Based on table 1 above it can be explained that
athletic athletes of Kediri which have good physical
condition is equal to 8,33% with frequency of 2
athletes, good category equal to 33,33% with
frequency of 8 athletes, enough category equal to
29,17% of 7 athletes, less than 25% category with a
frequency of 6 athletes and a category less than once
at 4.17% with a frequency of 1 athlete (Yang, H.,
2013). From the percentage above, physical condition
of Kediri’s athletic athletes are very diverse, in more
detail can be seen at level of graphic as in figure 1
Figure 1. Profile of Physical Condition of Athletic Athletic
of Kediri City.
From the above explanation can be concluded that the
results of research conducted at athletics athletes of
Kediri city, there are 2 athletes (8,33%) are in a very
good physical category, good category amounted to 8
athletes (33.33%), the category of enough consists of
7 athletes (29,17%), the category of less are 6 athletes
(25%) and 1 athlete (4.17%) below less. Physical
conditions are as diverse as this, is expected and the
coach will give the portion of the exercise in
accordance with the conditions of each athlete as well
as the principle of practice. It is also known that no
athlete has achieved excellent categories for aerobic
endurance components, so it is necessary to develop
durability in order to achieve optimal results, of
course, increasing the burden of exercise in an annual
exercise program or in years of sequential practice,
full of caution and systematic. Since high intensity
training programs without sufficient recovery result
in chronic fatigue, decreased performance and even
over training. Therefore intensive practice is urgently
needed, because athletes can maintain their strength,
speed, power and and all their performance to face the
upcoming race.
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Baik Cukup Kurang Kurang
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education