Physical Condition in the Performance Aspect of Seoi Nage Throwing
Memet Muhamad
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi, Kota Bekasi, Indonesia
Keywords: Strength, Flexibility, Speed Reaction and Seoi Nage Throwing.
Abstract: In a judo match, a perfectly executed throwing result by a judo student against his opponent will get ippon
score if the throwing result against the opponent is executed perfectly, in which the opponent’s balance is
lost, both feet are up in the air, and the opponent is thrown by using one of the techniques perfectly.
Therefore, it takes strength, flexibility and speed reaction of throwing. This study used survey method and
the used data analysis technique was path analysis. The population in this study was judo athletes of JIB
judo association participating in PORDA XII West Java 2014 and used seoi nage throwing technique as
their main weapon, as many as 20 people. Based on the results of data processing and analysis, the
conclusion of this study is that strength, flexibility, and speed reaction directly affect the seoi nage throwing
technique. Therefore, all those variables directly affect positively toward the seoi nage throwing technique.
Judo is one of competitive sports that provides an
opportunity for athletes to show their abilities and
achievements to the fullest. The success of a pejudo
in having high achievements cannot be achieved
easily, but through a process called training, as
explained that the main objective and target of
training are helping athletes improving their skills
and achievements as much as possible.
To improve the skills and achieve the maximum
achievements, there needs to be support from
various factors, such as the ability to master the
techniques, tactics, excellent physical condition,
good mental, quality trainers, support facilities and
infrastructure. Of all the elements above, a judo
athlete must have the ability both in terms of
technique, tactics, physical, and mental, so that a
judo athlete can achieve perfect performance skills.
This is caused by the fact that physical, technical,
tactical and mental skills affect each other's
performance during a competition.
In judo sport, there are known various basic
techniques such as slamming, lifting, pulling,
pushing, choking or locking the opponent's joints. In
addition, there must also be a mastery of the
techniques of falling (ukemi) and techniques to
eliminate the balance of the opponent (kuzushi).
Based on the above explanation, it can be stated that
the exercise of techniques in judo is important
without ignoring other aspects of the exercise.
In relation to technical training explains:
Technical training is an exercise that is specifically
intended to shape and develop motor habits or
neuromuscular development. The perfection of basic
techniques of each movement is important because it
will determine the overall movement. Therefore,
basic movements of every necessary form in every
sport must be fully trained and mastered.
Every judo athlete must have at least one
slamming technique as the ultimate weapon to defeat
the opponent. To better master the flagship
technique, a judo athlete is recommended to do
uchikomi or drill exercise, which is a form of
repetitive exercise. Furthermore, achievement of a
perfect technique must be based on the three
elements that support each other, namely kuzushi
(technique to eliminate the balance of the opponent),
tsukuri (technique of when losing balance) and kake
(the right technique to slam). If the three elements
are done correctly by a judo athlete, automatically, a
pejudo can perform techniques with good and
perfect dings.
In a judo match, a perfectly executed slamming
by a judo athlete against his opponent will earn
ippon. The value of ippon is obtained when the
result of kicking against the opponent is achieved
perfectly, i.e. the balance of the opponent is lost, the
legs are lifted into the air, the opponent is slammed
Muhamad, M.
Physical Condition in the Performance Aspect of Seoi Nage Throwing Technique.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 283-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using one of the cutting techniques perfectly.
Therefore, it takes strength, formation and speed of
the slamming motion.
The basic slam technique in judo is a procedure
from series of Kuzushi, tsukuri and kake motions.
After eliminating the opponent's equilibrium
(kuzushi), move the body to the attitude / position.
That is the technique when the uke loses its balance
(tsukuri). Then, proceed to the kick technique. The
pejudo must concentrate in mastery of tsukuri and
must refine the kake, repeat the uchical exercises to
accelerate and refine elements of kuzushi, Tsukuri,
and Kake.
