Improving Physical Activity of Students with Low Fundamental
Movement Skills Using Sport Education Model
Agi Ginanjar
and Adang Suherman
Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Sekolah Tinggi Keguran dan Ilmu Pendidikan Nahdlatul
Ulama Indramayu, Jl. Raya Kaplongan No. 28, Indramayu, Indonesia
Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung,
Keywords: Sport Education Model, Fundamental Movement Skill, Physical Activity.
Abstract: The purpose of this experimental study was to find out whether students with low fundamental movement
skill who learned through a sport education model had more physical activities than those who learned through
a traditional learning method. To this end, a randomized posttest-only control group design was employed.
The samples were 80 eight grade students at SMP Nahdlatul Ulama Darul Ma’arif Kaplongan Indramayu.
The instruments included Jakkola and Washington’s (2012) fundamental movement skill test to measure their
fundamental movement skill and a digital tool called iCardio to measure their physical activities. The data
were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that there was a probability that students with
low fundamental movement skill could improve their physical activities using a sport education model.
Nowadays, physical activity has been a concern of
physical education in Indonesia. 48.2% of
Indonesia’s population aged above 10 are less
engaged in physical activity (Kemenkes RI, 2011, p.
16). Low physical activity can cause
noncommunicable diseases (NCD), such as
cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and
metabolic disorder-caused disease (Kemenkes RI,
2011, p. i). Childhood and adolescence are two very
critical periods to be engaged in physical activity in
anticipation of the adulthood (Friedman, et al., 2008;
Telama, et al., 2005; Trudeau, Laurencelle, &
Shephard, 2004; Jaakkola & Washington, 2012). At
secondary school level, physical activity begins to
decline (Telama & Yang, 2000; Nader, Bradley, &
Houts, 2008; Jaakkola & Washington, 2012).
Fundamental movement skills (FMS) are
contributing factors to the assessment of teenage
physical activity (McKenzie, 2007). Furthermore,
there is a long displacement effect between FMS and
physical activity (Barnett, et al., 2008). FMS include
locomotor skills, balance, and manipulation
(Gallahue & Cleland-Donnelly, 2007; Jaakkola &
Washington, 2012). FMS mastery affects sports skills
(O'Keeffe, Harrison, & Smyth, 2007). The higher a
student’s FMS, the faster he acquires movement skills
(Stodden, et al., 2008).
Sport Education Model (SEM) is an instructional
model to provide students with the most appropriate
sporting experience in terms of pedagogy and
physical education development (Siedentop, 1994).
SEM provides students with all the necessary aspects
to facilitate matches such as contract in a team, match
rules, scoring, referees, etc. Siedentop (1994, p. 4)
states, students who receives SEM instruction will
become literate, enthusiastic and competent
sportspeople. According to Siedentop (1994, p. 9),
SEM has the following characteristics: seasons,
affiliation, formal competition, culminating event,
keeping records, festivity. Perlman (2011) divides
SEM procedure in basketball into three phases:
skill/tactical development, inter/intra team games
with practices, and postseason.
Various literatures have revealed the success of
SEM in the process of physical education. Students
who receive SEM instruction have their self-
motivation developed and successful learning
achievements (Wallhead & Ntoumanis, 2004). Using
Ginanjar, A. and Suherman, A.
Improving Physical Activity of Students with Low Fundamental Movement Skills Using Spor t Education Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 280-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
SEM, students are highly motivated and enjoy the
learning process (Perlman, 2011). The less motivated
students can increase their physical activity (Perlman,
Based on the above explanation, the low FMS can
be overcome by SEM. The literature also shows that
low motivation can be improved by SEM. Therefore,
it is necessary to study how SEM can increase
students’ physical activity without reducing the
instructional objectives of physical education
(Perlman, 2012). Furthermore, it has been questioned
if education programs do not involve much physical
activity to improving health (McKenzie, et al., 2000;
2006). Thus, the objective of this study is to answer if
students with low FMS who learn through SEM have
more physical activity than those who learn through
traditional instructional model.
