to
the percentage of anxiety in total, or the criteria of
anxiety during rehabilitation and anxiety on re-entry
competiton.. Based on research data obtained that
there are five athletes whose level of anxiety is
consistent. Two athletes consistently have high
anxiety on total score of anxiety, high anxiety during
the rehabilitation process and high anxiety on re-entry
competition. The other three athletes happen to the
contrary, they consistently have low anxiety on total
score of anxiety, low anxiety during the rehabilitation
process and low anxiety on re-entry competition. In
addition, based on research data also known that there
are three athletes who increase their anxiety score,
when the anxiety on re-entry competition higher than
the anxiety during rehabilitation process (RIA-RE >
RIA-R). Besides, there are two athletes who decrease
their anxiety score, when the anxiety on re-entry
competition lower than the anxiety during
rehabilitation process (RIA-RE < RIA-R), and there
are two athletes whose the same score between the
anxiety during rehabilitation process and the anxiety
on re-entry competition (RIA-RE = RIA-R). This
study have not yet discussed the factors that
inlfluence athlete’s anxiety during rehabilitation or
athlete’s anxiety on re-entry competition, such as
personality factors and social support (Santi and
Peitrantoni, 2013; Juriana et al, 2017).
Table 5: Summary of Anxiety Score of Indonesian water
ski athletes who have experienced injury.
51 (high)
25 (high)
12 (low)
4 (low)
0 (low)
3 (low)
0 (low)
0 (low)
13 (moderate)
21 (high)
14 (low)
5 (low)
5 (low)
29 (low)
12 (moderate)
31 (low)
15 (high)
low anxiety moderate
Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had Experienced Injury
30 (low)
9 (moderate)
18 (high)
20 (low)
7 (moderate)
24 (low)
6 (low)
19 (high)
52 (high)
20 (high)
26 (high)
Anaysis data of this individual athlete’s anxiety
should be a concern of the coach to provide the
assistance or strategies needed by the athlete to
overcome his anxiety immediately. Based on various
references, there are many strategies that can be done
by the coach. The results of the Cerment et al (2013)
study in the United States in line with Larson's (1996)
study in the United Kingdom show that the three most
commonly applied psychosocial strategies of coaches
to assist their injured athletes are: keeping athletes
engaged in teams, creating goal-setting, and creating
new variations in recovery exercises. Besides,
another forms of psychological intervention for
injured athletes include: education, imagery,
biofeedback, self-talk, recreation, communication
opportunities, relaxation, counseling programs, and
medications (Santi and Peitrantoni, 2013; Juriana et
al., 2017).
This study has limitations mainly concerning the
limited sample size of only 12 athletes. However, the
sample is national ski air athlete of Indonesian which
is the team of SEA Games 2015. Although
psychological or anxiety responses are subjective, the
response of this national athlete's research sample is
thought to provide a representative picture of other
water ski athletes. Measurement of anxiety can
indeed be done in various ways, such as:
physiological measurement, observation, and
psychometric measurement (Jannah, 2016).
Measurements with questionnaires as in this study
have advantages and disadvantages. The athlete could
have given an unreal answer so the actual conditions
were not revealed. However, during the data
collection process researchers do direct mentoring of
athletes. Researchers provide an explanation of the
purpose and benefits of data retrieval. This direct
accompaniment, in addition to minimizing errors in
the interpretation of the statements contained in the
questionnaire, is also a form of education to the
athlete about the importance of paying attention to
psychological mental conditions especially after
This research is only produce the initial data, but
the application of psychological data retrieval
especially to athletes who suffered injuries in
Indonesia today has not been done. The results of this
study is a first step to increase the caoch's attention
about the psychological condition of the injured
athlete. In addition, the application of anxiety
instruments to water ski injured athletes is also a form
of sports psychology service or as one of the efforts
to help Indonesian national water ski athletes who
have suffered injuries. Through an anxiety instrument
application on national athlete who has experienced
this injury, the coach is expected to get information
about the psychological condition that the athlete
actually feels. Besides concerns to exercise, the coach
also noticed the emotional reactions of the injured
athlete. Coaches should not be trivial to emotional
reactions because if not resolved can become
dangerous such as anger, frustration, or emotional
withdrawal (Cerment et all, 2013). Cognitive,
emotional, and behavioral reactions also occur
dynamically in injured athletes. Anxiety will affect
the mind of the athlete, a negative thought will affect
the emotional reactions as well as the behaviors
displayed by the athlete. In the rehabilitation process,
this dynamic will affect the quality and speed of
physical and psychological recovery (Brewer, 1994).
The results of this study can be followed up by
subsequent researchers by adding more samples, or
involving national athletes from other sports. The
results of this study should also be followed up with
the provision of advanced services in the form of
psychological strategies that can accelerate the
recovery of athletes who suffered injuries. One of the
strategies that coach can apply is to use Lazarus's
BASIC ID model in Clement et al (2013). The BASIC
ID in question is a summary of Behavior, Affect,
Sensation, Imagery, Cognition, Interpersonal
relationship, and Drugs. The trainer first identifies
how the athlete's behavior is injured, how he feels,
what body sensations he experiences, whether there
is an image in the athlete's mind about his injury, what
effects in the athlete's mind are due to the image, how
his social life after injury, and wheter athlete using
illegal drugs.
Based on the results of research data processing, it
can be concluded that: the national ski air athletes of
Indonesia who have been injured 67% experienced
low anxiety, 16% experienced moderate anxiety, and
16% experienced high anxiety. Besides that, most
Indonesian water ski athletes who have experienced
injury during the rehabilitation process have low
anxiety (34%), and most Indonesian water-ski
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
athletes who have experienced injury on re-entry the
competition experienced moderate anxiety (42%).
Thus, some of the things that can be suggested
based on the conclusion are as follows: 1) Indonesian
waterski athletes and coaches need to have more
knowledge about sports injuries; 2) Athletes and
coaches should better understand the psychological
aspects (other than the physical aspect) when injured;
3) The coach invites the injured athlete to consult the
Sports Psychologist to get assistance and accelerate
the recovery process.
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Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had Experienced Injury