Such basic techniques must be mastered by
every pejudo. In a game, slamming is very dominant
for gaining scores because slamming can break the
opponent's defense and accelerate the victory. So,
the technique must be trained and well controlled so
that the slamming is correct and accurate.
Previous research has been done by Walgito in
2000 who examined about the relation among team‘s
cohesion, self-efficacy and the achievement of water
polo team of participants at PON XV in Surabaya.
Further research was conducted by Yudi Kahfiyudi
in 2005 who examined the relation among strength
and elasticity and kickback techniques seoi nage in
judo, and the research conducted by Rahmawati in
2013 that examines the effect of explosive power,
the elasticity and reaction speed to the skills for
starting on swimming athletes at Ragunan Sports
School Jakarta.
In a judo match, a perfect slamming executed by
a tori (who slams) against his opponent (uke who
slams in practice), will win an ippon. In a judo
match, the author often see the judoka performing
one of many nage waza techniques, namely seoi
nage. In fact, this technique is offen used as a
flagship technique. This is possibly caused by the
beauty of this technique.
To be able to have such slamming technique,
there must be a physical training first, before the
training for other aspects. Only with good physical
condition, pejudo will be ready in doing the
exercises. From several components of existing
physical conditions, it can be classified that the
components of physical conditions that need to be
given in the slamming practice are strength,
formation and reaction speed because slamming
requires the basic components of physical strength,
velocity and reaction speed.
The strength, velocity and reaction speed are the
three body/physical components that are very
important in Judo, especially when for the
movements of pulling, lifting and slamming with
flexible body movements in joint space (without
having muscle tension, so there will be no
disturbance to the movement).
This study uses survey method by looking at
causality between variables. Data analysis technique
used streaming model analysis path. This path
analysis technique can be used to test the direct
effect of strength, velocity and speed reaction on
seoi nage slamming technique.
The target population in this study was all
female athletes of lower and middle class who
participated in PORDA XII West Java Year 2014 in
Bekasi Regency. However, the accessible population
was judo ato of JIB judo association participating in
PORDA XII West Java Year 2014 in Bekasi
Regency, who used seitar nage technique as their
main weapon, as many as 20 people. The used
sampling technique was total sampling.
Strength variable was measured by hand grip
(Savva, 2014) and leg dynamometer test (Alvares,
2015) and abdominal strength test (Learman, 2015),
measured by sit and reach test (Ayala, 2012).
Variable of reaction velocity was measured with
whole body reaction test (Shibata, 2015) and the
variable of seoi nage technique was measured with
performance test of seoi nage skills. The used data
analysis techniques were SPSS 17.00 and Lisrel 8.80
From the data analysis result, there was obtained the
result of structural model along with coefficient of
path which was the research design. The
constellations are as follows:
Figure 1: Constellations of Relation among Variables X1,
X2, X3, and Y.
From the picture above, the path coefficient can
be summarized as follows:
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Table 1: Direct Influence among Variables.
0 .230
to Y
0 .231
From the table 1, it can be seen that there is
positive direct effect of path X1 to Y, X2 to Y, line
X3 to Y.
From the calculation of path analysis, the
coefficient value of strength path to seoi nage
technique is 0.230. The coefficient value of the
flexibility pathway to the technique of kick seoi
nage is 0.269. The coefficient value of the speed
reaction velocity on the seage nage technique is
0.231. From the result of t test, the value of tcount =
1.86, 1.85 and 1.88, which are bigger than ttable =
1.73. Since the value of tcount is greater than ttable,
the proposed hypothesis is rejected, thus all of those
variables have direct positive effect on seoi nage
slamming technique.
Based on the results of processing and data analysis,
it can be concluded that the variables of strength,
flexibility, and speed of reaction affect the technique
seoi nage dings. Thus all these variables have a
direct positive effect on seoi nage ding techniques.
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Physical Condition in the Performance Aspect of Seoi Nage Throwing Technique