This study used a randomized posttest-only control
group experimental design. The experimental class
received the SEM instruction, and the control class
received traditional instructional model. The study
was conducted in 15 meetings, consisting of three
phases: (1) skill/tactical development, (2) inter/intra
team games with practices, and (3) postseason
(Perlman, 2011). The samples were 80 eighth graders
at SMP Nahdlatul Ulama Darul Ma’arif, Kaplongan,
Indramayu. 40 were assigned to the experimental
class, and the other 40 to the control class. The FMS
was measured using Jaakkola and Washington’s
(2012) FMS test. The physical activity test was
measured using digital iCardio. The data were
analyzed using one-way ANOVA.
The physical education curriculum of junior high
school in Indonesia emphasizes students’ sports
motion skills, rather than physical activity
(Permendikbud, 2013). The school mandated sport-
based physical education programme adopted a skill-
drill-game approach (SDG) and exposed students to
an array of invasion games (e.g. soccer and basket-
ball) (Perlman, 2012). The curriculum should allocate
50% of learning process for physical activity. Key
aspects of a well-designed curriculum should (a) be
based on national or state curricula, syllabus or
standard(s) and (b) be designed to provide students
with 50% of class time spent in moderate-to-vigorous
physical activity (MVPA) (USDHHS, 2010;
Perlman, 2012).
The decline in physical activity and pubertal issue
are also not sufficiently paid attention to (Telama &
Yang, 2000; Nader, Bradley, & Houts, 2008;
Jaakkola & Washington, 2012). In addition, low FMS
also is yet to be more paid attention to despite the fact
that it requires good FMS to achieve great motion
skills because FMS are contributing factors to
increase of physical activity. Mastery of fundamental
movement skills (FMS) is a potentially significant
factor in the rate of adolescents' physical activity
participation (Mckenzie, 2007; Jaakkola &
Washington, 2012). So, it raises an issue that the
physical education program does not engage students
to increase physical activity. Some physical education
programmes are not engaging students in adequate
levels of health-enhancing physical activity
(McKenzie, et al., 2000, 2006).
The literature shows that it can be overcome using
SEM because physical activity is a contributing factor
to students’ FMS. The less motivated students can
increase their physical activity (Perlman, 2012).
Students prefer SEM to traditional model in their
physical activity (Andre & Hastie, 2017). SEM
provides students with 50% of classtime for moderate
to high physical activity (Stockly, 2008).
Hastie and Torst’s (2002) study suggests that
SEM did not improve physical activity level.
However, their study has sampling limitation. The
samples were relatively small and homogeneous.
Perlman (2012) conducted a study on SEM by
dividing it into three phases: (1) skill/tactical
development, (2) inter/intra team games with
practices, and (3) postseason. His samples were 32
people, consisting of 10 males and 22 females.
The result revealed the experimental class who
learned through SEM showed a difference in physical
activity duration and in the increase from moderate to
high physical activity from those who learned through
Skill-Drill-Game (SDG) method. The data were
analyzed using ANOVA.
The result of calculation of physical activity
duration at skill/tactical development phase showed a
value of 0.541>0.050, which means there is no
significant improvement. At inter/intra team games
with practices phase, the result also did not show any
improvement in physical activity duration since it was
obtained the value of 0.117>0.050. At postseason
phase, there was a significant improvement. The
result of data analysis obtained the value of
Similarly, in terms of physical activity increase
from moderate to high at skill/tactical development
Improving Physical Activity of Students with Low Fundamental Movement Skills Using Sport Education Model
phase, the result did not show significant
improvement. The result of data analysis obtained the
value of 0.605>0.050. At inter/intra team games with
practices phase, the result also did not show
significance increase in physical activity from
moderate to high since it was obtained the value of
0.261>0.050. At postseason phase, there was a
significant increase in physical activity. The result of
data analysis obtained the value of 0.000<0.050.
Therefore, it is perceived that low FMS in
physical activity can be overcome by SEM since FMS
are parts of physical activity increase. In addition,
various literatures also have revealed the success of
SEM in the process of physical education. Thus, there
is a possibility to increase physical activity of
students with low FMS using SEM.
Fundamental Movement Skills contribute to the
increase of students’ physical activity. Sport
Education Model, as supported by various literatures,
can increase students’ physical activity. It can be
concluded that there is a chance for SEM to increase
physical activity of students with low Fundamental
Movement Skills.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education