SMAN 1 BATUJAYA, Jalan Raya Kuta Ampel, Batujaya. Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat. Indonesia.
Keywords: Media, Aqua Noodle, Butterfly Swimming.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out that aqua noodle has a significant or no influence on the learning
of butterfly swimming. The sample in this research is 85 students with purposive sampling technique.
Research method using experiment method. The result of data analysis with t count 9.685 bigger than t table
1.65, then the hypothesis is rejected. Meaning can be concluded aqua noodle media give influence high
enough in studying swimming butterfly style.
Physical education (PE) during school provides an
opportunity for children to be physically active
(Boris, 2016). Media has a very important role in
delivering messages from teachers to learners.
Media development of new interests, leisure time
discipline, choice of new choices for entertainment
and culture in the busy environment of school
children (Maria, 2014). Aqua noodle becomes an
important part in swimming learning, it has
buoyancy and is high enough when it is in the air.
Learning swimming with aqua noodles can be just as
effective. The material is lighter and more flexible
when in the air it provides resistance with little
pressure on its part (Cuc, 2014 & Silviu, 2014).
Aqua noodle can be introduced in all types of air
therapy, aerial sports and sports areas in swimming
pools, lakes, sea, rivers or sports, in recreational
programs, in therapeutic and fitness enhancement
activities. (Michele, 2017 & Balan, 2015) This tool
is not as buoyant as a buoy or aids in other pools, the
buoyancy is higher than the float mastery technique
pool will be more easily achieved. Once the aqua
noodle is a new breakthrough in recognizing the
style in swimming or other air activity. There will be
many teaching methods or variations in learning and
air activity for both childhood and old age.
Variations of learning that arise from one tool, it will
be easier to teach to students starting from the
heating up to. The teacher must design detailed
his/her activity which he/she will be done for having
efficiency in all that he or she will teach (Seifert,
Swimming is the only sport to be recommended
in more than 80% of the medical cases and to have a
large target audience, accessible to both children and
the elderly. From a psychological perspective,
swimming reduces the mental tensions and anxiety,
caused by everyday stress and the competition one,
while avoiding hostility and frustration in life, in a
beneficial way (Cecil, 2001). Swimming is the
successive motion of propulsive and recovery
movements in the water. Analysis of the swimming
motion can be provided to swimmers and coaches
for improvement of performance. It is important
tounderstand the underwater motion in order to
improve swimming technique (Solihin, 2016).The
style is a series of techniques that are in the process
of swimming, the force becomes one of the
important parameters to calculate the speed of
motion in the swim (Pan, 2013). Butterfly swimming
is one style that has a high enough coordination level
with the other three styles. Butterfly style is similar
to other previous styles when the arms are
straightened, the waist movement should be flexed
up and down, whisk the hard legs while in the air,
the two rhythms of the movement of the foot and
then proceeded with a straight pull from the arm
simultaneously and breathing (Tomihiro, 2004). This
ability is in some ways both external and internal.
Parameters such as speed, distance, arm span and
arm and leg coordination while studying the
butterfly pool by motion, age, experience and gender
(Shinichiro, 2010).
Sriningsih, S., Solihin, A., Pristiawati, A. and Ilmawati, H.
Effect of Aqua Noodle on Butterfly Swimming.